BlockMatrixModule Class Reference

#include <blockmatrixmodule.h>

Inheritance diagram for BlockMatrixModule:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for BlockMatrixModule:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 BlockMatrixModule (OrthoMesh &mesh, unsigned n_fracture_cell, VecDouble &vPcInitial, VecDouble &vPor, VecDouble &k, Function1D &dfpc, Function1D &fpcinv, Function1D &fmobt, Function1D &fmobrW)
void construct_bases (VecDouble &bc_pc, double dt)
double get_source (unsigned blockId, double new_bc_pc)
 ~BlockMatrixModule ()
virtual void iterate (TransportBase &trans)
virtual void printOutput ()

Protected Member Functions

void create_bases_functions (double bc_pc, const VecDouble &previous_sw, const VecDouble &previous_si, double por, double k, VecDouble &newSi, VecDouble &newHomSi)
void buildSparsityPattern ()
void assembleSystem (const VecDouble &Sol_old, const VecDouble &sat_old, double _k, double _por, double _pc_bc, double dt)
void Sol_Si ()
void Sol_Sihom ()

Private Attributes

SparsityPattern sp
SparseMatrix< double > M
Matrix m_MSi
Matrix m_MHomSi
unsigned _m
unsigned n_fracture_cells
VecDouble _BcPcNew
VecDouble _BcPcOld
VecDouble _SwIntegral
VecDouble _vPcInitial
VecDouble rhs_Si
VecDouble rhs_Sihom
VecDouble Sol
VecDouble Sol_hom
VecDouble Sol_old
VecDouble Sol_hom_old
VecDouble sat_old
VecDouble Solution1
VecDouble Solution2
double _dt
double _dx
double _dy
double _dz
double _Bx
VecDouble _vPor
VecDouble _vK

Detailed Description

Definition at line 11 of file blockmatrixmodule.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

BlockMatrixModule::BlockMatrixModule ( OrthoMesh mesh,
unsigned  n_fracture_cell,
VecDouble vPcInitial,
VecDouble vPor,
VecDouble k,
Function1D dfpc,
Function1D fpcinv,
Function1D fmobt,
Function1D fmobrW 

Definition at line 524 of file blockmatrixmodule.cpp.

00524                                                                                                                                                                                                                 : _mesh(mesh),n_fracture_cells(n_fracture_cell),_BcPcOld(vPcInitial), _vPor(vPor), _vK(vK) ,_fdpc(fdpc), _fpcinv(fpcinv), _fmobt(fmobt), _fmobrW(fmobrW)
00525 {
00526   _dt=1.0;
00527   _dx = _mesh.get_dx();
00528   _dy = _mesh.get_dy();
00529   _dz = _mesh.get_dz();
00530   //  vPcInitial.print();
00531   // cout<<"dx \t"<<_dx<<_dy<<_dz<<endl;
00532   _m =_mesh.numRawVertices();
00533   //Initialize internal structures
00534   m_MSi.reinit(n_fracture_cells,_m);
00535   m_MHomSi.reinit(n_fracture_cells,_m);
00536   //Initialize the vectors to contain the Pc from the fractures
00537   _SwIntegral.reinit(n_fracture_cells);
00538   _BcPcNew=vPcInitial; // Initial Pc
00540   _Bx = _mesh.meshVolume(); // volume of the matrix block   
00541   m_MHomSi=0;
00542   for (unsigned i=0; i < n_fracture_cells; i++)
00543   {
00544     m_MSi.fill_row(i,_BcPcOld(i));
00545   }
00546   sp.reinit(2*_m, 2*_m,14);
00547   rhs_Si.reinit(2*_m);
00548   rhs_Sihom.reinit(2*_m);
00549   Sol.reinit(_m);
00550   Sol_hom.reinit(_m);
00551   Sol_old.reinit(_m);
00552   Sol_hom_old.reinit(_m);
00553   sat_old.reinit(_m);
00554   Solution1.reinit(2*_m);
00555   Solution2.reinit(2*_m);
00556   buildSparsityPattern();
00558 }

BlockMatrixModule::~BlockMatrixModule (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 46 of file blockmatrixmodule.h.

00046 {}

Member Function Documentation

void BlockMatrixModule::assembleSystem ( const VecDouble Sol_old,
const VecDouble sat_old,
double  _k,
double  _por,
double  _pc_bc,
double  dt 
) [protected]

Definition at line 280 of file blockmatrixmodule.cpp.

00281 {
00283    OrthoMesh::Raw_Vertex_It vt=_mesh.begin_raw_vertice();
00284    OrthoMesh::Raw_Vertex_It vend=_mesh.end_raw_vertice();
00285    // SparseMatrix<double> M;
00286    // cout<<"Assemble System"<<endl;
00287       M.reinit(sp);
00289       //     rhs_Si.reinit(2*m);
00292       while (vt != vend)
00293       {
00295             OrthoVerticeAccessor ortho(_mesh,vt->index());
00296             if(ortho.at_boundary())
00297             {
00298               // printf("Boundary \n");
00299               M.add(vt->index(),vt->index(),1);
00300               M.add(_m+vt->index(),_m+vt->index(),1);
00301               // cout<<"index \t"<<vt->index()<<endl;
00302               // if (vt->index() <_m)
00303               //  {
00304                 rhs_Si(vt->index())=_bc_pc; //Eq. 46 boundary condition
00305                 rhs_Sihom(vt->index())=1;  //Eq. 47
00306                 // }
00307               // else
00308               // {
00309                  rhs_Si(_m+vt->index())=0;
00310                  rhs_Sihom(_m+vt->index())=0;
00311                  //       }
00313             }
00314             else
00315             {
00316              //  printf("Not boundary \n");
00317              //  cout<<"here\t"<<vt->index()<<endl;
00318               //              Sol_old.print();
00319                M.add(vt->index(),vt->index(), _por /( _fdpc(sat_old(vt->index())) *_dt ) ); // si_c eq. 46
00320                //saturation at the midpoint
00321                // cout<<"sat old \t "<<vt->index()<<'\t'<<sat_old(vt->index())<<endl;
00323                double L = 0.5*( sat_old( vt->index()) + sat_old(vt->index_left()) );
00324                double R = 0.5*(  sat_old( vt->index()) + sat_old(vt->index_right()) );
00325                double F = 0.5*( sat_old( vt->index()) + sat_old(vt->index_front()) );
00326                double B = 0.5*( sat_old( vt->index()) + sat_old(vt->index_back()) );
00327                double U  = 0.5*(  sat_old( vt->index()) + sat_old(vt->index_up()) );
00328                double Bt = 0.5*( sat_old( vt->index()) + sat_old(vt->index_bottom()) );
00329                double _Dx = _dx * _dx;
00330                double _Dy = _dy * _dy;
00331                double _Dz = _dz * _dz;
00332                //              cout<<"L \t"<<L<<'\t'<<_fmobt(L)-_fmobrW(L)<<'\t'<<endl;
00334                 M.add(vt->index(),_m+vt->index_left(), - _k *  _fmobrW(L)/_Dx );
00335                 M.add(vt->index(),_m+vt->index_right(),-_k *  _fmobrW(R)/_Dx );
00336                 M.add(vt->index(),_m+vt->index_front(),-_k *  _fmobrW(F)/_Dy );
00337                 M.add(vt->index(),_m+vt->index_back(),- _k *  _fmobrW(B)/_Dy );
00338                 M.add(vt->index(),_m+vt->index_bottom(),- _k * _fmobrW(Bt)/_Dz );
00339                 M.add(vt->index(),_m+vt->index_up(), - _k * _fmobrW(U)/_Dz );
00340                 M.add(vt->index(),_m+vt->index(), _k *(  (_fmobrW(L) + _fmobrW(R))/_Dx + (_fmobrW(F) + _fmobrW(B))/_Dy + (_fmobrW(Bt) + _fmobrW(U))/_Dz ) );
00341                 rhs_Si(vt->index())=_por *Sol_old(vt->index()) /( _fdpc( sat_old(vt->index()) )*_dt);
00342                 //cout<<"old solution" << sat_old(vt->index())<<endl;
00343                 rhs_Sihom(vt->index())=0;
00344                 //      ------------Eq. 47----------------------
00345                 //      Si_c
00346                 //      cout<<"ver \t"<<vt->index()<<'\t'<<_m+vt->index()<<'\t'<<_fmobrW(L) + _fmobrW(R) + _fmobrW(F) + _fmobrW(B) + _fmobrW(Bt) + _fmobrW(U)<<endl;
00347                 M.add(_m+vt->index(),vt->index(), _k *( (_fmobt(L)-_fmobrW(L))/_Dx +  (_fmobt(R)-_fmobrW(R))/_Dx +  (_fmobt(F)-_fmobrW(F))/_Dy + (_fmobt(B)-_fmobrW(B))/_Dy +  (_fmobt(Bt)-_fmobrW(Bt))/_Dz + (_fmobt(U)-_fmobrW(U))/_Dz ) );
00348                 M.add(_m+vt->index(),vt->index_left(),- _k * (_fmobt(L)- _fmobrW(L))/_Dx );
00349                 M.add(_m+vt->index(),vt->index_right(),- _k  * (_fmobt(R)- _fmobrW(R))/_Dx );
00350                 M.add(_m+vt->index(),vt->index_front(), -_k * (_fmobt(F)- _fmobrW(F))/_Dy );
00351                 M.add(_m+vt->index(),vt->index_back(), - _k * (_fmobt(B)- _fmobrW(B))/_Dy );
00352                 M.add(_m+vt->index(),vt->index_bottom(),- _k  * (_fmobt(Bt)- _fmobrW(Bt))/_Dz );
00353                 M.add(_m+vt->index(),vt->index_up(), - _k * (_fmobt(U)- _fmobrW(U))/_Dz );
00355                 //Si_w
00356                 M.add(_m+vt->index(),_m+vt->index(), _k *( (_fmobt(L)+_fmobt(R))/_Dx + (_fmobt(F)+_fmobt(B))/_Dy + (_fmobt(Bt)+_fmobt(U))/_Dz ));
00357                 M.add(_m+vt->index(),_m+vt->index_left(), -_k *_fmobt(L)/_Dx);
00358                 M.add(_m+vt->index(),_m+vt->index_right(), -_k *_fmobt(R)/_Dx );
00359                 M.add(_m+vt->index(),_m+vt->index_front(), -_k *_fmobt(F)/_Dy);
00360                 M.add(_m+vt->index(),_m+vt->index_back(), -_k *_fmobt(B)/_Dy );
00361                 M.add(_m+vt->index(),_m+vt->index_bottom(), -_k *_fmobt(Bt)/_Dz );
00362                 M.add(_m+vt->index(),_m+vt->index_up(), -_k *_fmobt(U)/_Dz );
00366             } 
00367             vt++;
00368        }
00370       // FILE *fdata;
00371       // fdata= fopen("fdata","w");
00372       //    for (unsigned i=0; i< 2*_m; i++)
00373       //    {
00374       //           for (unsigned j=0; j< 2*_m; j++)
00375       //           {
00376       //             //printf("(%u,%u)%g \n",i,j, M.el(i,j));
00378       //              fprintf(fdata,"%g ",M.el(i,j));
00379       //              //    if (sp.exists(i,j))
00380       //              //        cout<<'\t'<<i<<','<<j<<'\t'<<M.operator()(i,j);
00381       //           }
00382       //           //      cout<<endl;
00383       //         }
00384       //         cout<<"total number of rows"<<_m<<endl;
00386       Sol_Si();
00387        Sol_Sihom();
00388        // rhs_Si.print();
00389        // rhs_Sihom.print();
00390            //     // cout<<endl;
00391        //   Solution1.print();
00392       //cout<<endl;
00393          //     Solution2.print();
00394       //    cout<<Solution1(40)<<endl;
00395        //   for (unsigned i=0; i< 2*_m ;i++)
00396   // {
00397   //    cout<<"rhs \t"<<i<<'\t'<<rhs_Sihom(i)<<endl;
00398   //       cout<<i<<'\t'<<Solution1(i)<<endl;
00399   // }            
00400 }

void BlockMatrixModule::buildSparsityPattern (  )  [protected]

Definition at line 30 of file blockmatrixmodule.cpp.

00031 {
00032   // SparsityPattern sp;
00033   // unsigned m=_mesh.numRawVertices();
00034   // sp.reinit(2*m,2*m,14);
00036   // printf(" Vertices: sparsity %u \n", 2*_m);
00038   OrthoMesh::Raw_Vertex_It end = _mesh.end_raw_vertice();
00040   unsigned ix, iy, iz, ver_xy, _ver_xy,ver_tol;
00041   _ver_xy=(_mesh.numElemX()+1)*(_mesh.numElemY()+1); // total # of vertices in xy-plane
00042   ver_xy= (_mesh.numElemX()+1)*(_mesh.numElemY()+1)-(_mesh.numElemX()+1); // number used for front and back face boundaries.
00043   // printf("xy %u \n", ver_xy);
00044   ver_tol = (_mesh.numElemX()+1)*(_mesh.numElemY()+1)*(_mesh.numElemY()+1);  
00047   /*Front face boundary*/
00048   OrthoMesh::Raw_Vertex_It vf = _mesh.begin_raw_vertice();
00050   for (iz=0; iz<_mesh.numElemZ()+1; iz++)
00051   {
00052     //  printf("check vertex %u \n ", vf->index());
00053     for (ix=0; ix<_mesh.numElemX()+1; ix++)
00054     {
00055       sp.add(vf->index(),vf->index());
00056       sp.add(_m+vf->index(),_m+vf->index());
00057       //      printf("check vertex %u \n ", vf->index());
00058       vf++;      
00059     }
00061     for (unsigned k=0; k < ver_xy; k++)
00062     {
00063           vf++;
00064           //  printf("check vertex %u \n ", vf->index());
00065     }
00066   }
00068   /*Back face boundary*/
00069   OrthoMesh::Raw_Vertex_It vb = _mesh.begin_raw_vertice();
00070   // printf("here %u \n", vb->index());
00072   for (iz=0; iz<_mesh.numElemZ()+1; iz++)
00073   {
00074      for (unsigned k=0; k < ver_xy; k++)
00075           vb++;
00076      //  printf("check vertex vb  %u \n ", vb->index());
00077     for (ix=0; ix<_mesh.numElemX()+1; ix++)
00078     {
00079       sp.add(vb->index(),vb->index());
00080       sp.add(_m+vb->index(),_m+vb->index());
00081       //  printf("check vertex vb  %u \n ", vb->index());
00082       vb++;     
00083     }
00084   }
00086   /*Left face boundary*/
00087   OrthoMesh::Raw_Vertex_It vl = _mesh.begin_raw_vertice();
00089   for (iz=0; iz<_mesh.numElemZ()+1; iz++)
00090   {    
00091     //  for (iy=0; iy<_mesh.numElemY()+1; iy++)
00092     for (iy=0; iy<_mesh.numElemY()+1; iy++)
00093     {  
00094       sp.add(vl->index(),vl->index());
00095       sp.add(_m+vl->index(),_m+vl->index());
00096       //  printf("vl %u \n", vl->index()); 
00097       for (unsigned k=0; k <_mesh.numElemX()+1; k++)
00098          vl++;
00100     }
00101   }
00103   /*Right face boundary*/  
00104   OrthoMesh::Raw_Vertex_It vr = _mesh.begin_raw_vertice();
00105   // printf("here vr %u \n", vr->index());
00106   for (unsigned k=0; k <_mesh.numElemX(); k++)
00107          vr++;
00108   //     printf("VR: out %u \n", vr->index());
00110   for (iz=0; iz<_mesh.numElemZ()+1; iz++)
00111   {
00112     for (iy=0; iy<_mesh.numElemY()+1; iy++)
00113     {    
00114       sp.add(vr->index(),vr->index());
00115       sp.add(_m+vr->index(),_m+vr->index());
00116       //       cout<<"vr \t"<< vr->index()<<endl;
00117       for (unsigned k=0; k <_mesh.numElemX()+1; k++)
00118       {
00120         if (vr->index() != _m-1)
00121         {
00122         vr++;
00123         //      cout<<"vertices inside\t"<< vr->index()<<endl;
00124         }
00125       }   
00126     }
00127   }
00130   /*Bottom face boundary*/ 
00131   OrthoMesh::Raw_Vertex_It vbt = _mesh.begin_raw_vertice();
00133   iz=0;
00135   for (iy=0; iy<_mesh.numElemY()+1; iy++)
00136   {    
00137     for (ix=0; ix<_mesh.numElemX()+1; ix++)
00138     {  
00139       sp.add(vbt->index(),vbt->index());
00140       sp.add(_m+vbt->index(),_m+vbt->index());
00141       //        printf("vbt %u \n", vbt->index());        
00142      vbt++;
00143     }
00144   }
00146   /*Top (up) face boundary*/  
00147   OrthoMesh::Raw_Vertex_It vu = _mesh.begin_raw_vertice();
00149   for (unsigned k=0 ; k <_m-(_ver_xy); k++)
00150     vu++;
00151   // printf("VU %u \n", vu->index());
00153   iz=_mesh.numElemZ()+1;
00154   //   if (I == -1)
00155   for (iy=0; iy<_mesh.numElemY()+1; iy++)
00156   {   
00157     for (ix=0; ix<_mesh.numElemX()+1; ix++)
00158     {
00159       sp.add(vu->index(),vu->index());
00160       sp.add(_m+vu->index(),_m+vu->index());
00161       //  printf("vu %u \n", vu->index());        
00162       vu++;
00163     }
00164   }
00166   /*Center vertices*/
00167   OrthoMesh::Raw_Vertex_It vc = _mesh.begin_raw_vertice();
00169   for (int i=0; i < (_mesh.numElemX()+1) * (_mesh.numElemY()+1) + (_mesh.numElemX()+2); i++)
00170   {
00171     vc++;
00172   }
00173   // printf("vc %u\n", vc->index());
00174   //--------------------------------------------------------------------
00175    for (iz=1; iz < _mesh.numElemZ(); iz++)
00176    {
00177     for (iy=1; iy < _mesh.numElemY(); iy++)
00178     {
00179       for (ix=1; ix < _mesh.numElemX(); ix++)
00180       {
00181         //      printf("vc %u\n", vc->index());
00182           //si_c 1st eq.
00183           sp.add(vc->index(),vc->index());
00184           //si_w 1st eq.
00185           sp.add(vc->index(),_m+vc->index());
00186           sp.add(vc->index(),_m+vc->index_left());
00187           sp.add(vc->index(), _m+ vc->index_right());
00188           sp.add(vc->index(),_m+vc->index_bottom());
00189           sp.add(vc->index(),_m+vc->index_up());
00190           sp.add(vc->index(),_m+ vc->index_back());
00191           sp.add(vc->index(),_m+ vc->index_front());
00192           //si_c 2nd eq.
00193           sp.add(_m+vc->index(),vc->index());
00194           sp.add(_m+vc->index(),vc->index_left());
00195           sp.add(_m+vc->index(), vc->index_right());
00196           sp.add(_m+vc->index(),vc->index_bottom());
00197           sp.add(_m+vc->index(),vc->index_up());
00198           sp.add(_m+vc->index(), vc->index_back());
00199           sp.add(_m+vc->index(), vc->index_front());
00200           //si_w 2nd eq.
00201           sp.add(_m+vc->index(),_m+vc->index());
00202           sp.add(_m+vc->index(),_m+vc->index_left());
00203           sp.add(_m+vc->index(),_m+ vc->index_right());
00204           sp.add(_m+vc->index(),_m+vc->index_bottom());
00205           sp.add(_m+vc->index(),_m+vc->index_up());
00206           sp.add(_m+vc->index(),_m+ vc->index_back());
00207           sp.add(_m+vc->index(),_m+ vc->index_front());       
00208           vc++;
00209         }
00211       for (unsigned i=0; i<2; i++)
00212         vc++;
00213     }
00215     for (unsigned i=0; i< 2*(_mesh.numElemX()+1); i++)
00216         vc++;
00218     } 
00223   //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
00225   /*  
00226    for (iz=0; iz < _mesh.numElemZ()+1; iz++)
00227     for (iy=0; iy < _mesh.numElemY()+1; iy++)
00228       for (ix=0; ix < _mesh.numElemX()+1; ix++)
00229       {
00230         //      cout<<"here\t"<<vc->index()<<endl;
00231         if (ix != 0 && iy != 0 && iz != 0 && ix != _mesh.numElemX() &&  iy != _mesh.numElemY() &&  iz != _mesh.numElemZ())
00232         {
00233           // printf("vc %u %u %u %u %u\n", vc->index(), vc->index_bottom(), ix, iy, iz);
00234           //si_c 1st eq.
00235           sp.add(vc->index(),vc->index());
00236           //si_w 1st eq.
00237           sp.add(vc->index(), _m+vc->index());
00238           sp.add(vc->index(), _m+vc->index_left());
00239           sp.add(vc->index(), _m+vc->index_right());
00240           sp.add(vc->index(), _m+vc->index_bottom());
00241           sp.add(vc->index(), _m+vc->index_up());
00242           sp.add(vc->index(), _m+vc->index_back());
00243           sp.add(vc->index(), _m+vc->index_front());
00244           //si_c 2nd eq.
00245           sp.add(_m+vc->index(),vc->index());
00246           sp.add(_m+vc->index(),vc->index_left());
00247           sp.add(_m+vc->index(), vc->index_right());
00248           sp.add(_m+vc->index(),vc->index_bottom());
00249           sp.add(_m+vc->index(),vc->index_up());
00250           sp.add(_m+vc->index(), vc->index_back());
00251           sp.add(_m+vc->index(), vc->index_front());
00252           //si_w 2nd eq.
00253           sp.add(_m+vc->index(),_m+vc->index());
00254           sp.add(_m+vc->index(),_m+vc->index_left());
00255           sp.add(_m+vc->index(),_m+ vc->index_right());
00256           sp.add(_m+vc->index(),_m+vc->index_bottom());
00257           sp.add(_m+vc->index(),_m+vc->index_up());
00258           sp.add(_m+vc->index(),_m+ vc->index_back());
00259           sp.add(_m+vc->index(),_m+ vc->index_front());
00260           printf("vc %u \n", vc->index());
00261         }
00262         vc++;
00265       }
00266   */
00267      sp.compress();
00269      //      printf("Sparsity end: %u \n", sp.n_nonzero_elements());
00271      // std::ofstream out ("sp1");
00272      //  sp.print_gnuplot (out);
00273      /* to save the image:
00274         set terminal png
00275         set output 'sp1.png'
00276         plot "sp1" with points */
00278 }

void BlockMatrixModule::construct_bases ( VecDouble bc_pc,
double  dt 

Definition at line 428 of file blockmatrixmodule.cpp.

00429 {
00430   //_dt=0.1;
00431   VecDouble SiPrev(_m);
00432   VecDouble SwPrev;
00434   //For each fracture block 
00435   for (unsigned blockId =0; blockId < n_fracture_cells ; blockId++)
00436   {
00437     //SiPrev = Si + (PcNew-PcOld)*SiHom
00438     SiPrev.copyRow(blockId,m_MSi); //prev capillary pressure solution
00439     //  cout<<"construct basis \n";
00441     VecDoubleRef SiHom(&(m_MHomSi(blockId,0)),_m);
00443     SiPrev.sadd(1,_BcPcNew(blockId)-_BcPcOld(blockId),SiHom);
00445     //Calculate the saturation corresponding to the SiPrev      
00446     SwPrev = SiPrev;
00447     _fpcinv.evaluate(SwPrev); // saturation at previous time level
00449     //  SwPrev.print();
00450     //Store the integral of the sw field
00451     _SwIntegral(blockId)=_mesh.getIntegralAtVertices(SwPrev);
00453     VecDoubleRef Si(&(m_MSi(blockId,0)),_m);
00455     create_bases_functions(bc_pc(blockId),SwPrev,SiPrev,_vPor(blockId),_vK(blockId),Si,SiHom);
00456     _BcPcOld(blockId)=bc_pc(blockId);
00458     HDF5OrthoWriter &hdf5 = HDF5OrthoWriter::getHDF5OrthoWriter();
00459     hdf5.writeScalarField(Si,"Psi","MBmesh");
00461   }
00463     //  for (unsigned i=0; i<n_fracture_cells; i++)
00464     // {
00465     //   for (unsigned j=0; j<_m; j++)
00466     //     cout<<j<<'\t'<<m_MSi(i,j)<<endl;
00467     //   cout<<endl<<"new row"<<endl;
00468     // }
00470   // FILE *fout;
00471   //    fout= fopen("source","w");
00473   //      for (unsigned i=0; i< 200; i++)
00474   //      {
00475   //     fprintf(fout, "%u %g \n",i,get_source(0,i)  );
00476   //      }
00477 }

void BlockMatrixModule::create_bases_functions ( double  bc_pc,
const VecDouble previous_sw,
const VecDouble previous_si,
double  por,
double  k,
VecDouble newSi,
VecDouble newHomSi 
) [protected]

Create basis functions

dt Time step
bc Boundary Pc (capital si)
por Porosity
k Permeability
previous Previous solution
newSi To contain the non homogeneous solution
newHomSi To contain the homegenous
previous_sw : previous time level saturation
previous_si : solution at the previous time level

Definition at line 491 of file blockmatrixmodule.cpp.

00492 {
00493 //Initialize the vectors to contain the Pc from the fractures
00494 // _SwIntegral.reinit(n_fracture_cells);
00496   assembleSystem(previous_sw, previous_si,k, por, bc_pc, _dt);
00497   // store newSi and newHomSi in m_ MSi and m_HomMSi
00498    newSi=Sol;
00499    newHomSi=Sol_hom;
00500 }

double BlockMatrixModule::get_source ( unsigned  blockId,
double  new_bc_pc 

Definition at line 502 of file blockmatrixmodule.cpp.

00503 {
00504   VecDoubleRef PSi(&(m_MSi(blockId,0)),_m);
00505   VecDoubleRef PSiHom(&(m_MHomSi(blockId,0)),_m);
00507   _BcPcNew(blockId)=new_bc_pc;
00509   VecDouble Sol;
00511   //Sol = PSi + (PcNew - PcOld) *PSiHom
00512   Sol=PSi;
00514   Sol.sadd(1,new_bc_pc - _BcPcOld(blockId),PSiHom);
00516   //Sol =  PcInv(Sol)
00517   _fpcinv.evaluate(Sol);
00519   //Now Sol vector contains  the saturation
00520   double SwInt=_mesh.getIntegralAtVertices(Sol);
00521   return -(SwInt-_SwIntegral(blockId))*_vPor(blockId)/(_dt*_Bx);
00522 }

void BlockMatrixModule::iterate ( TransportBase trans  )  [virtual]

Implements DynamicBase.

Definition at line 13 of file blockmatrixmodule.cpp.

00014 {
00015   //  n_fracture_cells=125 * 2;
00016   // cout<<"frac cell "<<n_fracture_cells<<endl;
00017   VecDouble P;
00018   P.reinit(n_fracture_cells);
00019   for (unsigned i=0; i < n_fracture_cells; i++)
00020     P(i)=0.2;
00023   construct_bases (P, _dt);
00025   // std::ofstream out ("sp1");
00026   // sp.print_gnuplot (out);
00027   // abort();
00028 }

virtual void BlockMatrixModule::printOutput (  )  [inline, virtual]

Implements DynamicBase.

Definition at line 48 of file blockmatrixmodule.h.

00048 {}

void BlockMatrixModule::Sol_Si (  )  [protected]

Definition at line 403 of file blockmatrixmodule.cpp.

00404 {
00406   UMFPACKSolver umfp;
00407   umfp.solve(M,Solution1,rhs_Si);
00409   //  Solution
00410   for (unsigned i=0; i< _m ;i++)
00411   {
00412      Sol(i)=Solution1(i);
00413     //     cout<<Sol(i)<<endl;
00414   }
00417 }

void BlockMatrixModule::Sol_Sihom (  )  [protected]

Definition at line 419 of file blockmatrixmodule.cpp.

00420 {
00421   UMFPACKSolver umfp;
00422   umfp.solve(M,Solution2,rhs_Sihom);
00423   for (unsigned i=0; i< _m ; i++)
00424     Sol_hom(i)=Solution2(i);
00426  }

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 22 of file blockmatrixmodule.h.

Definition at line 22 of file blockmatrixmodule.h.

double BlockMatrixModule::_Bx [private]

Definition at line 25 of file blockmatrixmodule.h.

double BlockMatrixModule::_dt [private]

Definition at line 24 of file blockmatrixmodule.h.

double BlockMatrixModule::_dx [private]

Definition at line 24 of file blockmatrixmodule.h.

double BlockMatrixModule::_dy [private]

Definition at line 24 of file blockmatrixmodule.h.

double BlockMatrixModule::_dz [private]

Definition at line 24 of file blockmatrixmodule.h.

Definition at line 28 of file blockmatrixmodule.h.

Definition at line 28 of file blockmatrixmodule.h.

Definition at line 28 of file blockmatrixmodule.h.

Definition at line 28 of file blockmatrixmodule.h.

unsigned BlockMatrixModule::_m [private]

Definition at line 19 of file blockmatrixmodule.h.

Definition at line 18 of file blockmatrixmodule.h.

Definition at line 22 of file blockmatrixmodule.h.

Definition at line 27 of file blockmatrixmodule.h.

Definition at line 22 of file blockmatrixmodule.h.

Definition at line 26 of file blockmatrixmodule.h.

SparseMatrix<double> BlockMatrixModule::M [private]

Definition at line 15 of file blockmatrixmodule.h.

Definition at line 17 of file blockmatrixmodule.h.

Definition at line 17 of file blockmatrixmodule.h.

Definition at line 20 of file blockmatrixmodule.h.

Definition at line 22 of file blockmatrixmodule.h.

Definition at line 22 of file blockmatrixmodule.h.

Definition at line 22 of file blockmatrixmodule.h.

Definition at line 22 of file blockmatrixmodule.h.

Definition at line 22 of file blockmatrixmodule.h.

Definition at line 22 of file blockmatrixmodule.h.

Definition at line 22 of file blockmatrixmodule.h.

Definition at line 23 of file blockmatrixmodule.h.

Definition at line 23 of file blockmatrixmodule.h.

SparsityPattern BlockMatrixModule::sp [private]

Definition at line 14 of file blockmatrixmodule.h.

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