UpwindForSystem Class Reference

#include <upwindforsystem.h>

Inheritance diagram for UpwindForSystem:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for UpwindForSystem:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 UpwindForSystem (OrthoMesh &mesh, Function3D &fInitU, const VecDouble &cPor, Function3D &fPrescribedU, FaceFluxFunction &flux, FixedValueCondition &fixedC, double CFL, DiffusiveStep *diffStp)
virtual void iterateN (unsigned nSteps, double dt)
 ~UpwindForSystem ()

Detailed Description

Definition at line 9 of file upwindforsystem.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

UpwindForSystem::UpwindForSystem ( OrthoMesh mesh,
Function3D fInitU,
const VecDouble cPor,
Function3D fPrescribedU,
FaceFluxFunction flux,
FixedValueCondition fixedC,
double  CFL,
DiffusiveStep diffStp 

Definition at line 10 of file upwindforsystem.cpp.

00011   :LaxFriedrichsForSystem(mesh,fInitU,cPor,fPrescribedU,flux,fixedC,CFL)
00012 {
00014 }

UpwindForSystem::~UpwindForSystem (  ) 

Definition at line 5 of file upwindforsystem.cpp.

00006 {
00008 }

Member Function Documentation

void UpwindForSystem::iterateN ( unsigned  nSteps,
double  dt 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from LaxFriedrichsForSystem.

Definition at line 19 of file upwindforsystem.cpp.

00020 {
00021   unsigned posCell,negCell;
00023   //We iterate the method along faces, so 
00024   //alloc the vectors to contain the solutions in neg
00025   //and pos cells of the faces.  Remeber that the solution
00026   //in a cell is vector with a value for each component
00027   VecDouble  vBC(n_components),vFluxPos(n_components),vFluxNeg(n_components);
00028   VecDoubleRef vQPos(n_components),vQNeg(n_components);
00030   //For each time step
00031   for (unsigned count = 0; count < nSteps; count++)
00032   {
00033     //Get the face iterator and the number of faces.
00034     OrthoMesh::Face_It face = m_mesh.begin_face();
00035     OrthoMesh::Face_It endf = m_mesh.end_face();
00038     //m_solAnt receives the solution in time tn since
00039     //m_sol will contain the solution in tn+1. 
00040     m_solAnt = m_sol;
00042     //For each face
00043     for (;face!=endf;face++)
00044     {
00046       face->getAdjCellIndices(negCell,posCell);
00048       //Get the values of the previous solution in the right and left of the face
00049       this->getValuesOfTheFaceCells(m_mesh,m_vbc,m_solAnt,face->index(),negCell,posCell,vQNeg,vQPos);
00051       //Get the indices of the cells that contain the face.
00052       //If the face is at boundary, it has just one cell.
00053       //In this case the method getAdjCells() return posCell == negCell
00054       if (posCell == OrthoMesh::INVALID_INDEX)
00055         posCell=negCell;
00056       else if (negCell == OrthoMesh::INVALID_INDEX)
00057         negCell=posCell;
00059       //Get the porsity
00060       double posPor = getPorosity()(posCell);
00061       double negPor = getPorosity()(negCell);
00064       m_flux.fluxAtFace(vFluxPos,face,vQPos,vQPos);
00065       m_flux.fluxAtFace(vFluxNeg,face,vQNeg,vQNeg);
00067       //Now get the flux component by component
00068       for (unsigned cmp=0;cmp<n_components;cmp++)
00069       {
00070         assert(vQPos(cmp) >= 0.0 && vQNeg(cmp) >= 0.0);
00072         double fluxPos,fluxNeg,flux;
00074         //Get the flux from the positive and negative side
00075         fluxPos = dt*face->areaPerCellVol() * vFluxPos(cmp);
00076         fluxNeg = dt*face->areaPerCellVol() * vFluxNeg(cmp);
00079         //if the flux is coming from the positive cell, use the flux computed from the value of the  Pos Cell
00080         if (fluxPos >= 0.0 && fluxNeg >= 0.0)
00081           flux = fluxNeg;
00082         else if (fluxPos <0.0 && fluxNeg < 0.0) //if the flux comes from the other direction use the Neg flux
00083           flux = fluxPos;
00084         else
00085         {
00086           flux = (fluxPos + fluxNeg)/2.0 - (posPor+negPor)/2.0 * (vQPos(cmp)-vQNeg(cmp))/6.0; 
00087           //printf("Sonic Point: %g %g %d\n",fluxPos,fluxNeg,face->getNormalOrientation());
00088         }
00089         if (OrthoMesh::isValid(posCell))
00090           m_sol(posCell,cmp) +=  + flux/posPor;
00092         if (OrthoMesh::isValid(negCell))
00093           m_sol(posCell,cmp) +=  - flux/negPor;
00095       } //end for each component
00096     } //end for each face
00097   } //end for each time step
00099 }

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