FChessBoard3D Class Reference

#include <fchessboard3d.h>

Inheritance diagram for FChessBoard3D:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for FChessBoard3D:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 FChessBoard3D (Point3D p0, Point3D p1, Point3D lp0, Point3D lp1, std::string fileName)
 FChessBoard3D (Point3D p0, Point3D p1, Point3D lp0, Point3D lp1, double My, double Cy, std::string fileName)
 FChessBoard3D (Point3D p0, Point3D p1, int dimX, int dimY, int dimZ, std::vector< double > &data)
virtual double operator() (const VecDouble &p, unsigned int component=0) const
int getDimX ()
int getDimY ()
int getDimZ ()
virtual ~FChessBoard3D ()

Private Attributes

Point3D m_p0
Point3D m_p1
Point3D m_lp0
Point3D m_lp1
unsigned m_dimX
unsigned m_dimY
unsigned m_dimZ
double m_dX
double m_dY
double m_dZ
StackVector< 3, unsigned > Xi
StackVector< 3, unsigned > Xe
dealii::Table< 3, double > m_matrix3D

Detailed Description

This class implements a function that has a chess board distribution along the domain of the problem. This distribution is loaded from a file the first line is ignored and the second line contain the dimension of the 3D matrix separated by "x" letters. For example "3x3x3". Next follows an array of numbers describing the matrix running in x,y,z in that order. The reservoir are specified with the upper p1 and bottom p0 points defining a rectangle 3D. In applications with MPI each process has just a subdomain of the reservoir. So its good to have in this class the concept of the subdomain of the original domain specified again with two points lp0 and lp1. When the subdomain is specified the class reads the file and store information of the chessboard belonging only to the subdomain. This can save a lot of memory and its a crucial design for the cases we have a large number of process running in big clusters.

Definition at line 20 of file fchessboard3d.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

FChessBoard3D::FChessBoard3D ( Point3D  p0,
Point3D  p1,
Point3D  lp0,
Point3D  lp1,
std::string  fileName 

Definition at line 9 of file fchessboard3d.cpp.

00010   :m_p0(p0),m_p1(p1)
00011  {
00012    assert(lp0[0] <= lp1[0]);
00013    assert(lp0[1] <= lp1[1]);
00014    assert(lp0[2] <= lp1[2]);
00015    assert(p0[0] <= p1[0]);
00016    assert(p0[1] <= p1[1]);
00017    assert(p0[2] <= p1[2]);
00018    assert(lp0[0] >= p0[0]);
00019    assert(lp0[1] >= p0[1]);
00020    assert(lp0[2] >= p0[2]);
00021    assert(lp1[0] <= p1[0]);
00022    assert(lp1[1] <= p1[1]);
00023    assert(lp1[2] <= p1[2]);
00024    double ddLixo;
00029    ifstream file(fileName.c_str());
00030    if (file.fail())
00031      throw new Exception("FChessBoard3D: File \"%s\" not found",fileName.c_str());
00033    char str[MAX_LINE_SIZE];
00035    //Ignore the first line
00036    file.getline(str,MAX_LINE_SIZE);
00038    //Get the second  line containing the dimension of the chess board
00039    //in the format "size_X x size_Y x size_Z"
00040    file.getline(str,MAX_LINE_SIZE);
00041    if (file.fail() || sscanf(str,"%d x %d x %d",&m_dimX,&m_dimY,&m_dimZ) != 3)
00042      throw new Exception("FChessBoard3D: File \"%s\", Second line  (\"%s\")\n\tnot in format <number> x <number> x <number>",fileName.c_str(),str);
00046    m_dX = (p1[0]-p0[0])/m_dimX;
00047    m_dY = (p1[1]-p0[1])/m_dimY;
00048    m_dZ = (p1[2]-p0[2])/m_dimZ;
00050    Xi[0] = static_cast<unsigned>(floor(lp0[0]/m_dX));
00051    Xi[1] = static_cast<unsigned>(floor(lp0[1]/m_dY));
00052    Xi[2] = static_cast<unsigned>(floor(lp0[2]/m_dZ));
00054    Xe[0] = static_cast<unsigned>(ceil(lp1[0]/m_dX));
00055    Xe[1] = static_cast<unsigned>(ceil(lp1[1]/m_dY));
00056    Xe[2] = static_cast<unsigned>(ceil(lp1[2]/m_dZ));
00058    //Just to garantee that roundoff errors would not occur.
00059    //Actually it never ocurred, but just to make sure.
00060    if (Xe[0] > m_dimX)
00061      Xe[0]=m_dimX;
00062    if (Xe[1] > m_dimY)
00063      Xe[1]=m_dimY;
00064    if (Xe[2] > m_dimZ)
00065      Xe[2]=m_dimZ;
00068    //Allocate the table to store the chess board
00069    TableIndices<3> sizes(Xe[2]-Xi[2],Xe[1]-Xi[1],Xe[0]-Xi[0]);
00070    //TableIndices<3> sizes(Xe[0]-Xi[0]+1,Xe[1]-Xi[1]+1,Xe[2]-Xi[2]+1);
00071    m_matrix3D.reinit(sizes);
00074    m_lp0[0]=Xi[0]*m_dX;
00075    m_lp0[1]=Xi[1]*m_dY;
00076    m_lp0[2]=Xi[2]*m_dZ;
00078    m_lp1[0]=Xe[0]*m_dX;
00079    m_lp1[1]=Xe[1]*m_dY;
00080    m_lp1[2]=Xe[2]*m_dZ;
00083    /*printf("========================\n%d) Points %g,%g,%g - %g,%g,%g => %g %g %g - %g %g %g\n",NetMPI::rank(),p0[0],p0[1],p0[2],p1[0],p1[1],p1[2],lp0[0],
00084             lp0[1],lp0[2],lp1[0],lp1[1],lp1[2]);
00085    printf("========================\n%d) Indices %d,%d,%d - %d,%d,%d\n",NetMPI::rank(),Xi[0],Xi[1],Xi[2],Xe[0],Xe[1],Xe[2]);
00086    printf("========================\n%d) Minimal Geo Mesh %g,%g,%g - %g,%g,%g\n",NetMPI::rank(),m_lp0[0],m_lp0[1],m_lp0[2],m_lp1[0],m_lp1[1],m_lp1[2]);
00087    */
00090    for (unsigned z=0;z<m_dimZ;z++)
00091      for (unsigned y=0;y<m_dimY;y++)
00092        for (unsigned x=0;x<m_dimX;x++)
00093        {
00094          if (x >= Xi[0] && x < Xe[0] &&
00095              y >= Xi[1] && y < Xe[1] &&
00096              z >= Xi[2] && z < Xe[2] )
00097          {
00098            //printf("%d) Reading %d,%d,%d\n",NetMPI::rank(),x,y,z); 
00099            file >> m_matrix3D(z-Xi[2],y-Xi[1],x-Xi[0]);
00100          }
00101          else
00102            file >> ddLixo;
00104          if (file.fail())
00105            throw new Exception("FChessBoard3D: File \"%s\", dimension of the matrix does not match with the numbers supplied in the file\n",fileName.c_str());
00106        }
00107 }

FChessBoard3D::FChessBoard3D ( Point3D  p0,
Point3D  p1,
Point3D  lp0,
Point3D  lp1,
double  My,
double  CVy,
std::string  fileName 

This constructor read a file containing values beetween [-1,1] and builds a gaussian distribution of this values with media My and covariance CVy. One very important use of this constructor is to read the files produced by the generator of fractal meshes created by Marcio Borges at Labtran Friburgo, (Brazil). In this cases the numbers beetween [-1,1] has a Covariance that dependes of the distance separating the points in the grid.

p0 Bottom left point of the domain.
p1 Upper right point of the domain.
My Media of the field
CVy Coeficient of Variation of the field
fileName The file containing the numbers. The format of that file is the same as the previous constructor

Definition at line 179 of file fchessboard3d.cpp.

00180   :m_p0(p0),m_p1(p1),m_lp0(lp0),m_lp1(lp1)
00181  {
00183    assert(lp0[0] <= lp1[0]);
00184    assert(lp0[1] <= lp1[1]);
00185    assert(lp0[2] <= lp1[2]);
00186    assert(p0[0] <= p1[0]);
00187    assert(p0[1] <= p1[1]);
00188    assert(p0[2] <= p1[2]);
00189    assert(lp0[0] >= p0[0]);
00190    assert(lp0[1] >= p0[1]);
00191    assert(lp0[2] >= p0[2]);
00192    assert(lp1[0] <= p1[0]);
00193    assert(lp1[1] <= p1[1]);
00194    assert(lp1[2] <= p1[2]);
00199    ifstream file(fileName.c_str());
00200    if (file.fail())
00201      throw new Exception("FChessBoard3D: File \"%s\" not found",fileName.c_str());
00203    char str[MAX_LINE_SIZE];
00205    //Ignore the first line
00206    file.getline(str,MAX_LINE_SIZE);
00208    //Get the second  line containing the dimension of the chess board
00209    //in the format "size_X x size_Y x size_Z"
00210    file.getline(str,MAX_LINE_SIZE);
00211    if (file.fail() || sscanf(str,"%d x %d x %d",&m_dimX,&m_dimY,&m_dimZ) != 3)
00212      throw new Exception("FChessBoard3D: File \"%s\", Second line  (\"%s\")\n\tnot in format <number> x <number> x <number>",fileName.c_str(),str);
00216    m_dX = (p1[0]-p0[0])/m_dimX;
00217    m_dY = (p1[1]-p0[1])/m_dimY;
00218    m_dZ = (p1[2]-p0[2])/m_dimZ;
00220    Xi[0] = static_cast<unsigned>(floor(lp0[0]/m_dX));
00221    Xi[1] = static_cast<unsigned>(floor(lp0[1]/m_dY));
00222    Xi[2] = static_cast<unsigned>(floor(lp0[2]/m_dZ));
00224    Xe[0] = static_cast<unsigned>(ceil(lp1[0]/m_dX));
00225    Xe[1] = static_cast<unsigned>(ceil(lp1[1]/m_dY));
00226    Xe[2] = static_cast<unsigned>(ceil(lp1[2]/m_dZ));
00228    //Just to garantee that roundoff errors would not occur.
00229    //Actually it never ocurred, but just to make sure.
00230    if (Xe[0] > m_dimX)
00231      Xe[0]=m_dimX;
00232    if (Xe[1] > m_dimY)
00233      Xe[1]=m_dimY;
00234    if (Xe[2] > m_dimZ)
00235      Xe[2]=m_dimZ;
00238    //Allocate the table to store the chess board
00239    TableIndices<3> sizes(Xe[2]-Xi[2],Xe[1]-Xi[1],Xe[0]-Xi[0]);
00240    //TableIndices<3> sizes(Xe[0]-Xi[0]+1,Xe[1]-Xi[1]+1,Xe[2]-Xi[2]+1);
00241    m_matrix3D.reinit(sizes);
00244    m_lp0[0]=Xi[0]*m_dX;
00245    m_lp0[1]=Xi[1]*m_dY;
00246    m_lp0[2]=Xi[2]*m_dZ;
00248    m_lp1[0]=Xe[0]*m_dX;
00249    m_lp1[1]=Xe[1]*m_dY;
00250    m_lp1[2]=Xe[2]*m_dZ;
00253    /*printf("========================\n%d) Points %g,%g,%g - %g,%g,%g => %g %g %g - %g %g %g\n",NetMPI::rank(),p0[0],p0[1],p0[2],p1[0],p1[1],p1[2],lp0[0],
00254             lp0[1],lp0[2],lp1[0],lp1[1],lp1[2]);
00255    printf("========================\n%d) Indices %d,%d,%d - %d,%d,%d\n",NetMPI::rank(),Xi[0],Xi[1],Xi[2],Xe[0],Xe[1],Xe[2]);
00256    printf("========================\n%d) Minimal Geo Mesh %g,%g,%g - %g,%g,%g\n",NetMPI::rank(),m_lp0[0],m_lp0[1],m_lp0[2],m_lp1[0],m_lp1[1],m_lp1[2]);
00257    */
00258    double dd;
00259    double dpGauss = sqrt(log(CVy*CVy + 1));
00260    double C0  = My/(exp(0.5*dpGauss*dpGauss));
00263    for (unsigned z=0;z<m_dimZ;z++)
00264      for (unsigned y=0;y<m_dimY;y++)
00265        for (unsigned x=0;x<m_dimX;x++)
00266        {
00267          file >> dd;
00268          if (x >= Xi[0] && x < Xe[0] &&
00269              y >= Xi[1] && y < Xe[1] &&
00270              z >= Xi[2] && z < Xe[2] )
00271          {
00272            m_matrix3D(z-Xi[2],y-Xi[1],x-Xi[0]) = C0*exp(dpGauss*dd);
00273          }
00274          if (file.fail())
00275            throw new Exception("FChessBoard3D: File \"%s\", dimension of the matrix does not match with the numbers supplied in the file\n",fileName.c_str());
00276        }
00277  }

FChessBoard3D::FChessBoard3D ( Point3D  p0,
Point3D  p1,
int  dimX,
int  dimY,
int  dimZ,
std::vector< double > &  data 

Definition at line 110 of file fchessboard3d.cpp.

00111    :m_p0(p0),m_p1(p1),m_lp0(p0),m_lp1(p1)
00112 {
00114   m_dimZ = dimZ;
00115   m_dimX = dimX;
00116   m_dimY = dimY;
00118   Xi = 0;
00119   Xe[0]=m_dimX;
00120   Xe[1]=m_dimY;
00121   Xe[2]=m_dimZ;
00123   TableIndices<3> sizes(m_dimZ,m_dimY,m_dimX);
00124   std::vector<double>::iterator it = data.begin();
00127   assert(data.size() == (unsigned) dimX*dimY*dimZ);
00128    m_matrix3D.reinit(sizes);
00129    for (unsigned z=0;z<m_dimZ;z++)
00130      for (unsigned y=0;y<m_dimY;y++)
00131        for (unsigned x=0;x<m_dimX;x++)
00132        {
00133          m_matrix3D(z,y,x) = *(it++);
00134        }
00135    m_dX = (p1[0]-p0[0])/m_dimX;
00136    m_dY = (p1[1]-p0[1])/m_dimY;
00137    m_dZ = (p1[2]-p0[2])/m_dimZ;
00139 }

FChessBoard3D::~FChessBoard3D (  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 157 of file fchessboard3d.cpp.

00158 {
00160 }

Member Function Documentation

int FChessBoard3D::getDimX (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 43 of file fchessboard3d.h.

00043 {return m_dimX;}

int FChessBoard3D::getDimY (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 44 of file fchessboard3d.h.

00044 {return m_dimY;}

int FChessBoard3D::getDimZ (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 45 of file fchessboard3d.h.

00045 {return m_dimZ;}

double FChessBoard3D::operator() ( const VecDouble p,
unsigned int  component = 0 
) const [virtual]

Implements GeneralFunctionInterface.

Definition at line 143 of file fchessboard3d.cpp.

00144 {
00145   assert(component == 0);
00146   assert(NumericMethods::isInCube(p,m_lp0,m_lp1));
00148   unsigned x = (unsigned) floor((p(0)-m_lp0(0))/m_dX);
00149   unsigned y = (unsigned) floor((p(1)-m_lp0(1))/m_dY);
00150   unsigned z = (unsigned) floor((p(2)-m_lp0(2))/m_dZ);
00153   return m_matrix3D(z,y,x);
00154 }

Member Data Documentation

unsigned FChessBoard3D::m_dimX [private]

Definition at line 27 of file fchessboard3d.h.

unsigned FChessBoard3D::m_dimY [private]

Definition at line 27 of file fchessboard3d.h.

unsigned FChessBoard3D::m_dimZ [private]

Definition at line 27 of file fchessboard3d.h.

double FChessBoard3D::m_dX [private]

Definition at line 28 of file fchessboard3d.h.

double FChessBoard3D::m_dY [private]

Definition at line 28 of file fchessboard3d.h.

double FChessBoard3D::m_dZ [private]

Definition at line 28 of file fchessboard3d.h.

Definition at line 25 of file fchessboard3d.h.

Definition at line 26 of file fchessboard3d.h.

dealii::Table<3,double> FChessBoard3D::m_matrix3D [private]

Definition at line 33 of file fchessboard3d.h.

Definition at line 23 of file fchessboard3d.h.

Definition at line 24 of file fchessboard3d.h.

StackVector<3,unsigned> FChessBoard3D::Xe [private]

Definition at line 30 of file fchessboard3d.h.

StackVector<3,unsigned> FChessBoard3D::Xi [private]

Definition at line 30 of file fchessboard3d.h.

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