HenryLawObiBlunt Class Reference

#include <henrylawobiblunt.h>

Inheritance diagram for HenryLawObiBlunt:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for HenryLawObiBlunt:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 HenryLawObiBlunt (OrthoMesh &mesh, double Kh, double vn, double R, double T, double mc, double mv)
virtual ~HenryLawObiBlunt ()
virtual void execute ()
virtual void updateDynamicModuleData ()
virtual void printOutput ()

Private Attributes

double m_Kh
double m_c
double m_mc
double m_mw

Detailed Description

The flash class that implement the HenryLaw

Definition at line 10 of file henrylawobiblunt.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

HenryLawObiBlunt::HenryLawObiBlunt ( OrthoMesh mesh,
double  Kh,
double  vn,
double  R,
double  T,
double  mc,
double  mv 

Construct the flass module with the constants used in the Henry Law

Kh Henry Law Coefficien
vn Apparent volume of CO2 at infinite dissolution
R Universal constant of gas
T Temperature (Kelvin)
mc Molar density of the CO2
mw Molar density of the water

Definition at line 15 of file henrylawobiblunt.cpp.

00016   :FlashBase(2,2),
00017    m_Kh(Kh),
00018     m_c(-vn/(R*T)),
00019     m_mc(mc),
00020     m_mw(mv)
00021 {
00022 }

HenryLawObiBlunt::~HenryLawObiBlunt (  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 85 of file henrylawobiblunt.cpp.

00086 {
00088 }

Member Function Documentation

void HenryLawObiBlunt::execute (  )  [virtual]

Implements FlashBase.

Definition at line 27 of file henrylawobiblunt.cpp.

00028 {
00029   TransportBase &trans=getTransportModule();
00030   //Get the necessary fields from the transport and dynamic module
00031   ArrayOfVecDouble &sol = trans.getSolutionAtCells();
00032   const VecDouble &vP = getDynamicModule().getPressureAtCells();
00034   assert(sol.size() == vP.size());
00037   //for each cell i in the mesh
00038   for (unsigned i=0;i<vP.size();i++)
00039   {
00040     double Cd = sol(i,FluxForCO2Inj::_Sd); //volume of dissolved CO2 per pore volume
00041     double Sc = sol(i,FluxForCO2Inj::_Sc); //Saturation of CO2
00042     double P = vP(i); //pression in the cell
00044     double Xd = (P/m_Kh)*exp(m_c*P); //Maximum molar fraction of dissolved co2
00045     if (Xd > 1.0)
00046     {
00047       printf("Houston we have a problem Xd == %g\n",Xd);
00048       throw new Exception("Finishing");
00049     }
00050     if (Sc >= 1.0)
00051       continue;
00054     //with Xd, we calculate the max amount of CO2 that can dissolve in water per pore volume
00055     double NDco2 = m_mw*(1.0-Sc - Cd)*Xd/(1.0-Xd);   
00058     double NTco2 = (Cd+Sc)*m_mc; //total moles of CO2 in the mixture
00059     double CdN,ScN;
00061     //Now compute the dissolution
00062     if (NTco2 >= NDco2)
00063     {
00064       //Ok, we have enough CO2 to dissolve into the water
00065       //dissolve it all.
00066       ScN = Sc + Cd - NDco2/m_mc; 
00067       CdN = NDco2/m_mc;
00068     }
00069     else
00070     {
00071       ScN = 0.0;
00072       CdN = (Cd +Sc);
00073     }
00074     sol(i,FluxForCO2Inj::_Sd)=CdN; //volume of dissolved CO2 per pore volume
00075     sol(i,FluxForCO2Inj::_Sc)=ScN; //Saturation of CO2
00076   } 
00077 }

virtual void HenryLawObiBlunt::printOutput (  )  [inline, virtual]

Implements FlashBase.

Definition at line 21 of file henrylawobiblunt.h.

00021 {}

void HenryLawObiBlunt::updateDynamicModuleData (  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 79 of file henrylawobiblunt.cpp.

00080 {
00081 }

Member Data Documentation

double HenryLawObiBlunt::m_c [private]

Definition at line 13 of file henrylawobiblunt.h.

double HenryLawObiBlunt::m_Kh [private]

Definition at line 13 of file henrylawobiblunt.h.

double HenryLawObiBlunt::m_mc [private]

Definition at line 13 of file henrylawobiblunt.h.

double HenryLawObiBlunt::m_mw [private]

Definition at line 13 of file henrylawobiblunt.h.

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