FlashCompositional Class Reference

#include <flashcompositional.h>

Inheritance diagram for FlashCompositional:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for FlashCompositional:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 FlashCompositional (unsigned n_phases, unsigned n_components)
virtual ~FlashCompositional ()
void getNumericTotalVolumeDerivative (double P, const VecDouble &compTotalMoles, VecDouble &compTotalDeriv, double h)
double getNumericFluidCompressibility (double P, const FlashData &data, double tol=1.e-6)
virtual void getPhasesVolume (double P, const FlashData &data, VecDouble &phasesVol)
virtual void flash (double P, const VecDouble &compTotalMoles, FlashData &data)
virtual void flash (Index cell, FlashData &data)
virtual void execute ()
virtual void printOutput ()
virtual const VecDoublegetComponentsMolarMass () const
virtual double getFluidCompressibility (double P, FlashData &data)
virtual void getPhasesViscosities (double P, const FlashData &data, VecDouble &visc)
virtual void getTotalVolumeDerivatives (double P, FlashData &data, VecDouble &dv_dm)

Protected Member Functions

const FlashDataArraygetFlashDataArray ()

Protected Attributes

FlashDataArray m_dataArray

Detailed Description

Definition at line 9 of file flashcompositional.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

FlashCompositional::FlashCompositional ( unsigned  n_phases,
unsigned  n_components 

Definition at line 30 of file flashcompositional.cpp.

00030                                                                                :FlashBase(n_phases,n_components)
00031  {
00034 }

virtual FlashCompositional::~FlashCompositional (  )  [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 20 of file flashcompositional.h.

00020 {}

Member Function Documentation

void FlashCompositional::execute (  )  [virtual]

Implements FlashBase.

Reimplemented in FlashCO2H2O, and FlashSimpleBlackOil.

Definition at line 147 of file flashcompositional.cpp.

00148 {
00149   //Get pressure vector and transport module;
00150   const VecDouble &vP=getDynamicModule().getPressureAtCells();
00151   TransportBase   &trans=getTransportModule();
00152   assert(vP.size() == trans.getSolutionAtCells().size());
00153   assert(trans.getSolutionAtCells().vecs_size() == numComponents());
00154   //Allocate the vector of total components m
00155   static VecDoubleRef m(this->numComponents());
00157   //Initialize data if necessary
00158   if (m_dataArray.size() == 0)
00159   {
00160     m_dataArray.reinit(numPhases(),numComponents(),trans.getSolutionAtCells().size());
00161   }
00163   unsigned nCells = m_dataArray.size();
00164   FlashData data(numPhases(),numComponents(),NULL);
00165   for (unsigned i=0;i<nCells;i++)
00166   {
00167     m_dataArray.getData(i,data);
00168     trans.getSolutionAtCells().getVecValues(i,&m);
00169     this->flash(vP(i),m,data);
00170   }
00171 }

void FlashCompositional::flash ( Index  cell,
FlashData data 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented in FlashSimpleBlackOil.

Definition at line 142 of file flashcompositional.cpp.

00143 {
00144    m_dataArray.getData(cell,data);
00145 }

void FlashCompositional::flash ( double  P,
const VecDouble compTotalMoles,
FlashData data 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented in DummyFlash, FlashCO2Brine, FlashCO2BrinePw, FlashHenryLaw, and FlashSimpleBlackOil.

Definition at line 7 of file flashcompositional.cpp.

00008 {
00009   throw new Exception("Invalid Method called FlashCompositional::flash(double P, double T,const VecDouble &compTotalMoles, FlashData &data)");
00010 }

const VecDouble & FlashCompositional::getComponentsMolarMass (  )  const [virtual]

Get the molar mass for each component

Reimplemented in DummyFlash, FlashCO2Brine, FlashHenryLaw, and FlashSimpleBlackOil.

Definition at line 37 of file flashcompositional.cpp.

00038 {
00039   throw new Exception("This flash module does not override FlashCompositional::getComponentsMolarMass()\nProbably this flash module was not designed for compositional module.\n Please check that reading the config.conf file");
00041 }

const FlashDataArray& FlashCompositional::getFlashDataArray (  )  [inline, protected]

Definition at line 15 of file flashcompositional.h.

00015 {return m_dataArray;} 

double FlashCompositional::getFluidCompressibility ( double  P,
FlashData data 
) [virtual]

Get derivation of total fluid volume in terms of pressure

This function returns the negative of the derivative of the total volume of the mixture with respect to the pressure

P Pressure
data Flash Data having the actual state of the mixture.

Reimplemented in DummyFlash, FlashCO2Brine, FlashCO2BrineUncomp, and FlashSimpleBlackOil.

Definition at line 18 of file flashcompositional.cpp.

00019 {
00020   return getNumericFluidCompressibility(P,data);
00022 }

double FlashCompositional::getNumericFluidCompressibility ( double  P,
const FlashData data,
double  tol = 1.e-6 

This function provides the functionality to calculate numerically the compressibility parameter. Is just used for the children classes in case they dont have a explicit expression to the total fluid compressibility

P Pressure.

Definition at line 57 of file flashcompositional.cpp.

00058 {
00060   double h=P*tol;
00062   static FlashData data1(n_phases,n_components);
00063   static VecDouble totalComponents(n_components);
00064   static VecDouble phasesVol(n_phases);
00065   data1.allocateOwnMemory();
00066   data.getTotalComponentsMoles(totalComponents);
00069   flash(P+h,totalComponents,data1);
00070   getPhasesVolume(P+h,data1,phasesVol);
00071   double volPos=NumericMethods::vectorSum(phasesVol);
00073   flash(P-h,totalComponents,data1);
00074   getPhasesVolume(P-h,data1,phasesVol);
00075   double volNeg=NumericMethods::vectorSum(phasesVol);
00077   return -(volPos-volNeg)/(2*h);
00079 }

void FlashCompositional::getNumericTotalVolumeDerivative ( double  P,
const VecDouble compTotalMoles,
VecDouble compTotalDeriv,
double  h 

Get the derivatives of the total volume with respect of total moles of each component

compTotalMoles Vector indexed by components containing the total amount of moles for each component

Definition at line 88 of file flashcompositional.cpp.

00089 {
00090   static FlashData data(numPhases(),numComponents());
00091   static VecDouble compTotalDX;
00092   static VecDouble phasesVol(numPhases());
00093   compTotalDX=compTotalMoles;
00095   assert(compTotalMoles.size() == compTotalDeriv.size());
00098   for (unsigned cmp=0;cmp<numComponents();cmp++)
00099   {
00100     compTotalDX(cmp)=compTotalMoles(cmp)+h;
00101     flash(P,compTotalDX,data);
00102     getPhasesVolume(P,data,phasesVol);
00103     double posVol=NumericMethods::vectorSum(phasesVol);
00105     compTotalDX(cmp)=compTotalMoles(cmp)-h;
00106     if (compTotalDX(cmp) >= 0.0)
00107     {
00108       flash(P,compTotalDX,data);
00109       getPhasesVolume(P,data,phasesVol);
00110       double negVol=NumericMethods::vectorSum(phasesVol);
00111       compTotalDeriv(cmp)=(posVol-negVol)/(2*h);
00112       compTotalDX(cmp)=compTotalMoles(cmp);
00113     }
00114     else
00115     {
00116       compTotalDX(cmp)=compTotalMoles(cmp);
00117       flash(P,compTotalDX,data);
00118       getPhasesVolume(P,data,phasesVol);
00119       double negVol=NumericMethods::vectorSum(phasesVol);
00120       compTotalDeriv(cmp)=(posVol-negVol)/(h);
00121     }
00124   }
00126 }

void FlashCompositional::getPhasesViscosities ( double  P,
const FlashData data,
VecDouble visc 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented in DummyFlash, FlashCO2Brine, FlashHenryLaw, and FlashSimpleBlackOil.

Definition at line 44 of file flashcompositional.cpp.

00045 {
00046   throw new Exception("This flash module does not override FlashCompositional::getPhasesViscosities()\nProbably this flash module was not designed for compositional module.\n Please check that reading the config.conf file");
00048 }

void FlashCompositional::getPhasesVolume ( double  P,
const FlashData data,
VecDouble phasesVol 
) [virtual]

Get phases volumes

Reimplemented in DummyFlash, FlashCO2Brine, FlashCO2BrinePw, FlashCO2BrineUncomp, FlashHenryLaw, and FlashSimpleBlackOil.

Definition at line 24 of file flashcompositional.cpp.

00025 {
00026   throw new Exception("This flash module does not override FlashCompositional::getPhasesVolume(double P, const FlashData &data, VecDouble &phasesVol)\nProbably this flash module was not designed for compositional models.\n Please check that reading the config.conf file");
00027 }

void FlashCompositional::getTotalVolumeDerivatives ( double  P,
FlashData data,
VecDouble dv_dm 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented in DummyFlash, FlashCO2Brine, FlashCO2BrineUncomp, and FlashSimpleBlackOil.

Definition at line 130 of file flashcompositional.cpp.

00131 {
00132   throw new Exception("This flash module does not implement FlashCompositional:::getTotalVolumeDerivatives(double P,FlashData &data,VecDouble &dv_dm)\nProbably this flash module was not designed for compositional module.\n Please check that by reading the config.conf file");
00134 }

void FlashCompositional::printOutput (  )  [virtual]

Implements FlashBase.

Reimplemented in FlashCO2Brine, FlashHenryLaw, and FlashSimpleBlackOil.

Definition at line 137 of file flashcompositional.cpp.

00138 {
00139   //Empty method by default
00140 }

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 14 of file flashcompositional.h.

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