GnuPlot Class Reference

#include <gnuplot.h>

Inheritance diagram for GnuPlot:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for GnuPlot:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 GnuPlot ()
 ~GnuPlot ()
string getDataFileName ()
std::string newDataFile (std::ofstream &fout)
void plot (std::string expr, std::string name="", std::string comp="")
void splot (std::string expr, std::string name="", std::string comp="")
void setIntervalX (double minX, double maxX)
void setInterval (double minX, double maxX, double minY=0, double maxY=0)
void Draw ()
void runSystemCommand (const char *)
std::string plotPoints (double X[], int lines, int cols, std::string name="", std::string comp="", std::string with="", int bRowOrder=0, int bTrans=0, int blockSize=2147483640)
std::string plotPoints3d (double X[], int lines, int cols, std::string name="", std::string comp="", std::string with="", int bRowOrder=0, int bTrans=0, int blockSize=2147483640)
void plotPoints (std::string strFileName, std::string name="", std::string comp="")
void plotPoints (std::string strFileName, std::string name, int index1, int index2, int col1, int col2, std::string comp="")
void plotPoints3d (std::string strFileName, std::string name="", std::string comp="")
void pause (double dSec, std::string str_comment="")
void NextScene ()
void NextPlot ()
void xRange (double a, double b)
void yRange (double a, double b)
void zRange (double a, double b)
void define (std::string var, std::string expr)
void define (std::string var, double num)
void set (std::string var, std::string value)
void set (std::string var, int value)
void unset (std::string var)
void setOutput (std::string strOutput)
void setTitle (std::string strTitle)
void setArg (std::string strArg)
void setFont (string font)
void setOutputEpsMono (std::string strOutput)
void finalize ()
void leaveFiles (int bLeave)

Protected Attributes

int m_bPlot
int m_bLeave
int m_bPlot3D
std::string m_arg
string m_dir
double m_MinX
double m_MaxX
double m_MaxY
double m_MinY
FILE * m_file
std::vector< std::string > m_List

Private Attributes

string m_font

Static Private Attributes

static int m_count = 0

Detailed Description

Definition at line 11 of file gnuplot.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

GnuPlot::GnuPlot (  ) 

Definition at line 13 of file gnuplot.cpp.

00015 {
00016   m_font = "";
00017   char aux[100];
00018   m_dir = "./GnuPlot";
00019   string tmp = m_dir;
00020   tmp+="/TMP_00001";
00023   //sprintf(aux,"mkdir %s ",m_dir.c_str());
00024   //runSystemCommand(aux);
00025   sprintf(aux,"rm %s/TMP* %s/DAT* ",m_dir.c_str(),m_dir.c_str());
00026   runSystemCommand(aux);
00029   m_MinX = m_MinY = -10;
00030   m_MaxX = m_MinY = 10;
00031   m_file = fopen(tmp.c_str(),"wr");
00032   if (m_file == NULL) {
00033     throw new Exception("GnupPlot: Arquivo temporario %s nao pode ser criado.... Exiting",tmp.c_str());
00035   }
00036   m_List.push_back(tmp);
00037   m_bPlot = false;
00038   m_bPlot3D = false;
00039   m_bLeave = true;
00041 }

GnuPlot::~GnuPlot (  ) 

Definition at line 44 of file gnuplot.cpp.

00045 {
00047 }

Member Function Documentation

void GnuPlot::define ( std::string  var,
double  num 

Definition at line 465 of file gnuplot.cpp.

00465                                             {
00466         if (m_bPlot || m_bPlot3D) {
00467                 cerr << "(GnuPlot::define) Feche o grafico primeiro com a funcao NextScreen";
00468                 this->finalize(); 
00469         }
00470         fprintf(m_file,"%s=%lf;\n",var.c_str(),num);
00471 };

void GnuPlot::define ( std::string  var,
std::string  expr 

Definition at line 451 of file gnuplot.cpp.

00451                                                 {
00453         if (m_bPlot || m_bPlot3D) {
00454                 cerr << "(GnuPlot::define) Feche o grafico primeiro com a funcao NextScreen";
00455                 this->finalize();
00456         }
00458         fprintf(m_file,"%s=%s;\n",var.c_str(),expr.c_str());
00459 };

void GnuPlot::Draw (  ) 

Reimplemented in GnuPlotAnim.

Definition at line 404 of file gnuplot.cpp.

00405 {
00406         int result;
00407         m_bPlot = false;
00409         fclose(m_file);
00411         string str("gnuplot -background white ");
00412         str+=m_arg;
00413         str+= m_List.front();
00414         result=system(str.c_str());
00416         if (result!=0){
00417                 cout << "Erro no Script.\nImprimindo:\n"; 
00418                 string str("cat < ");
00419                 str+= m_List.front();
00420                 result=system(str.c_str());
00421         }       
00422         else
00423         {
00424           cout << "GnuPlot Sucessful :-) " << endl;
00425         }
00426         if (!m_bLeave)
00427           runSystemCommand("rm TMP_* DAT_* ");  
00429 };

void GnuPlot::finalize (  ) 

Objetivo: Finalizar o programa pelo mal uso do gnuplot

Parametros: Nenhum


Definition at line 616 of file gnuplot.cpp.

00617 {
00618    std::for_each(m_List.begin(),m_List.end(),RemoveFiles());    
00619    exit(1);
00620 }

string GnuPlot::getDataFileName (  ) 




Definition at line 652 of file gnuplot.cpp.

00653 {
00654   char strFileName[30]; 
00655   sprintf(strFileName,"/DAT_DOF_%05d",m_count++);
00656   if (m_count > 200)
00657   {
00658     printf("GnuPlot:: Too many files, aborting");
00659     abort(); 
00660   }
00661   return m_dir + strFileName;
00662 }

void GnuPlot::leaveFiles ( int  bLeave  ) 

Definition at line 623 of file gnuplot.cpp.

00624 {
00625   m_bLeave = bLeave;
00626 }

std::string GnuPlot::newDataFile ( std::ofstream &  fout  ) 

Definition at line 676 of file gnuplot.cpp.

00677 {
00678   std::string  str = getDataFileName();
00679   m_List.push_back(str); 
00681   return str;
00682 }

void GnuPlot::NextPlot (  ) 




Definition at line 552 of file gnuplot.cpp.

00553 {
00554   if (m_bPlot || m_bPlot3D)
00555   {
00556     m_bPlot = false;
00557     m_bPlot3D = false;
00558     fprintf(m_file,";\n\n");
00559   }
00560   else
00561     cerr <<"(GnuPlot::NextScene) empty graph!!";
00562 }

void GnuPlot::NextScene (  ) 

Reimplemented in GnuPlotAnim.

Definition at line 534 of file gnuplot.cpp.

00534                        {
00535         if (m_bPlot || m_bPlot3D)
00536         {
00537                 m_bPlot = false;
00538                 m_bPlot3D = false;
00539                 fprintf(m_file,";\n\n");
00540         }
00542         else
00543                 cerr <<"(GnuPlot::NextScene) empty graph!!";
00544 }

void GnuPlot::pause ( double  dSec,
std::string  str_comment = "" 

Definition at line 388 of file gnuplot.cpp.

00389 {
00390         if (m_bPlot || m_bPlot3D) {
00391                 cerr << "(GnuPlot::pause) Feche o grafico primeiro com a funcao NextScreen";
00392                 this->finalize(); 
00393         }
00394         fprintf(m_file,"pause %g \"%s\";\n",dSec,str_comment.c_str()); 
00395 };

void GnuPlot::plot ( std::string  expr,
std::string  name = "",
std::string  comp = "" 

Definition at line 49 of file gnuplot.cpp.

00049                                                        {
00050   if (m_bPlot3D)
00051   {
00052     cerr << "Graficos 2D e 3D na mesma cena nao pode ser feito\n";
00053     this->finalize();
00054   }
00057   if (!m_bPlot){
00058     fprintf(m_file,"plot %s title \"%s\" %s",expr.c_str(),name.c_str(),comp.c_str());
00059     m_bPlot = true;
00060   }
00061   else{
00062     fprintf(m_file,", %s title \"%s\" %s",expr.c_str(),name.c_str(),comp.c_str());
00063   }     
00064 }

void GnuPlot::plotPoints ( std::string  strFileName,
std::string  name,
int  index1,
int  index2,
int  col1,
int  col2,
std::string  comp = "" 

Funcao plotPoints Plota pontos. Parametros: strFileName = Nome do arquivo contendo os pontos. name = titulo do programa comp = Complemento informando como se plotar index1 = Início do primeiro record index2 = Fim do primeiro record col1 = coluna sendo usada col2 = coluna sendo usada

Definition at line 336 of file gnuplot.cpp.

00337 {
00338         if (m_bPlot3D)
00339         {
00340           cerr << "Graficos 2D e 3D na mesma cena nao pode ser feito\n";
00341           this->finalize();
00342         }
00345         if (!m_bPlot) {
00346                 fprintf(m_file,"plot \"%s\" index %d:%d using %d:%d  %s title \"%s\" ",strFileName.c_str(),index1,index2,col1,col2,comp.c_str(),name.c_str());  
00347                 m_bPlot = true;
00348         }
00349         else {
00350                 fprintf(m_file,", \"%s\" index %d:%d using %d:%d  %s title \"%s\" ",strFileName.c_str(),index1,index2,col1,col2,comp.c_str(),name.c_str());     
00351         }
00352         return;
00353 }

void GnuPlot::plotPoints ( std::string  strFileName,
std::string  name = "",
std::string  comp = "" 

Funcao plotPoints Plota pontos. Parametros: strFileName = Nome do arquivo contendo os pontos. name = titulo do programa comp = Complemento informando como se plotar

Definition at line 306 of file gnuplot.cpp.

00307 {
00308         if (m_bPlot3D)
00309         {
00310           cerr << "Graficos 2D e 3D na mesma cena nao pode ser feito\n";
00311           this->finalize();
00312         }
00314         if (!m_bPlot) {
00315           fprintf(m_file,"plot \"%s\" title \"%s\" %s ",strFileName.c_str(),name.c_str(),comp.c_str()); 
00316                 m_bPlot = true;
00317         }
00318         else {
00319           fprintf(m_file,", \"%s\"  title \"%s\" %s",strFileName.c_str(),name.c_str(),comp.c_str());    
00320         }
00321         return;
00322 }

std::string GnuPlot::plotPoints ( double  X[],
int  lines,
int  cols,
std::string  name = "",
std::string  comp = "",
std::string  with = "",
int  bRowOrder = 0,
int  bTrans = 0,
int  blockSize = 2147483640 

Funcao plotPoints Plota pontos. Parametros: X = Matriz de pontos, colocadas num vetor na ordem de linhas cols = Numero de colunas lines = Numero de linhas. name = titulo do programa comp = Complemento informando como se plotar blockSize = Imprimir em blocos de blockSize linhas cada bRowOrder = Se a matriz e orientada por linhas ou colunas Retorno: Nome do arquivo criado

Definition at line 119 of file gnuplot.cpp.

00120 {
00121   if (lines ==0 || cols ==0)
00122     return "";
00124   int i,j,iEnd,jEnd,iInc,jInc;
00125   int blCount=0;
00126   string strName = getDataFileName();
00127   FILE* fDat = fopen(strName.c_str(),"wr");
00128   m_List.push_back(strName); 
00130   if (m_bPlot3D)
00131   {
00132     cerr << "Graficos 2D e 3D na mesma cena nao pode ser feito\n";
00133     this->finalize();
00134   }
00136   if (!bRowOrder) {
00137     if (bTrans)
00138     {
00139       iEnd = lines*cols;
00140       iInc = lines;
00141       jEnd = lines;
00142       jInc = 1;
00143     }
00144     else
00145     {
00146       iEnd = lines;
00147       iInc = 1;
00148       jEnd = lines*cols;
00149       jInc = lines;
00150     }
00151   }  
00152   else {
00153     if (bTrans)
00154     {
00155       iEnd = cols;
00156       iInc = 1;
00157       jEnd = cols*lines;
00158       jInc = cols;
00159     }
00160     else
00161     {
00162       iEnd = lines*cols;
00163       iInc = cols;
00164       jEnd = cols;
00165       jInc = 1;
00166     }
00167   }
00168   for (i=0;i<iEnd;i+=iInc)
00169   {
00170     for (j=0;j<jEnd;j+=jInc)
00171     {
00172       fprintf(fDat,"%lf \t",X[i+j]);
00173     }
00175     fprintf(fDat,"\n");
00176     if (++blCount == blockSize)
00177     {
00178       fprintf(fDat,"\n");
00179       blCount=0;
00180     }
00181   }     
00183   fclose(fDat);         
00185   if (!m_bPlot) {
00186     if (!with.empty())
00187       fprintf(m_file,"plot \"%s\" %s title \"%s\" %s",strName.c_str(),comp.c_str(),name.c_str(),with.c_str());  
00188     else
00189       fprintf(m_file,"plot \"%s\" %s title \"%s\"",strName.c_str(),comp.c_str(),name.c_str());  
00190     m_bPlot = true;
00191   }
00192   else {
00193     if (with.empty())
00194       fprintf(m_file,", \"%s\" %s title \"%s\"",strName.c_str(),comp.c_str(),name.c_str());
00195     else
00196       fprintf(m_file,", \"%s\" %s title \"%s\" %s",strName.c_str(),comp.c_str(),name.c_str(),with.c_str());     
00197   }
00198   return m_List.back();
00199 };

void GnuPlot::plotPoints3d ( std::string  strFileName,
std::string  name = "",
std::string  comp = "" 

Funcao plotPoints3d Plota pontos. Parametros: strFileName = Nome do arquivo contendo os pontos. name = titulo do programa comp = Complemento informando como se plotar

Definition at line 367 of file gnuplot.cpp.

00368 {
00369         if (m_bPlot)
00370         {
00371           cerr << "Graficos 2D e 3D na mesma cena nao pode ser feito\n";
00372           this->finalize();
00373         }
00375         if (!m_bPlot3D) {
00376                 fprintf(m_file,"splot \"%s\" %s title \"%s\" ",strFileName.c_str(),comp.c_str(),name.c_str());  
00377                 m_bPlot3D = true;
00378         }
00379         else {
00380                 fprintf(m_file,", \"%s\" %s title \"%s\"",strFileName.c_str(),comp.c_str(),name.c_str());       
00381         }
00382         return;
00383 }

std::string GnuPlot::plotPoints3d ( double  X[],
int  lines,
int  cols,
std::string  name = "",
std::string  comp = "",
std::string  with = "",
int  bRowOrder = 0,
int  bTrans = 0,
int  blockSize = 2147483640 

Funcao plotPoints3D Plota pontos em 3 Dimensoes. Parametros: X = Matriz de pontos, colocadas num vetor na ordem de linhas cols = Numero de colunas lines = Numero de linhas. name = titulo do programa comp = Complemento informando como se plotar with = With clause bRowOrder = Se a matriz e orientada por linhas ou colunas btrans = Transpor matriz blockSize = Imprimir em blocos de blockSize linhas cada Pre: Ser impresso um arquivo de pelo menos 3 colunas

Definition at line 217 of file gnuplot.cpp.

00218 {
00219         int i,j,iEnd,jEnd,iInc,jInc;
00220         int blCount=0;
00221         string strName = getDataFileName();
00222         FILE* fDat = fopen(strName.c_str(),"wr");
00223         m_List.push_back(strName); 
00225         if (!bRowOrder) {
00226           if (bTrans)
00227           {
00228             iEnd = lines*cols;
00229             iInc = lines;
00230             jEnd = lines;
00231             jInc = 1;
00232           }
00233           else
00234           {
00235             iEnd = lines;
00236             iInc = 1;
00237             jEnd = lines*cols;
00238             jInc = lines;
00239           }
00240         }  
00241         else {
00242           if (bTrans)
00243           {
00244             iEnd = cols;
00245             iInc = 1;
00246             jEnd = cols*lines;
00247             jInc = cols;
00248           }
00249           else
00250           {
00251             iEnd = lines*cols;
00252             iInc = cols;
00253             jEnd = cols;
00254             jInc = 1;
00255           }
00256         }
00257         for (i=0;i<iEnd;i+=iInc)
00258         {
00259           for (j=0;j<jEnd;j+=jInc)
00260           {
00261             fprintf(fDat,"%lf \t",X[i+j]);
00262           }
00264           fprintf(fDat,"\n");
00265           if (++blCount == blockSize)
00266           {
00267             fprintf(fDat,"\n\n");
00268             blCount=0;
00269           }
00270         }       
00272         fclose(fDat);           
00273         if (m_bPlot)
00274         {
00275           std::cerr << "Nao se pode misturar graficos 2D com graficos 3D\n";
00276           this->finalize();
00277         }
00279         if (!m_bPlot3D) {
00280           if (!with.empty())
00281                 fprintf(m_file,"splot \"%s\" %s title \"%s\" with %s",strName.c_str(),comp.c_str(),name.c_str(),with.c_str());  
00282           else
00283                 fprintf(m_file,"splot \"%s\" %s title \"%s\"",strName.c_str(),comp.c_str(),name.c_str());       
00284           m_bPlot3D = true;
00285         }
00286         else {
00287           if (with.empty())
00288             fprintf(m_file,", \"%s\" %s title \"%s\"",strName.c_str(),comp.c_str(),name.c_str());
00289           else
00290             fprintf(m_file,", \"%s\" %s title \"%s\" with %s",strName.c_str(),comp.c_str(),name.c_str(),with.c_str());  
00291         }
00292         return m_List.back();
00295 }

void GnuPlot::runSystemCommand ( const char *  aux  ) 

Definition at line 688 of file gnuplot.cpp.

00689 {
00690   if (system(aux))
00691     printf("Problema ao rodar o comando %s\n",aux);
00693 }

void GnuPlot::set ( std::string  var,
int  value 

Definition at line 490 of file gnuplot.cpp.

00491 {
00492         if (m_bPlot || m_bPlot3D) {
00493                 cerr << "(GnuPlot::set) Feche o grafico primeiro com a funcao NextScreen";
00494                 this->finalize(); 
00495         }
00496         fprintf(m_file,"set %s %d;\n",var.c_str(),value);
00497 }

void GnuPlot::set ( std::string  var,
std::string  value 

set: Configura determinada variavel usando o comando set

Argumentos: var = Variavel a ser configurada value = Valor a ser atribuido a variavel

Definition at line 481 of file gnuplot.cpp.

00482 {
00483         if (m_bPlot || m_bPlot3D) {
00484                 cerr << "(GnuPlot::set) Feche o grafico primeiro com a funcao NextScreen";
00485                 this->finalize(); 
00486         }
00488         fprintf(m_file,"set %s %s;\n",var.c_str(),value.c_str());
00489 };

void GnuPlot::setArg ( std::string  strArg  ) 

Definition at line 585 of file gnuplot.cpp.

00586 {
00587   m_arg = strArg;
00588 }

void GnuPlot::setFont ( string  font  ) 




Definition at line 671 of file gnuplot.cpp.

00672 {
00673   m_font = font;
00674 }

void GnuPlot::setInterval ( double  minX,
double  maxX,
double  minY = 0,
double  maxY = 0 

Definition at line 88 of file gnuplot.cpp.

00088                                                                          {
00089         if (m_bPlot||m_bPlot3D)
00090         {
00091                 cerr << "Erro, funcao ja definida, nao se pode modificar o intervalo.\n";
00092                 this->finalize();
00093         }
00094         else {
00096                 m_MinX = minX;
00097                 m_MaxX = maxX;
00098                 m_MaxY = maxY;
00099                 m_MinY = minY;
00100                 fprintf(m_file,"set yrange [%lf:%lf];\n",m_MinY,m_MaxY);
00101                 fprintf(m_file,"set xrange [%lf:%lf];\n",m_MinX,m_MaxX);
00102         }
00103 };

void GnuPlot::setIntervalX ( double  minX,
double  maxX 

Definition at line 591 of file gnuplot.cpp.

00592 {
00593   if (m_bPlot || m_bPlot3D)
00594   {
00595     cerr << "Erro, funcao ja definida, nao se pode modificar o intervalo.\n";
00596     this->finalize(); 
00598   }
00599   else {
00601     m_MinX = minX;
00602     m_MaxX = maxX;
00603     fprintf(m_file,"set xrange [%lf:%lf];\n",m_MinX,m_MaxX);
00604   }
00606 }

void GnuPlot::setOutput ( std::string  strOutput  ) 

Definition at line 509 of file gnuplot.cpp.

00510 {
00511         if (m_bPlot || m_bPlot3D) {
00512                 cerr << "(GnuPlot::setOutput) Feche o grafico primeiro com a funcao NextScreen";
00513                 this->finalize(); 
00514         }
00515         fprintf(m_file,"set output \"%s\";\n",strOutput.c_str());
00516 };

void GnuPlot::setOutputEpsMono ( std::string  strOutput  ) 

Configura saida para eps preto e branco Argumentos: strOutput Nome do arquivo

Definition at line 524 of file gnuplot.cpp.

00525 {
00526         if (m_bPlot || m_bPlot3D) {
00527                 cerr << "(GnuPlot::setOutputEps) Feche o grafico primeiro com a funcao NextScreen";
00528                 this->finalize(); 
00529         }
00530         fprintf(m_file,"set terminal postscript eps monochrome;\n set output \"%s\";\n",strOutput.c_str());
00532 }

void GnuPlot::setTitle ( std::string  strTitle  ) 

Definition at line 567 of file gnuplot.cpp.

00567                                         {
00568         if (m_bPlot || m_bPlot3D)
00569         {
00570                 cerr << "(GnuPlot::setTitle) Feche o grafico primeiro com a funcao NextScreen";
00571                 this->finalize(); 
00572         }
00573         if (m_font.empty())
00574         {
00575           fprintf(m_file,"set title \"%s\";\n",strTitle.c_str());
00576         }
00577         else  //Configure o tipo da fonte.
00578         {
00579           fprintf(m_file,"set title \"%s\" font \"%s\";\n",strTitle.c_str(),m_font.c_str());
00580         }
00581 }

void GnuPlot::splot ( std::string  expr,
std::string  name = "",
std::string  comp = "" 

Objetivo: Imprimir uma superficie dado uma expressao.

Definition at line 70 of file gnuplot.cpp.

00071 {
00072   if (m_bPlot)
00073   {
00074     cerr << "splot:: Graficos 2D e 3D na mesma cena nao pode ser feito\n";
00075     this->finalize();
00076   }
00077   if (!m_bPlot3D){
00078     fprintf(m_file,"splot %s title \"%s\" %s",expr.c_str(),name.c_str(),comp.c_str());
00079     m_bPlot3D = true;
00080   }
00081   else{
00082     fprintf(m_file,", %s title \"%s\" %s",expr.c_str(),name.c_str(),comp.c_str());
00083   }     
00084 }       

void GnuPlot::unset ( std::string  var  ) 

Definition at line 498 of file gnuplot.cpp.

00499 {
00500         if (m_bPlot || m_bPlot3D) {
00501                 cerr << "(GnuPlot::set) Feche o grafico primeiro com a funcao NextScreen";
00502                 this->finalize(); 
00503         }
00504         fprintf(m_file,"unset %s;\n",var.c_str());
00506 }

void GnuPlot::xRange ( double  a,
double  b 

Definition at line 442 of file gnuplot.cpp.

00443 {
00444         if (m_bPlot||m_bPlot3D) {
00445                 cerr << "(GnuPlot::yRange) Feche o grafico primeiro com a funcao NextScreen";
00446                 this->finalize(); 
00447         }
00448         fprintf(m_file,"set xrange [%lf:%lf];\n",a,b);
00449 }

void GnuPlot::yRange ( double  a,
double  b 

Definition at line 434 of file gnuplot.cpp.

00435 {
00436         if (m_bPlot||m_bPlot3D) {
00437                 cerr << "(GnuPlot::yRange) Feche o grafico primeiro com a funcao NextScreen";
00438                 this->finalize(); 
00439         }
00440         fprintf(m_file,"set yrange [%lf:%lf];\n",a,b);
00441 }

void GnuPlot::zRange ( double  a,
double  b 




Definition at line 636 of file gnuplot.cpp.

00637 {
00638         if (m_bPlot||m_bPlot3D) {
00639                 cerr << "(GnuPlot::zRange) Feche o grafico primeiro com a funcao NextScreen";
00640                 this->finalize(); 
00641         }
00642         fprintf(m_file,"set zrange [%lf:%lf];\n",a,b);
00643 }

Member Data Documentation

std::string GnuPlot::m_arg [protected]

Definition at line 21 of file gnuplot.h.

int GnuPlot::m_bLeave [protected]

Definition at line 19 of file gnuplot.h.

int GnuPlot::m_bPlot [protected]

Definition at line 18 of file gnuplot.h.

int GnuPlot::m_bPlot3D [protected]

Definition at line 20 of file gnuplot.h.

int GnuPlot::m_count = 0 [static, private]

Definition at line 12 of file gnuplot.h.

string GnuPlot::m_dir [protected]

Definition at line 22 of file gnuplot.h.

FILE* GnuPlot::m_file [protected]

Definition at line 24 of file gnuplot.h.

string GnuPlot::m_font [private]

Definition at line 15 of file gnuplot.h.

std::vector<std::string> GnuPlot::m_List [protected]

Definition at line 25 of file gnuplot.h.

double GnuPlot::m_MaxX [protected]

Definition at line 23 of file gnuplot.h.

double GnuPlot::m_MaxY [protected]

Definition at line 23 of file gnuplot.h.

double GnuPlot::m_MinX [protected]

Definition at line 23 of file gnuplot.h.

double GnuPlot::m_MinY [protected]

Definition at line 23 of file gnuplot.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
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Generated on Sun Apr 8 23:13:11 2012 for CO2INJECTION by  doxygen 1.6.3