MixedHybridBase Class Reference

#include <mixedhybridbase.h>

Inheritance diagram for MixedHybridBase:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.


struct  _HybridFaceBC
struct  _ScalarBC

Protected Types

enum  BCType { Dirichlet, Neumann }
typedef std::vector< _ScalarBCScalarBC
typedef std::vector
< _HybridFaceBC

Protected Member Functions

void setBoundaryCondition (HybridFaceBC &vBC, OrthoMesh &mesh, Function3D &fInwardVel, Function3D &fP, bool bCheckNoBC)
void addPcTerm (VecDouble &B, OrthoMesh &mesh, ScalarBC &bc, const VecDouble &KPc, const VecDouble &vPc)
void assemblySystem (SparseMatrix< double > &A, VecDouble &B, OrthoMesh &mesh, HybridFaceBC &bc, const VecDouble &K, const VecDouble &vMobT, const VecDouble &vGravTerm)
void assemblySystem (SparseMatrix< double > &A, VecDouble &B, OrthoMesh &mesh, HybridFaceBC &bc, const VecDouble &K)
void assemblySystem (SparseMatrix< double > &A, VecDouble &B, OrthoMesh &mesh, ScalarBC &bc, const VecDouble &vCoeff)
void getNormalVelocitiesFromPressure (VecDouble &Vq, OrthoMesh &mesh, HybridFaceBC &bc, const VecDouble &K, const VecDouble &vP, const VecDouble &vMobT, const VecDouble &vGravTerm)
void getNormalVelocitiesFromPressure (VecDouble &Vq, OrthoMesh &mesh, HybridFaceBC &bc, const VecDouble &K, const VecDouble &vP)
void getNormalVelocitiesFromPressure (VecDouble &Vq, OrthoMesh &mesh, HybridFaceBC &bc, const VecDouble &K, const VecDouble &vP, const VecDouble &vMobT, const VecDouble &vGravTerm, ScalarBC &vPcBC, const VecDouble &KPc, const VecDouble &vPc)
void buildSparsityPattern (OrthoMesh &mesh, SparsityPattern &sparsePattern)
 MixedHybridBase ()
 ~MixedHybridBase ()

Detailed Description

This class implements the hybrid aproach for the pressure equation of the biphasic problem

div(Vdt) = 0 Vdt = -K mobT(Sw) Grad(P) + K mobT(Sw) mobGrav(Sw) *Grad(Z)

Where Vdt is total percolation velocity, P is the global pression K is the permeability, Sw is the saturation of water, mobT() is the total mobility function and mobGrav(Sw) is the mobility function belonging to the gravity effect and in the biphasic flow it is written in termos of the mobilities of the two fluids (mobW,mobO) by the expression

mobGrav(Sw) = (po mobO(Sw) + pw mobW(Sw))*g

where pw,po is the density of the two fluids and g is the acceleration of gravity.

The variational equation guives

[Vdt / (K mobT(Sw) ), v] - [p,div(v)] = -<p,v> + [ mobGrav(Sw) Grad(Z), v]

[div(Vdt), q] = 0

Where q,v are the test functions of pression and velocity Vdt, <p,v> means the surface integral of the vector field p*v around the boundary (Neumman Condition) and [u,v] means integral of u*v function over all the problem's domain

For pratical reasons we always assume that the flux due to gravity terms in the boundary is always zero.

Definition at line 53 of file mixedhybridbase.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef std::vector<_HybridFaceBC> MixedHybridBase::HybridFaceBC [protected]

Definition at line 107 of file mixedhybridbase.h.

typedef std::vector<_ScalarBC> MixedHybridBase::ScalarBC [protected]

Definition at line 65 of file mixedhybridbase.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum MixedHybridBase::BCType [protected]

Definition at line 68 of file mixedhybridbase.h.

00068 {Dirichlet,Neumann};

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

MixedHybridBase::MixedHybridBase (  )  [inline, protected]

Definition at line 131 of file mixedhybridbase.h.

00131 {}

MixedHybridBase::~MixedHybridBase (  )  [inline, protected]

Definition at line 132 of file mixedhybridbase.h.

00132 {}

Member Function Documentation

void MixedHybridBase::addPcTerm ( VecDouble B,
OrthoMesh mesh,
ScalarBC bc,
const VecDouble KPc,
const VecDouble vPc 
) [protected]

Add the term - KPc* Grad Pc to the system equation. Since we know Pc it goes to the RHS as + KPc Grad Pc

bc Boundary Conditions for Cappilar pressure
KeffPc Permeability KPc for each cell.
vPc Cappilar pressure for each cell.

Definition at line 241 of file mixedhybridbase.cpp.

00242 {
00243   //Get the face iterator and the number of faces.
00244   OrthoMesh::Face_It face = mesh.begin_face();
00245   unsigned nFaces = mesh.numFaces();
00247   //For each face
00248   for (unsigned faceIndex=0;faceIndex < nFaces; faceIndex++,face++)
00249   {
00250     unsigned c1,c2;
00251     face->getAdjCellIndices(c1,c2);
00253     //Make sure the face is not at boundary
00254     if (!face->at_boundary())
00255     {
00256       double K1 = KPc(c1);
00257       double K2 = KPc(c2);
00258       double Mh_2 = _div(K1*K2,(K1+K2)); //Harmonic media divided by two
00259       double Keff =2*Mh_2 * face->area()*face->areaPerCellVol();
00260       double q = -Keff*(vPc(c2)-vPc(c1));
00261       B(c1) += -q;
00262       B(c2) += +q;
00263     }
00264   }
00266   ScalarBC::iterator bcEnd = bc.end();
00267   for(ScalarBC::iterator bcIt = bc.begin();bcIt!=bcEnd;bcIt++)
00268     {
00270       OrthoMesh::Face_It face = bcIt->face;
00271       assert(face->at_boundary());
00273       unsigned c1,c2;
00274       face->getAdjCellIndices(c1,c2);
00276       double c = (c1 != OrthoMesh::invalidIndex()) ? c1 : c2;
00277       double Keff = 2*KPc(c)*face->area()*face->areaPerCellVol();
00278       B(c) += Keff*(bcIt->value-vPc(c));
00279     }
00282 }

void MixedHybridBase::assemblySystem ( SparseMatrix< double > &  A,
VecDouble B,
OrthoMesh mesh,
ScalarBC bc,
const VecDouble vCoeff 
) [protected]
void MixedHybridBase::assemblySystem ( SparseMatrix< double > &  A,
VecDouble B,
OrthoMesh mesh,
HybridFaceBC bc,
const VecDouble vCoeff 
) [protected]

Assembly the mixed finite element system given by div(-Coeff Grad P) = 0

Definition at line 124 of file mixedhybridbase.cpp.

00125 {
00126   //Get the face iterator and the number of faces.
00127   OrthoMesh::Face_It face = mesh.begin_face();
00128   unsigned nFaces = mesh.numFaces();
00130   //For each face
00131   for (unsigned faceIndex=0;faceIndex < nFaces; faceIndex++,face++)
00132   {
00133     unsigned c1,c2;
00134     face->getAdjCellIndices(c1,c2);
00136     //Make sure the face is not at boundary
00137     if (!face->at_boundary())
00138     {
00139       double K1 = K(c1);
00140       double K2 = K(c2);
00141       double Mh_2 = _div(K1*K2,(K1+K2)); //Harmonic media divided by two
00142       double Keff =2*Mh_2 * face->area()*face->areaPerCellVol();
00146       A.add(c1,c1, Keff);
00147       A.add(c1,c2,-Keff);
00148       A.add(c2,c2, Keff);
00149       A.add(c2,c1,-Keff);
00150     }
00151   }
00152   //Now process the boundary conditions
00154     HybridFaceBC::iterator bcEnd = bc.end();
00155     for(HybridFaceBC::iterator bcIt = bc.begin();bcIt!=bcEnd;bcIt++)
00156     {
00157       OrthoMesh::Face_It face = bcIt->face;
00158       assert(face->at_boundary());
00160       unsigned c1,c2;
00161       face->getAdjCellIndices(c1,c2);
00163       if (bcIt->bcType == Dirichlet)
00164       {
00165         double c = (c1 != OrthoMesh::invalidIndex()) ? c1 : c2;
00166         double Keff = 2*K(c)*face->area()*face->areaPerCellVol();
00167         A.add(c,c,Keff);
00168         B(c) += Keff*bcIt->value;
00169       }
00170       else //Neumann condition
00171       {
00172         if (c1 != OrthoMesh::invalidIndex())
00173           B(c1) += -bcIt->value;
00174         else
00175           B(c2) += +bcIt->value;
00176       }
00177     }
00179 }

void MixedHybridBase::assemblySystem ( SparseMatrix< double > &  A,
VecDouble B,
OrthoMesh mesh,
HybridFaceBC bc,
const VecDouble K,
const VecDouble vMobT,
const VecDouble vGravTerm 
) [protected]

for each cell we calculate the sum q0 + q1 + q2 + q3 + q4 + q5 where qi means the out flux of the cell for each face i. The flux is obtained from the velocity field by qi = Vi*Nout*dS where Vi is the velocity, Nout the outward normal of the face and dS is the face's area. Vi is obtained from the pressure by the equation Vi = -Keff (p2'-p1)/h - Keff (GravTerm(c1) + GravTerm(c2))/2 where p1 is the pressure of the positive cell (nonzero component of the outward normal is positite), p2 is the pressure of the negative cell and c1, c2 are the indices of the positive and negative cells. Instead of iterate using the cells, we asseble the matrix iterating with the faces and putting the contribution of each face in both cells at once

---*---* | | | | p1| p2| ---*---* NOTE THAT WE DONT ZERO THE A AND B entries. WE JUST ADD TERMS TO IT.

A Matrix to be mounted
mesh The mesh
bc Structure containing the boundary conditions
K The permeability for each cell
vMobT The vector containing the total mobility for each cell.
vGravTerm The vector containing the gravity term for each cell

Definition at line 56 of file mixedhybridbase.cpp.

00057 {
00061   //Get the face iterator and the number of faces.
00062   OrthoMesh::Face_It face = mesh.begin_face();
00063   unsigned nFaces = mesh.numFaces();
00065   //For each face
00066   for (unsigned faceIndex=0;faceIndex < nFaces; faceIndex++,face++)
00067   {
00068     unsigned c1,c2;
00069     face->getAdjCellIndices(c1,c2);
00071     //Make sure the face is not at boundary
00072     if (!face->at_boundary())
00073     {
00074       double K1 = K(c1)*vMobT(c1);
00075       double K2 = K(c2)*vMobT(c2);
00076       double Mh_2 = K1*K2/(K1+K2); //Harmonic media divided by two
00077       double Keff =2*Mh_2 * face->area()*face->areaPerCellVol();
00081       A.add(c1,c1, Keff);
00082       A.add(c1,c2,-Keff);
00083       A.add(c2,c2, Keff);
00084       A.add(c2,c1,-Keff);
00085       if (face->getNormalOrientation() == OrthoMesh::NORMAL_Z)
00086       {
00087         double aux=+Mh_2*(vGravTerm(c1)+vGravTerm(c2))*face->area();
00088         B(c1) += -aux;
00089         B(c2) +=  aux;
00090       }
00091     }
00092   }
00093   //Now process the boundary conditions
00095     HybridFaceBC::iterator bcEnd = bc.end();
00096     for(HybridFaceBC::iterator bcIt = bc.begin();bcIt!=bcEnd;bcIt++)
00097     {
00098       OrthoMesh::Face_It face = bcIt->face;
00099       assert(face->at_boundary());
00101       unsigned c1,c2;
00102       face->getAdjCellIndices(c1,c2);
00104       if (bcIt->bcType == Dirichlet)
00105       {
00106         double c = (c1 != OrthoMesh::invalidIndex()) ? c1 : c2;
00107         double Keff = 2*K(c)*vMobT(c)*face->area()*face->areaPerCellVol();
00108         A.add(c,c,Keff);
00109         B(c) += Keff*bcIt->value;
00110       }
00111       else //Neumann condition
00112       {
00113         if (c1 != OrthoMesh::invalidIndex())
00114           B(c1) += -bcIt->value;
00115         else
00116           B(c2) += +bcIt->value;
00117       }
00118     }
00119 }

void MixedHybridBase::buildSparsityPattern ( OrthoMesh mesh,
SparsityPattern &  sparsePattern 
) [protected]

Definition at line 5 of file mixedhybridbase.cpp.

00006 {
00007   OrthoMesh::Cell_It cell = mesh.begin_cell();
00008   OrthoMesh::Cell_It endc = mesh.end_cell();
00009   sparsePattern.reinit(mesh.numCells(),mesh.numCells(),7);
00012   for(;cell!=endc;cell++)
00013   {
00014     int ci = cell->index();
00015     sparsePattern.add(ci,ci);
00016     //For each boundary face of the cell
00017     for (unsigned int face_no = 0; face_no < GeometryInfo<DIM>::faces_per_cell;++face_no)
00018     {
00019       unsigned adj_index  = cell->neighbor_index(face_no);
00020       if (adj_index != OrthoMesh::INVALID_INDEX)
00021         sparsePattern.add(ci,adj_index);
00022     }
00023   }
00024   sparsePattern.compress();
00025 }

void MixedHybridBase::getNormalVelocitiesFromPressure ( VecDouble Vq,
OrthoMesh mesh,
HybridFaceBC bc,
const VecDouble K,
const VecDouble vP,
const VecDouble vMobT,
const VecDouble vGravTerm,
ScalarBC vPcBC,
const VecDouble KPc,
const VecDouble vPc 
) [protected]

Definition at line 424 of file mixedhybridbase.cpp.

00425 {
00426   assert(Vq.size() >= mesh.numFaces());
00427   assert(vP.size() >= mesh.numCells());
00428   assert(vMobT.size() >= mesh.numCells());
00429   assert(vGravTerm.size() >=  mesh.numCells());
00430   assert(KPc.size() >= mesh.numCells());
00431   assert(vPc.size() >= mesh.numCells());
00432   assert(K.size() >= mesh.numCells());
00435   //Get the face iterator and the number of faces.
00436   OrthoMesh::Face_It face = mesh.begin_face();
00437   OrthoMesh::Face_It endf = mesh.end_face();
00440   //For each face
00441   for (;face!=endf;face++)
00442   {
00443     if (!face->at_boundary())
00444     {
00445       unsigned c1,c2;
00446       face->getAdjCellIndices(c1,c2);
00447       double K1 = K(c1)*vMobT(c1);
00448       double K2 = K(c2)*vMobT(c2);
00449       double Keff = 2*K1*K2/(K1+K2)*face->areaPerCellVol();
00450       Vq(face->index()) = - Keff * (vP(c2) - vP(c1));
00452       //Now for cappillary pressure.
00453       Keff=2*_div(KPc(c1)*KPc(c2),(KPc(c1)+KPc(c2)))*face->areaPerCellVol();
00454       Vq(face->index()) += -Keff*(vPc(c2)-vPc(c1));
00455       if (face->getNormalOrientation() == OrthoMesh::NORMAL_Z)
00456       {
00457         Vq(face->index()) += +K1*K2/(K1+K2)*(vGravTerm(c1)+vGravTerm(c2));
00458       }      //printf("%g ",-Keff*(vPc(c2)-vPc(c1)));
00461     }
00462   }
00464   //Now for boundary conditions
00466   HybridFaceBC::iterator bcEnd = bc.end();
00467   for(HybridFaceBC::iterator bcIt = bc.begin();bcIt!=bcEnd;bcIt++)
00468   {
00469     OrthoMesh::Face_It face = bcIt->face;
00470     assert(face->at_boundary());
00472     unsigned c1,c2;
00473     face->getAdjCellIndices(c1,c2);
00475     if (bcIt->bcType == Dirichlet)
00476     {
00477       if (c1 != OrthoMesh::invalidIndex())
00478       {
00479         double Keff = 2*K(c1)*vMobT(c1)*face->areaPerCellVol();
00480         Vq(face->index()) = - Keff*(bcIt->value - vP(c1)); 
00481         //      printf("Pressions R: %d %g %g = %g\n",c1,bcIt->value, m_sol(c1),Vq(bcIt->faceIndex));
00482       }
00483       else
00484       {
00485         double Keff = 2*K(c2)*vMobT(c2)*face->areaPerCellVol();
00486         Vq(face->index()) = Keff*(bcIt->value - vP(c2));
00487         //printf("Pressions L: %d %g %g = %g\n",c2,bcIt->value, m_sol(c2),Vq(bcIt->faceIndex));
00488       }
00489     }
00490     else
00491     {
00492       if (c1 != OrthoMesh::invalidIndex())
00493         Vq(face->index()) = bcIt->value/face->area();
00494       else
00495         Vq(face->index()) = bcIt->value/face->area();
00496     }
00497   }
00500   ScalarBC::iterator ScalarBCEnd = vScalarBC.end();
00501   for(ScalarBC::iterator bcIt = vScalarBC.begin();bcIt!=ScalarBCEnd;bcIt++)
00502   {
00503     OrthoMesh::Face_It face = bcIt->face;
00504     assert(face->at_boundary());
00506     unsigned c1,c2;
00507     face->getAdjCellIndices(c1,c2);
00509       if (c1 != OrthoMesh::invalidIndex())
00510       {
00511         double Keff = 2*KPc(c1)*face->areaPerCellVol();
00512         Vq(face->index()) += - Keff*(bcIt->value - vP(c1)); 
00513         //      printf("Pressions R: %d %g %g = %g\n",c1,bcIt->value, m_sol(c1),Vq(bcIt->faceIndex));
00514       }
00515       else
00516       {
00517         double Keff = 2*KPc(c2)*face->areaPerCellVol();
00518         Vq(face->index()) += - Keff*(vPc(c2) - bcIt->value);
00519         //printf("Pressions L: %d %g %g = %g\n",c2,bcIt->value, m_sol(c2),Vq(bcIt->faceIndex));
00520       }
00521   }
00523 }

void MixedHybridBase::getNormalVelocitiesFromPressure ( VecDouble Vq,
OrthoMesh mesh,
HybridFaceBC bc,
const VecDouble K,
const VecDouble vP 
) [protected]

Definition at line 356 of file mixedhybridbase.cpp.

00357 {
00358   assert(Vq.size() == mesh.numFaces());
00359   assert(vP.size() == mesh.numCells());
00360   assert(K.size() == mesh.numCells());
00363   //Get the face iterator and the number of faces.
00364   OrthoMesh::Face_It face = mesh.begin_face();
00365   OrthoMesh::Face_It endf = mesh.end_face();
00368   //For each face
00369   for (;face!=endf;face++)
00370   {
00371     if (!face->at_boundary())
00372     {
00373       unsigned c1,c2;
00374       face->getAdjCellIndices(c1,c2);
00375       double K1 = K(c1);
00376       double K2 = K(c2);
00377       double Keff = 2*_div(K1*K2,(K1+K2))*face->areaPerCellVol();
00378       Vq(face->index()) = - Keff * (vP(c2) - vP(c1));
00379     }
00380   }
00382   //Now for boundary conditions
00384   HybridFaceBC::iterator bcEnd = bc.end();
00385   for(HybridFaceBC::iterator bcIt = bc.begin();bcIt!=bcEnd;bcIt++)
00386   {
00387     OrthoMesh::Face_It face = bcIt->face;
00388     assert(face->at_boundary());
00390     unsigned c1,c2;
00391     face->getAdjCellIndices(c1,c2);
00393     if (bcIt->bcType == Dirichlet)
00394     {
00395       if (c1 != OrthoMesh::invalidIndex())
00396       {
00397         double Keff = 2*K(c1)*face->areaPerCellVol();
00398         Vq(face->index()) = - Keff*(bcIt->value - vP(c1)); 
00399         //      printf("Pressions R: %d %g %g = %g\n",c1,bcIt->value, m_sol(c1),Vq(bcIt->faceIndex));
00400       }
00401       else
00402       {
00403         double Keff = 2*K(c2)*face->areaPerCellVol();
00404         Vq(face->index()) = Keff*(bcIt->value - vP(c2));
00405         //printf("Pressions L: %d %g %g = %g\n",c2,bcIt->value, m_sol(c2),Vq(bcIt->faceIndex));
00406       }
00407     }
00408     else
00409     {
00410       if (c1 != OrthoMesh::invalidIndex())
00411         Vq(face->index()) = bcIt->value/face->area();
00412       else
00413         Vq(face->index()) = bcIt->value/face->area();
00414     }
00415   }
00417 }

void MixedHybridBase::getNormalVelocitiesFromPressure ( VecDouble Vq,
OrthoMesh mesh,
HybridFaceBC bc,
const VecDouble K,
const VecDouble vP,
const VecDouble vMobT,
const VecDouble vGravTerm 
) [protected]

Definition at line 285 of file mixedhybridbase.cpp.

00286 {
00287   assert(Vq.size() == mesh.numFaces());
00288   assert(vP.size() == mesh.numCells());
00289   assert(vMobT.size() == mesh.numCells());
00290   assert(vGravTerm.size() == mesh.numCells());
00291   assert(K.size() == mesh.numCells());
00294   //Get the face iterator and the number of faces.
00295   OrthoMesh::Face_It face = mesh.begin_face();
00296   OrthoMesh::Face_It endf = mesh.end_face();
00299   //For each face
00300   for (;face!=endf;face++)
00301   {
00302     if (!face->at_boundary())
00303     {
00304       unsigned c1,c2;
00305       face->getAdjCellIndices(c1,c2);
00306       double K1 = K(c1)*vMobT(c1);
00307       double K2 = K(c2)*vMobT(c2);
00308       double Keff = 2*K1*K2/(K1+K2)*face->areaPerCellVol();
00309       Vq(face->index()) = - Keff * (vP(c2) - vP(c1));
00310       if (face->getNormalOrientation() == OrthoMesh::NORMAL_Z)
00311       {
00312         Vq(face->index()) += +K1*K2/(K1+K2)*(vGravTerm(c1)+vGravTerm(c2));
00313       }
00315     }
00316   }
00318   //Now for boundary conditions
00320   HybridFaceBC::iterator bcEnd = bc.end();
00321   for(HybridFaceBC::iterator bcIt = bc.begin();bcIt!=bcEnd;bcIt++)
00322   {
00323     OrthoMesh::Face_It face = bcIt->face;
00324     assert(face->at_boundary());
00326     unsigned c1,c2;
00327     face->getAdjCellIndices(c1,c2);
00329     if (bcIt->bcType == Dirichlet)
00330     {
00331       if (c1 != OrthoMesh::invalidIndex())
00332       {
00333         double Keff = 2*K(c1)*vMobT(c1)*face->areaPerCellVol();
00334         Vq(face->index()) = - Keff*(bcIt->value - vP(c1)); 
00335         //      printf("Pressions R: %d %g %g = %g\n",c1,bcIt->value, m_sol(c1),Vq(bcIt->faceIndex));
00336       }
00337       else
00338       {
00339         double Keff = 2*K(c2)*vMobT(c2)*face->areaPerCellVol();
00340         Vq(face->index()) = Keff*(bcIt->value - vP(c2));
00341         //printf("Pressions L: %d %g %g = %g\n",c2,bcIt->value, m_sol(c2),Vq(bcIt->faceIndex));
00342       }
00343     }
00344     else
00345     {
00346       if (c1 != OrthoMesh::invalidIndex())
00347         Vq(face->index()) = bcIt->value/face->area();
00348       else
00349         Vq(face->index()) = bcIt->value/face->area();
00350     }
00351   }
00352 }

void MixedHybridBase::setBoundaryCondition ( HybridFaceBC vBC,
OrthoMesh mesh,
Function3D fInwardVel,
Function3D fP,
bool  bCheckNoBC 
) [protected]

Definition at line 528 of file mixedhybridbase.cpp.

00529 {
00530   vBC.reserve(mesh.numFacesAtBoundary());
00531   Point3D p;  
00533   OrthoMesh::Cell_It cell = mesh.begin_cell();
00534   OrthoMesh::Cell_It endc = mesh.end_cell();
00536   _HybridFaceBC bc;
00538    //For eahc cell in the Mesh
00539    for(;cell != endc;cell++)
00540    {
00541      //For each boundary face of the cell
00542      for (unsigned int face_no = 0; face_no < GeometryInfo<3>::faces_per_cell;++face_no)
00543      {
00544        OrthoMesh::Face_It face = cell->face((FaceDirection3D) face_no);
00545        if (face->at_boundary())
00546        {
00547          face->barycenter(p);
00548          if (fInwardVel.isInDomain(p)) //Neumman condition
00549          {
00550            //Set boundary condition entry 
00551            bc.face = face; //store the face index
00552            bc.bcType = Neumann; //Store the type of condition (Neumman)
00553            if (mesh.nonZeroInwardNormalComponenentIsPositive((FaceDirection3D) face_no))
00554              bc.value = fInwardVel(p)*face->area();
00555            else
00556              bc.value =- fInwardVel(p)*face->area();
00557            vBC.push_back(bc);
00558          }
00559          else if (fP.isInDomain(p)) //Dirichlet condition
00560          {
00561            //Set boundary condition entry 
00562            bc.face = face;
00563            bc.bcType = Dirichlet;
00564            bc.value= fP(p);
00565            vBC.push_back(bc);
00566          }
00567          else if (bCheckNoBC)
00568            throw new Exception("Error in HybridPressionModule::setBoundaryCondition(), face %d in point <%g,%g,%g> does not have any boundary condition",face->index(),p[0],p[1],p[2]);
00570        }
00571      }
00572    }
00574 }

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