GnuPlotAnim Member List

This is the complete list of members for GnuPlotAnim, including all inherited members.
define(std::string var, std::string expr)GnuPlot
define(std::string var, double num)GnuPlot
getGnuPlotAnim()GnuPlotAnim [static]
GnuPlotAnim(string strPrefix="SCREEN", string strSufIn="png", string termOptions="")GnuPlotAnim [private]
GnuPlotDeal()GnuPlotDeal [inline]
leaveFiles(int bLeave)GnuPlot
m_argGnuPlot [protected]
m_bLeaveGnuPlot [protected]
m_bPlotGnuPlot [protected]
m_bPlot3DGnuPlot [protected]
m_dirGnuPlot [protected]
m_fileGnuPlot [protected]
m_iDelayGnuPlotAnim [private]
m_iScreenGnuPlotAnim [private]
m_ListGnuPlot [protected]
m_MaxXGnuPlot [protected]
m_MaxYGnuPlot [protected]
m_MinXGnuPlot [protected]
m_MinYGnuPlot [protected]
m_outGnuPlotAnim [private]
m_prefixGnuPlotAnim [private]
m_sufInGnuPlotAnim [private]
m_terminalGnuPlotAnim [private]
newDataFile(std::ofstream &fout)GnuPlot
pause(double dSec, std::string str_comment="")GnuPlot
plot(std::string expr, std::string name="", std::string comp="")GnuPlot
plotCentralValuesAtFixedZ(Triangulation< 3 > &tria, const VecDouble &cSol, string name, string strComp, double atZ)GnuPlotDeal
plotDealBoundary(DoFHandler< 2 > &dofs, unsigned boundary_indicator, std::string name="", std::string strComp="")GnuPlotDeal
plotDealCentralPointsOfFlaggedCells(const Triangulation< 2 > &tria, const VecBool &cVFlags, std::string name="")GnuPlotDeal
plotDealCentralValuesSolution(const Triangulation< 2 > &trig, const VecDouble &cSol, std::string name="", std::string strComp="")GnuPlotDeal
plotDealDeformationGrid2D(DoFHandler< 2 > &dofs, const VecDouble &sol, std::string name="", std::string strComp="")GnuPlotDeal
plotDealFlaggedVertices(const Triangulation< 2 > &tria, const VecBool &vVFlags, std::string name="", std::string strComp="")GnuPlotDeal
plotDealGradComponent(DoFHandler< 2 > &dofs, const VecDouble &sol, unsigned gradComp, std::string name="", std::string strComp="", VecDouble cVWeights=VecDouble())GnuPlotDeal
plotDealGradientField2D(DoFHandler< 2 > &dofs, VecDouble &sol, unsigned deg, bool bScale=true, double factor=1.0, bool bNormalize=false, std::string name="", std::string strComp="")GnuPlotDeal
plotDealGrid2D(const Triangulation< 2 > &tri, std::string name="", std::string strComp="")GnuPlotDeal
plotDealPoints(vector< Point< 2 > > &points, string name="", string strComp="")GnuPlotDeal
plotDealRadDeformationPoints(DoFHandler< 2 > &dof, VecDouble &sol, double degree, double _TOLERANCE, std::string name="", std::string strComp="")GnuPlotDeal
plotDealSolution(DoFHandler< 1 > &dof, const VecDouble &sol, std::string name="", std::string strComp="")GnuPlotDeal
plotDealSolution(DoFHandler< 2 > &dofs, const VecDouble &sol, std::string name, std::string strComp, unsigned deg)GnuPlotDeal
plotDealSolution(DoFHandler< 2 > &dofs, const VecDouble &sol, const VecDouble vU0, const VecDouble vU1, std::string name, std::string strComp, unsigned deg)GnuPlotDeal
plotDealSolution(DoFHandler< 2 > &dofs, const VecDouble &sol, std::string name="", std::string strComp="")GnuPlotDeal
plotDealSolutionAtVertices(Triangulation< 2 > &tria, const VecDouble &vSol, std::string name="", std::string strComp="")GnuPlotDeal
plotDealSolutionAtVertices(Triangulation< 2 > &tria, const VecDouble &vSol, const VecDouble &vU0, const VecDouble &vU1, std::string name="", std::string strComp="", bool bScattered=false)GnuPlotDeal
plotDealSolutionAtVerticesAtX(Triangulation< 2 > &tria, const VecDouble &vSol, double dAtX, std::string name="", std::string strComp="")GnuPlotDeal
plotDealSolutionAtVerticesAtY(Triangulation< 2 > &tria, const VecDouble &vSol, double dAtY, std::string name="", std::string strComp="")GnuPlotDeal
plotDealSolutionAtX(DoFHandler< 2 > &dofs, const VecDouble &sol, std::string name, std::string strComp, unsigned deg, double dAtX)GnuPlotDeal
plotDealSolutionAtY(DoFHandler< 2 > &dofs, const VecDouble &sol, std::string name, std::string strComp, unsigned deg, double dAtY)GnuPlotDeal
plotDealSolutionCentralPointsAtY(Triangulation< 2 > &tria, const VecDouble &vSol, double dAtY, std::string name="", std::string strComp="")GnuPlotDeal
plotDealSolutionComponent(DoFHandler< 2 > &dofs, const VecDouble &sol, unsigned comp, std::string name="", std::string strComp="")GnuPlotDeal
plotDealSolutionDegAtVertex(DoFHandler< 1 > &dof, VecDouble &sol, vector< int > degOfVertex, std::string name="", std::string strComp="")GnuPlotDeal
plotDealVectorField2D(DoFHandler< 2 > &dofs, VecDouble &sol1, VecDouble &sol2, std::string name="", bool bScale=true, std::string strComp="")GnuPlotDeal
plotDealVectorField2DAtCentralPoints(Triangulation< 2 > &tria, VecDouble &V1, VecDouble &V2, double factor=1.0, bool bScale=true, std::string name="", std::string strComp="")GnuPlotDeal
plotDealVectorField2DGaussPoints(DoFHandler< 2 > &dofs, VecDouble &sol1, VecDouble &sol2, std::string name="", bool bScale=true, double factor=1.0, std::string strComp="")GnuPlotDeal
plotDealVectorFieldAtVertices(DoFHandler< 2 > &dofs, VecDouble &sol, unsigned deg1, unsigned deg2, bool bScale=true, double factor=1.0, bool bNormalize=false, std::string name="", std::string strComp="")GnuPlotDeal
plotFunction(const Triangulation< 2 > &tria, Function2D &f, std::string name="", std::string strComp="")GnuPlotDeal
plotFunction1D(Function1D &f, double dStart, double dEnd, int nPoints, std::string name="", std::string strComp="", unsigned deg=0)GnuPlotDeal
plotLineAlongX(OrthoMesh &mesh, const VecDouble &vSol, string name, string strComp, double X1, double Y1)GnuPlotDeal
plotLineAlongZ(OrthoMesh &mesh, const VecDouble &vSol, string name, string strComp, double X1, double Y1)GnuPlotDeal
plotMapInVectors(const VecDouble &v1, const VecDouble &v2, std::string name="", std::string strComp="")GnuPlotDeal
plotPoints(double X[], int lines, int cols, std::string name="", std::string comp="", std::string with="", int bRowOrder=0, int bTrans=0, int blockSize=2147483640)GnuPlot
plotPoints(std::string strFileName, std::string name="", std::string comp="")GnuPlot
plotPoints(std::string strFileName, std::string name, int index1, int index2, int col1, int col2, std::string comp="")GnuPlot
plotPoints3d(double X[], int lines, int cols, std::string name="", std::string comp="", std::string with="", int bRowOrder=0, int bTrans=0, int blockSize=2147483640)GnuPlot
plotPoints3d(std::string strFileName, std::string name="", std::string comp="")GnuPlot
plotShapeFunctionsAtCell(const FiniteElement< 2 > &fe, DoFHandler< 2 >::cell_iterator &cell, unsigned nPoints)GnuPlotDeal
plotSingletonGnuPlotAnim [private, static]
plotVerticeValuesAtFixedZ(Triangulation< 3 > &tria, const VecDouble &vSol, string name, string strComp, double atZ)GnuPlotDeal
plotVerticeValuesAtFixedZ(OrthoMesh &mesh, const VecDouble &vSol, string name, string strComp, double atZ)GnuPlotDeal
runSystemCommand(const char *)GnuPlot
set(std::string var, std::string value)GnuPlot
set(std::string var, int value)GnuPlot
setArg(std::string strArg)GnuPlot
setFileSufix(string strSufix)GnuPlotAnim [inline]
setFont(string font)GnuPlot
setGnuPlotAnim(string strPrefix, string strSufIn, string termOptions="")GnuPlotAnim
setInterval(double minX, double maxX, double minY=0, double maxY=0)GnuPlot
setIntervalX(double minX, double maxX)GnuPlot
setOutput(std::string strOutput)GnuPlot
setOutputEpsMono(std::string strOutput)GnuPlot
setTitle(std::string strTitle)GnuPlot
splot(std::string expr, std::string name="", std::string comp="")GnuPlot
unset(std::string var)GnuPlot
writeDataAlongX(OrthoMesh &mesh, const VecDouble &vSol, double Y, double Z, std::ostream &fout)GnuPlotDeal [static]
writeDataAlongZ(OrthoMesh &mesh, const VecDouble &vSol, double X, double Y, std::ostream &fout)GnuPlotDeal [static]
xRange(double a, double b)GnuPlot
yRange(double a, double b)GnuPlot
zRange(double a, double b)GnuPlot
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