NumericMethods Namespace Reference


void fillVector (VecDouble &v, double number)
double interpolateLinear1D (double X, double Px1, double Py1, double Px2, double Py2)
double interpolateLinear1D (double X, double Px1, double Py1, double Px2, double Py2, double Px3, double Py3)
double interpolateRectLin2D (Point2D &X, Point2D &BL, Point2D &UR, double Z1, double Z2, double Z3, double Z4)
bool isInRectangle (const Point2D &X, const Point2D &P1, const Point2D &P2)
bool isInRectangle (const Point1D &X, const Point1D &P1, const Point1D &P2)
bool isInCube (const Point3D &X, const Point3D &P1, const Point3D &P2)
bool isInCube (const VecDouble &X, const VecDouble &P1, const VecDouble &P2)
void rotate90 (Point2D &X)
void rotate270 (Point2D &X)
double intThreePointsLinear (double P1, double Sw1, double P2, double Sw2, double P3, double Sw3, double Xstart, double Xend)
void solve3x3 (double M[3][4])
void multiplyEachElement (VecDouble &values, const VecDouble &v1, const VecDouble &v2)
void divideEachElement (VecDouble &values, const VecDouble &v1, const VecDouble &v2)
double _div (double a, double b)
double minMod (double a, double b, double c)
double minMod (double a, double b)
double maxMod (double a, double b, double c)
double maxMod (double a, double b)
double min (double a, double b, double c)
double insideInterval (double x, double a, double b)
bool isNearZero (double dd)
void IterateOrder1EDOEuler (double &u, unsigned numIteracoes, double dTau, Function1D &f, double c)
void IterateOrder1EDOSystem (double &u, double &x, unsigned numIteracoes, double dTau, Function1D &fV, double por, double v, Function1D &fR, double r)
void normalizePoint2D (Point2D &p)
void StlVectorDoubleToVecDouble (const std::vector< double > &vV, VecDouble &vValues)
void readVecDouble (std::ifstream &fIn, VecDouble &vValues)
void writeVecDouble (std::ofstream &fOut, VecDouble &vValues)
void getSparseMatrixWithoutZeroLines (SparseMatrix< double > &M, SparseMatrix< double > &C, SparsityPattern &spStripped)
void getTranspose (SparseMatrix< double > &M, SparseMatrix< double > &MT, SparsityPattern &patternMT)
void getInvMatrix (unsigned dim, SparseDirectUMFPACK &umf_solver, SparseMatrix< double > &A, SparsityPattern &patternA)
void makeSumPattern (SparseMatrix< double > &A, SparseMatrix< double > &B, SparsityPattern &patternS)
bool equal (const VecDouble &V1, const VecDouble &V2, double tol=TOLERANCE)
double vectorMinValue (const VecDouble &v)
double vectorMaxValue (const VecDouble &v)
void vectorMinMaxValues (const VecDouble &v, double &min, double &max)
double vectorMaxAbsValue (const VecDouble &v)
double vectorMinAbsValue (const VecDouble &v)
double vectorSum (const VecDouble &v)
void vectorBounds (const VecDouble &values, double &min, double &max)
void vectorModBounds (const VecDouble &values, double &min, double &media, double &max)
void vectorFill (VecDouble &vec, double start, double inc)
void vectorDivideEntries (VecDouble &V1, const VecDouble &vQuot)
void vectorDivideEntriesAvoidingNAN (VecDouble &V1, const VecDouble &vQuot)
double vectorMaxDiff (const VecDouble &v1, const VecDouble &v2)
double vectorRelError (const VecDouble &v1, const VecDouble &v2)
double vectorMaxRelDiff (const VecDouble &v1, const VecDouble &v2)
double matrixEfficience (SparseMatrix< double > &A, double tol=1.0e-11)
void matrixMultiply (SparseMatrix< double > &A, SparseMatrix< double > &B, SparseMatrix< double > &C, SparsityPattern &patternC)
void matrixSum (SparseMatrix< double > &A, SparseMatrix< double > &B, SparseMatrix< double > &C)
void matrixFill (SparseMatrix< double > &A, double start, double inc)
void matrixFill (Matrix &A, double value)
void matrixGetColumn (VecDouble &v, const Matrix &M, int col)
void multiplySubMatrix (const SparseMatrix< double > &C, std::vector< unsigned > &equations, std::vector< unsigned > &degs, VecDouble &dst, const VecDouble &src)
void multiplyBlockSubMatrix (const SparseMatrix< double > &C, unsigned sRow, unsigned eRow, unsigned sCol, unsigned eCols, VecDouble &dst, const VecDouble &src)
bool IsSymetric (const SparseMatrix< double > &C, double tol=1E-08)
void checkLinearSolution (const SparseMatrix< double > &C, const VecDouble &vSol, const VecDouble &vB, double &min, double &media, double &max)
void getMinMaxValueByColumn (Matrix &M, VecDouble &vMinValues, VecDouble &vMaxValues)
void getMinMaxValueByColumn (Matrix &M, VecDouble &vMinValues, VecDouble &vMaxValues, VecDouble &vIndexMin, VecDouble &vIndexMax)
void printPoint (Point3D p)
void printVectorWithIndices (const VecDouble &vV, double tol=0.0, bool printZeros=false)
void printVectorWithIndices (const BlockVecDouble &vV, double tol=0.0)
void printVectorWithIndices (const VecTag &vV, double tol=0.0, bool printZeros=false)
void printVectorWithIndices (const VecIndex &vI, std::ostream &out=std::cout)
void printVector (const VecDouble &vV, bool bASCII)
void printVectorWithIndices (const VecTag &vV)
void printVector (const VecDouble &vV, double tol=0.0)
void printVector (const BlockVecDouble &vV, double tol)
void printMatrix (const Matrix &M)
void printMatrix (std::string file, const SparseMatrix< double > &M)
void printSparseMatrixOctave (std::ostream &out, const SparseMatrix< double > &M)
void printNonZeroEntriesPerLine (const SparseMatrix< double > &M)
double triangleMeasure (const Point3D &u, const Point3D &v)
double squareMeasure (const Point3D &p1, const Point3D &p2, const Point3D &p3, const Point3D &p4)
bool a_equal (double a, double b, double tol)
void adjustBounds (double &c, const double a, const double b)
void printPrescBoundMapping (MapIntDouble &prescVelMap)
void getSubVector (const VecDouble &values, const VecIndex &vI, VecDouble &subV)
void VecDoubleToSTL (const VecDouble &v1, std::vector< double > &v2)
void STLToVecDouble (VecDouble &v1, const std::vector< double > &v2)
void getCompactRowFormat (SparseMatrix< double > &A, std::vector< int > &cnt, std::vector< int > &col, std::vector< double > &ele)
void addMapValues (MapIntDouble &map, VecDouble &values)
double det3x3 (const Matrix &M)
double abs_vector_product (const VecDouble &v1, const VecDouble &v2)


unsigned CellDirectionToCellNeighborsIndexTbl [4][2] = {{2,1},{1,2},{0,1},{1,0}}

Function Documentation

double NumericMethods::_div ( double  a,
double  b 

Make a division a/b checking for division by zero. In case b is zero and a is zero, it returns zero. In case b is zero and a is not zero, it makes an assert


Definition at line 1527 of file numericmethods.cpp.

01528 {
01529   if (b!=0.0)
01530     return a/b;
01531   else
01532   {
01533     //assert(fabs(a)==0.0);
01534     return 0.0;
01535   } 
01536 }

bool NumericMethods::a_equal ( double  a,
double  b,
double  tol 

Almost equal. See if the two numbers a and b are suficiently close

Definition at line 1202 of file numericmethods.cpp.

01203 {
01204   return (fabs(a-b) < tol);
01205 }

double NumericMethods::abs_vector_product ( const VecDouble a,
const VecDouble b 

Return \| v1 x v2 \|

a Vector with size 3
b Vector with size 3

Definition at line 1584 of file numericmethods.cpp.

01585 {
01586   assert(a.size() == 3);
01587   assert(b.size() == 3);
01589   double aux0=a(1)*b(2) - a(2)*b(1);
01590   double aux1=a(2)*b(0) - a(0)*b(2);
01591   double aux2=a(0)*b(1) - a(1)*b(0);
01592   return sqrt(aux0*aux0 + aux1*aux1 + aux2*aux2);
01595 }

void NumericMethods::addMapValues ( MapIntDouble map,
VecDouble values 

Definition at line 1368 of file numericmethods.cpp.

01369 {
01370   for (MapIntDouble::iterator it = map.begin();it!=map.end();it++)
01371   {
01372     assert(it->first < values.size());
01373     values(it->first) += it->second;
01374   }
01375 }

void NumericMethods::adjustBounds ( double &  c,
const double  a,
const double  b 

If c is not in the interval [a,b] adjust c to stay at the border of the interval

Definition at line 1208 of file numericmethods.cpp.

01209 {
01210   assert(a<=b);
01211   if (c <= a)
01212     c = a;
01213   else if (c >= b)
01214     c = b;
01215 }

void NumericMethods::checkLinearSolution ( const SparseMatrix< double > &  C,
const VecDouble vSol,
const VecDouble vB,
double &  min,
double &  media,
double &  max 

Objetivo: Checar o erro da solucao do sistema linear C*vSol = vB

Definition at line 923 of file numericmethods.cpp.

00924 {
00925   VecDouble vAux(vSol.size());
00926   C.vmult(vAux,vSol);
00927   vAux-=vB;
00928   vectorModBounds(vAux,min,media,max);
00930 }

double NumericMethods::det3x3 ( const Matrix M  ) 

Definition at line 1566 of file numericmethods.cpp.

01567 {
01568   assert(M.m() == M.n());
01569   assert(M.m() == 3);
01571   const double *d = &(M(0,0));
01573   //return M(0,0)*M(1,1)*M(2,2) + M(0,1)*M(1,2)*M(2,0) + M(1,0)*M(2,1)*M(0,2)  - M(0,2)*M(1,1)*M(2,0) - M(0,1)*M(1,0)*M(2,2) - M(1,2)*M(2,1)*M(0,0)
01574   return +d[0]*d[4]*d[8] + d[1]*d[5]*d[6] + d[3]*d[7]*d[2]
01575          -d[2]*d[4]*d[6] - d[1]*d[3]*d[8] - d[5]*d[7]*d[0]; 
01576 }

void NumericMethods::divideEachElement ( VecDouble values,
const VecDouble v1,
const VecDouble v2 

Objetivo: Fazer values(i)=v1(i)/v2(i)



Definition at line 244 of file numericmethods.cpp.

00245 {
00246   assert(values.size() == v1.size() && v2.size() == v1.size());
00247   for (unsigned i=0;i<values.size();i++)
00248   {
00249     values(i) = _div(v1(i),v2(i));
00250   }
00252 }

bool NumericMethods::equal ( const VecDouble V1,
const VecDouble V2,
double  tol = TOLERANCE 

Objetivo: Verifica V1 == V2

Definition at line 723 of file numericmethods.cpp.

00724 {
00725   //Vetores de tamanho iguais.
00726   assert(V1.size() == V2.size());
00727   for (unsigned i=0;i<V1.size();i++)
00728   {
00729     if (fabs(V1(i) - V2(i)) > tol)
00730       return false;
00731   }
00732   return true;
00733 }

void NumericMethods::fillVector ( VecDouble v,
double  s 

Make v has all entries equal to the numnber passed as argument. This function is implemented in deal and in fact we can achieve the same functionality just doing v = s; The problem is that these method in deal checks if s is infinity or NAN. If it is, an exceptio is throwed This is not the behavior expect sometimes since we can use the INFINITY OR NAN values to indicate no prescribed boundary condition and things like that. This method here, does not check if s is a valid double or not. Thats the unique difference from its counterpart in deal.

v Vector to be filled
s Number to fill the vector

Definition at line 1032 of file numericmethods.cpp.

01033 {
01034   assert (v.size()!=0);
01035   if (v.size()!=0)
01036     std::fill (v.begin(), v.end(), s);
01037   return;
01039 }

void NumericMethods::getCompactRowFormat ( SparseMatrix< double > &  A,
std::vector< int > &  cnt,
std::vector< int > &  col,
std::vector< double > &  ele 

Definition at line 1298 of file numericmethods.cpp.

01299 {
01300   assert(A.m() == cnt.size());
01301   assert(A.n_nonzero_elements() == col.size());
01302   assert(ele.size() == col.size());
01306   const SparsityPattern &pattern = A.get_sparsity_pattern();
01307   for (unsigned i=0;i<cnt.size();i++)
01308   {
01309     cnt[i] = pattern.row_length(i); 
01310   }
01312   std::vector<double>::iterator itElem = ele.begin();
01313   std::vector<int>::iterator itCols = col.begin();
01314   for (SparseMatrix<double>::iterator it  = A.begin();it!=A.end();it++,itElem++,itCols++)
01315   {
01316     *itElem = it->value();
01317     *itCols = it->column();
01318   }
01321   if (pattern.optimize_diagonal())
01322   {
01323     itElem = ele.begin();
01324     itCols = col.begin();
01325     unsigned nRows = A.m();
01326     //for each row do
01327     for (unsigned i=0;i<nRows;i++)
01328     {
01329       //number of non zero entries in row i excluding the diagonal
01330       int nNonDiagColsPerRow = pattern.row_length(i) - 1; 
01331       assert(nNonDiagColsPerRow >= 0);
01332       std::vector<double>::iterator itElemDiag = itElem++;
01333       std::vector<int>::iterator itColDiag = itCols++;
01334       for (int j=0;j<nNonDiagColsPerRow;j++)
01335       {
01336         if (*itColDiag > *itCols)
01337         {
01338           std::swap(*itColDiag++,*itCols++);
01339           std::swap(*itElemDiag++,*itElem++);
01340         }
01341         else
01342         {
01343           itCols++;
01344           itElem++;
01345         }
01346       }
01347     }
01348   }
01349 }

void NumericMethods::getInvMatrix ( unsigned  dim,
SparseDirectUMFPACK &  umf_solver,
SparseMatrix< double > &  A,
SparsityPattern &  patternA 

Objetivo: Esse metodo eh muito caro. Usar apenas em casos de testes numericos.



Definition at line 565 of file numericmethods.cpp.

00566 {
00567   VecDouble V1(dim);
00568   V1 = 0;
00569   std::vector<unsigned> entries_per_row(dim,0);
00572   for (unsigned i=0;i<dim;i++)
00573   {
00574     V1(i)=1.0;
00575     umf_solver.solve(V1);
00576     for (unsigned j=0;j<dim;j++)
00577     {
00578       if (fabs(V1(j)) != 0.0)
00579       {
00580         entries_per_row[j]++;
00581       }
00582       V1(j)=0.0;
00583     }
00584   }
00585   patternA.reinit(dim,dim,entries_per_row);
00586   for (unsigned i=0;i<dim;i++)
00587   {
00588     V1(i)=1.0;
00589     umf_solver.solve(V1);
00590     for (unsigned j=0;j<dim;j++)
00591     {
00592       if (fabs(V1(j)) != 0.0 )
00593       {
00594         patternA.add(j,i);
00595       }
00596       V1(j)=0.0;
00597     }
00598   }
00599   patternA.compress();
00600   A.reinit(patternA);
00601   for (unsigned i=0;i<dim;i++)
00602   {
00603     V1(i)=1.0;
00604     umf_solver.solve(V1);
00605     for (unsigned j=0;j<dim;j++)
00606     {
00607       if (fabs(V1(j)) != 0.0 )
00608       {
00609         A.set(j,i,V1(j));
00610       }
00611       V1(j)=0.0;
00612     }
00613   }
00616 }

void NumericMethods::getMinMaxValueByColumn ( Matrix M,
VecDouble vMinValues,
VecDouble vMaxValues,
VecDouble vIndexMin,
VecDouble vIndexMax 

Get the min and max values for each column of the matrix M together with its indices.

M Matrix
vMinValues To store the minimum values of the M's columns
vMaxValues To store the maximum values of the M's columns
vIndexMin To store the indices of the minimum values
vIndexMax To store the maximum values of the M's columns

Definition at line 1153 of file numericmethods.cpp.

01154 {
01155   assert(vMinValues.size() == M.n());
01156   assert(vMaxValues.size() == M.n());
01158   for (unsigned j=0;j<M.n();j++)
01159   {
01160     vMinValues(j) = M(0,j);
01161     vMaxValues(j) = M(0,j);
01162     vIndexMin(j)=0;
01163     vIndexMax(j)=0;
01164   }
01166   for (unsigned i=1;i<M.m();i++)
01167   {
01168     for (unsigned j=0;j<M.n();j++)
01169     {
01170       if (vMinValues(j) > M(i,j))
01171       {
01172         vMinValues(j) = M(i,j);
01173         vIndexMin(j) = i;
01174       }
01175       if (vMaxValues(j) < M(i,j))
01176       {
01177         vMaxValues(j) = M(i,j);
01178         vIndexMax(j)=i;
01179       }
01180     }
01181   }
01182 }

void NumericMethods::getMinMaxValueByColumn ( Matrix M,
VecDouble vMinValues,
VecDouble vMaxValues 

Get the min and max values for each column of the matrix M.

M Matrix
vMinValues To store the minimum values of the M's columns
vMaxValues To store the maximum values of the M's columns

Definition at line 1119 of file numericmethods.cpp.

01120 {
01121   assert(vMinValues.size() == M.n());
01122   assert(vMaxValues.size() == M.n());
01124   for (unsigned j=0;j<M.n();j++)
01125   {
01126     vMinValues(j) = M(0,j);
01127     vMaxValues(j) = M(0,j);
01128   }
01130   for (unsigned i=1;i<M.m();i++)
01131   {
01132     for (unsigned j=0;j<M.n();j++)
01133     {
01134       if (vMinValues(j) > M(i,j))
01135         vMinValues(j) = M(i,j);
01136       if (vMaxValues(j) < M(i,j))
01137         vMaxValues(j) = M(i,j);
01138     }
01140   }
01141 }

void NumericMethods::getSparseMatrixWithoutZeroLines ( SparseMatrix< double > &  M,
SparseMatrix< double > &  C,
SparsityPattern &  spStripped 

Objetivo: Esse metodo retorna uma SparsityPattern muito semelhante a SparsePattern da matriz M, porem a SparsityPattern retornada nao tem nenhum linha nula.

Parametros: M = Matriz Sparsa. spStripped = a receber uma copia SparsityPattern de M sem linhas nulas.


Definition at line 385 of file numericmethods.cpp.

00386 {
00387   //Primeiramente conte o numero de linhas nao nulas de M.
00388   unsigned nrows=0;
00389   const SparsityPattern &patternM = M.get_sparsity_pattern();
00390   for (unsigned i =0;i<M.m();i++)
00391   {
00392     SparseMatrix<double>::iterator it  = M.begin(i);
00393     SparseMatrix<double>::iterator end = M.end(i);
00394     for (;it!=end;it++)
00395     {
00396       if (it->value() != 0.0)
00397       {
00398         nrows++;
00399         break;
00400       }
00401     }
00403   }
00404   spStripped.reinit(nrows,M.n(),patternM.max_entries_per_row());
00405   unsigned iAcum=0;
00406   for (unsigned i =0;i<M.m();i++)
00407   {
00408     SparseMatrix<double>::iterator it  = M.begin(i);
00409     SparseMatrix<double>::iterator end = M.end(i);
00410     bool bNotZeroLine=false;
00411     for (;it!=end;it++)
00412     {
00413       if (it->value() != 0.0)
00414       {
00415         spStripped.add(iAcum,it->column());
00416         bNotZeroLine = true;
00417       }
00418     }
00419     if (bNotZeroLine)
00420     {
00421       iAcum++;
00422     }
00423   }
00424   spStripped.compress();
00425   C.reinit(spStripped);
00426   C = 0.0;
00427   iAcum=0;
00428   for (unsigned i =0;i<M.m();i++)
00429   {
00430     SparseMatrix<double>::iterator it  = M.begin(i);
00431     SparseMatrix<double>::iterator end = M.end(i);
00432     bool bNotZeroLine=false;
00433     for (;it!=end;it++)
00434     {
00435       if (it->value() != 0.0)
00436       {
00437         C.set(iAcum,it->column(),it->value());
00438         bNotZeroLine=true;
00439       }
00440     }
00441     if (bNotZeroLine)
00442     {
00443       iAcum++;
00444     }
00445   }
00446 }

void NumericMethods::getSubVector ( const VecDouble values,
const VecIndex vI,
VecDouble subV 

Definition at line 1456 of file numericmethods.cpp.

01457 {
01458   subV.reinit(vI.size());
01459   for (Index i=0;i<vI.size();i++)
01460   {
01461     subV(i)=values(vI[i]);
01462   }
01463 }

void NumericMethods::getTranspose ( SparseMatrix< double > &  M,
SparseMatrix< double > &  MT,
SparsityPattern &  patternMT 

Objetivo: Obter a matriz sparsa C que eh a transporte de M.

Parametros: M = Matriz da qual se obtem C. C = Transposta de M. patternC = Sparsity Pattern de C. Retorno:

Definition at line 458 of file numericmethods.cpp.

00459 {
00462   //Configura Pattern.
00463   patternMT.reinit(M.n(),M.m(),M.get_sparsity_pattern().max_entries_per_row());
00464   SparseMatrix<double>::iterator it  = M.begin();
00465   SparseMatrix<double>::iterator end = M.end();
00466   for (;it!=end;it++)
00467   {
00468     if (it->value() != 0.0)
00469     {
00470       patternMT.add(it->column(),it->row());
00471     }
00472   }
00474   patternMT.compress();
00475   MT.reinit(patternMT);
00477   for (it=M.begin();it!=end;it++)
00478   {
00479     if (it->value() != 0.0)
00480     {
00481       MT.set(it->column(),it->row(),it->value());
00482     }
00483   }
00486 }

double NumericMethods::insideInterval ( double  x,
double  a,
double  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 43 of file numericmethods.h.

00043 {return ( (x >= a && x <= b) || (x <= a && x >= b));}

double NumericMethods::interpolateLinear1D ( double  X,
double  Px1,
double  Py1,
double  Px2,
double  Py2,
double  Px3,
double  Py3 

Definition at line 16 of file numericmethods.cpp.

00017 {
00018   if (X < Px2)
00019     return interpolateLinear1D(X,Px1,Py1,Px2,Py2);
00020   else
00021     return interpolateLinear1D(X,Px2,Py2,Px3,Py3);
00022 }

double NumericMethods::interpolateLinear1D ( double  X,
double  Px1,
double  Py1,
double  Px2,
double  Py2 

Definition at line 9 of file numericmethods.cpp.

00010 {
00011   return (X - Px1)/(Px2 - Px1)*(Py2 - Py1) + Py1;
00012 }

double NumericMethods::interpolateRectLin2D ( Point2D X,
Point2D BL,
Point2D UR,
double  Z1,
double  Z2,
double  Z3,
double  Z4 
double NumericMethods::intThreePointsLinear ( double  P1,
double  Sw1,
double  P2,
double  Sw2,
double  P3,
double  Sw3,
double  Xstart,
double  Xend 

Definition at line 81 of file numericmethods.cpp.

00082 {
00084   double IntXstart,IntXend;
00086   if (Xstart >= P1 && Xstart <=P2)
00087     IntXstart = (interpolateLinear1D(Xstart,P1,Sw1,P2,Sw2) + Sw2)/2.0*(P2-Xstart) + (Sw2 + Sw3)/2.0*(P3-P2);
00088   else if (Xstart > P2 && Xstart <=P3)
00089     IntXstart = (interpolateLinear1D(Xstart,P2,Sw2,P3,Sw3) + Sw3)/2.0*(P3-Xstart);
00090   else
00091     return NAN;
00093   if (Xend >= P1 && Xend <=P2)
00094     IntXend = (interpolateLinear1D(Xend,P1,Sw1,P2,Sw2) + Sw2)/2.0*(P2-Xend) + (Sw2 + Sw3)/2.0*(P3-P2);
00095   else if (Xend > P2 && Xend <=P3)
00096     IntXend = (interpolateLinear1D(Xend,P2,Sw2,P3,Sw3) + Sw3)/2.0*(P3-Xend);
00097   else
00098     return NAN;
00100   return IntXstart- IntXend;
00101 }

bool NumericMethods::isInCube ( const VecDouble X,
const VecDouble P1,
const VecDouble P2 

Definition at line 1013 of file numericmethods.cpp.

01014 {
01015   assert(P1(0) < P2(0) &&P1(1) < P2(1) &&P1(2) < P2(2) ); 
01016   return (X(0) >= P1(0) && X(1) >= P1(1) && X(2) >= P1(2) && X(0) <= P2(0) && X(1) <= P2(1) && X(2) <= P2(2));
01017 }

bool NumericMethods::isInCube ( const Point3D X,
const Point3D P1,
const Point3D P2 

Definition at line 1007 of file numericmethods.cpp.

01008 {
01009   assert(P1(0) < P2(0) &&P1(1) < P2(1) &&P1(2) < P2(2) ); 
01010   return (X(0) >= P1(0) && X(1) >= P1(1) && X(2) >= P1(2) && X(0) <= P2(0) && X(1) <= P2(1) && X(2) <= P2(2));
01011 }

bool NumericMethods::isInRectangle ( const Point1D X,
const Point1D P1,
const Point1D P2 
) [inline]

Definition at line 17 of file numericmethods.h.

00017 {return (X(0) <= P2(0) && X(0)>=P1(0));}

bool NumericMethods::isInRectangle ( const Point2D X,
const Point2D P1,
const Point2D P2 
) [inline]

Definition at line 16 of file numericmethods.h.

00016 {return (X(0) <= P2(0) && X(0)>=P1(0) && X(1) <= P2(1) && X(1)>= P1(1));}

bool NumericMethods::isNearZero ( double  dd  ) 

Definition at line 1352 of file numericmethods.cpp.

01353 {
01354   return fabs(dd) < NUMERIC_METHODS_TOLERANCE;
01355 }

bool NumericMethods::IsSymetric ( const SparseMatrix< double > &  C,
double  tol = 1E-08 

Objetivo: Veriricar se matriz C eh simetrica.

Obs: Metodo bem caro.

Definition at line 838 of file numericmethods.cpp.

00839 {
00840   for (unsigned i=0;i<C.m();i++)
00841     for (unsigned j=i+1;j<C.n();j++)
00842     {
00843       if (fabs(C.el(i,j) - C.el(j,i)) > tol)
00844       {
00845         printf("Error in Entry M(%d,%d)=%g != %g\n",i,j,C.el(i,j),C.el(j,i));
00846         return false;
00847       }
00848     }
00849   return true;
00850 }

void NumericMethods::IterateOrder1EDOEuler ( double &  u,
unsigned  numIteracoes,
double  dTau,
Function1D f,
double  c 

Objetivo: Solve du/dt = f(u)*c via Back Euler;

Definition at line 259 of file numericmethods.cpp.

00260 {
00261   unsigned i=0;
00262   for (i=0;i<numIteracoes;i++)
00263   {
00264     u+= dTau*f(u)*c;
00265   }
00266 }

void NumericMethods::IterateOrder1EDOSystem ( double &  u,
double &  x,
unsigned  numIteracoes,
double  dTau,
Function1D dfV,
double  por,
double  v,
Function1D fR,
double  r 

Objetivo: Solve du/dt = fR(u)*c; du/dx = fV'(u)*d;

Definition at line 274 of file numericmethods.cpp.

00275 {
00276   unsigned i=0;
00277   for (i=0;i<numIteracoes;i++)
00278   {
00279     x+= dTau*dfV(u)*v/por;
00280     u+= dTau*fR(u)*r;
00281   }
00282 }

void NumericMethods::makeSumPattern ( SparseMatrix< double > &  A,
SparseMatrix< double > &  B,
SparsityPattern &  patternS 

Definition at line 618 of file numericmethods.cpp.

00620 {
00621   if ((A.m()!=B.m()) || (A.n()!=B.n()))
00622   {
00623     printf("NumericMethods::makeSumPattern: Matrizes precisam ter iguais dimensoes.\n");
00624   }
00625   patternS.reinit(A.m(),A.n(),A.get_sparsity_pattern().max_entries_per_row() +
00626                   B.get_sparsity_pattern().max_entries_per_row());
00628   SparseMatrix<double>::iterator it  = A.begin();
00629   SparseMatrix<double>::iterator end = A.end();
00630   for (;it!=end;it++)
00631   {
00632       patternS.add(it->row(),it->column());
00633   }
00634   it = B.begin();
00635   end = B.end();
00636   for (;it!=end;it++)
00637   {
00638       patternS.add(it->row(),it->column());
00639   }
00640   patternS.compress();
00644 }

double NumericMethods::matrixEfficience ( SparseMatrix< double > &  A,
double  tol = 1.0e-11 

Objetivo: Obter a razao entre entradas vazias e entradas preenchidas

Parametros: A


Definition at line 705 of file numericmethods.cpp.

00706 {
00707   SparseMatrix<double>::iterator it  = A.begin();
00708   SparseMatrix<double>::iterator end = A.end();
00709   double inc = 0.0;
00710   for (;it!=end;it++)
00711   {
00712     if (fabs (it->value())< tol)
00713       inc++;
00714   }
00715   return (((double) A.n_nonzero_elements())-inc)/((double) A.n_nonzero_elements());
00716 }

void NumericMethods::matrixFill ( Matrix A,
double  value 

Definition at line 1598 of file numericmethods.cpp.

01599 {
01600   std::fill_n (&(A(0,0)), A.n_elements(), value);
01601 }

void NumericMethods::matrixFill ( SparseMatrix< double > &  A,
double  start,
double  inc 




Definition at line 680 of file numericmethods.cpp.

00681 {
00683   for (SparseMatrix<double>::iterator it  = A.begin();it!=A.end();it++,start+=inc)
00684   {
00685     it->value()=start;
00686   }
00687 }

void NumericMethods::matrixGetColumn ( VecDouble v,
const Matrix M,
int  col 

Definition at line 1539 of file numericmethods.cpp.

01540 {
01541   assert(v.size() == M.m());
01542   for (unsigned i=0;i<v.size();i++)
01543     v(i)=M(i,col);
01544 }

void NumericMethods::matrixMultiply ( SparseMatrix< double > &  A,
SparseMatrix< double > &  B,
SparseMatrix< double > &  C,
SparsityPattern &  patternC 




Definition at line 496 of file numericmethods.cpp.

00497 {
00498   assert(A.n() == B.m());
00499   std::vector<unsigned> rowSizes(A.m(),0);
00501   //Sao na verdade duas multiplicacaoes: Uma configura a pattern da matriz, a outra configura a matriz C.
00502   for (unsigned i =0;i<A.m();i++)
00503   {
00504     for (unsigned bColumn=0;bColumn < B.n();bColumn++)
00505     {
00506       SparseMatrix<double>::iterator it  = A.begin(i);
00507       SparseMatrix<double>::iterator end = A.end(i);
00508       for (;it!=end;it++)
00509       {
00510         if (fabs (B.el(it->column(),bColumn)) != 0.0)
00511         {
00512           rowSizes[i]++;
00513           break;
00514         }
00515       }
00516     }
00517   }
00518   patternC.reinit(A.m(),B.n(),rowSizes);
00522   for (unsigned i =0;i<A.m();i++)
00523   {
00524     for (unsigned bColumn=0;bColumn < B.n();bColumn++)
00525     {
00526       SparseMatrix<double>::iterator it  = A.begin(i);
00527       SparseMatrix<double>::iterator end = A.end(i);
00528       for (;it!=end;it++)
00529       {
00530         if (fabs (B.el(it->column(),bColumn)) != 0.0)
00531         {
00532           patternC.add(i,bColumn);
00533           break;
00534         }
00535       }
00536     }
00537   }
00538   patternC.compress();
00539   C.reinit(patternC);
00540   //Preencher as entradas de C.
00541   //Para todas as entradas
00542   SparseMatrix<double>::iterator Cend = C.end();
00543   for (SparseMatrix<double>::iterator Cit  = C.begin();Cit!=Cend;Cit++)
00544   {
00545     SparseMatrix<double>::iterator Ait  = A.begin(Cit->row());
00546     SparseMatrix<double>::iterator Aend = A.end(Cit->row());
00547     double acum=0;
00548     for (;Ait!=Aend;Ait++)
00549     {
00550       acum+=Ait->value()*B.el(Ait->column(),Cit->column());
00551     }
00552     Cit->value()=acum;
00553   }
00555 }

void NumericMethods::matrixSum ( SparseMatrix< double > &  A,
SparseMatrix< double > &  B,
SparseMatrix< double > &  C 




Definition at line 654 of file numericmethods.cpp.

00655 {
00656   C = 0;
00657   SparseMatrix<double>::iterator it  = A.begin();
00658   SparseMatrix<double>::iterator end = A.end();
00659   for (;it!=end;it++)
00660   {
00661     C.add(it->row(),it->column(),it->value());
00662   }
00663   it = B.begin();
00664   end = B.end();
00665   for (;it!=end;it++)
00666   {
00667     C.add(it->row(),it->column(),it->value());
00668   }
00669 }

double NumericMethods::maxMod ( double  a,
double  b 

Return the max absolute value of a and b


Definition at line 1191 of file numericmethods.cpp.

01192 {
01193   if (fabs(a) > fabs(b))
01194     return fabs(a);
01195   else
01196     return fabs(b);
01197 }

double NumericMethods::maxMod ( double  a,
double  b,
double  c 

Definition at line 147 of file numericmethods.cpp.

00148 {
00149   double resp;
00150   if (a > 0 && b > 0 && c > 0)
00151   {
00152     resp = a > b ? a : b;
00153     if (resp < c) resp = c;
00154     return resp;
00155   }
00156   else if (a<0 && b < 0 && c < 0)
00157   {
00158     resp = a > b ? b : a;
00159     if (resp < c) resp =c;
00160     return resp;
00161   }
00162   else
00163     return 0.0;
00164 }

double NumericMethods::min ( double  a,
double  b,
double  c 

Definition at line 1403 of file numericmethods.cpp.

01404 {
01405   return std::min(a,std::min(b,c));
01406 }

double NumericMethods::minMod ( double  a,
double  b 

Definition at line 132 of file numericmethods.cpp.

00133 {
00134   if (a > 0 && b > 0)
00135   {
00136     return (a<b) ? a : b;
00137   }
00139   if (a < 0 && b < 0)
00140   {
00141     return (a<b) ? b : a;
00142   }
00143   else
00144     return 0.0;    
00145 }

double NumericMethods::minMod ( double  a,
double  b,
double  c 




Definition at line 113 of file numericmethods.cpp.

00114 {
00115   double resp;
00116   if (a > 0 && b > 0 && c > 0)
00117   {
00118     resp = a > b ? b : a;
00119     if (resp > c) resp = c;
00120     return resp;
00121   }
00122   else if (a<0 && b < 0 && c < 0)
00123   {
00124     resp = a > b ? a : b;
00125     if (resp < c) resp =c;
00126     return resp;
00127   }
00128   else
00129     return 0.0;
00130 }

void NumericMethods::multiplyBlockSubMatrix ( const SparseMatrix< double > &  C,
unsigned  sRow,
unsigned  eRow,
unsigned  sCol,
unsigned  eCol,
VecDouble dst,
const VecDouble src 

Objetivo: Multiplicar um bloco da matriz esparsa O bloco tem linhas [sRow,eRow]x[sCol,eCol] Parametros:


Definition at line 860 of file numericmethods.cpp.

00861 {
00862   assert(eRow < C.m() && eCol < C.n());
00863   assert(C.get_sparsity_pattern().optimize_diagonal());
00865   for (unsigned i=sRow;i<=eRow;i++)
00866   {
00867     SparseMatrix<double>::const_iterator eIt = C.end(i);
00868     SparseMatrix<double>::const_iterator it = C.begin(i);
00869     double acum=0.0;
00871     //First Entry is diagonal, verify if we should
00872     //put it in the acum variable.
00873     if (it->column() >=sCol && it->column() <= eCol)
00874       acum+=it->value()*src(it->column());
00875     it++;
00876     while(it!=eIt && it->column() < sCol)
00877       it++;
00880     //Make the multiplication
00881     while (it != eIt &&  it->column() <= eCol)
00882     {
00883        acum+=it->value()*src(it->column());
00884        it++;
00885     }
00886     dst(it->row())=acum;
00887   }
00888 }

void NumericMethods::multiplyEachElement ( VecDouble values,
const VecDouble v1,
const VecDouble v2 

Objetivo: Fazer values(i) = v1(i)*v2(i)

Definition at line 227 of file numericmethods.cpp.

00228 {
00229   assert(values.size() == v1.size() && v2.size() == v1.size());
00230   for (unsigned i=0;i<values.size();i++)
00231   {
00232     values(i) = v1(i)*v2(i);
00233   }
00234 }

void NumericMethods::multiplySubMatrix ( const SparseMatrix< double > &  C,
std::vector< unsigned > &  equations,
std::vector< unsigned > &  degs,
VecDouble dst,
const VecDouble src 

Objetivo: Fazer dst = SubMatriz(C) * src onde a SubMatriz corresponde as equacoes e graus de liberdade indicado nos vetores equations e degs respectivamente.

Parametros: equations = Vetor que verifica se a equacao i deve fazer parte de SubMatriz. Se equations[i]!= 0, esse eh o caso. degs = Semelhante ao equations, mas se refere aos graus de liberdades.

Obs: O metodo assume que os graus de liberdade e as equacoes estao intercalados alternadamente de acordo com a implementacao default de DoFHandler. Alem disso, a matriz deve ser otimizada para o acesso do elemento da diagonal e as colunas devem estar ordenadas.


Definition at line 756 of file numericmethods.cpp.

00757 {
00758   SparseMatrix<double> &M = (SparseMatrix<double>&) C;
00759   //Check Dimensions
00760   assert(M.m() == dst.size());
00761   assert(M.n() == src.size());
00762   assert(M.m() == M.n());
00763   assert(M.m() % equations.size() == 0);
00764   assert(equations.size() == degs.size());
00766   assert(M.get_sparsity_pattern().optimize_diagonal());
00769   double &number = M.global_entry(0);
00770   double *val_init=&number;
00772   const SparsityPattern &cols = M.get_sparsity_pattern();
00773   unsigned n_rows=M.m();
00774   const unsigned int* rowstart = (const unsigned int*) cols.get_rowstart_indices();
00775   const unsigned int* colnums  = cols.get_column_numbers();
00776   VecDouble::iterator dst_ptr  = dst.begin();
00777   const unsigned nDegs = degs.size();
00778   unsigned j;
00779   unsigned row =0;
00780   double s;
00781   while (row < n_rows)
00782   {
00783     for (unsigned i=0;i<nDegs;i++,row++,dst_ptr++)
00784     {
00785       if (equations[i])
00786       {
00787         const double *val_ptr = val_init + rowstart[row];
00788         const double *val_end_of_row = (val_init + rowstart[row+1]);
00789         const unsigned  *colnum_ptr = (colnums + rowstart[row]);
00791         //Incorpora a diagonal na multiplicacao se for o caso.
00792         (degs[i]) ? s=*val_ptr * src(*colnum_ptr) : s = 0.0;
00793         colnum_ptr++;
00794         val_ptr++;
00795         while (1)
00796         {
00797           for (j=0;j<i;j++,val_ptr++,colnum_ptr++)
00798           {
00799             if (degs[j])
00800               s+=*val_ptr * src(*colnum_ptr);
00801           }
00802           if (val_ptr >= val_end_of_row || *colnum_ptr > row)
00803             break;
00804           for (;j<nDegs;j++,val_ptr++,colnum_ptr++)
00805           {
00806             if (degs[j])
00807               s+=*val_ptr * src(*colnum_ptr);
00808           }
00809         }
00810         //A posicao (i,i) ja foi computada e esta localizada na primeira posicao
00811         //do vetor de colunas da linha i. Dessa forma o grau de liberdade nao eh mais
00812         //j mas sim j+1
00813         j++;
00814         while(val_ptr < val_end_of_row)
00815         {
00816           while(j<nDegs)
00817           {
00818             if (degs[j])
00819               s+=*val_ptr * src(*colnum_ptr);
00820             val_ptr++;
00821             colnum_ptr++;
00822             j++;
00823           }
00824           j=0;
00825         }
00826         *dst_ptr=s;
00827       }
00828     }
00829   }
00830 }

void NumericMethods::normalizePoint2D ( Point2D p  ) 

Definition at line 286 of file numericmethods.cpp.

00287 {
00288   double hyp = hypot(p[0],p[1]);
00289   p[0]/=hyp;
00290   p[1]/=hyp;
00292 }

void NumericMethods::printMatrix ( std::string  file,
const SparseMatrix< double > &  M 

Definition at line 1551 of file numericmethods.cpp.

01552 {
01553   FILE *f = fopen(file.c_str(),"w");
01554   fprintf(f,"%d %d %d\n", M.m(), M.n(), M.get_sparsity_pattern().max_entries_per_row());
01555     SparseMatrix<double>::const_iterator it  = M.begin();
01556     SparseMatrix<double>::const_iterator end = M.end();
01558     for(;it!=end;it++)
01559     {
01560       fprintf(f,"%d %d %.55lf\n",it->row(),it->column(),it->value());
01561     }
01562     fclose(f);  
01563 }

void NumericMethods::printMatrix ( const Matrix M  ) 

Definition at line 1072 of file numericmethods.cpp.

01073 {
01074   for (unsigned i =0;i<M.m();i++)
01075   {
01076     printf("%d)",i);
01077     for (unsigned j =0;j<M.n();j++)
01078       printf("%g ",M(i,j));
01079     printf("\n");
01080   }
01081 }

void NumericMethods::printNonZeroEntriesPerLine ( const SparseMatrix< double > &  M  ) 

Definition at line 1084 of file numericmethods.cpp.

01085 {
01086   for (unsigned i =0;i<M.m();i++)
01087   {
01088     int count =0;
01089     for (unsigned j=0;j<M.n();j++)
01090     {
01091       if (!isNearZero(M.el(i,j)))
01092         count++;
01093     }
01094     printf("line %d) has %d non zero entries\n",i,count);
01095   }
01096 }

void NumericMethods::printPoint ( Point3D  p  ) 

Definition at line 1397 of file numericmethods.cpp.

01398 {
01399   printf("%g,%g,%g\n",p[0],p[1],p[2]);
01400 }

void NumericMethods::printPrescBoundMapping ( MapIntDouble prescVelMap  ) 

Definition at line 1358 of file numericmethods.cpp.

01359 {
01360     for (  std::map<unsigned int,double>::const_iterator dof  = prescValuesMap.begin();
01361            dof != prescValuesMap.end();dof++)
01362     {
01363       printf("dof %d =%g\n",dof->first,dof->second);
01364     }
01365 }

void NumericMethods::printSparseMatrixOctave ( std::ostream &  out,
const SparseMatrix< double > &  M 

Definition at line 1098 of file numericmethods.cpp.

01099 {
01100   unsigned lastColIndex = M.n() -1;
01101   unsigned j;
01102   for (unsigned i=0;i<M.m();i++)
01103   {
01104     for (j=0;j<lastColIndex;j++)
01105       out << M.el(i,j) << ", ";
01106     out << M.el(i,j);
01107     out << std::endl;
01108   }
01109 }

void NumericMethods::printVector ( const BlockVecDouble vV,
double  tol 

Definition at line 978 of file numericmethods.cpp.

00979 {
00981   for (unsigned i=0;i<vV.size();i++)
00982   {
00983     if (fabs(vV(i)) < tol)
00984       printf("0 ");
00985     else
00986       printf("%g ",vV(i));
00988   }
00989 }

void NumericMethods::printVector ( const VecDouble vV,
double  tol = 0.0 

Definition at line 991 of file numericmethods.cpp.

00992 {
00994   for (unsigned i=0;i<vV.size();i++)
00995   {
00996     if (fabs(vV(i)) < tol)
00997       printf("0 ");
00998     else
00999       printf("%g ",vV(i));
01001   }
01004 }

void NumericMethods::printVector ( const VecDouble vV,
bool  bASCII 
void NumericMethods::printVectorWithIndices ( const VecTag vV  ) 
void NumericMethods::printVectorWithIndices ( const VecIndex vI,
std::ostream &  out = std::cout 

Definition at line 969 of file numericmethods.cpp.

00970 {
00971   for (unsigned i=0;i<vI.size();i++)
00972   {
00973     out << i << ") " << vI[i] << "\n";
00974   }
00976 }

void NumericMethods::printVectorWithIndices ( const VecTag vV,
double  tol = 0.0,
bool  printZeros = false 
void NumericMethods::printVectorWithIndices ( const BlockVecDouble vV,
double  tol = 0.0 

Definition at line 958 of file numericmethods.cpp.

00959 {
00960   for (unsigned i=0;i<vV.size();i++)
00961   {
00962     if (fabs(vV(i)) < tol)
00963       printf("%d) 0\n",i);
00964     else
00965       printf("%d) %g\n",i,vV(i));
00966   }
00967 }

void NumericMethods::printVectorWithIndices ( const VecDouble vV,
double  tol = 0.0,
bool  printZeros = false 

Objetivo: Imprimir um vetor

Definition at line 935 of file numericmethods.cpp.

00936 {
00937   for (unsigned i=0;i<vV.size();i++)
00938   {
00939     if (fabs(vV(i)) >  tol)
00940       printf("%d) %g\n",i,vV(i));
00941     else if (printZeros)
00942       printf("%d) 0\n",i);
00943   }
00944 }

void NumericMethods::readVecDouble ( std::ifstream &  fIn,
VecDouble vValues 

Objetivo: Ler um vetor do arquivo.

Definition at line 325 of file numericmethods.cpp.

00326 {
00327   unsigned size;
00328   std::string strLixo;
00329   fIn >> size;
00330   if (
00331   {
00332     printf("NumericMethods::readVecDouble = Error, expected the size of the Vector");
00333     abort();
00334   }
00335   fIn >> strLixo;
00336   if (strLixo != "[" ||
00337   {
00338     printf("NumericMethods::readVecDouble = Error, expected [ but got it %s\n",strLixo.c_str());
00339     abort();
00340   }
00341   vValues.reinit(size);
00342   for (unsigned i=0;i<size;i++)
00343   {
00344     fIn >> vValues(i);
00345   }
00346   fIn >> strLixo;
00347   if (strLixo != "]")
00348   {
00349     printf("NumericMethods::readVecDouble = Error, expected ]");
00350     abort();
00351   }
00354 }

void NumericMethods::rotate270 ( Point2D X  ) 

Objetivo: Rotacionar 270 graus ou -90 ou 90 graus sentido horario.



Definition at line 49 of file numericmethods.cpp.

00050 {
00051   double aux;
00052   aux = X(0);
00053   X(0) = X(1);
00054   X(1) = -aux;
00055 }

void NumericMethods::rotate90 ( Point2D X  ) 

Objetivo: Rotaciona vetor X +90 graus (sentido antihorario)



Definition at line 33 of file numericmethods.cpp.

00034 {
00035   double aux;
00036   aux = X(0);
00037   X(0) = -X(1);
00038   X(1) = aux;
00039 }

void NumericMethods::solve3x3 ( double  M[3][4]  ) 




Definition at line 179 of file numericmethods.cpp.

00180 {
00182   double factor;
00183   double pivot=M[0][0];
00184   assert(fabs(pivot) > 1.0E-15);
00185   M[0][0]=1;
00186   M[0][1]/=pivot;
00187   M[0][2]/=pivot;
00188   M[0][3]/=pivot;
00190   factor = M[1][0];
00191   M[1][1]-=M[0][1]*factor;
00192   M[1][2]-=M[0][2]*factor;
00193   M[1][3]-=M[0][3]*factor;
00195   factor = M[2][0];
00196   M[2][1]-=M[0][1]*factor;
00197   M[2][2]-=M[0][2]*factor;
00198   M[2][3]-=M[0][3]*factor;
00200   pivot = M[1][1];
00201   assert(fabs(pivot) > 1.0E-15);
00202   M[1][2]/=pivot;
00203   M[1][3]/=pivot;
00205   factor  = M[0][1];
00206   M[0][2] -= M[1][2]*factor;
00207   M[0][3] -= M[1][3]*factor;
00210   factor  = M[2][1];
00211   M[2][2]-= M[1][2]*factor;
00212   M[2][3]-= M[1][3]*factor;
00214   pivot = M[2][2];
00215   assert(fabs(pivot) > 1.0E-15);
00216   M[2][3]/=pivot;
00218   M[1][3] -= M[2][3]*M[1][2];
00219   M[0][3] -= M[2][3]*M[0][2];
00222 }

double NumericMethods::squareMeasure ( const Point3D p1,
const Point3D p2,
const Point3D p3,
const Point3D p4 

Calculate the measeure of a square in 3D given the points p1,p2,p3,p4 in clockwise or anticlockwise order.

Definition at line 1059 of file numericmethods.cpp.

01060 {
01061   Point3D u = p2-p1;
01062   Point3D v = p4-p1;
01063   Point3D u2 = p2-p3;
01064   Point3D v2 = p4-p3;
01066   return triangleMeasure(u,v) + triangleMeasure(u2,v2);
01069 }

void NumericMethods::STLToVecDouble ( VecDouble v1,
const std::vector< double > &  v2 

Definition at line 1287 of file numericmethods.cpp.

01288 {
01289   v1.reinit(v2.size());
01290   for (unsigned i=0;i<v2.size();i++)
01291   {
01292     v1(i)=v2[i];
01293   }
01294 }

void NumericMethods::StlVectorDoubleToVecDouble ( const std::vector< double > &  vV,
VecDouble vValues 

Objetivo: Converter um vector std::vector<double> em um vetor VecDouble.

Definition at line 313 of file numericmethods.cpp.

00314 {
00315   vValues.reinit(vV.size());
00316   for (unsigned i=0;i<vV.size();i++)
00317   {
00318     vValues(i)=vV[i];
00319   }
00320 }

double NumericMethods::triangleMeasure ( const Point3D u,
const Point3D v 

Calculate the area of the triangle with one vertice at the origin and the other two vertices given by u and v.


Definition at line 1045 of file numericmethods.cpp.

01046 {
01047   double a = u[1]*v[2] - u[2]*v[1];
01048   double b = u[0]*v[2] - u[2]*v[0];
01049   double c = u[0]*v[1] - u[1]*v[0];
01050   return sqrt(a*a + b*b + c*c)/2.0;
01051 }

void NumericMethods::VecDoubleToSTL ( const VecDouble v1,
std::vector< double > &  v2 

Definition at line 1280 of file numericmethods.cpp.

01281 {
01282   assert(v1.size() == v2.size());
01283   for (unsigned i=0;i<v1.size();i++)
01284     v2[i] = v1(i);
01285 }

void NumericMethods::vectorBounds ( const VecDouble values,
double &  min,
double &  max 

Definition at line 294 of file numericmethods.cpp.

00295 {
00296   assert(values.size() != 0);
00298   min=max=values(0);
00299   for (unsigned i=1;i<values.size();i++)
00300   {
00301     if (values(i) < min)
00302       min = values(i);
00303     if (values(i) > max)
00304       max = values(i);
00305   }
00306 }

void NumericMethods::vectorDivideEntries ( VecDouble V1,
const VecDouble vQuot 

Definition at line 1467 of file numericmethods.cpp.

01468 {
01469   assert(V1.size()==vQuot.size());
01470   for (unsigned i=0;i<V1.size();i++)
01471   {
01472     V1(i)/=vQuot(i);
01473   }
01474 }

void NumericMethods::vectorDivideEntriesAvoidingNAN ( VecDouble V1,
const VecDouble vQuot 

Definition at line 1476 of file numericmethods.cpp.

01477 {
01478   assert(V1.size()==vQuot.size());
01479   for (unsigned i=0;i<V1.size();i++)
01480   {
01481     if (vQuot(i)!=0.0)
01482       V1(i)/=vQuot(i);
01483     else
01484     {
01485       assert(V1(i) == 0.0);
01486     }
01487   }
01488 }

void NumericMethods::vectorFill ( VecDouble vec,
double  start,
double  inc 

Definition at line 689 of file numericmethods.cpp.

00690 {
00691   for (unsigned i=0;i<vec.size();start+=inc,i++)
00692   {
00693     vec(i)=start;
00694   }
00695 }

double NumericMethods::vectorMaxAbsValue ( const VecDouble v  ) 

Get the element of vector v with largest absolute value


Definition at line 1247 of file numericmethods.cpp.

01248 {
01249   assert(v.size()>0);
01250   double result=fabs(v(0));
01251   for (unsigned i=1;i<v.size();i++)
01252   {
01253     double dd=fabs(v(i));
01254     if (result<dd)
01255       result=dd;
01256   }
01257   return result;
01258 }

double NumericMethods::vectorMaxDiff ( const VecDouble v1,
const VecDouble v2 

Definition at line 1380 of file numericmethods.cpp.

01381 {
01382   assert(v1.size() == v2.size());
01383   double diff;
01384   double maxDiff=0;
01385   for (unsigned i=0;i<v1.size();i++)
01386   {
01387     diff = fabs(v1(i) - v2(i));
01388     if (diff > maxDiff)
01389       maxDiff = diff;
01390   }
01391   return maxDiff;
01392 }

double NumericMethods::vectorMaxRelDiff ( const VecDouble v1,
const VecDouble v2 

Definition at line 1433 of file numericmethods.cpp.

01434 {
01435   assert(v1.size() == v2.size());
01436   unsigned size=v1.size();
01437   double max=0.0;
01439   for (unsigned i=0;i<size;i++)
01440   {
01442     //diff += (v1(i)-v2(i))*(v1(i)-v2(i));
01443     //norm +=v1(i)*v1(i); 
01445     double diff = fabs( (v1(i)-v2(i))/v1(i));
01446     if (max < diff)
01447       max=diff;
01448   }
01450   return max;
01452 }

double NumericMethods::vectorMaxValue ( const VecDouble v  ) 

Definition at line 1230 of file numericmethods.cpp.

01231 {
01232   assert(v.size() >= 1);
01233   double dd = v(0);
01234   for (unsigned i=1;i<v.size();i++)
01235   {
01236     if (dd < v(i))
01237       dd = v(i);
01238   }
01239   return dd;
01240 }

double NumericMethods::vectorMinAbsValue ( const VecDouble v  ) 

Get the element of vector v with smallest absolute value


Definition at line 1264 of file numericmethods.cpp.

01265 {
01266   assert(v.size()>0);
01267   double result=fabs(v(0));
01268   for (unsigned i=1;i<v.size();i++)
01269   {
01270     double dd=fabs(v(i));
01271     if (result>dd)
01272       result=dd;
01273   }
01274   return result;
01275 }

void NumericMethods::vectorMinMaxValues ( const VecDouble v,
double &  min,
double &  max 

Definition at line 1506 of file numericmethods.cpp.

01507 {
01508   assert(v.size());
01509   min=max=v(0);
01510   for (unsigned i=1;i<v.size();i++)
01511   {
01512     if (v(i) < min)
01513       min=v(i);
01514     if (v(i) > max)
01515       max=v(i);
01516   }
01517 }

double NumericMethods::vectorMinValue ( const VecDouble v  ) 

Definition at line 1218 of file numericmethods.cpp.

01219 {
01220   assert(v.size() >= 1);
01221   double dd = v(0);
01222   for (unsigned i=1;i<v.size();i++)
01223   {
01224     if (dd > v(i))
01225       dd = v(i);
01226   }
01227   return dd;
01228 }

void NumericMethods::vectorModBounds ( const VecDouble values,
double &  min,
double &  media,
double &  max 




Definition at line 897 of file numericmethods.cpp.

00898 {
00900   assert(values.size() != 0);
00903   min=max=media=fabs(values(0));
00904   for (unsigned i=1;i<values.size();i++)
00905   {
00906     double d = fabs(values(i));
00908     if (d < min)
00909       min = d;
00910     if (d > max)
00911       max = d;
00912     media+=d;
00913   }
00914   media/=values.size();
00915 }

double NumericMethods::vectorRelError ( const VecDouble v1,
const VecDouble v2 

Definition at line 1411 of file numericmethods.cpp.

01412 {
01413   assert(v1.size() == v2.size());
01414   unsigned size=v1.size();
01415   double diff=0.0,norm=0.0;
01416   for (unsigned i=0;i<size;i++)
01417   {
01419     //diff += (v1(i)-v2(i))*(v1(i)-v2(i));
01420     //norm +=v1(i)*v1(i); 
01422     diff += fabs(v1(i)-v2(i));
01423     norm += fabs(v1(i)); 
01424   }
01426   if (norm < 1.e-8)
01427     norm=1;
01428   return diff/norm;
01430 }

double NumericMethods::vectorSum ( const VecDouble v  ) 

Sum all the elements of v


Definition at line 1496 of file numericmethods.cpp.

01497 {
01498   assert(v.size() != 0);
01499   double acum=0.0;
01500   for (unsigned i=0;i<v.size();i++)
01501     acum+=v(i);
01502   return acum;
01503 }

void NumericMethods::writeVecDouble ( std::ofstream &  fOut,
VecDouble vValues 

Objetivo: Escrever um vetor do arquivo.

Definition at line 359 of file numericmethods.cpp.

00360 {
00361    fOut.precision(5);
00362    fOut << "\n" << vValues.size() << "\n";
00363    fOut << "[ ";
00364    for (unsigned i=0;i<vValues.size();i++)
00365    {
00366      fOut << vValues(i) << " ";
00367    }
00368    fOut << "]";
00370 }

Variable Documentation

unsigned NumericMethods::CellDirectionToCellNeighborsIndexTbl = {{2,1},{1,2},{0,1},{1,0}}

Definition at line 6 of file numericmethods.cpp.

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