DealBase Class Reference

#include <dealbase.h>

Inheritance diagram for DealBase:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 DealBase ()
 DealBase (const Triangulation< DIM > &tria)
 ~DealBase ()
Triangulation< DIM > & getTriangulation () const
Cell getCell (int index)
Cell endCell () const
Cell beginCell () const
Face beginFace ()
Face endFace ()
void getFaceBarycenter (Face &face, Point3D &p)
Point3D getFaceBarycenter (Face &face)
double getCentralValue (const Cell &cell, const VecDouble &values) const
double getFaceValue (const Face &face, const VecDouble &values)
double getFaceValue (const Cell &cell, FaceDirection3D dir, const VecDouble &values)
unsigned getFaceValueIndex (const Cell &cell, FaceDirection3D dir)
bool getFaceFlag (const Face &face, const VecBool &values)
Cell getCellAtPoint (const Point< DIM > &p)
double getNeighborValue (const Cell &cell, CellDirection3D dir, const VecDouble &cValues)
double getVerticeValue (const Cell &cell, VertexDirection3D vertex, const VecDouble &values)
double getVerticeValue (unsigned vIndex, const VecDouble &values)
unsigned getCentralPointIndex (Cell &cell)
void getVerticePoint (unsigned vIndex, Point< DIM > &X) const
Cell getEndCell ()
Cell getAdjCell (Cell &cell, CellDirection3D dir)
Cell getAdjCell (Cell &cell, CellDirection3D dir1, CellDirection3D dir2)
bool getCellFlag (const Cell &cell, const VecBool &cVFlags) const
bool getVerticeFlag (const Cell &cell, VertexDirection3D dir, const VecBool &vVFlags) const
void setCentralValue (const Cell &cell, double dd, VecDouble &values)
void setCentralValue (DoFCell &cell, double dd, VecDouble &values)
void setFaceValue (const Face &face, double dd, VecDouble &values)
void setFaceValue (const Cell &cell, FaceDirection3D dir, double dd, VecDouble &values)
void setFaceFlag (const Face &face, bool b, VecBool &values)
void setCellFlag (const Cell &cell, const bool flag, VecBool &cVFlags) const
void setVerticeFlag (const Cell &cell, VertexDirection3D dir, const bool flag, VecBool &vVFlags) const
double getL2NormAtCells (const VecDouble &cValues) const
double getIntegralAtCells (const VecDouble &cValues) const
unsigned numCells () const
unsigned numFaces () const
unsigned numVertices () const
double faceArea (Face face)
int getAdjCellIndex (unsigned iCell, CellDirection3D dir)
double getAdjCellValue (unsigned iCell, CellDirection3D dir, const VecDouble &v)
int getFaceIndex (unsigned iCell, FaceDirection3D dir)
double getFaceValue (unsigned iCell, FaceDirection3D dir, const VecDouble &v)
bool isCellAtBoundary (unsigned iCell)
bool hasAdjCell (unsigned iCell, CellDirection3D dir)
void setCentralValuesFromFunction (Function3D &f, VecDouble &cValues, unsigned component=0)
void setCentralValuesInFunctionDomain (Function3D &f, MapIntDouble &values, unsigned component=0)
void setVerticesValuesFromFunction (Function< DIM > &f, VecDouble &vValues, unsigned deg=0)
void setFacesValuesFromFunction (Function3D &f, VecDouble &fValues, unsigned deg=0, bool bOnlyPrescribedBoundary=false)
void setFacesValuesFromFunction (Function3D &f, Matrix &MValues, bool bOnlyPrescribedBoundary=false)
void tagFacesInDomain (Function3D &f, VecTag &tags, char value)
void tagFacesInDomain (Function3D &f, VecBool &tags)
void setVerticeValue (Cell &cell, VertexDirection3D vertex, double dd, VecDouble &values)
void setMaterialIdOfPrescribedBoundaryCells (GeneralFunctionInterface &f, unsigned material_id)
void setMaterialIdFromFunctionDomain (GeneralFunctionInterface &f, unsigned material_id)
void getCellsInFunctionDomain (Function3D &f, VecIndex &vec)
void printMatrixMaple (FullMatrix< double > &M)
void printMatrixMaple (SparseMatrix< double > &M)
void printVertices ()
void printCells ()
void printFaces ()
void printPoint (const Point< DIM > &P, std::ostream &out)
void printVector (const VecDouble &vSol)
void printPoint (const Point< DIM > &p)
void printCentralValues (const VecDouble &cValues)
void printCentralValues (const VecDouble &cValues1, const VecDouble &cValues2)
void printCentralValues (const VecDouble &cValues1, const VecDouble &cValues2, const VecDouble &cValues3, const VecDouble &cValues4)
void printFacesValuesAtBoundary (const VecDouble &fValues, const VecDouble &fValues2)
void printFacesValuesAtBoundary (const VecDouble &fValues1, const VecDouble &fValues2, const VecDouble &fValues3, const VecDouble &fValues4)
void printFacesValuesAtBoundary (const VecDouble &fValues)
void printCell (Cell cell, std::ostream &out=std::cout)
void printCells (VecIndex &vec, std::ostream &out=std::cout)
bool isFirstCell (Cell &cell)
bool isValid (Cell &cell)
bool hasNeighbor (Cell &cell, CellDirection3D dir)
void flagPrescribedFaces (Function3D &f, VecBool &vFlags)
void setPrescribedBoundaryId (Function3D &f, unsigned boundary_id)
double getDX (Cell &cell)
double getDZ (Cell &cell)
double getDY (Cell &cell)

Static Public Member Functions

static void printTriangulation (Triangulation< 3 > &tria, std::ostream &out=std::cout)

Static Public Attributes

static const int INVALID_INDEX = -1

Protected Member Functions

void setTriangulation (Triangulation< DIM > &trig)

Protected Attributes

int n_cells

Private Attributes

Triangulation< DIM > * m_pTriangulation

Detailed Description

MeshDeal3D This class is a Wrapper providing a class Mesh used by the finite volume methods. In background this class call methods from the class Triangulation of the library deal.II

Definition at line 25 of file dealbase.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

DealBase::DealBase (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 38 of file dealbase.h.

00038 {m_pTriangulation = NULL;n_cells=-1;}

DealBase::DealBase ( const Triangulation< DIM > &  tria  )  [inline]

Definition at line 39 of file dealbase.h.

00039 {setTriangulation((Triangulation<DIM>&) tria);}

DealBase::~DealBase (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 40 of file dealbase.h.

00040 {}

Member Function Documentation

double DealBase::faceArea ( Face  face  ) 

Definition at line 902 of file dealbase.cpp.

00903 {
00904   return NumericMethods::squareMeasure(face->vertex(BL_VERTEX),
00905                                        face->vertex(BR_VERTEX),
00906                                        face->vertex(UR_VERTEX),
00907                                        face->vertex(UL_VERTEX));
00908 }

void DealBase::flagPrescribedFaces ( Function3D f,
VecBool vFlags 

Definition at line 427 of file dealbase.cpp.

00428 {
00429   assert(vFlags.size() == numFaces());
00430   for (Face face=beginFace();face!=endFace();face++)
00431   {
00432     Point3D p = face->center();
00433     setFaceFlag(face,face->at_boundary() && (f.isInDomain(p)),vFlags);
00434   }
00435 }

double DealBase::getDX ( Cell cell  )  [inline]

Definition at line 157 of file dealbase.h.

00157 {return  cell->vertex(VERTEX_100)(0)-cell->vertex(VERTEX_000)(0);}

double DealBase::getDY ( Cell cell  )  [inline]

Definition at line 159 of file dealbase.h.

00159 {return  cell->vertex(VERTEX_010)(1)-cell->vertex(VERTEX_000)(1);}

double DealBase::getDZ ( Cell cell  )  [inline]

Definition at line 158 of file dealbase.h.

00158 {return  cell->vertex(VERTEX_001)(2)-cell->vertex(VERTEX_000)(2);}

double DealBase::getIntegralAtCells ( const VecDouble cValues  )  const

Reimplemented in DealOrthoMesh.

double DealBase::getL2NormAtCells ( const VecDouble cValues  )  const

Reimplemented in DealOrthoMesh.

Triangulation<DIM>& DealBase::getTriangulation (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 41 of file dealbase.h.

00041 {assert(m_pTriangulation);return *m_pTriangulation;}

bool DealBase::hasNeighbor ( Cell cell,
CellDirection3D  dir 
) [inline]

Definition at line 154 of file dealbase.h.

00154 {return (cell->neighbor_index(dir) != DealBase::INVALID_INDEX);}

bool DealBase::isFirstCell ( Cell cell  )  [inline]

Definition at line 152 of file dealbase.h.

00152 {return cell == getTriangulation().begin_active();}

bool DealBase::isValid ( Cell cell  )  [inline]

Definition at line 153 of file dealbase.h.

00153 {return (cell.state() == IteratorState::valid);} 

unsigned DealBase::numCells (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 87 of file dealbase.h.

00087 {return n_cells;}

unsigned DealBase::numFaces (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 88 of file dealbase.h.

00088 {return getTriangulation().n_active_faces();}

unsigned DealBase::numVertices (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 89 of file dealbase.h.

00089 {return getTriangulation().n_vertices();}

void DealBase::printCell ( Cell  cell,
std::ostream &  out = std::cout 

Definition at line 597 of file dealbase.cpp.

00598 {
00599   char str[500];
00600   sprintf(str,"==== Cell %d ====\n",cell->index());
00601   out << str;
00602   out << "Barycenter: " << cell->barycenter() << endl;
00603   //     cout << "0 = " <<  cell->vertex(0) << endl;
00604   //     cout << "1 = " <<  cell->vertex(1) << endl;
00605   //     cout << "2 = " <<  cell->vertex(2) << endl;
00606   //     cout << "3 = " <<  cell->vertex(3) << endl;
00607   //     cout << "4 = " <<  cell->vertex(4) << endl;
00608   //     cout << "5 = " <<  cell->vertex(5) << endl;
00609   //     cout << "6 = " <<  cell->vertex(6) << endl;
00610   //     cout << "7 = " <<  cell->vertex(7) << endl;
00612   out << "V000 = "  << cell->vertex_index(VERTEX_000) <<  ") " << cell->vertex(VERTEX_000)  << endl;
00613   out << "V100 = " << cell->vertex_index(VERTEX_100) <<  ") " << cell->vertex(VERTEX_100) << endl;
00614   out << "V110 = " << cell->vertex_index(VERTEX_110) <<  ") " << cell->vertex(VERTEX_110) << endl;
00615   out << "V010 = " << cell->vertex_index(VERTEX_010) <<  ") " << cell->vertex(VERTEX_010) << endl;
00616   out << "V001 = " << cell->vertex_index(VERTEX_001) <<  ") " << cell->vertex(VERTEX_001) << endl;
00617   out << "V101 = " << cell->vertex_index(VERTEX_101) <<  ") " << cell->vertex(VERTEX_101) << endl;
00618   out << "V111 = " << cell->vertex_index(VERTEX_111) <<  ") " << cell->vertex(VERTEX_111) << endl;
00619   out << "V011 = " << cell->vertex_index(VERTEX_011) <<  ") " << cell->vertex(VERTEX_011) << endl;
00621   out << "RIGHT_FACE  " << cell->face_index (RIGHT_FACE) << ")" << endl;
00622   out << "LEFT_FACE   " << cell->face_index  (LEFT_FACE) << ")"  << endl;
00623   out << "FRONT_FACE  " << cell->face_index (FRONT_FACE) << ")" << endl;
00624   out << "BACK_FACE   " << cell->face_index  (BACK_FACE) << ")"  << endl;
00625   out << "BOTTOM_FACE " << cell->face_index(BOTTOM_FACE) << ")"<< endl;
00626   out << "UP_FACE     " << cell->face_index    (UP_FACE) << ")"    << endl;
00629 }

void DealBase::printCells ( VecIndex vec,
std::ostream &  out = std::cout 

Definition at line 966 of file dealbase.cpp.

00967 {
00968   for (unsigned i = 0;i<vec.size();i++)
00969   {
00970     out <<  i << ")";
00971     printCell(getCell(vec[i]),out);
00972   }
00973 }

void DealBase::setPrescribedBoundaryId ( Function3D f,
unsigned  boundary_id 

Objetivo: Configurar o ID das faces das celulas localizadas na fronteira e que tem seu valor prescrito pela funcao f. Em outras palavras quando f.isInDomain(face) == PRESCRIBED_BOUNDARY;

Parametros: f = Funcao que designa fronteira. boundary_id = Valor a ser adicionado na face na fronteira. Retorno:

Definition at line 266 of file dealbase.cpp.

00267 {
00268   Cell cell = getTriangulation().begin_active();
00269   Cell endc = getTriangulation().end();
00271   for (;cell!=endc;cell++)
00272   {
00273     for (unsigned face_no=0;face_no < GeometryInfo<DIM>::faces_per_cell;face_no++)
00274     {
00275       Face face = cell->face(face_no);
00276       if (face->at_boundary())
00277       {
00278         bool markFace = true;
00279         for (unsigned ivertex=0;ivertex< GeometryInfo<DIM>::vertices_per_face;ivertex++)
00280         {
00281           if (!f.isInDomain(face->vertex(ivertex)))
00282           {
00283             markFace = false;
00284             break;
00285           }
00286         }
00287         if (markFace)
00288         {
00289           face->set_boundary_indicator(boundary_id);
00290         }
00291       }
00292     }
00293   }
00294 }

void DealBase::setTriangulation ( Triangulation< DIM > &  trig  )  [protected]

Objetivo: Configurar o membro m_pTriangulation.



Definition at line 14 of file dealbase.cpp.

00015 {
00016   m_pTriangulation = &trig;
00017   END_CELL = getTriangulation().end();
00018   n_cells=getTriangulation().n_active_cells();
00019 }

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 29 of file dealbase.h.

const int DealBase::INVALID_INDEX = -1 [static]

Definition at line 35 of file dealbase.h.

Triangulation<DIM>* DealBase::m_pTriangulation [private]

Definition at line 28 of file dealbase.h.

int DealBase::n_cells [protected]

Definition at line 32 of file dealbase.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Friends Defines
Generated on Sun Apr 8 23:13:00 2012 for CO2INJECTION by  doxygen 1.6.3