NetMPI Member List

This is the complete list of members for NetMPI, including all inherited members.
b1NetMPI [private, static]
b2NetMPI [private, static]
Barrier()NetMPI [inline, static]
debugPoint()NetMPI [static]
exchangeDataRedBlack(VecIndex &vLSndMap, VecDouble &vLSnd, VecIndex &vLRcvMap, VecDouble &vLRcv, VecIndex &vRSndMap, VecDouble &vRSnd, VecIndex &vRRcvMap, VecDouble &vRRcv, VecDouble &data, int tag)NetMPI [static]
exchangeDataRedBlack(VecIndex &vLSndMap, VecDouble &vLSnd, VecDouble &vLRcv, VecIndex &vRSndMap, VecDouble &vRSnd, VecDouble &vRRcv, VecDouble &data, int tag, VecReq &req)NetMPI [static]
exchangeDataRedBlack(VecIndex &vLSndMap, VecDouble &vLSnd, VecIndex &vLRcvMap, VecDouble &vLRcv, VecIndex &vRSndMap, VecDouble &vRSnd, VecIndex &vRRcvMap, VecDouble &vRRcv, VecDouble &dataSnd, VecDouble &dataRcv, int tag)NetMPI [static]
getLog()NetMPI [static]
getMinValue(double localValue)NetMPI [static]
Irecv(VecDouble &v, int src, int tag, MPI_Request &req)NetMPI [inline, static]
Isend(VecDouble &v, int dst, int tag, MPI_Request &req)NetMPI [inline, static]
isLastProcess()NetMPI [static]
m_loopNetMPI [private, static]
m_nPNetMPI [protected, static]
m_outNetMPI [static]
m_printNetMPI [private, static]
m_rankNetMPI [protected, static]
nProcess()NetMPI [static]
rank()NetMPI [static]
setLog(std::ostream &out)NetMPI [inline, static]
setTrace(bool b)NetMPI [inline, static]
trace(const char *format,...)NetMPI [static]
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