ConfigFile Class Reference

#include <configfile.h>

Collaboration diagram for ConfigFile:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.


struct  TokenValue

Public Member Functions

 ConfigFile ()
 ~ConfigFile ()
void readFile (string fileName)
std::string getCurrentFile ()
string getString (string key)
double getDouble (string key)
double getDouble (string key, double def)
int getInt (string key)
int getInt (string key, int def)
unsigned getUnsigned (string key)
bool isDefined (string key)

Private Types

enum  TokenId {
typedef __gnu_cxx::hash_map
< string, struct TokenValue,
StringHashFun, struct eqstr

Private Member Functions

TokenId getToken (std::ifstream &file)

Private Attributes

char strToken [TOKEN_SIZE]
int numLines
KeysMap keysMap
std::string m_currFile

Detailed Description

Definition at line 15 of file configfile.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef __gnu_cxx::hash_map<string,struct TokenValue,StringHashFun,struct eqstr> ConfigFile::KeysMap [private]

Definition at line 36 of file configfile.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum ConfigFile::TokenId [private]

Definition at line 21 of file configfile.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ConfigFile::ConfigFile (  ) 

Definition at line 5 of file configfile.cpp.

00006 {
00007   numLines = 1;
00008 }

ConfigFile::~ConfigFile (  ) 

Definition at line 11 of file configfile.cpp.

00012 {
00014 }

Member Function Documentation

std::string ConfigFile::getCurrentFile (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 49 of file configfile.h.

00049 {return m_currFile;}

double ConfigFile::getDouble ( string  key,
double  def 

Definition at line 205 of file configfile.cpp.

00206 {
00207   if (keysMap.find(key) != keysMap.end())
00208   {
00209     TokenValue &tk = keysMap[key];
00210     if (tk.tokenId != NUMBER)
00211     {
00212       throw new Exception("ConfigFile Error: Key %s is not a NUMBER\n",key.c_str());
00214     }
00215     return atof(tk.value.c_str());
00216   }
00217   else
00218   {
00219     return def;
00221   }
00222   return NAN;
00224 }

double ConfigFile::getDouble ( std::string  key  ) 

Return the string assigned to the key passed as parameter. If the key does not exist or the the assigned to the key is not a number, the method throws an exception

key Name of the field whose value is to be extracted

Definition at line 184 of file configfile.cpp.

00185 {
00186   if (keysMap.find(key) != keysMap.end())
00187   {
00188     TokenValue &tk = keysMap[key];
00189     if (tk.tokenId != NUMBER)
00190     {
00191       throw new Exception("ConfigFile Error: Key %s is not a NUMBER\n",key.c_str());
00193     }
00194     return atof(tk.value.c_str());
00195   }
00196   else
00197   {
00198     throw new Exception("ConfigFile Error: Key %s not found\n",key.c_str());
00200   }
00201   return NAN;
00202 }

int ConfigFile::getInt ( string  key,
int  def 

Get the value from the config file.

key Value to get
def Value to return if the key is not defined
The int value of the key;

Definition at line 246 of file configfile.cpp.

00247 {
00248   if (isDefined(key))
00249     return (int) getDouble(key);
00250   else return def;
00251 }

int ConfigFile::getInt ( string  key  ) 

Get the value from the config file.

key Value to get
The int value of the key;

Definition at line 235 of file configfile.cpp.

00236 {
00237   return (int) getDouble(key);
00238 }

std::string ConfigFile::getString ( std::string  key  ) 

Return the string assigned to the key passed as parameter. If the key does not exist or the the assigned to the key is not a string, the method throws an exception

key Name of the field whose value is to be extracted

Definition at line 160 of file configfile.cpp.

00161 {
00162   if (keysMap.find(key) != keysMap.end())
00163   {
00164     TokenValue &tk = keysMap[key];
00165     if (tk.tokenId != STRING)
00166     {
00167       throw new Exception("ConfigFile Error: Key value %s is not a string\n",key.c_str());
00169     }
00170     return tk.value;
00171   }
00172   else
00173   {
00174     throw new Exception("ConfigFile Error: Key value %s not found\n",key.c_str());
00176   }
00177   return "";
00178 }

ConfigFile::TokenId ConfigFile::getToken ( std::ifstream &  file  )  [private]

Get a token.

This is an internal function who identify the tokens copying the text matched to the attribute strToken.


Definition at line 75 of file configfile.cpp.

00076 {
00077   int c;
00078  begin:
00079   c = file.get();
00080   if (isblank(c))
00081     goto begin;
00082   else if (c == '\n')
00083   {
00084     numLines++;
00085     goto begin;
00086   }
00087   else if (c == '#')
00088   {
00089     file.unget();
00090     file.getline(strToken,TOKEN_SIZE);
00091     numLines++;
00092     return COMMENT;
00093   }
00094   else if (c == '=')
00095     return ASSIGN_OPERATOR;
00096   else if (isalpha(c))
00097   {
00098     char *p = strToken;
00099     while ( (isalnum(c) || c == '_' ) && (p-strToken) < TOKEN_SIZE )
00100     {
00101       *p++ = c;
00102       c=file.get();
00103     }
00104     if (p - strToken == TOKEN_SIZE)
00105     {
00106       throw new Exception("ConfigFile Error: Token too large at line %d\n",numLines);
00108     }
00109     *p='\0';
00110     file.unget();
00111     return KEY;
00112   }
00113   else if (c == '"')
00114   {
00115     char *p = strToken;
00116     c=file.get();
00117     while (c != '"' && ((p-strToken) < TOKEN_SIZE) && !file.eof())
00118     {
00119       *p++ = c;
00120       c=file.get();
00121     }
00122     if ( (p - strToken) == TOKEN_SIZE)
00123     {
00124       throw new Exception("ConfigFile Error: Token too large at line %d\n",numLines);
00126     }
00127     if (file.eof())
00128     {
00129       throw new Exception("ConfigFile Error: Unexpected End of File, the string value is not closed in the right way\n");
00131     }
00132     *p='\0';
00133     return STRING;
00134   }
00135   else if (isdigit(c) || c == '+' || c == '-')
00136   {
00137     double d;
00138     file.unget();
00139     file >> d;
00140     if (
00141     {
00142       throw new Exception("ConfigFile Error: Invalid Number at line %d\n",numLines);
00144     }
00145     sprintf(strToken,"%g",d);
00146     return NUMBER;
00147   }
00148   else if (c == EOF)
00149     return END_OF_FILE;
00150   else
00151     return INVALID_TOKEN;
00152 }

unsigned ConfigFile::getUnsigned ( string  key  ) 

Definition at line 255 of file configfile.cpp.

00256 {
00257   double dd = getDouble(key);
00258   if (dd < 0)
00259     throw new Exception("ConfigFile Error: Expect an unsigned integer for the Key %s\n",key.c_str());
00260   return (unsigned) dd;
00261 }

bool ConfigFile::isDefined ( string  key  ) 

Returns if the key is defined in config file.


Definition at line 268 of file configfile.cpp.

00269 {
00270   return (keysMap.find(key) != keysMap.end());
00271 }

void ConfigFile::readFile ( string  fileName  ) 

Read the file storing the values of the variables configurated in the file in a intern table.

fileName Name of the file;

Definition at line 21 of file configfile.cpp.

00022 {
00023   m_currFile=fileName;
00024   std::string str;
00025   std::ifstream file(fileName.c_str());
00026   if (file.eof())
00027     return;
00028   if (
00029   {
00030     throw new Exception("Config file \"%s\" not found\nQuitting",fileName.c_str());
00031   }
00032   while (!file.eof())
00033   {
00034     TokenId token = getToken(file);
00035     if (token == COMMENT)
00036       continue;
00037     if (token == KEY)
00038     {
00039       //If token is KEY, then strToken has the name of the key;
00040       std::string strKey = this->strToken;
00042       if (getToken(file) != ASSIGN_OPERATOR)
00043       {
00044         throw new Exception("ConfigFile Error: Expect the assignment operator \"=\" at line %d",numLines);
00046       }
00048       TokenValue tk;
00049       tk.tokenId = getToken(file);
00050       if (tk.tokenId != STRING && tk.tokenId != NUMBER)
00051       {
00052         throw new Exception("ConfigFile Error: Expect a STRING or NUMBER at line %d",numLines);
00054       }
00055       tk.value = strToken;
00056       keysMap[strKey]=tk;
00057     }
00058     else if (token == END_OF_FILE)
00059       return;
00060     else if (token == INVALID_TOKEN)
00061     {
00062       throw new Exception("ConfigFile Error: Invalid token found at line %d",numLines);
00064     }
00066   }
00067   file.close();
00068 }

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 38 of file configfile.h.

std::string ConfigFile::m_currFile [private]

Definition at line 40 of file configfile.h.

int ConfigFile::numLines [private]

Contem numero de linhas lidas até agora

Definition at line 19 of file configfile.h.

char ConfigFile::strToken[TOKEN_SIZE] [private]

String to store the tokens readed with the method getToken()

Definition at line 18 of file configfile.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Friends Defines
Generated on Sun Apr 8 23:12:59 2012 for CO2INJECTION by  doxygen 1.6.3