ConservativeMethodForSystem Class Reference

#include <conservativemethodforsystem.h>

Inheritance diagram for ConservativeMethodForSystem:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for ConservativeMethodForSystem:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 ConservativeMethodForSystem ()
virtual ~ConservativeMethodForSystem ()
virtual void updateFixedPressureBC (Function3D *fDP, FlashCompositional &flash)=0

Protected Member Functions

void buildDerivatives (OrthoMesh &mesh, const VecDouble &cV, Matrix &MG)
void getCellDerivatives (const VecDouble &sol, const OrthoMesh::Cell_It &cell, double *s0, double *s1, double *s2)
bool getValuesOfTheFaceCells (OrthoMesh &mesh, VecIncBC &vbc, const ArrayOfVecDouble &vcValues, Index face_index, Index negCell, Index posCell, VecDoubleRef &vSwNeg, VecDoubleRef &vSwPos)
bool getValuesOfTheFaceCellsScalar (OrthoMesh &mesh, VecIncBC &vbc, const VecDouble &cValues, Index face_index, Index negCell, Index posCell, double *dNeg, double *dPos)
double calculateTimeStep (OrthoMesh &mesh, double tEnd, double MaxCFL, const VecDouble &vPorosity, FaceFluxFunction &flux)

Detailed Description

The base class of all conservative methods for hyperbolic systems. See Leveque for a definition of conservative method. This class implement some methods common to all classes that solve the system of hyperbolic equations of the form Sw(n+1) = Sw(n) + div(NumericFlux) where the div are aproximated doing a computation along the cells of the grid.

This class assumes that we have an orthonormal uniform grid since its methods usually uses reference for an OrtoMesh object.

Definition at line 22 of file conservativemethodforsystem.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ConservativeMethodForSystem::ConservativeMethodForSystem (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 38 of file conservativemethodforsystem.h.

00038 {}

virtual ConservativeMethodForSystem::~ConservativeMethodForSystem (  )  [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 39 of file conservativemethodforsystem.h.

00039 {}

Member Function Documentation

void ConservativeMethodForSystem::buildDerivatives ( OrthoMesh mesh,
const VecDouble cV,
Matrix MG 
) [protected]

Store the min mod derivatives of the three directions of each cell in a matrix with dimensions [NUM_CELLS][3]

cV Vector with solution in each cell
MG The matrix containing the derivatives.

Definition at line 241 of file conservativemethodforsystem.cpp.

00242 {
00244   assert(MG.m() == mesh.numCells());
00245   assert(MG.n() == 3);
00246   assert(cV.size() == mesh.numCells());
00248   OrthoMesh::Cell_It cell = mesh.begin_cell();
00249   OrthoMesh::Cell_It endc = mesh.end_cell();
00250   double s0,s1,s2;
00251   for (;cell != endc; cell++)
00252   {
00253     getCellDerivatives(cV,cell,&s0,&s1,&s2);
00254     MG(cell->index(),0)=s0;
00255     MG(cell->index(),1)=s1;
00256     MG(cell->index(),2)=s2;
00257   } 
00258 }

double ConservativeMethodForSystem::calculateTimeStep ( OrthoMesh mesh,
double  tEnd,
double  MaxCFL,
const VecDouble vPorosity,
FaceFluxFunction flux 
) [protected]

First of all, this is an internal method used to get the values in the left and in the right of a face. This function exist because there is complications to get this values from the cells adjacents to the faces at boundary. In this case the face has just one neighbour cell and the value in the other inexistent cell must be get from the boundary conditions for the face in the case that condition exist. If not exist we make the value of the inexistent cell (ghost cell) identical to the value of the cell inside the mesh.

face The face from wich we get the two values of saturation
SwNeg Vector to contain the value for the cell in the negative direction from the face for each component of the system.
SwPos Vector to contain the value for the cell in the positive direction from the face for each component of the system.

void ConservativeMethodForSystem::getValuesOfTheFaceCells(OrthoMesh &mesh, const VecIncBC &vbc, const ArrayOfVectors& vcValues, Index face_index, Index negCell, Index posCell, VecDouble &vSwNeg,VecDouble &vSwPos) { check vector dimensions const unsigned n_components = vSwPos.size(); assert(vfBCValues.size() == n_components); assert(vSwNeg.size() == n_components); assert(vcValues.size() == n_components);

for each variable (component) of the system for (unsigned cmp=0;cmp<n_components;cmp++) { getValuesOfTheFaceCells(mesh,vfBCValues[cmp],vcValues[cmp],face_index,negCell,posCell,vSwNeg(cmp),vSwPos(cmp)); } } Calculate the time step to advance the transport method. The time step is returned as a multiple of tEnd If tEnd == INFINITY, than the procedure returns an exact mathc for the time step

tEnd Amount of time the transport should iterate

Definition at line 48 of file conservativemethodforsystem.cpp.

00049 {
00050   double dMinPor = NumericMethods::vectorMinValue(vPorosity);
00051   double dInvMinTravelTime; //Travel time is the time the solution needs to cross a cell.
00053   //Get the discretization steps in each dimension
00054   double dX = mesh.getDX()[0];
00055   double dY = mesh.getDX()[1];
00056   double dZ = mesh.getDX()[2];
00058   //Get the maximum chracteristic velocity in the three components
00059   double MaxCharVel[3];
00060   flux.maxGlobalCharVelocity(MaxCharVel);
00062   //To avoid division by zero we calculate the inverse
00063   //of the min travel time and then we invert the number.
00065   //Min time to cross a cell  in the X direction
00066   dInvMinTravelTime = fabs(MaxCharVel[X])/dX;
00068   //Min time to cross a cell  in the Y direction
00069   dInvMinTravelTime = fmax(fabs(MaxCharVel[Y])/dY, dInvMinTravelTime);
00071  //Min time to cross a cell  in the Z direction
00072  dInvMinTravelTime = fmax(fabs(MaxCharVel[Z])/dZ, dInvMinTravelTime);
00075  if (dInvMinTravelTime == 0)
00076    return tEnd;
00078  //double dTravelTime = 1.0/dInvMinTravelTime;
00080  if (tEnd == INFINITY)
00081    return dMinPor*MaxCFL/dInvMinTravelTime; 
00082  else
00083    return tEnd/ceil(tEnd*dInvMinTravelTime/(dMinPor*MaxCFL));
00085 }

void ConservativeMethodForSystem::getCellDerivatives ( const VecDouble sol,
const OrthoMesh::Cell_It cell,
double *  s0,
double *  s1,
double *  s2 
) [protected]

Return the MinMod Derivatives of a Cell

sol = Solution
OrthoMesh mesh
s0 Derivative in X
s1 Derivative in Y
s2 Derivative in Z

Definition at line 270 of file conservativemethodforsystem.cpp.

00271 {
00272   //Derivative for x
00273   const OrthoMesh &mesh=cell->getMesh();
00274   Index li,ri;
00275   double u = sol(cell->index());
00276   li = cell->neighbor_index(LEFT_CELL);
00277   ri = cell->neighbor_index(RIGHT_CELL);
00278   if (li == OrthoMesh::INVALID_INDEX || ri == OrthoMesh::INVALID_INDEX)
00279      *s0 = 0.0;
00280   else
00281     *s0=NumericMethods::minMod(u-sol(li),sol(ri)-u)/mesh.get_dx();
00284   li = cell->neighbor_index(FRONT_CELL);
00285   ri = cell->neighbor_index(BACK_CELL);
00286   if (li == OrthoMesh::INVALID_INDEX || ri == OrthoMesh::INVALID_INDEX)
00287      *s1 = 0.0;
00288   else
00289     *s1=NumericMethods::minMod(u-sol(li),sol(ri)-u)/mesh.get_dy();
00291   li = cell->neighbor_index(BOTTOM_CELL);
00292   ri = cell->neighbor_index(UP_CELL);
00293   if (li == OrthoMesh::INVALID_INDEX || ri == OrthoMesh::INVALID_INDEX)
00294      *s2 = 0.0;
00295   else
00296     *s2=NumericMethods::minMod(u-sol(li),sol(ri)-u)/mesh.get_dz();
00297 }

bool ConservativeMethodForSystem::getValuesOfTheFaceCells ( OrthoMesh mesh,
VecIncBC vbc,
const ArrayOfVecDouble cvcValues,
Index  face_index,
Index  negCell,
Index  posCell,
VecDoubleRef vSwNeg,
VecDoubleRef vSwPos 
) [protected]

Usefull method to get the Solution of the cells located between a face. This method consider the boundary condition information stored in the parameter vbc to get always valid values, even for the faces in the boundary. For a face inside the domain it just return the values based on the solution passed in the cvcValues parameter.

If the face is at boundary, and there is no boundary condition prescribed the value of the cell out of the mesh is equal to the value of the cell inside the mesh. This is called a mirror condition

If there is a boundary condition, this value is returned.

mesh The OrthoMesh
vbc Vector containing the bc info
cvcValues ArrayOfVectors containing the solution for each component of the solution (Remember that we are solving a system of equations)
face The index of the face
negCell The cell on the negative side of the face, -1 if it does not exist (Remember: face can be on the boundary)
posCell The cell on the positive side of the face, -1 if it does not exist (Remember: face can be on the boundary)
vSwNeg To contain the solution of the negative cell
vSwPos To contain the solution of the positive cell
true if there was a boundary condition for that face, false if there are none. In the case that the face is at boundary and there is no boundary condition, the mirror bc is used.

Definition at line 122 of file conservativemethodforsystem.cpp.

00123 {
00124   ArrayOfVecDouble &vcValues=const_cast<ArrayOfVecDouble&>(cvcValues);
00125   assert(vSwNeg.size() == vbc.bc_dim());
00126   assert(vSwPos.size() == vbc.bc_dim());
00127   if (posCell != OrthoMesh::invalidIndex())
00128   {
00129     //get the positive value
00130     vcValues.getVecValues(posCell,&vSwPos);
00132     //get the negative value if it exist
00133     if (negCell != OrthoMesh::invalidIndex())
00134     {
00135       vcValues.getVecValues(negCell,&vSwNeg);
00136       return false;
00137     }
00138     else
00139     {
00141       //if the neg value doesnt exist,
00142       //try to see if there is boundary condition
00143       //for the face
00144       if (vbc.get_ref_bc(face_index,vSwNeg))
00145       {
00146         return true;
00147       }
00148       else
00149       {
00150         //If not use mirror condition
00151         vcValues.getVecValues(posCell,&vSwNeg);
00152         return false;
00153       }
00154    }
00155   }
00156   else
00157   {
00158     //The positive value does not exist,
00159     //So the Negative value must exist. Get it
00160     vcValues.getVecValues(negCell,&vSwNeg);
00162     //Now take the value for SwPos from the boundary
00163     //condition or make it equal to the value of the negative cell.
00164     if (vbc.get_ref_bc(face_index,vSwPos)) //Ok BC exists
00165     {
00166       return true;
00167     }
00168     else
00169     {
00170       //If not use mirror condition
00171       vcValues.getVecValues(negCell,&vSwPos);
00172       return false;
00173     }
00174   }
00175   assert(0);
00176   return false;
00177 }

bool ConservativeMethodForSystem::getValuesOfTheFaceCellsScalar ( OrthoMesh mesh,
VecIncBC vbc,
const VecDouble cValues,
Index  face_index,
Index  negCell,
Index  posCell,
double *  dNeg,
double *  dPos 
) [protected]

Definition at line 179 of file conservativemethodforsystem.cpp.

00180 {
00181   bool result=false;
00182   static VecDouble vSw(1);
00183   assert(vbc.bc_dim()==1);
00184   if (posCell != OrthoMesh::invalidIndex())
00185   {
00186     //get the positive value
00187     *dPos = cValues(posCell);
00189     //get the negative value if it exist
00190     if (negCell != OrthoMesh::invalidIndex())
00191       *dNeg=cValues(negCell);
00192     else
00193     {
00195       //if the neg value doesnt exist,
00196       //try to see if there is boundary condition
00197       //for the face
00198       if (vbc.copy_bc(face_index,vSw))
00199       {
00200         result=true;
00201         *dNeg=vSw(0);
00202       }
00203       else
00204       {
00205         //If not use mirror condition
00206         *dNeg=*dPos;
00207       }
00208    }
00209   }
00210   else
00211   {
00212     //The positive value does not exist,
00213     //So the Negative value must exist. Get it
00214     *dNeg = cValues(negCell);
00216     //Now take the value for SwPos from the boundary
00217     //condition or make it equal to the value of the negative cell.
00218     if (vbc.copy_bc(face_index,vSw))
00219     {
00220       *dPos=vSw(0);
00221       result=true;
00222     }
00223     else
00224     {
00225       *dPos=*dNeg; 
00226     }
00227   }
00228   return result;
00230 }

virtual void ConservativeMethodForSystem::updateFixedPressureBC ( Function3D fDP,
FlashCompositional flash 
) [pure virtual]

Implemented in LaxFriedrichsForSystem.

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