Functions to iterate throw the mesh using indices


int DealBase::getAdjCellIndex (unsigned iCell, CellDirection3D dir)
double DealBase::getAdjCellValue (unsigned iCell, CellDirection3D dir, const VecDouble &v)
int DealBase::getFaceIndex (unsigned iCell, FaceDirection3D dir)
double DealBase::getFaceValue (unsigned iCell, FaceDirection3D dir, const VecDouble &v)
bool DealBase::isCellAtBoundary (unsigned iCell)
bool DealBase::hasAdjCell (unsigned iCell, CellDirection3D dir)

Function Documentation

int DealBase::getAdjCellIndex ( unsigned  iCell,
CellDirection3D  dir 
) [inherited]

Get adjacent cell of the current cell with index iCell. If such adjacent cell does not exist, the program return INVALID_INDEX == -1.

iCell Index of the current cell
dir Direction3D of the adjacent cell
Index of the cell in the direction dir relative to the current cell (iCell)

Definition at line 675 of file dealbase.cpp.

00676 {
00677   assert(iCell < numCells());
00678   return CellAccessor<3>(&getTriangulation(),0,iCell).neighbor_index(dir);
00679 }

double DealBase::getAdjCellValue ( unsigned  iCell,
CellDirection3D  dir,
const VecDouble v 
) [inherited]

Get the value of the adjacent cell relative to the current cell iCell. This function assumes that the adjacent cell exist.

iCell Index of the current cell
dir Direction3D of the adjacent cell
v Vector of values indexed by cell indices.
Value of the cell adjacent to the current cell (iCell)

Definition at line 689 of file dealbase.cpp.

00690 {
00691   assert(getAdjCellIndex(iCell,dir) !=INVALID_INDEX);
00692   assert(v.size() == this->numCells()); //The vector has one entry for each cell.
00693   return v(getAdjCellIndex(iCell,dir));
00694 }

int DealBase::getFaceIndex ( unsigned  iCell,
FaceDirection3D  dir 
) [inherited]

Get the index of the face of the cell iCell.

iCell Index of the cell
dir Direction3D of the face
Index of the face.

Definition at line 726 of file dealbase.cpp.

00727 {
00728   return CellAccessor<3>(&getTriangulation(),0,iCell).quad_index(dir);
00730 }

double DealBase::getFaceValue ( unsigned  iCell,
FaceDirection3D  dir,
const VecDouble v 
) [inherited]

Get the value of the face in direction dir of the cell iCell.

iCell Index of the cell
dir Direction3D of the face
v Vector containing the face values.
Value of the face.

Definition at line 740 of file dealbase.cpp.

00741 {
00742   assert(getFaceIndex(iCell,dir) != INVALID_INDEX);
00743   assert(v.size() == numFaces());
00744   return v(getFaceIndex(iCell,dir));
00745 }

bool DealBase::hasAdjCell ( unsigned  iCell,
CellDirection3D  dir 
) [inherited]

Ask if the cell has a neightbor at direction specified in the parameter dir.

iCell Index of the current cell.
dir Direction3D of the adjacent cell relative to the current cell.

Definition at line 716 of file dealbase.cpp.

00717 {
00718   return getAdjCellIndex(iCell,dir) == INVALID_INDEX;
00719 }

bool DealBase::isCellAtBoundary ( unsigned  iCell  )  [inherited]

Answer if there Is some face of the cell iCell at boundary.

iCell index of the cell
true if cell has some face at boundary

Definition at line 704 of file dealbase.cpp.

00705 {
00706   return CellAccessor<3>(&getTriangulation(),0,iCell).at_boundary();
00707 }

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