VarForm Class Reference

#include <varform.h>

Collaboration diagram for VarForm:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 VarForm (FEOrthoMesh &fe)
void assembly_local_system (Matrix &ML)
void assembly_local_rhs (VecDouble &BL)
virtual const Matrixget_local_sparsity ()
void reinit (OrthoMesh::Cell_It &cell)
void reinit (OrthoMesh &mesh)
const VecIndexget_global_map ()
 ~VarForm ()

Private Attributes


Detailed Description

This is the class that contains the logic related to the variational formulation So this class changes from on PDE to other. To fully understand the purpose of the methods, I recommend to take look at the AssemblyOrthoMeshSystem methods, specially the buildGlobalSystem and buildGlobalRHS. This class is responsible to construct the local system given a finite element and a quadrature

Definition at line 25 of file varform.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

VarForm::VarForm ( FEOrthoMesh fe  )  [inline]

Definition at line 32 of file varform.h.

00033     :_fe(fe)
00034   {}

VarForm::~VarForm (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 93 of file varform.h.

00093 {}

Member Function Documentation

void VarForm::assembly_local_rhs ( VecDouble BL  )  [inline]

Definition at line 53 of file varform.h.

00054         {
00055           throw new Exception("VarFom::assembly_local_rhs not overriden by child");
00056         }

void VarForm::assembly_local_system ( Matrix ML  )  [inline]

This is the main function Given the matrix ML and vector BL, construct the local system Setting the coefficients of ML and BL.

The implementations should not concern to reinit the finite element. This is already done in the assemblysystem procedure Also the local matrix and vector are already allocated with the right size. The size is based on the finite element method FiniteElementInterface::n_local_dofs()

Definition at line 47 of file varform.h.

00048         {
00049           throw new Exception("VarFom::assembly_local_system not overriden by child");
00050         }

const VecIndex& VarForm::get_global_map (  )  [inline]

The default behaviour of get_global_map is to pass this requisition to the finite element.


Definition at line 87 of file varform.h.

00088         {
00089           throw new Exception("VarForm::get_global_map()  not overriden by child class");
00090         }

virtual const Matrix& VarForm::get_local_sparsity (  )  [inline, virtual]

It returns a full matrix describing the sparsity of the local system. If a position in this Full Matrix is 0 it means that the local system will always have that position as 0 for all local system of all cells. If it is different of zero it means that that coefficient position can be different of zero. This indicates the sparsity pattern of the local system. Such matrix should never change trhough all the cells of the mesh.

Definition at line 67 of file varform.h.

00068         {
00069           throw new Exception("VarForm::get_local_sparsity() not overriden by child class");
00070         }

void VarForm::reinit ( OrthoMesh mesh  )  [inline]

Definition at line 77 of file varform.h.

00078         {
00079           throw new Exception("VarForm::reinit(OrthoMesh &mesh) not overriden by child class");
00080         }

void VarForm::reinit ( OrthoMesh::Cell_It cell  )  [inline]

Definition at line 72 of file varform.h.

00073         {
00074           throw new Exception("VarForm::reinit(OrthoMesh::Cell_It &cell) not overriden by child class");
00075         }

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 29 of file varform.h.

Definition at line 28 of file varform.h.

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