GnuPlotDeal Class Reference

#include <gnuplotdeal.h>

Inheritance diagram for GnuPlotDeal:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for GnuPlotDeal:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 GnuPlotDeal ()
void plotDealSolution (DoFHandler< 1 > &dof, const VecDouble &sol, std::string name="", std::string strComp="")
void plotFunction1D (Function1D &f, double dStart, double dEnd, int nPoints, std::string name="", std::string strComp="", unsigned deg=0)
void plotDealSolution (DoFHandler< 2 > &dofs, const VecDouble &sol, std::string name, std::string strComp, unsigned deg)
void plotDealSolution (DoFHandler< 2 > &dofs, const VecDouble &sol, const VecDouble vU0, const VecDouble vU1, std::string name, std::string strComp, unsigned deg)
void plotDealSolution (DoFHandler< 2 > &dofs, const VecDouble &sol, std::string name="", std::string strComp="")
void plotDealSolutionAtVertices (Triangulation< 2 > &tria, const VecDouble &vSol, std::string name="", std::string strComp="")
void plotDealSolutionAtVertices (Triangulation< 2 > &tria, const VecDouble &vSol, const VecDouble &vU0, const VecDouble &vU1, std::string name="", std::string strComp="", bool bScattered=false)
void plotDealGradComponent (DoFHandler< 2 > &dofs, const VecDouble &sol, unsigned gradComp, std::string name="", std::string strComp="", VecDouble cVWeights=VecDouble())
void plotDealSolutionComponent (DoFHandler< 2 > &dofs, const VecDouble &sol, unsigned comp, std::string name="", std::string strComp="")
void plotDealVectorFieldAtVertices (DoFHandler< 2 > &dofs, VecDouble &sol, unsigned deg1, unsigned deg2, bool bScale=true, double factor=1.0, bool bNormalize=false, std::string name="", std::string strComp="")
void plotDealGradientField2D (DoFHandler< 2 > &dofs, VecDouble &sol, unsigned deg, bool bScale=true, double factor=1.0, bool bNormalize=false, std::string name="", std::string strComp="")
void plotDealVectorField2D (DoFHandler< 2 > &dofs, VecDouble &sol1, VecDouble &sol2, std::string name="", bool bScale=true, std::string strComp="")
void plotDealVectorField2DAtCentralPoints (Triangulation< 2 > &tria, VecDouble &V1, VecDouble &V2, double factor=1.0, bool bScale=true, std::string name="", std::string strComp="")
void plotDealVectorField2DGaussPoints (DoFHandler< 2 > &dofs, VecDouble &sol1, VecDouble &sol2, std::string name="", bool bScale=true, double factor=1.0, std::string strComp="")
void plotDealGrid2D (const Triangulation< 2 > &tri, std::string name="", std::string strComp="")
void plotDealDeformationGrid2D (DoFHandler< 2 > &dofs, const VecDouble &sol, std::string name="", std::string strComp="")
void plotDealBoundary (DoFHandler< 2 > &dofs, unsigned boundary_indicator, std::string name="", std::string strComp="")
void plotDealPoints (vector< Point< 2 > > &points, string name="", string strComp="")
void plotDealSolutionDegAtVertex (DoFHandler< 1 > &dof, VecDouble &sol, vector< int > degOfVertex, std::string name="", std::string strComp="")
void plotDealRadDeformationPoints (DoFHandler< 2 > &dof, VecDouble &sol, double degree, double _TOLERANCE, std::string name="", std::string strComp="")
void plotDealCentralValuesSolution (const Triangulation< 2 > &trig, const VecDouble &cSol, std::string name="", std::string strComp="")
void plotDealCentralPointsOfFlaggedCells (const Triangulation< 2 > &tria, const VecBool &cVFlags, std::string name="")
void plotDealFlaggedVertices (const Triangulation< 2 > &tria, const VecBool &vVFlags, std::string name="", std::string strComp="")
void plotFunction (const Triangulation< 2 > &tria, Function2D &f, std::string name="", std::string strComp="")
void plotDealSolutionAtY (DoFHandler< 2 > &dofs, const VecDouble &sol, std::string name, std::string strComp, unsigned deg, double dAtY)
void plotDealSolutionAtX (DoFHandler< 2 > &dofs, const VecDouble &sol, std::string name, std::string strComp, unsigned deg, double dAtX)
void plotDealSolutionAtVerticesAtY (Triangulation< 2 > &tria, const VecDouble &vSol, double dAtY, std::string name="", std::string strComp="")
void plotDealSolutionAtVerticesAtX (Triangulation< 2 > &tria, const VecDouble &vSol, double dAtX, std::string name="", std::string strComp="")
void plotDealSolutionCentralPointsAtY (Triangulation< 2 > &tria, const VecDouble &vSol, double dAtY, std::string name="", std::string strComp="")
void plotShapeFunctionsAtCell (const FiniteElement< 2 > &fe, DoFHandler< 2 >::cell_iterator &cell, unsigned nPoints)
void plotMapInVectors (const VecDouble &v1, const VecDouble &v2, std::string name="", std::string strComp="")
void plotCentralValuesAtFixedZ (Triangulation< 3 > &tria, const VecDouble &cSol, string name, string strComp, double atZ)
void plotVerticeValuesAtFixedZ (Triangulation< 3 > &tria, const VecDouble &vSol, string name, string strComp, double atZ)
void plotVerticeValuesAtFixedZ (OrthoMesh &mesh, const VecDouble &vSol, string name, string strComp, double atZ)
void plotLineAlongZ (OrthoMesh &mesh, const VecDouble &vSol, string name, string strComp, double X1, double Y1)
void plotLineAlongX (OrthoMesh &mesh, const VecDouble &vSol, string name, string strComp, double X1, double Y1)

Static Public Member Functions

static void writeDataAlongX (OrthoMesh &mesh, const VecDouble &vSol, double Y, double Z, std::ostream &fout)
static void writeDataAlongZ (OrthoMesh &mesh, const VecDouble &vSol, double X, double Y, std::ostream &fout)

Private Attributes

int cnt

Detailed Description

Definition at line 16 of file gnuplotdeal.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

GnuPlotDeal::GnuPlotDeal (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 23 of file gnuplotdeal.h.

00023 {cnt = 0;}

Member Function Documentation

void GnuPlotDeal::plotCentralValuesAtFixedZ ( Triangulation< 3 > &  tria,
const VecDouble cSol,
string  name,
string  strComp,
double  atZ 

Plot vertices values information as a surface plot for a fixed Z value.

tria Triangulation
cSol Solution at cells
name Title of the plot
atZ Fixed Z Value

Definition at line 1544 of file gnuplotdeal.cpp.

01545 {
01546   assert(cSol.size() == tria.n_active_cells());
01547   string strFileName = getDataFileName(); 
01548   m_List.push_back(strFileName); 
01549   std::ofstream fout(strFileName.c_str());
01551   fout << "#Central Values at Z = " << atZ <<  endl;
01553   Triangulation<3>::active_cell_iterator cell = tria.begin_active(),
01554                                          endc = tria.end();
01555   for (; cell!=endc; ++cell)
01556   {
01557     if ( atZ > cell->vertex(VERTEX_000)[2] && atZ < cell->vertex(VERTEX_001)[2])
01558     {
01559       fout << cell->vertex(VERTEX_000)[0] << " " << cell->vertex(VERTEX_000)[1] << " " << cSol(cell->index()) << "\n";
01560       fout << cell->vertex(VERTEX_100)[0] << " " << cell->vertex(VERTEX_100)[1] << " " << cSol(cell->index()) << "\n";
01561       fout << cell->vertex(VERTEX_110)[0] << " " << cell->vertex(VERTEX_110)[1] << " " << cSol(cell->index()) << "\n";
01562       fout << cell->vertex(VERTEX_010)[0] << " " << cell->vertex(VERTEX_010)[1] << " " << cSol(cell->index()) << "\n";
01563       fout << cell->vertex(VERTEX_000)[0] << " " << cell->vertex(VERTEX_000)[1] << " " << cSol(cell->index()) << "\n";
01564       fout << endl << endl;
01565     }
01566   }
01567   fout.close();
01569   plotPoints3d(strFileName,name,strComp);
01571   return;
01575 }

void GnuPlotDeal::plotDealBoundary ( DoFHandler< 2 > &  dofs,
unsigned  boundary_indicator,
std::string  name = "",
std::string  strComp = "" 




Definition at line 653 of file gnuplotdeal.cpp.

00654 {
00655   const FiniteElement<2>       &fe           = dofs.get_fe();
00656   std::vector<unsigned int>       face_dofs (fe.dofs_per_face,DoFHandler<2>::invalid_dof_index);
00657   std::vector<Point<2> >       dof_locations (face_dofs.size(), Point<2>());
00658   std::vector<double>            dof_values_scalar (fe.dofs_per_face);
00659   std::vector<Point<2-1> >     unit_support_points = fe.get_unit_face_support_points();
00660   assert(unit_support_points.size() !=0);   //Tem que ser os elementos que estou habituado
00661   assert(fe.is_primitive());
00662   Quadrature<2-1>              aux_quad (unit_support_points);
00663   FEFaceValues<2>              fe_values (fe, aux_quad, update_q_points);
00664   string strFileName = getDataFileName(); 
00665   m_List.push_back(strFileName); 
00666   std::ofstream fout(strFileName.c_str());
00667   if (m_bPlot3D)
00668   {
00669           std::cerr << "Graficos 2D e 3D na mesma cena nao pode ser feito\n";
00670           this->finalize();
00671   }
00672   fout << "#Boundary Plotted by Deal for GnuPlot. Format <X,Y> <X,Y>\n";
00674   DoFHandler<2>::active_cell_iterator cell = dofs.begin_active(),endc=dofs.end();
00675   for (; cell!=endc; ++cell)
00676   {
00677     for (unsigned int face_no = 0; face_no < GeometryInfo<2>::faces_per_cell;++face_no)
00678     {
00679       DoFHandler<2>::face_iterator face = cell->face(face_no);
00680       if (face->boundary_indicator() == boundary_indicator)
00681       {
00682            for (unsigned i=0;i<2;i++)
00683            {
00684              fout << face->vertex(i)(0) << " " << face->vertex(i)(1) << std::endl;
00685            }
00686       }
00687       fout << endl;
00688     }
00689   }
00690   fout.close();
00691   if (!m_bPlot) {
00692     fprintf(m_file,"plot \"%s\" %s title \"%s\" ",strFileName.c_str(),strComp.c_str(),name.c_str());    
00693     m_bPlot = true;
00694   }
00695   else {
00696     fprintf(m_file,", \"%s\" %s title \"%s\"",strFileName.c_str(),strComp.c_str(),name.c_str());        
00697   }
00698 }

void GnuPlotDeal::plotDealCentralPointsOfFlaggedCells ( const Triangulation< 2 > &  tria,
const VecBool cVFlags,
std::string  name = "" 

Objetivo: Plotar os pontos centrais de todas as celulas marcadas com flag em cVFlags

Definition at line 967 of file gnuplotdeal.cpp.

00968 {
00969   assert(cVFlags.size() == tria.n_active_cells());
00970   string strFileName = getDataFileName(); 
00971   m_List.push_back(strFileName); 
00972   std::ofstream fout(strFileName.c_str());
00974   fout << "#Plotted Central Points of Flagged Cells" << endl;
00976   Triangulation<2>::active_cell_iterator cell = tria.begin_active(),
00977                                            endc = tria.end();
00978   bool bFileEmpty=true;
00979   for (; cell!=endc; ++cell)
00980   {
00981     if (cVFlags[cell->index()])
00982     {
00983       bFileEmpty=false;
00984       for (unsigned j=0;j<2;j++)
00985         fout << cell->barycenter()[j] << " ";
00986       fout << 0 << "\n";
00987     }
00988   }
00989   if (!bFileEmpty)
00990   {
00991     fout.close();
00992     if (2 == 2)
00993       plotPoints3d(strFileName,name,"with points");
00994     else
00995       plotPoints(strFileName,name,"with points");
00996   }
00997   return;
01000 }

void GnuPlotDeal::plotDealCentralValuesSolution ( const Triangulation< 2 > &  trig,
const VecDouble cSol,
std::string  name = "",
std::string  strComp = "" 

Objetivo: Plotar solucoes que sao constantes por celulas usando um vetor de solucao indexado pelos indices da celula.

Parametros: cSol = Solucao Cenral name = Nome do grafico. strComp = Complemento.


Definition at line 855 of file gnuplotdeal.cpp.

00856 {
00857   assert(cSol.size() == trig.n_active_cells());
00858   string strFileName = getDataFileName(); 
00859   m_List.push_back(strFileName); 
00860   std::ofstream fout(strFileName.c_str());
00862   fout << "#Plotted For Const Central Values" << endl;
00864   Triangulation<2>::active_cell_iterator cell = trig.begin_active(),
00865                                            endc = trig.end();
00866   for (; cell!=endc; ++cell)
00867   {
00868     fout << cell->vertex(0)[0] << " " << cell->vertex(0)[1] << " " << cSol(cell->index()) << "\n";
00869     fout << cell->vertex(1)[0] << " " << cell->vertex(1)[1] << " " << cSol(cell->index()) << "\n";
00870     fout << cell->vertex(2)[0] << " " << cell->vertex(2)[1] << " " << cSol(cell->index()) << "\n";
00871     fout << cell->vertex(3)[0] << " " << cell->vertex(3)[1] << " " << cSol(cell->index()) << "\n";
00872     fout << cell->vertex(0)[0] << " " << cell->vertex(0)[1] << " " << cSol(cell->index()) << "\n";
00873     fout << endl << endl;
00874   }
00875   fout.close();
00877   plotPoints3d(strFileName,name,strComp);
00879   return;
00881 }

void GnuPlotDeal::plotDealDeformationGrid2D ( DoFHandler< 2 > &  dofs,
const VecDouble sol,
std::string  name = "",
std::string  strComp = "" 

Objetivo: Somar aos pontos da triangulacao um deslocamento

Parametros: dofs = DofHandler sol = Solucao contendo o deslocamento a ser adicionado em cada ponto nodal Retorno:

Pre: Grau de Liberdade da malha ser igual ao da dimensao do espaco

Definition at line 590 of file gnuplotdeal.cpp.

00591 {
00592   string strFileName = getDataFileName(); 
00593   m_List.push_back(strFileName); 
00594   std::ofstream fout(strFileName.c_str());
00595   if (m_bPlot3D)
00596   {
00597           std::cerr << "Graficos 2D e 3D na mesma cena nao pode ser feito\n";
00598           this->finalize();
00599   }
00600   fout << "#Grid Plotted by Deal. Format <X,Y>\n";
00601   const unsigned int   dofs_per_cell = dofs.get_fe().dofs_per_cell;
00602   std::vector<unsigned int> local_dof_indices (dofs_per_cell);
00604   DoFHandler<2>::active_cell_iterator cell = dofs.begin_active(),
00605                                       endc = dofs.end();
00606   unsigned iVertex;
00608   //assert(dofs.get_fe().n_dofs_per_vertex()==2);
00610   for (; cell!=endc; ++cell)
00611   {
00612     //Para todos os vertices:
00613     for (iVertex=0;iVertex<GeometryInfo<2>::vertices_per_cell;iVertex++)
00614     {
00615       for (unsigned deg=0;deg<2;deg++)
00616       {
00617         fout << cell->vertex(iVertex)[deg]+sol(cell->vertex_dof_index(iVertex,deg)) << " ";
00618       }
00620       fout << endl;
00621     }
00622     iVertex=0;
00623     for (unsigned deg=0;deg<2;deg++)
00624     {
00625       fout << cell->vertex(iVertex)[deg]+sol(cell->vertex_dof_index(iVertex,deg)) << " ";
00626     }
00627     fout << endl;
00628     fout<< endl;
00629   }
00630   fout.close();
00632   if (!m_bPlot) {
00633     fprintf(m_file,"plot \"%s\" %s title \"%s\" ",strFileName.c_str(),strComp.c_str(),name.c_str());    
00634     m_bPlot = true;
00635   }
00636   else {
00637     fprintf(m_file,", \"%s\" %s title \"%s\"",strFileName.c_str(),strComp.c_str(),name.c_str());        
00638   }
00640   return;
00641 }

void GnuPlotDeal::plotDealFlaggedVertices ( const Triangulation< 2 > &  tria,
const VecBool vVFlags,
std::string  name = "",
std::string  strComp = "" 

Objetivo: Plotar todos os vertices que estejam setados como true.

Definition at line 1008 of file gnuplotdeal.cpp.

01009 {
01010   assert(vVFlags.size() == tria.n_vertices());
01011   string strFileName = getDataFileName(); 
01012   m_List.push_back(strFileName); 
01013   std::ofstream fout(strFileName.c_str());
01014   bool empty=true;
01016   fout << "#Plotted Vertice Points of Flagged Cells" << endl;
01017   Triangulation<2>::active_cell_iterator cell = tria.begin_active(),
01018                                            endc = tria.end();
01019   for (; cell!=endc; ++cell)
01020   {
01021     for (unsigned i =0;i<GeometryInfo<2>::vertices_per_cell;i++)
01022     {
01023       if (vVFlags[cell->vertex_index(i)])
01024       {
01025         for (unsigned j=0;j<2;j++)
01026             fout << cell->vertex(i)[j] << " ";
01027         fout << "0 \n";
01028         empty=false;
01030       }
01031     }
01032   }
01033   fout << endl;
01034   fout.close();
01035   if (empty)
01036     return;
01037   if (2 == 2)
01038     plotPoints3d(strFileName,name,strComp);
01039   else
01040     plotPoints(strFileName,name,strComp);
01041   return;
01045 }

void GnuPlotDeal::plotDealGradComponent ( DoFHandler< 2 > &  dofs,
const VecDouble sol,
unsigned  gradComp,
std::string  name = "",
std::string  strComp = "",
VecDouble  cVWeights = VecDouble () 

Objetivo: Plotar gradientes



Definition at line 1334 of file gnuplotdeal.cpp.

01335 {
01336   assert(cVWeights.size() == 0 || cVWeights.size() == dofs.get_tria().n_active_cells());
01338   string strFileName = getDataFileName(); 
01339   m_List.push_back(strFileName); 
01340   std::ofstream fout(strFileName.c_str());
01341   double factor;
01342   const unsigned int   dofs_per_cell = dofs.get_fe().dofs_per_cell;
01343   std::vector<unsigned int> local_dof_indices (dofs_per_cell);
01345   DoFHandler<2>::active_cell_iterator cell = dofs.begin_active(),
01346                                         endc = dofs.end();
01348   std::vector< Point<2> > points;
01349   points.push_back(Point<2>(0,0));
01350   points.push_back(Point<2>(1,0));
01351   points.push_back(Point<2>(1,1));
01352   points.push_back(Point<2>(0,1));
01353   points.push_back(Point<2>(0,0));
01356   Quadrature<2> quad(points);
01358   FEValues<2> fe_values (dofs.get_fe(), quad, 
01359                          UpdateFlags(update_gradients|update_q_points));
01360   for (; cell!=endc; ++cell)
01361   {
01362     cell->get_dof_indices (local_dof_indices);
01363     fe_values.reinit(cell);
01364     if (cVWeights.size() != 0)
01365       factor = cVWeights(cell->index());
01366     else
01367       factor = 1;
01368     for (unsigned qPoint=0;qPoint<quad.n_quadrature_points;qPoint++)
01369     {
01370       double result=0;
01371       for (unsigned i=0;i<dofs_per_cell;i++)
01372         result += factor*sol(local_dof_indices[i])*fe_values.shape_grad(i,qPoint)[gradComp];
01373       fout << fe_values.quadrature_point(qPoint)[0] << " " << fe_values.quadrature_point(qPoint)[1] << " " << result << endl;
01374     }
01375     fout << endl << endl;
01376   }
01377   fout.close();
01378   plotPoints3d(strFileName,name,strComp);
01380 }

void GnuPlotDeal::plotDealGradientField2D ( DoFHandler< 2 > &  dofs,
VecDouble sol,
unsigned  deg,
bool  bScale = true,
double  factor = 1.0,
bool  bNormalize = false,
std::string  name = "",
std::string  strComp = "" 

Objetivo: Plotar o gradiente de uma solucao de elementos finitos

Parametros: sol = Vetor Solucao nos graus de liberdade bScale = Se os vetores devem ser escalonados ou se todos devem ter tamanho iguais a "factor". factor = Fator de multiplicidade a ser aplicado a todos os vetores do campo de gradiente name = Nome do grafico strCom = String de opcoes de plotagem "Ver manual do Gnuplot"


Definition at line 386 of file gnuplotdeal.cpp.

00387 {
00388   std::vector<Point<2> > Verts(4);
00389   Verts.push_back(Point<2> (0,0));
00390   Verts.push_back(Point<2> (1,0));
00391   Verts.push_back(Point<2> (1,1));
00392   Verts.push_back(Point<2> (0,1));
00394   Quadrature<2> quadrature(Verts);
00395   FEValues<2> fe_values (dofs.get_fe(), quadrature, 
00396                          UpdateFlags(update_gradients|update_q_points));
00397   std::ofstream fout;
00398   std::string strFileName = newDataFile(fout);
00399   unsigned dofs_per_cell = dofs.get_fe().dofs_per_cell;
00400   unsigned n_q_points = fe_values.n_quadrature_points;
00401   vector<unsigned> dofIndices(dofs.get_fe().dofs_per_cell);
00403   DoFHandler<2>::active_cell_iterator cell = dofs.begin_active(),
00404                                         endc = dofs.end();
00405   Point<2> Q,QAux;
00406   Tensor<1,2> V,VAux;
00407   double maxHyp=0.0;
00408   for (;cell!=endc; ++cell)
00409   {
00410     fe_values.reinit(cell);
00411     cell->get_dof_indices(dofIndices);
00412     for (unsigned q=0;q<n_q_points;q++)
00413     {
00414       Q = fe_values.quadrature_point(q);
00415       V*=0;
00416       for (unsigned i=0;i<dofs_per_cell;i++)
00417       {
00418         V += sol(dofIndices[i])*fe_values.shape_grad_component(i,q,deg);
00419       }
00420       double hyp = hypot(V[0],V[1]);
00421       if (bNormalize)
00422       {
00423         V/=hyp;
00424         hyp=1.0;
00425       }
00426       if (hyp > maxHyp) maxHyp = hyp;
00428       fout << Q(0) << " " << Q(1) << " " << V[0] << " " << V[1] << " " << endl;
00429       if (q == 0)
00430       {
00431         QAux = Q;
00432         VAux = V;
00433       }
00434     }
00435     fout << QAux(0) << " " << QAux(1) << " " << VAux[0] << " " << VAux[1] << " " << endl;
00436     fout << endl <<endl;
00437   }
00438   fout.close();
00439   double rad = dofs.begin_active()->diameter()/2.0;
00441   char strAux[100];
00442   if (bScale)
00443     sprintf(strAux," using 1:2:(%g*$3):(%g*$4) with vector ",factor*rad/maxHyp,factor*rad/maxHyp);
00444   else
00445     sprintf(strAux," with vector ");
00447   std::string strWith = strAux; 
00448   strWith+=strComp;
00449   plotPoints(strFileName,name,strWith);
00450 }

void GnuPlotDeal::plotDealGrid2D ( const Triangulation< 2 > &  tri,
std::string  name = "",
std::string  strComp = "" 




Definition at line 475 of file gnuplotdeal.cpp.

00476 {
00477   string strFileName = getDataFileName(); 
00478   m_List.push_back(strFileName); 
00479   std::ofstream fout(strFileName.c_str());
00480   GridOut grid_out;
00481   grid_out.write_gnuplot(tri, fout);
00482   this->plotPoints(strFileName,name,strComp);
00484 }

void GnuPlotDeal::plotDealPoints ( vector< Point< 2 > > &  points,
string  name = "",
string  strComp = "" 




Definition at line 707 of file gnuplotdeal.cpp.

00708 {
00709   string strFileName = getDataFileName(); 
00710   m_List.push_back(strFileName); 
00711   std::ofstream fout(strFileName.c_str());
00713   if (m_bPlot3D)
00714   {
00715           std::cerr << "Graficos 2D e 3D na mesma cena nao pode ser feito\n";
00716           this->finalize();
00717   }
00718   fout << "#Plot Points sequence by Deal for GnuPlot. Format <X,Y> <X,Y>\n";
00719   for (unsigned i=0;i<points.size();i++)
00720   {
00721     fout << points[i](0) << " " << points[i](1) << endl;
00723   }
00724   fout.close();
00725   if (!m_bPlot) {
00726     fprintf(m_file,"plot \"%s\" %s title \"%s\" ",strFileName.c_str(),strComp.c_str(),name.c_str());    
00727     m_bPlot = true;
00728   }
00729   else {
00730     fprintf(m_file,", \"%s\" %s title \"%s\"",strFileName.c_str(),strComp.c_str(),name.c_str());        
00731   }
00732 }

void GnuPlotDeal::plotDealRadDeformationPoints ( DoFHandler< 2 > &  dofs,
VecDouble sol,
double  degree,
double  _TOLERANCE,
std::string  name = "",
std::string  strComp = "" 




Definition at line 741 of file gnuplotdeal.cpp.

00742 {
00743   string strFileName = getDataFileName(); 
00744   m_List.push_back(strFileName); 
00745   std::ofstream fout(strFileName.c_str());
00746   if (m_bPlot3D)
00747   {
00748           std::cerr << "Graficos 2D e 3D na mesma cena nao pode ser feito\n";
00749           this->finalize();
00750   }
00751   fout << "#Grid Plotted by Deal. Format <Inital Raio,End Raio>\n";
00752   const unsigned int   dofs_per_cell = dofs.get_fe().dofs_per_cell;
00753   std::vector<unsigned int> local_dof_indices (dofs_per_cell);
00755   DoFHandler<2>::active_cell_iterator cell = dofs.begin_active(),
00756                                       endc = dofs.end();
00757   unsigned iVertex;
00759   degree=degree*M_PI/180.0;
00762   assert(dofs.get_fe().n_dofs_per_vertex()==2);
00764   for (; cell!=endc; ++cell)
00765   {
00768     //Para todos os vertices:
00769     for (iVertex=0;iVertex<GeometryInfo<2>::vertices_per_cell;iVertex++)
00770     {
00771       const Point<2> &P = cell->vertex(iVertex);
00772       if (fabs(atan(P[1]/P[0]) - degree) < _TOLERANCE)
00773       {
00774         fout << hypot(P[0],P[1]) << " " << hypot(sol(cell->vertex_dof_index(iVertex,0)),sol(cell->vertex_dof_index(iVertex,1))) << "\n";
00775       }
00776     }
00777   }
00778   fout.close();
00780   if (!m_bPlot) {
00781     fprintf(m_file,"plot \"%s\" %s title \"%s\" ",strFileName.c_str(),strComp.c_str(),name.c_str());    
00782     m_bPlot = true;
00783   }
00784   else {
00785     fprintf(m_file,", \"%s\" %s title \"%s\"",strFileName.c_str(),strComp.c_str(),name.c_str());        
00786   }
00788   return;
00790 }

void GnuPlotDeal::plotDealSolution ( DoFHandler< 2 > &  dofs,
const VecDouble sol,
std::string  name = "",
std::string  strComp = "" 




Definition at line 104 of file gnuplotdeal.cpp.

00105 {
00106   unsigned i=0,deg=0;
00107   string strFileName = getDataFileName(); 
00108   m_List.push_back(strFileName); 
00109   std::ofstream fout(strFileName.c_str());
00110   fout << "#Plotando x y + (todos graus de liberdade) " << deg << std::endl;  
00111   if (m_bPlot)
00112   {
00113           std::cerr << "Graficos 2D e 3D na mesma cena nao pode ser feito\n";
00114           this->finalize();
00115   }
00116   const unsigned int   dofs_per_cell = dofs.get_fe().dofs_per_cell;
00117   std::vector<unsigned int> local_dof_indices (dofs_per_cell);
00118   DoFHandler<2>::active_cell_iterator cell = dofs.begin_active(),
00119     endc = dofs.end();
00120   unsigned n_components = dofs.get_fe().n_components();
00121   for (; cell!=endc; ++cell)
00122   {
00123     cell->get_dof_indices (local_dof_indices);
00124     for (i=0;i<GeometryInfo<2>::vertices_per_cell;i++)
00125     {
00126       fout << cell->vertex(i)[0] << " " << cell->vertex(i)[1] << " ";
00127       for (deg=0;deg<n_components;deg++)
00128         fout << sol(cell->vertex_dof_index(i,deg)) << " ";
00129       fout << endl;
00130     }
00131     i=0;
00132     fout << cell->vertex(i)[0] << " " << cell->vertex(i)[1] << " ";
00133     for (deg=0;deg<n_components;deg++)
00134       fout << sol(cell->vertex_dof_index(i,deg)) << " ";
00135     fout << endl<<endl<<endl;
00136   }
00138   if (!m_bPlot3D) {
00139     fprintf(m_file,"splot \"%s\" %s title \"%s\" ",strFileName.c_str(),strComp.c_str(),name.c_str());   
00140     m_bPlot3D = true;
00141   }
00142   else {
00143     fprintf(m_file,", \"%s\" %s title \"%s\"",strFileName.c_str(),strComp.c_str(),name.c_str());        
00144   }
00146   return;
00147 }

void GnuPlotDeal::plotDealSolution ( DoFHandler< 2 > &  dofs,
const VecDouble sol,
const VecDouble  vU0,
const VecDouble  vU1,
std::string  name,
std::string  strComp,
unsigned  deg 




Definition at line 1096 of file gnuplotdeal.cpp.

01097 {
01098   assert(vU0.size() == dofs.get_tria().n_vertices());
01099   assert(vU1.size() == dofs.get_tria().n_vertices());
01101   unsigned i=0;
01102   string strFileName = getDataFileName(); 
01103   m_List.push_back(strFileName); 
01104   std::ofstream fout(strFileName.c_str());
01105   fout << "#Plotando x y f(x,y) no grau de liberdade " << deg << std::endl;  
01107   const unsigned int   dofs_per_cell = dofs.get_fe().dofs_per_cell;
01108   std::vector<unsigned int> local_dof_indices (dofs_per_cell);
01110   DoFHandler<2>::active_cell_iterator cell = dofs.begin_active(),
01111                                       endc = dofs.end();
01113   for (; cell!=endc; ++cell)
01114   {
01115     cell->get_dof_indices (local_dof_indices);
01116     for (i =0;i<GeometryInfo<2>::vertices_per_cell;i++)
01117     {
01118       fout << cell->vertex(i)[0] + vU0(cell->vertex_index(i)) << " ";
01119       fout << cell->vertex(i)[1] + vU1(cell->vertex_index(i)) << " ";
01120       fout << sol(cell->vertex_dof_index(i,deg)) << "\n"; 
01121     }
01122     i=0;
01123     fout << cell->vertex(i)[0] + vU0(cell->vertex_index(i)) << " ";
01124     fout << cell->vertex(i)[1] + vU1(cell->vertex_index(i)) << " ";
01125     fout << sol(cell->vertex_dof_index(i,deg)) << "\n\n\n"; 
01126   }
01127   fout.close();
01129   plotPoints3d(strFileName,name,strComp);
01131   return;
01133 }

void GnuPlotDeal::plotDealSolution ( DoFHandler< 2 > &  dofs,
const VecDouble sol,
std::string  name,
std::string  strComp,
unsigned  deg 

Objetivo: Plotar um determinado grau de liberdade num espaço de dimensao 2.

Parametros: dof = DofHandler. sol = Vetor de solucoes. name = Titulo do grafico. strComp = Complemento. deg = Numero do grau de liberdade a ser plotado. Retorno:

Definition at line 160 of file gnuplotdeal.cpp.

00161 {
00162   unsigned i=0;
00163   string strFileName = getDataFileName(); 
00164   m_List.push_back(strFileName); 
00165   std::ofstream fout(strFileName.c_str());
00166   fout << "#Plotando x y f(x,y) no grau de liberdade " << deg << std::endl;  
00168   const unsigned int   dofs_per_cell = dofs.get_fe().dofs_per_cell;
00169   std::vector<unsigned int> local_dof_indices (dofs_per_cell);
00171   DoFHandler<2>::active_cell_iterator cell = dofs.begin_active(),
00172                                       endc = dofs.end();
00173   fout.precision(10);
00174   for (; cell!=endc; ++cell)
00175   {
00176     cell->get_dof_indices (local_dof_indices);
00177     for (i=0;i<GeometryInfo<2>::vertices_per_cell;i++)
00178       fout << cell->vertex(i)[0] << " " << cell->vertex(i)[1] << " " << sol(cell->vertex_dof_index(i,deg)) << endl;
00179     i=0;
00180     fout << cell->vertex(i)[0] << " " << cell->vertex(i)[1] << " " << sol(cell->vertex_dof_index(i,deg)) << endl << endl << endl;
00181   }
00182   fout.close();
00184   plotPoints3d(strFileName,name,strComp);
00186   return;
00187 }

void GnuPlotDeal::plotDealSolution ( DoFHandler< 1 > &  dof,
const VecDouble sol,
std::string  name = "",
std::string  strComp = "" 

Objetivo: Plotar solucao 1D

Parametros: dof = DofHandler sol = Vetor contendo as solucoes nos graus de liberdade


Definition at line 21 of file gnuplotdeal.cpp.

00022 {
00023   string strFileName = getDataFileName(); 
00024   m_List.push_back(strFileName); 
00025   std::ofstream fout(strFileName.c_str());
00026   if (m_bPlot3D)
00027   {
00028           std::cerr << "Graficos 2D e 3D na mesma cena nao pode ser feito\n";
00029           this->finalize();
00030   }
00031   DataOut<1> data_out;
00032   data_out.attach_dof_handler (dof);
00033   data_out.add_data_vector ((DealVecDouble&)sol, name);
00034   data_out.build_patches ();
00035   data_out.write_gnuplot (fout);
00036   if (!m_bPlot) {
00037     fprintf(m_file,"plot \"%s\" %s title \"%s\" ",strFileName.c_str(),strComp.c_str(),name.c_str());    
00038     m_bPlot = true;
00039   }
00040   else {
00041     fprintf(m_file,", \"%s\" %s title \"%s\"",strFileName.c_str(),strComp.c_str(),name.c_str());        
00042   }
00043   return;
00046 }

void GnuPlotDeal::plotDealSolutionAtVertices ( Triangulation< 2 > &  tria,
const VecDouble vSol,
const VecDouble vU0,
const VecDouble vU1,
std::string  name = "",
std::string  strComp = "",
bool  bScattered = false 

Definition at line 917 of file gnuplotdeal.cpp.

00918 {
00919   assert(vU0.size()  == tria.n_vertices());
00920   assert(vU1.size()  == tria.n_vertices());
00921   assert(vSol.size() == tria.n_vertices());
00922   unsigned i;
00923   string strFileName = getDataFileName(); 
00924   m_List.push_back(strFileName); 
00925   std::ofstream fout(strFileName.c_str());
00927   fout << "#Plotted For Vertices Values With Deformation" << endl;
00929   Triangulation<2>::active_cell_iterator cell = tria.begin_active(),
00930                                            endc = tria.end();
00931   for (; cell!=endc; ++cell)
00932   {
00933     for (i =0;i<GeometryInfo<2>::vertices_per_cell;i++)
00934     {
00935       fout << cell->vertex(i)[0] + vU0(cell->vertex_index(i)) << " ";
00936       fout << cell->vertex(i)[1] + vU1(cell->vertex_index(i)) << " ";
00937       fout << vSol(cell->vertex_index(i)) << "\n"; 
00938     }
00939     if (!bScattered)
00940     {
00941       i=0;
00942       fout << cell->vertex(i)[0] + vU0(cell->vertex_index(i)) << " ";
00943       fout << cell->vertex(i)[1] + vU1(cell->vertex_index(i)) << " ";
00944       fout << vSol(cell->vertex_index(i)) << "\n\n\n"; 
00945     }
00946   }
00947   fout.close();
00949   plotPoints3d(strFileName,name,strComp);
00950   return;
00952 }

void GnuPlotDeal::plotDealSolutionAtVertices ( Triangulation< 2 > &  tria,
const VecDouble vSol,
std::string  name = "",
std::string  strComp = "" 

Definition at line 883 of file gnuplotdeal.cpp.

00884 {
00885   assert(vSol.size() == tria.n_vertices());
00886   string strFileName = getDataFileName(); 
00887   m_List.push_back(strFileName); 
00888   std::ofstream fout(strFileName.c_str());
00889   unsigned i;
00890   fout << "#Plotted For Vertices Values" << endl;
00892   Triangulation<2>::active_cell_iterator cell = tria.begin_active(),
00893                                            endc = tria.end();
00894   for (; cell!=endc; ++cell)
00895   {
00896     for (i =0;i<GeometryInfo<2>::vertices_per_cell;i++)
00897     {
00898       for (unsigned j=0;j<2;j++)
00899         fout << cell->vertex(i)[j] << " ";
00900       fout << vSol(cell->vertex_index(i)) << "\n"; 
00901     }
00902     i=0;
00903     for (unsigned j=0;j<2;j++)
00904       fout << cell->vertex(i)[j] << " ";
00905     fout << vSol(cell->vertex_index(i)) << "\n"; 
00908     fout << "\n\n";
00909   }
00910   fout.close();
00911   plotPoints3d(strFileName,name,strComp);
00912   return;
00914 }

void GnuPlotDeal::plotDealSolutionAtVerticesAtX ( Triangulation< 2 > &  tria,
const VecDouble vSol,
double  dAtX,
std::string  name = "",
std::string  strComp = "" 




Definition at line 1456 of file gnuplotdeal.cpp.

01457 {
01458   string strFileName = getDataFileName(); 
01459   m_List.push_back(strFileName); 
01460   std::ofstream fout(strFileName.c_str());
01461   fout << "#Plotando x y f(x,y) em " << dAtX << std::endl;  
01463   Triangulation<2>::active_cell_iterator cell = tria.begin_active();
01464   Triangulation<2>::active_cell_iterator endc = tria.end();
01466   double Tolerance = fabs(cell->vertex(BL_VERTEX)[1] - cell->vertex(UL_VERTEX)[1])/2.0;
01467   for (; cell!=endc; ++cell)
01468   {
01469     if ( fabs(cell->vertex(BL_VERTEX)[0]-dAtX) < Tolerance && fabs(cell->vertex(UL_VERTEX)[0]-dAtX) < Tolerance)
01470     {
01471       fout << cell->vertex(BL_VERTEX)[1] << " " << vSol(cell->vertex_index(BL_VERTEX)) << endl;
01472       fout << cell->vertex(UL_VERTEX)[1] << " " << vSol(cell->vertex_index(UL_VERTEX)) << endl << endl << endl;
01473     }
01474     else if ( fabs(cell->vertex(BR_VERTEX)[0]-dAtX) < Tolerance && fabs(cell->vertex(UR_VERTEX)[0]-dAtX) < Tolerance)
01475     {
01476       fout << cell->vertex(BR_VERTEX)[1] << " " << vSol(cell->vertex_index(BR_VERTEX)) << endl;
01477       fout << cell->vertex(UR_VERTEX)[1] << " " << vSol(cell->vertex_index(UR_VERTEX)) << endl << endl << endl;
01478     }
01480   }
01481   fout.close();
01483   plotPoints(strFileName,name,strComp);
01485   return;
01487 }

void GnuPlotDeal::plotDealSolutionAtVerticesAtY ( Triangulation< 2 > &  tria,
const VecDouble vSol,
double  dAtY,
std::string  name = "",
std::string  strComp = "" 

Definition at line 1192 of file gnuplotdeal.cpp.

01193 {
01194   string strFileName = getDataFileName(); 
01195   m_List.push_back(strFileName); 
01196   std::ofstream fout(strFileName.c_str());
01197   fout << "#Plotando x y f(x,y) nos vertices com Y == " << dAtY << std::endl;  
01200   Triangulation<2>::active_cell_iterator cell = tria.begin_active(),
01201                                          endc = tria.end();
01203   double Tolerance = fabs(cell->vertex(BL_VERTEX)[1] - cell->vertex(UL_VERTEX)[1])/2.0;
01204   for (; cell!=endc; ++cell)
01205   {
01206     if ( fabs(cell->vertex(BL_VERTEX)[1]-dAtY) < Tolerance && fabs(cell->vertex(BR_VERTEX)[1]-dAtY) < Tolerance)
01207     {
01208       fout << cell->vertex(BL_VERTEX)[0] << " " << vSol(cell->vertex_index(BL_VERTEX)) << endl;
01209       fout << cell->vertex(BR_VERTEX)[0] << " " << vSol(cell->vertex_index(BR_VERTEX)) << endl << endl << endl;
01210     }
01211     else if ( fabs(cell->vertex(UL_VERTEX)[1]-dAtY) < Tolerance && fabs(cell->vertex(UR_VERTEX)[1]-dAtY) < Tolerance)
01212     {
01213       fout << cell->vertex(UL_VERTEX)[0] << " " << vSol(cell->vertex_index(UL_VERTEX)) << endl;
01214       fout << cell->vertex(UR_VERTEX)[0] << " " << vSol(cell->vertex_index(UR_VERTEX)) << endl << endl << endl;
01215     }
01217   }
01218   fout.close();
01220   plotPoints(strFileName,name,strComp);
01222   return;
01224 }

void GnuPlotDeal::plotDealSolutionAtX ( DoFHandler< 2 > &  dofs,
const VecDouble sol,
std::string  name,
std::string  strComp,
unsigned  deg,
double  dAtX 




Definition at line 1233 of file gnuplotdeal.cpp.

01234 {
01235   string strFileName = getDataFileName(); 
01236   m_List.push_back(strFileName); 
01237   std::ofstream fout(strFileName.c_str());
01238   fout << "#Plotando x y f(x,y) no grau de liberdade " << deg << std::endl;  
01241   DoFHandler<2>::active_cell_iterator cell = dofs.begin_active(),
01242                                       endc = dofs.end();
01244   double Tolerance = fabs(cell->vertex(BL_VERTEX)[1] - cell->vertex(UL_VERTEX)[1])/2.0;
01245   for (; cell!=endc; ++cell)
01246   {
01247     if ( fabs(cell->vertex(BL_VERTEX)[0]-dAtX) < Tolerance && fabs(cell->vertex(UL_VERTEX)[0]-dAtX) < Tolerance)
01248     {
01249       fout << cell->vertex(BL_VERTEX)[1] << " " << sol(cell->vertex_dof_index(BL_VERTEX,deg)) << endl;
01250       fout << cell->vertex(UL_VERTEX)[1] << " " << sol(cell->vertex_dof_index(UL_VERTEX,deg)) << endl << endl << endl;
01251     }
01252     else if ( fabs(cell->vertex(BR_VERTEX)[0]-dAtX) < Tolerance && fabs(cell->vertex(UR_VERTEX)[0]-dAtX) < Tolerance)
01253     {
01254       fout << cell->vertex(BR_VERTEX)[1] << " " << sol(cell->vertex_dof_index(BR_VERTEX,deg)) << endl;
01255       fout << cell->vertex(UR_VERTEX)[1] << " " << sol(cell->vertex_dof_index(UR_VERTEX,deg)) << endl << endl << endl;
01256     }
01258   }
01259   fout.close();
01261   plotPoints(strFileName,name,strComp);
01263   return;
01265 }

void GnuPlotDeal::plotDealSolutionAtY ( DoFHandler< 2 > &  dofs,
const VecDouble sol,
std::string  name,
std::string  strComp,
unsigned  deg,
double  dAtY 

Definition at line 1135 of file gnuplotdeal.cpp.

01136 {
01138   string strFileName = getDataFileName(); 
01139   m_List.push_back(strFileName); 
01140   std::ofstream fout(strFileName.c_str());
01141   fout << "#Plotando x y f(x,y) no grau de liberdade " << deg << std::endl;  
01144   DoFHandler<2>::active_cell_iterator cell = dofs.begin_active(),
01145                                       endc = dofs.end();
01147   double Tolerance = fabs(cell->vertex(BL_VERTEX)[1] - cell->vertex(UL_VERTEX)[1])/2.0;
01148   for (; cell!=endc; ++cell)
01149   {
01150     if ( fabs(cell->vertex(BL_VERTEX)[1]-dAtY) < Tolerance && fabs(cell->vertex(BR_VERTEX)[1]-dAtY) < Tolerance)
01151     {
01152       fout << cell->vertex(BL_VERTEX)[0] << " " << sol(cell->vertex_dof_index(BL_VERTEX,deg)) << endl;
01153       fout << cell->vertex(BR_VERTEX)[0] << " " << sol(cell->vertex_dof_index(BR_VERTEX,deg)) << endl << endl << endl;
01154     }
01155     else if ( fabs(cell->vertex(UL_VERTEX)[1]-dAtY) < Tolerance && fabs(cell->vertex(UR_VERTEX)[1]-dAtY) < Tolerance)
01156     {
01157       fout << cell->vertex(UL_VERTEX)[0] << " " << sol(cell->vertex_dof_index(UL_VERTEX,deg)) << endl;
01158       fout << cell->vertex(UR_VERTEX)[0] << " " << sol(cell->vertex_dof_index(UR_VERTEX,deg)) << endl << endl << endl;
01159     }
01161   }
01162   fout.close();
01164   plotPoints(strFileName,name,strComp);
01166   return;
01168 }

void GnuPlotDeal::plotDealSolutionCentralPointsAtY ( Triangulation< 2 > &  tria,
const VecDouble vSol,
double  dAtY,
std::string  name = "",
std::string  strComp = "" 




Definition at line 1499 of file gnuplotdeal.cpp.

01500 {
01501   assert(vSol.size() == tria.n_active_cells());
01502   string strFileName = getDataFileName(); 
01503   m_List.push_back(strFileName); 
01504   std::ofstream fout(strFileName.c_str());
01505   fout << "#Plotando x y f(x,y) nos vertices com Y == " << dAtY << std::endl;  
01508   Triangulation<2>::active_cell_iterator cell = tria.begin_active(),
01509     endc = tria.end(),cellFront;
01511   double Tolerance = fabs(cell->vertex(BL_VERTEX)[1] - cell->vertex(UL_VERTEX)[1])*0.7;
01512   for (; cell!=endc; ++cell)
01513   {
01514     if ( fabs(cell->vertex(BL_VERTEX)[1]-dAtY) < Tolerance && fabs(cell->vertex(BR_VERTEX)[1]-dAtY) < Tolerance)
01515     {
01516       if (cell->face(LEFT_CELL)->at_boundary())
01517         break;
01518     }
01519   }
01520   assert(cell->face(LEFT_CELL)->at_boundary());
01522   while(! cell->face(RIGHT_CELL)->at_boundary())
01523   {
01524     cellFront = cell->neighbor(RIGHT_CELL);
01525     fout <<  cell->vertex(BR_VERTEX)[0] << " " <<  ( vSol(cell->index()) + vSol(cellFront->index()) )/2.0  << "\n";
01526     cell=cellFront;
01527   }
01528   fout.close();
01530   plotPoints(strFileName,name,strComp);
01532   return;
01535 }

void GnuPlotDeal::plotDealSolutionComponent ( DoFHandler< 2 > &  dofs,
const VecDouble sol,
unsigned  comp,
std::string  name = "",
std::string  strComp = "" 

Objetivo: Plota nos vertices de cada elemento a componente comp das shape_functions da solucao sol.

Definition at line 1387 of file gnuplotdeal.cpp.

01388 {
01389   string strFileName = getDataFileName(); 
01390   m_List.push_back(strFileName); 
01391   std::ofstream fout(strFileName.c_str());
01393   const unsigned int   dofs_per_cell = dofs.get_fe().dofs_per_cell;
01394   std::vector<unsigned int> local_dof_indices (dofs_per_cell);
01396   DoFHandler<2>::active_cell_iterator cell = dofs.begin_active(),
01397                                         endc = dofs.end();
01399   std::vector< Point<2> > points;
01400   points.push_back(Point<2>(0,0));
01401   points.push_back(Point<2>(1,0));
01402   points.push_back(Point<2>(1,1));
01403   points.push_back(Point<2>(0,1));
01404   points.push_back(Point<2>(0,0));
01406   Quadrature<2> quad(points);
01408   FEValues<2> fe_values (dofs.get_fe(), quad, 
01409                          UpdateFlags(update_values|update_q_points));
01410   for (; cell!=endc; ++cell)
01411   {
01412     cell->get_dof_indices (local_dof_indices);
01413     fe_values.reinit(cell);
01414     for (unsigned qPoint=0;qPoint<quad.n_quadrature_points;qPoint++)
01415     {
01416       double result=0;
01417       for (unsigned i=0;i<dofs_per_cell;i++)
01418         result += sol(local_dof_indices[i])*fe_values.shape_value_component(i,qPoint,comp);
01419       fout << fe_values.quadrature_point(qPoint)[0] << " " << fe_values.quadrature_point(qPoint)[1] << " " << result << endl;
01420     }
01421     fout << endl << endl;
01422   }
01423   fout.close();
01424   plotPoints3d(strFileName,name,strComp);
01426 }

void GnuPlotDeal::plotDealSolutionDegAtVertex ( DoFHandler< 1 > &  dofs,
VecDouble sol,
vector< int >  degOfVertex,
std::string  name = "",
std::string  strComp = "" 

Objetivo: Plotar solucao 1D

Parametros: dof = DofHandler sol = Vetor contendo as solucoes nos graus de liberdade degOfVertex = Vetor de 0 e 1, onde degOfVertex(i) retorna o grau de liberdade a ser usado no vertice i. Retorno:

Definition at line 58 of file gnuplotdeal.cpp.

00059 {
00060   string strFileName = getDataFileName(); 
00061   m_List.push_back(strFileName); 
00062   std::ofstream fout(strFileName.c_str());
00063   if (m_bPlot3D)
00064   {
00065           std::cerr << "Graficos 2D e 3D na mesma cena nao pode ser feito\n";
00066           this->finalize();
00067   }
00068   fout << "#Plotted For Discontinuos Galerkin" << endl;
00069   const unsigned int   dofs_per_cell = dofs.get_fe().dofs_per_cell;
00070   std::vector<unsigned int> local_dof_indices (dofs_per_cell);
00072   DoFHandler<1>::active_cell_iterator cell = dofs.begin_active(),
00073                                         endc = dofs.end();
00074   for (; cell!=endc; ++cell)
00075   {
00076     cell->get_dof_indices (local_dof_indices);
00077     for (unsigned i=0;i<2;i++)
00078       fout << cell->vertex(i)[0] << " " << sol(cell->vertex_dof_index(i,degOfVertex[i])) << endl;
00079     fout << endl;
00080   }
00081   fout.close();
00082   if (!m_bPlot) {
00083     fprintf(m_file,"plot \"%s\" %s title \"%s\" ",strFileName.c_str(),strComp.c_str(),name.c_str());    
00084     m_bPlot = true;
00085   }
00086   else {
00087     fprintf(m_file,", \"%s\" %s title \"%s\"",strFileName.c_str(),strComp.c_str(),name.c_str());        
00088   }
00089   return;
00092 }

void GnuPlotDeal::plotDealVectorField2D ( DoFHandler< 2 > &  dofs,
VecDouble sol1,
VecDouble sol2,
std::string  name = "",
bool  bScale = true,
std::string  strComp = "" 




Definition at line 286 of file gnuplotdeal.cpp.

00287 {
00290   string strFileName = getDataFileName(); 
00291   double aux,MaxNorm = 0.0,MaxDiameter=0.0;;
00292   int NumPoints = 0;
00293   m_List.push_back(strFileName); 
00294   std::ofstream fout(strFileName.c_str());
00295   if (m_bPlot3D)
00296   {
00297           std::cerr << "Graficos 2D e 3D na mesma cena nao pode ser feito\n";
00298           this->finalize();
00299   }
00300   fout << "#Vector Field Plotted by Deal. Format <X,Y,DX,DY>\n";
00301   const unsigned int   dofs_per_cell = dofs.get_fe().dofs_per_cell;
00303   std::vector<unsigned int> local_dof_indices (dofs_per_cell);
00305   DoFHandler<2>::active_cell_iterator cell = dofs.begin_active(),
00306                                         endc = dofs.end();
00307   for (; cell!=endc; ++cell)
00308   {
00309     cell->get_dof_indices (local_dof_indices);
00310     Point2D p;
00311     double diam = cell->diameter();
00312     if (diam >  MaxDiameter)
00313     {
00314       MaxDiameter = diam;
00315     }
00316     for (unsigned int i=0; i<dofs_per_cell; ++i,NumPoints++)
00317     {
00318       p(0) = sol1(local_dof_indices[i]);
00319       p(1) = sol2(local_dof_indices[i]);
00320       aux = sqrt(p.square());
00321       if (aux > MaxNorm)
00322         MaxNorm = aux;
00323     }
00324   }
00325   FullMatrix<double> M(NumPoints,4);
00326   int lineCnt = 0;
00327   double factor = MaxDiameter/(MaxNorm*2.0);
00329   if (bScale)
00330   {
00331     cell = dofs.begin_active();
00332     for (; cell!=endc; ++cell)
00333     {
00334       cell->get_dof_indices (local_dof_indices);
00335       for (unsigned int i=0; i<dofs_per_cell; ++i,lineCnt++)
00336       {
00337         M(lineCnt,0) = cell->vertex(i)[0];
00338         M(lineCnt,1) = cell->vertex(i)[1];
00339         M(lineCnt,2) = sol1(local_dof_indices[i])*factor;
00340         M(lineCnt,3) = sol2(local_dof_indices[i])*factor;
00341       }
00342     }
00343   }
00344   else{
00345     cell = dofs.begin_active();
00346     for (; cell!=endc; ++cell)
00347     {
00348       cell->get_dof_indices (local_dof_indices);
00349       for (unsigned int i=0; i<dofs_per_cell; ++i,lineCnt++)
00350       {
00351         M(lineCnt,0) = cell->vertex(i)[0];
00352         M(lineCnt,1) = cell->vertex(i)[1];
00353         M(lineCnt,2) = sol1(local_dof_indices[i]);
00354         M(lineCnt,3) = sol2(local_dof_indices[i]);
00355         factor = 1.0/hypot(M(lineCnt,2),M(lineCnt,3));
00356         M(lineCnt,2)*=factor*MaxDiameter/2.0;
00357         M(lineCnt,3)*=factor*MaxDiameter/2.0;
00358       }
00359     }
00360   }
00362   M.print_formatted(fout,6,false,0,"0,0");
00363   if (!m_bPlot) {
00364     fprintf(m_file,"plot \"%s\" with vector %s title \"%s\" ",strFileName.c_str(),strComp.c_str(),name.c_str());        
00365     m_bPlot = true;
00366   }
00367   else {
00368     fprintf(m_file,", \"%s\" with vector %s title \"%s\"",strFileName.c_str(),strComp.c_str(),name.c_str());    
00369   }
00370   return;
00371 }

void GnuPlotDeal::plotDealVectorField2DAtCentralPoints ( Triangulation< 2 > &  tria,
VecDouble V1,
VecDouble V2,
double  factor = 1.0,
bool  bScale = true,
std::string  name = "",
std::string  strComp = "" 

Objetivo: Plota um campo de velocidade nos pontos centrais das celulas.

Parametros: tria = Triangulacao. V1 = Componente 1 da velocidade nos centros das celulas. V2 = Componente 2 da velocidade nos centros das celulas. Ambos vetores indexados pelos indices das celulas. bFactor = Constante a multiplicar ambos vetores de velocidade. bScale = Se os vetores devem ser ajustados de tal forma que caibam em apenas uma celula. Retorno:

Definition at line 806 of file gnuplotdeal.cpp.

00807 {
00808   Triangulation<2>::active_cell_iterator cell = tria.begin_active(),
00809                                          endc = tria.end();
00811   std::ofstream fout;
00812   std::string  strFileName = newDataFile(fout);
00813   double MaxNorm=0,hyp;
00814   double rad = cell->diameter()/2.0;
00815   rad = sqrt(cell->measure())/2.0;  
00816   for (;cell!=endc; ++cell)
00817   {
00818     Point2D XM = cell->barycenter();
00819     fout << XM(0) << " "
00820          << XM(1) << " "
00821          << V1(cell->index())*factor  << " "
00822          << V2(cell->index())*factor  << "\n\n";
00823     hyp=hypot(V1(cell->index()),V2(cell->index())); 
00824     if (MaxNorm < hyp) MaxNorm=hyp;
00826   }
00827   fout << std::endl;
00828   if (MaxNorm==0)
00829     MaxNorm= 1.0;
00830   char strAux[100];
00831   if (bScale)
00832     sprintf(strAux," using 1:2:(%g*$3):(%g*$4) with vector ",rad/MaxNorm,rad/MaxNorm);
00833   else
00834     sprintf(strAux," with vector ");
00836   std::string strWith = strAux; 
00837   strWith+=strComp;
00838   plotPoints(strFileName,name,strWith);
00840 }

void GnuPlotDeal::plotDealVectorField2DGaussPoints ( DoFHandler< 2 > &  dofs,
VecDouble sol1,
VecDouble sol2,
std::string  name = "",
bool  bScale = true,
double  factor = 1.0,
std::string  strComp = "" 




Definition at line 493 of file gnuplotdeal.cpp.

00494 {
00495   string strFileName = getDataFileName(); 
00496   m_List.push_back(strFileName); 
00497   std::ofstream fout(strFileName.c_str());
00498   double norm,MaxNorm=0.0,MaxMeasure=0.0;
00499   unsigned k;
00500   if (m_bPlot3D)
00501   {
00502           std::cerr << "Graficos 2D e 3D na mesma cena nao pode ser feito\n";
00503           this->finalize();
00504   }
00506   fout << "#Plot Gradients on Gauss Points"; 
00507   QGauss<2>  quadrature_formula(2);
00508   FEValues<2> fe_values (dofs.get_fe(), quadrature_formula, 
00509                          UpdateFlags(update_values    |
00510                                      update_gradients | update_q_points |
00511                                      update_JxW_values));
00513   const unsigned int   dofs_per_cell = dofs.get_fe().dofs_per_cell;
00514   const unsigned int   n_q_points    = quadrature_formula.n_quadrature_points;
00516   FullMatrix<double> M(dofs.get_tria().n_active_quads()*4,4);
00517   M = 0;
00518   std::vector<unsigned int> local_dof_indices (dofs_per_cell);
00520   DoFHandler<2>::active_cell_iterator cell = dofs.begin_active(),
00521     endc = dofs.end();
00522   for (k=0; cell!=endc; ++cell)
00523   {
00524     fe_values.reinit (cell);
00525     cell->get_dof_indices(local_dof_indices);
00526     for (unsigned int q_point=0; q_point<n_q_points; ++q_point,k++)
00527     {
00528       M(k,0) = (fe_values.quadrature_point(q_point)[0]);
00529       M(k,1) = (fe_values.quadrature_point(q_point)[1]);
00530       for (unsigned int i=0; i<dofs_per_cell; ++i)
00531       {
00532         M(k,2)+= sol1(local_dof_indices[i])*fe_values.shape_value(i, q_point);
00533         M(k,3)+= sol2(local_dof_indices[i])*fe_values.shape_value(i, q_point);
00534       }
00535       double hyp = hypot(M(k,2),M(k,3));
00536       if (!bScale)
00537       {
00538         if (hyp >1.0E-08)
00539         {
00540           norm = 1.0/hyp * sqrt(fe_values.JxW (q_point))*factor;
00541         }
00542         else{
00543           norm = 0.0;
00544         }
00545         M(k,2)*=norm;
00546         M(k,3)*=norm;
00547       }
00548       else
00549       {
00550         if (hyp > MaxNorm) MaxNorm=hyp;
00551         if (MaxMeasure < fe_values.JxW(q_point)) MaxMeasure = fe_values.JxW(q_point);
00552       }
00553     }
00554   }
00555   if (bScale)
00556   {
00557     double c = sqrt(MaxMeasure)/(MaxNorm)*factor;
00558     for (k=0;k<M.size(0);k++)
00559     {
00560       M(k,2)*=c;
00561       M(k,3)*=c;
00562     }
00563   }
00564   M.print_formatted(fout,6,false,0,"0,0");
00566   if (!m_bPlot) {
00567     fprintf(m_file,"plot \"%s\" with vector %s title \"%s\" ",strFileName.c_str(),strComp.c_str(),name.c_str());        
00568     m_bPlot = true;
00569   }
00570   else {
00571     fprintf(m_file,", \"%s\" with vector %s title \"%s\"",strFileName.c_str(),strComp.c_str(),name.c_str());    
00572   }
00576 }

void GnuPlotDeal::plotDealVectorFieldAtVertices ( DoFHandler< 2 > &  dofs,
VecDouble sol,
unsigned  deg1,
unsigned  deg2,
bool  bScale = true,
double  factor = 1.0,
bool  bNormalize = false,
std::string  name = "",
std::string  strComp = "" 

Objetivo: Plotar um campo vetorial 2D.

Parametros: dof = DofHandler. sol = Vetor de solucoes. deg1 = Grau da primeira componente da velocidade. deg2 = Grau da segunda componente da velocidade. bScale = Se os vetores devem ser escalonados de tal forma que um nai interfira com o outro. factor = Constante a ser multiplicada a todos os vetores. bNormalize = Se os vetores devem ser normalizados.

name = Titulo do grafico. strComp = Complemento. Retorno:

Definition at line 207 of file gnuplotdeal.cpp.

00208 {
00209   std::vector<Point<2> > Verts(4);
00210   Verts.push_back(Point<2> (0,0));
00211   Verts.push_back(Point<2> (1,0));
00212   Verts.push_back(Point<2> (1,1));
00213   Verts.push_back(Point<2> (0,1));
00215   Quadrature<2> quadrature(Verts);
00216   FEValues<2> fe_values (dofs.get_fe(), quadrature, 
00217                          UpdateFlags(update_values|update_q_points));
00218   std::ofstream fout;
00219   std::string strFileName = newDataFile(fout);
00220   unsigned dofs_per_cell = dofs.get_fe().dofs_per_cell;
00221   unsigned n_q_points = fe_values.n_quadrature_points;
00222   vector<unsigned> dofIndices(dofs.get_fe().dofs_per_cell);
00224   DoFHandler<2>::active_cell_iterator cell = dofs.begin_active(),
00225                                         endc = dofs.end();
00226   Point<2> Q,V,QAux,VAux;
00227   double maxHyp=0.0;
00228   for (;cell!=endc; ++cell)
00229   {
00230     fe_values.reinit(cell);
00231     cell->get_dof_indices(dofIndices);
00232     for (unsigned q=0;q<n_q_points;q++)
00233     {
00234       Q = fe_values.quadrature_point(q);
00235       V*=0;
00236       for (unsigned i=0;i<dofs_per_cell;i++)
00237       {
00238         V(0) += sol(dofIndices[i])*fe_values.shape_value_component(i,q,deg1);
00239         V(1) += sol(dofIndices[i])*fe_values.shape_value_component(i,q,deg2);
00240       }
00241       double hyp = hypot(V(0),V(1));
00242       if (bNormalize)
00243       {
00244         V/=hyp;
00245         hyp=1.0;
00246       }
00247       if (hyp > maxHyp) maxHyp = hyp;
00249       fout << Q(0) << " " << Q(1) << " " << V(0) << " " << V(1) << " " << endl;
00250       if (q == 0)
00251       {
00252         QAux = Q;
00253         VAux = V;
00254       }
00255     }
00256     fout << QAux(0) << " " << QAux(1) << " " << VAux(0) << " " << VAux(1) << " " << endl;
00257     fout << endl <<endl;
00258   }
00259   fout.close();
00260   double rad = dofs.begin_active()->diameter()/2.0;
00262   char strAux[100];
00263   if (bScale)
00264     sprintf(strAux," using 1:2:(%g*$3):(%g*$4) with vector ",factor*rad/maxHyp,factor*rad/maxHyp);
00265   else
00266     sprintf(strAux," with vector ");
00268   std::string strWith = strAux; 
00269   strWith+=strComp;
00270   plotPoints(strFileName,name,strWith);
00271 }

void GnuPlotDeal::plotFunction ( const Triangulation< 2 > &  tria,
Function2D f,
std::string  name = "",
std::string  strComp = "" 

Definition at line 1047 of file gnuplotdeal.cpp.

01048 {
01049   string strFileName = getDataFileName(); 
01050   m_List.push_back(strFileName); 
01051   std::ofstream fout(strFileName.c_str());
01052   Triangulation<2>::active_cell_iterator cell = tria.begin_active(),
01053                                            endc = tria.end();
01054   unsigned i;
01055   for (; cell!=endc; ++cell)
01056   {
01057     for (i =0;i<GeometryInfo<2>::vertices_per_cell;i++)
01058     {
01059       for (unsigned j=0;j<2;j++)
01060         fout << cell->vertex(i)[j] << " ";
01061       fout << f(cell->vertex(i)) << "\n"; 
01062     }
01063     i=0;
01065     for (unsigned j=0;j<2;j++)
01066       fout << cell->vertex(i)[j] << " ";
01067     fout << f(cell->vertex(i)) << "\n"; 
01070     fout << "\n\n";
01071   }
01072   fout.close();
01075   if (2 == 1)
01076   {
01077     plotPoints(strFileName,name,strComp);
01078   }
01079   if (2 == 2)
01080   {
01081     plotPoints3d(strFileName,name,strComp);
01082   }
01084   return;
01086 }

void GnuPlotDeal::plotFunction1D ( Function1D f,
double  dStart,
double  dEnd,
int  nPoints,
std::string  name = "",
std::string  strComp = "",
unsigned  deg = 0 

Definition at line 1170 of file gnuplotdeal.cpp.

01171 {
01172   double dP;
01173   double dx = (dEnd - dStart)/nPoints;
01176   string strFileName = getDataFileName(); 
01177   m_List.push_back(strFileName); 
01178   std::ofstream fout(strFileName.c_str());
01179   fout << "#Plotting Function1D" << std::endl;  
01181   for (dP = dStart;dP<=dEnd;dP+=dx)
01182   {
01183     Point1D P(dP);
01184     fout << dP << " " << f(P,deg) << endl;
01185   }
01186   fout.close();
01187   plotPoints(strFileName,name,strComp);
01188   return;
01190 }

void GnuPlotDeal::plotLineAlongX ( OrthoMesh mesh,
const VecDouble vSol,
string  name,
string  strComp,
double  X1,
double  Y1 

Definition at line 1693 of file gnuplotdeal.cpp.

01694 {
01695   assert(vSol.size() == mesh.numVertices());
01696   string strFileName = getDataFileName(); 
01697   m_List.push_back(strFileName); 
01698   std::ofstream fout(strFileName.c_str());
01701   writeDataAlongX(mesh,vSol,Y,Z,fout); 
01702   plotPoints(strFileName,name,strComp);
01704   return;
01706 }

void GnuPlotDeal::plotLineAlongZ ( OrthoMesh mesh,
const VecDouble vSol,
string  name,
string  strComp,
double  X1,
double  Y1 

Definition at line 1651 of file gnuplotdeal.cpp.

01652 {
01653   assert(vSol.size() == mesh.numVertices());
01654   string strFileName = getDataFileName(); 
01655   m_List.push_back(strFileName); 
01656   std::ofstream fout(strFileName.c_str());
01658   fout << "#Values along Z (" << X  <<  ", "  << Y << ", Z)\n" ;
01660   OrthoMesh::Cell_It cell = mesh.begin_cell(),
01661     endc = mesh.end_cell();
01662   bool found=false;
01663   for (; cell!=endc; cell++)
01664   {
01665     if ( X >= cell->vertex(VERTEX_000)[0] && X <= cell->vertex(VERTEX_110)[0] &&
01666          Y >= cell->vertex(VERTEX_000)[1] && Y <= cell->vertex(VERTEX_110)[1])
01667     {
01668       found=true;
01669       break;
01670     }
01671   }
01672   if (!found)
01673   {
01674     printf("GnuPlot Warning: Point %g %g does not belong to domain\n",X,Y);
01675     fout.close();
01676     return;
01677   }
01679   fout << cell->vertex(VERTEX_000)[2] << " "  << vSol(cell->vertex_index(VERTEX_000)) << std::endl;
01680   fout << cell->vertex(VERTEX_001)[2] << " "  << vSol(cell->vertex_index(VERTEX_001)) << std::endl;
01681   while (cell->advance(UP_CELL))
01682   {
01683     fout << cell->vertex(VERTEX_001)[2] << " "  << vSol(cell->vertex_index(VERTEX_001)) << std::endl;
01684   } 
01686   plotPoints(strFileName,name,strComp);
01688   return;
01690 }

void GnuPlotDeal::plotMapInVectors ( const VecDouble v1,
const VecDouble v2,
std::string  name = "",
std::string  strComp = "" 

Objetivo: Plotar o mapeamento (v1(i),v2(i)),i=[0..v1.size()-1]

Definition at line 1432 of file gnuplotdeal.cpp.

01433 {
01434   if (v1.size()!=v2.size()) abort();
01436   double dd[v1.size()*2];
01437   unsigned j=0;
01438   for (unsigned i=0;i<v1.size();i++)
01439   {
01440     assert(j<v1.size()*2);
01441     dd[j++]=v1(i);
01442     dd[j++]=v2(i);
01443   }
01444   this->plotPoints(dd,v1.size(),2,name,"",strComp,true,false);
01445 }

void GnuPlotDeal::plotShapeFunctionsAtCell ( const FiniteElement< 2 > &  fe,
DoFHandler< 2 >::cell_iterator &  cell,
unsigned  nPoints 

Definition at line 1274 of file gnuplotdeal.cpp.

01275 {
01276   double dx =  1.0/nPoints;
01277   char str[500];
01278   Point<2> p(0,0);
01280   int n_shape_functions = fe.n_dofs_per_cell();
01281   std::string strFileName;
01282   std::ofstream fout;
01284   //Build the quadrature;
01285   p[0]=p[1]=0;
01286   std::vector<Point<2> > lstPts; 
01287   unsigned isoLinesCount;
01288   for (unsigned i=0;i<=nPoints;i++,p[0]+=dx)
01289   {
01290     for (unsigned j=0;j<=nPoints;j++,p[1]+=dx)
01291       lstPts.push_back(p);
01292     p[1]=0;
01293   }
01294   Quadrature<2> quadrature(lstPts);
01295   FEValues<2> fe_values (fe, quadrature, 
01296                          UpdateFlags(update_values|update_q_points));
01298   fe_values.reinit(cell);
01299   for (int iShape=0;iShape<n_shape_functions;iShape++)
01300   {
01301     for (unsigned component=0;component<fe.get_nonzero_components(iShape).size();component++)
01302     {
01304       if (fe.get_nonzero_components(iShape)[component])
01305       {
01306         sprintf(str,"Shape: %d Comp: %d",iShape,component);
01307         strFileName=newDataFile(fout);
01308         isoLinesCount = 1;
01309         for (unsigned qPoint=0;qPoint < fe_values.n_quadrature_points;qPoint++,isoLinesCount++)
01310         {
01311           fout << fe_values.quadrature_point(qPoint)[0] << " " << fe_values.quadrature_point(qPoint)[1] << " " <<fe_values.shape_value_component(iShape,qPoint,component) << "\n";
01312           if (isoLinesCount > nPoints)
01313           {
01314             isoLinesCount = 0;
01315             fout << "\n";
01316           }
01317         }
01319         fout.close();
01320         plotPoints3d(strFileName,str,"with lines");
01321       }
01322     }
01323   }
01324 }

void GnuPlotDeal::plotVerticeValuesAtFixedZ ( OrthoMesh mesh,
const VecDouble vSol,
string  name,
string  strComp,
double  atZ 

Definition at line 1618 of file gnuplotdeal.cpp.

01619 {
01620   assert(vSol.size() == mesh.numVertices());
01621   string strFileName = getDataFileName(); 
01622   m_List.push_back(strFileName); 
01623   std::ofstream fout(strFileName.c_str());
01625   fout << "#Central Values at Z = " << atZ <<  endl;
01627   OrthoMesh::Cell_It cell = mesh.begin_cell(),
01628     endc = mesh.end_cell();
01629   for (; cell!=endc; cell++)
01630   {
01631     if ( atZ >= cell->vertex(VERTEX_000)[2] && atZ < cell->vertex(VERTEX_001)[2])
01632     {
01633       fout << cell->vertex(VERTEX_000)[0] << " " << cell->vertex(VERTEX_000)[1] << " " << vSol(cell->vertex_index(VERTEX_000)) << "\n";
01634       fout << cell->vertex(VERTEX_100)[0] << " " << cell->vertex(VERTEX_100)[1] << " " << vSol(cell->vertex_index(VERTEX_100)) << "\n";
01635       fout << cell->vertex(VERTEX_110)[0] << " " << cell->vertex(VERTEX_110)[1] << " " << vSol(cell->vertex_index(VERTEX_110)) << "\n";
01636       fout << cell->vertex(VERTEX_010)[0] << " " << cell->vertex(VERTEX_010)[1] << " " << vSol(cell->vertex_index(VERTEX_010)) << "\n";
01637       fout << cell->vertex(VERTEX_000)[0] << " " << cell->vertex(VERTEX_000)[1] << " " << vSol(cell->vertex_index(VERTEX_000)) << "\n";
01638       fout << endl << endl;
01639     }
01640   }
01641   fout.close();
01643   plotPoints3d(strFileName,name,strComp);
01645   return;
01647 }

void GnuPlotDeal::plotVerticeValuesAtFixedZ ( Triangulation< 3 > &  tria,
const VecDouble vSol,
string  name,
string  strComp,
double  atZ 

Plot vertices values information as a surface plot for a fixed Z value.

tria Triangulation
cSol Solution at cells
name Title of the plot
atZ Fixed Z Value

Definition at line 1585 of file gnuplotdeal.cpp.

01586 {
01587   assert(vSol.size() == tria.n_vertices());
01588   string strFileName = getDataFileName(); 
01589   m_List.push_back(strFileName); 
01590   std::ofstream fout(strFileName.c_str());
01592   fout << "#Central Values at Z = " << atZ <<  endl;
01594   Triangulation<3>::active_cell_iterator cell = tria.begin_active(),
01595                                          endc = tria.end();
01596   for (; cell!=endc; ++cell)
01597   {
01598     if ( atZ > cell->vertex(VERTEX_000)[2] && atZ < cell->vertex(VERTEX_001)[2])
01599     {
01600       fout << cell->vertex(VERTEX_000)[0] << " " << cell->vertex(VERTEX_000)[1] << " " << vSol(cell->vertex_index(VERTEX_000)) << "\n";
01601       fout << cell->vertex(VERTEX_100)[0] << " " << cell->vertex(VERTEX_100)[1] << " " << vSol(cell->vertex_index(VERTEX_100)) << "\n";
01602       fout << cell->vertex(VERTEX_110)[0] << " " << cell->vertex(VERTEX_110)[1] << " " << vSol(cell->vertex_index(VERTEX_110)) << "\n";
01603       fout << cell->vertex(VERTEX_010)[0] << " " << cell->vertex(VERTEX_010)[1] << " " << vSol(cell->vertex_index(VERTEX_010)) << "\n";
01604       fout << cell->vertex(VERTEX_000)[0] << " " << cell->vertex(VERTEX_000)[1] << " " << vSol(cell->vertex_index(VERTEX_000)) << "\n";
01605       fout << endl << endl;
01606     }
01607   }
01608   fout.close();
01610   plotPoints3d(strFileName,name,strComp);
01612   return;
01614 }

void GnuPlotDeal::writeDataAlongX ( OrthoMesh mesh,
const VecDouble vSol,
double  Y,
double  Z,
std::ostream &  fout 
) [static]

Definition at line 1709 of file gnuplotdeal.cpp.

01710 {
01711   assert(vSol.size() == mesh.numVertices());
01712   fout << "#Values along X (" << "X"  <<  ", "  << Y << ", " <<  Z << " )\n" ;
01714   OrthoMesh::Cell_It cell = mesh.begin_cell(),
01715     endc = mesh.end_cell();
01716   bool found=false;
01717   for (; cell!=endc; cell++)
01718   {
01719     if ( Y >= cell->vertex(VERTEX_000)[1] && Y <= cell->vertex(VERTEX_111)[1] &&
01720          Z >= cell->vertex(VERTEX_000)[2] && Y <= cell->vertex(VERTEX_111)[2])
01721     {
01722       found=true;
01723       break;
01724     }
01725   }
01726   if (!found)
01727   {
01728     printf("GnuPlot Warning: Point %g %g does not belong to domain\n",Y,Z);
01729     fout.flush();
01730     return;
01731   }
01733   fout << cell->vertex(VERTEX_000)[0] << " "  << vSol(cell->vertex_index(VERTEX_000)) << std::endl;
01734   fout << cell->vertex(VERTEX_100)[0] << " "  << vSol(cell->vertex_index(VERTEX_100)) << std::endl;
01735   while (cell->advance(RIGHT_CELL))
01736   {
01737     fout << cell->vertex(VERTEX_100)[0] << " "  << vSol(cell->vertex_index(VERTEX_100)) << std::endl;
01738   } 
01740   return;
01743 }

void GnuPlotDeal::writeDataAlongZ ( OrthoMesh mesh,
const VecDouble vSol,
double  X,
double  Y,
std::ostream &  fout 
) [static]

Definition at line 1746 of file gnuplotdeal.cpp.

01747 {
01748   assert(vSol.size() == mesh.numVertices());
01750   fout << "#Values along Z (" <<  X  <<  ", "  << Y << ", " <<  "Z" << " )\n" ;
01752   OrthoMesh::Cell_It cell = mesh.begin_cell(),
01753     endc = mesh.end_cell();
01754   bool found=false;
01755   for (; cell!=endc; cell++)
01756   {
01757     if ( X >= cell->vertex(VERTEX_000)[0] && X <= cell->vertex(VERTEX_111)[0] &&
01758          Y >= cell->vertex(VERTEX_000)[1] && Y <= cell->vertex(VERTEX_111)[1])
01759     {
01760       found=true;
01761       break;
01762     }
01763   }
01764   if (!found)
01765   {
01766     printf("GnuPlot Warning: Point %g %g does not belong to domain\n",X,Y);
01767     fout.flush();
01768     return;
01769   }
01771   fout << cell->vertex(VERTEX_000)[2] << " "  << vSol(cell->vertex_index(VERTEX_000)) << std::endl;
01772   fout << cell->vertex(VERTEX_001)[2] << " "  << vSol(cell->vertex_index(VERTEX_001)) << std::endl;
01773   while (cell->advance(UP_CELL))
01774   {
01775     fout << cell->vertex(VERTEX_001)[2] << " "  << vSol(cell->vertex_index(VERTEX_001)) << std::endl;
01776   } 
01778   return;
01782 }

Member Data Documentation

int GnuPlotDeal::cnt [private]

Definition at line 19 of file gnuplotdeal.h.

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