AssemblySystemBase Class Reference

#include <assemblysystembase.h>

Inheritance diagram for AssemblySystemBase:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 AssemblySystemBase ()
 ~AssemblySystemBase ()

Static Public Member Functions

static void applyBoundaryValue (MapIntDouble &boundary_values, SparseMatrix< double > &matrix, double factor=1.0)
static void applyBoundaryValue (MapIntDouble &boundary_values, VecDouble &right_hand_side, double factor=1.0)
static void applyBoundaryValue (MapIntDouble &boundary_values, BlockVecDouble &right_hand_side, double factor=1.0)
static void applySymetricBoundaryValue (MapIntDouble &boundary_values, SparseMatrix< double > &matrix, VecDouble &right_hand_side)
static void applySymetricBoundaryValue (MapIntDouble &boundary_values, BlockMatrix &matrix, BlockVecDouble &sol, BlockVecDouble &right_hand_side)

Detailed Description

Basic class to assembly the finite element matrix

Definition at line 19 of file assemblysystembase.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

AssemblySystemBase::AssemblySystemBase (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 26 of file assemblysystembase.h.

00026 {}

AssemblySystemBase::~AssemblySystemBase (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 27 of file assemblysystembase.h.

00027 {}

Member Function Documentation

void AssemblySystemBase::applyBoundaryValue ( MapIntDouble boundary_values,
BlockVecDouble right_hand_side,
double  factor = 1.0 
) [static]

Definition at line 58 of file assemblysystembase.cpp.

00059  {
00060     if (boundary_values.size() == 0)
00061       return;
00062     std::map<unsigned int,double>::const_iterator dof  = boundary_values.begin(),
00063       endd = boundary_values.end();
00064     for (; dof != endd; ++dof)
00065     {
00066       right_hand_side(dof->first) = dof->second*factor;
00067     }
00069  }

void AssemblySystemBase::applyBoundaryValue ( MapIntDouble boundary_values,
VecDouble right_hand_side,
double  factor = 1.0 
) [static]

Definition at line 46 of file assemblysystembase.cpp.

00047   {
00049     if (boundary_values.size() == 0)
00050       return;
00051     std::map<unsigned int,double>::const_iterator dof  = boundary_values.begin(),
00052       endd = boundary_values.end();
00053     for (; dof != endd; ++dof)
00054     {
00055       right_hand_side(dof->first) = dof->second*factor;
00056     }
00057   }

void AssemblySystemBase::applyBoundaryValue ( MapIntDouble boundary_values,
SparseMatrix< double > &  matrix,
double  factor = 1.0 
) [static]

Definition at line 3 of file assemblysystembase.cpp.

00004   {
00005     // Require that diagonals are first
00006     // in each row
00008     if (matrix.get_sparsity_pattern().optimize_diagonal())
00009     {
00010       if (boundary_values.size() == 0)
00011         return;
00014       std::map<unsigned int,double>::const_iterator dof  = boundary_values.begin(),
00015         endd = boundary_values.end();
00016       const SparsityPattern    &sparsity    = matrix.get_sparsity_pattern();
00017       const unsigned int *sparsity_rowstart = (const unsigned int*) sparsity.get_rowstart_indices();
00018       for (; dof != endd; ++dof)
00019       {
00020         Assert (dof->first < matrix.m(), ExcInternalError());
00021         const unsigned int dof_number = dof->first;
00022         const unsigned int last = sparsity_rowstart[dof_number+1];
00023         for (unsigned int j=sparsity_rowstart[dof_number]+1; j<last; ++j)
00024           matrix.global_entry(j) = 0.;
00026         matrix.set (dof_number, dof_number,factor);
00027       }
00028     }
00029    else
00030     {
00031       std::map<unsigned int,double>::const_iterator dof  = boundary_values.begin(),
00032         endd = boundary_values.end();
00033       for (; dof != endd; ++dof)
00034       {
00035         SparseMatrix<double>::iterator it     = matrix.begin(dof->first);
00036         SparseMatrix<double>::iterator itend  = matrix.end(dof->first);
00037         for (;it!=itend;it++)
00038         {
00039           it->value()=0.0;
00040         }
00041         if (factor != 0.0) matrix.set (dof->first,dof->first, factor);
00042       }
00044     }
00045   }

void AssemblySystemBase::applySymetricBoundaryValue ( MapIntDouble boundary_values,
BlockMatrix matrix,
BlockVecDouble sol,
BlockVecDouble right_hand_side 
) [static]

Definition at line 224 of file assemblysystembase.cpp.

00225 {
00226   MatrixTools::apply_boundary_values(boundary_values,matrix,sol,right_hand_side,true);
00227 }

void AssemblySystemBase::applySymetricBoundaryValue ( MapIntDouble boundary_values,
SparseMatrix< double > &  matrix,
VecDouble right_hand_side 
) [static]

Definition at line 79 of file assemblysystembase.cpp.

00080 {
00082   // Require that diagonals are first
00083   // in each row
00084   assert (matrix.get_sparsity_pattern().optimize_diagonal());
00085   assert (matrix.n() == right_hand_side.size());
00086   // if no boundary values are to be applied
00087   // simply return
00088   if (boundary_values.size() == 0)
00089     return;
00092   const unsigned int n_dofs = matrix.m();
00094   // if a diagonal entry is zero
00095   // later, then we use another
00096   // number instead. take it to be
00097   // the first nonzero diagonal
00098   // element of the matrix, or 1 if
00099   // there is no such thing
00100   double first_nonzero_diagonal_entry = 1;
00101   for (unsigned int i=0; i<n_dofs; ++i)
00102     if (matrix.diag_element(i) != 0)
00103     {
00104       first_nonzero_diagonal_entry = matrix.diag_element(i);
00105       break;
00106     };
00109   std::map<unsigned int,double>::const_iterator dof  = boundary_values.begin(),
00110     endd = boundary_values.end();
00111   const SparsityPattern    &sparsity    = matrix.get_sparsity_pattern();
00112   const unsigned int *sparsity_rowstart = (const unsigned int*) (sparsity.get_rowstart_indices());
00113   const unsigned int *sparsity_colnums  = (const unsigned int*) (sparsity.get_column_numbers());
00114   for (; dof != endd; ++dof)
00115   {
00116     Assert (dof->first < n_dofs, ExcInternalError());
00118     const unsigned int dof_number = dof->first;
00119     // for each boundary dof:
00121     // set entries of this line
00122     // to zero except for the diagonal
00123     // entry. Note that the diagonal
00124     // entry is always the first one
00125     // for square matrices, i.e.
00126     // we shall not set
00127     // matrix.global_entry(
00128     //     sparsity_rowstart[dof.first])
00129     const unsigned int last = sparsity_rowstart[dof_number+1];
00130     for (unsigned int j=sparsity_rowstart[dof_number]+1; j<last; ++j)
00131       matrix.global_entry(j) = 0.;
00134     // set right hand side to
00135     // wanted value: if main diagonal
00136     // entry nonzero, don't touch it
00137     // and scale rhs accordingly. If
00138     // zero, take the first main
00139     // diagonal entry we can find, or
00140     // one if no nonzero main diagonal
00141     // element exists. Normally, however,
00142     // the main diagonal entry should
00143     // not be zero.
00144     //
00145     // store the new rhs entry to make
00146     // the gauss step more efficient
00147     double new_rhs;
00148     if (matrix.diag_element(dof_number) != 0.0)
00149     {
00150       new_rhs = dof->second * matrix.diag_element(dof_number);
00151       right_hand_side(dof_number) = new_rhs;
00152     }
00153     else
00154     {
00155       matrix.set (dof_number, dof_number,
00156                   first_nonzero_diagonal_entry);
00157       new_rhs = dof->second * first_nonzero_diagonal_entry;
00158       right_hand_side(dof_number) = new_rhs;
00159     }
00162       // store the only nonzero entry
00163       // of this line for the Gauss
00164       // elimination step
00165       const double diagonal_entry = matrix.diag_element(dof_number);
00167       // we have to loop over all
00168       // rows of the matrix which
00169       // have a nonzero entry in
00170       // the column which we work
00171       // in presently. if the
00172       // sparsity pattern is
00173       // symmetric, then we can
00174       // get the positions of
00175       // these rows cheaply by
00176       // looking at the nonzero
00177       // column numbers of the
00178       // present row. we need not
00179       // look at the first entry,
00180       // since that is the
00181       // diagonal element and
00182       // thus the present row
00183       for (unsigned int j=sparsity_rowstart[dof_number]+1; j<last; ++j)
00184       {
00185         const unsigned int row = sparsity_colnums[j];
00187         // find the position of
00188         // element
00189         // (row,dof_number)
00190         const unsigned int *
00191           p = std::lower_bound(&sparsity_colnums[sparsity_rowstart[row]+1],
00192                                &sparsity_colnums[sparsity_rowstart[row+1]],
00193                                dof_number);
00195         // check whether this line has
00196         // an entry in the regarding column
00197         // (check for ==dof_number and
00198         // != next_row, since if
00199         // row==dof_number-1, *p is a
00200         // past-the-end pointer but points
00201         // to dof_number anyway...)
00202         //
00203         // there should be such an entry!
00204         Assert ((*p == dof_number) &&
00205                 (p != &sparsity_colnums[sparsity_rowstart[row+1]]),
00206                 ExcInternalError());
00208         const unsigned int global_entry
00209           = (p - &sparsity_colnums[sparsity_rowstart[0]]);
00211         // correct right hand side
00212         right_hand_side(row) -= matrix.global_entry(global_entry) /
00213           diagonal_entry * new_rhs;
00215         // set matrix entry to zero
00216         matrix.global_entry(global_entry) = 0.;
00217       };
00219   };
00221 }

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