Impressao de dados para depuraƧao


void DealBase::printMatrixMaple (FullMatrix< double > &M)
void DealBase::printMatrixMaple (SparseMatrix< double > &M)
void DealBase::printVertices ()
void DealBase::printCells ()
void DealBase::printFaces ()
void DealBase::printPoint (const Point< DIM > &P, std::ostream &out)
void DealBase::printVector (const VecDouble &vSol)
void DealBase::printPoint (const Point< DIM > &p)
void DealBase::printCentralValues (const VecDouble &cValues)
void DealBase::printCentralValues (const VecDouble &cValues1, const VecDouble &cValues2)
void DealBase::printCentralValues (const VecDouble &cValues1, const VecDouble &cValues2, const VecDouble &cValues3, const VecDouble &cValues4)
void DealBase::printFacesValuesAtBoundary (const VecDouble &fValues, const VecDouble &fValues2)
void DealBase::printFacesValuesAtBoundary (const VecDouble &fValues1, const VecDouble &fValues2, const VecDouble &fValues3, const VecDouble &fValues4)
void DealBase::printFacesValuesAtBoundary (const VecDouble &fValues)
static void DealBase::printTriangulation (Triangulation< 3 > &tria, std::ostream &out=std::cout)

Function Documentation

void DealBase::printCells (  )  [inherited]

Definition at line 107 of file dealbase.cpp.

00108 {
00109   Cell cell = getTriangulation().begin_active();
00110   Cell endc = getTriangulation().end();
00112   for (;cell!=endc;cell++)
00113   {
00114     printf("Cell  %d) CC=(%g,%g), VInd: %d %d %d %d\n",cell->index(),cell->barycenter()(0),cell->barycenter()(1),cell->vertex_index(0),cell->vertex_index(1),cell->vertex_index(2),cell->vertex_index(3));   
00116   }
00117 }

void DealBase::printCentralValues ( const VecDouble cValues1,
const VecDouble cValues2,
const VecDouble cValues3,
const VecDouble cValues4 
) [inherited]

Definition at line 473 of file dealbase.cpp.

00474 {
00475   assert(cValues1.size()==numCells());
00476   assert(cValues2.size()==numCells());
00477   assert(cValues3.size()==numCells());
00478   assert(cValues4.size()==numCells());
00479   Cell cell = beginCell();
00480   Cell endc = endCell();
00482   for (;cell!=endc;cell++)
00483   {
00484     printf("Cell: <%3g,%3g> %5g %5g %5g %5g\n",cell->center()(0),cell->center()(1),getCentralValue(cell,cValues1),getCentralValue(cell,cValues2),getCentralValue(cell,cValues3),getCentralValue(cell,cValues4));
00485   }
00486 }

void DealBase::printCentralValues ( const VecDouble cValues1,
const VecDouble cValues2 
) [inherited]

Definition at line 460 of file dealbase.cpp.

00461 {
00462   assert(cValues1.size()==numCells());
00463   assert(cValues2.size()==numCells());
00464   Cell cell = beginCell();
00465   Cell endc = endCell();
00467   for (;cell!=endc;cell++)
00468   {
00469     printf("Cell: <%3g,%3g> %5g %5g\n",cell->center()(0),cell->center()(1),getCentralValue(cell,cValues1),getCentralValue(cell,cValues2));
00470   }
00471 }

void DealBase::printCentralValues ( const VecDouble cValues  )  [inherited]

Definition at line 449 of file dealbase.cpp.

00450 {
00451   assert(cValues.size()==numCells());
00452   Cell cell = beginCell();
00453   Cell endc = endCell();
00455   for (;cell!=endc;cell++)
00456   {
00457         printf("Cell: <%3g,%3g> %5g\n",cell->center()(0),cell->center()(1),getCentralValue(cell,cValues));
00458   }
00459 }

void DealBase::printFaces (  )  [inherited]

Objetivo: Imprimir informacoes das faces:

Definition at line 404 of file dealbase.cpp.

00405 {
00406   Face face = getTriangulation().begin_active_face();
00407   Face endFace = getTriangulation().end_face();
00409   for(;face!=endFace;face++)
00410   {
00411     printf("Face %d) Vertices Indices: %d,%d\n",face->index(),face->vertex_index(0),face->vertex_index(1)); 
00412   }
00413 }

void DealBase::printFacesValuesAtBoundary ( const VecDouble fValues  )  [inherited]

Definition at line 491 of file dealbase.cpp.

00492 {
00493   assert(fValues.size()==numFaces());
00494   Cell cell = beginCell();
00495   Cell endc = endCell();
00497   for (;cell!=endc;cell++)
00498   {
00499     for (unsigned face_no=0;face_no<GeometryInfo<DIM>::faces_per_cell;face_no++)
00500     {
00501       Face face = cell->face(face_no);
00502       if (face->at_boundary())
00503         printf("Face: <%3g,%3g> %5g\n",face->center()(0),face->center()(1),getFaceValue(face,fValues));
00504     }
00505   }
00506 }

void DealBase::printFacesValuesAtBoundary ( const VecDouble fValues1,
const VecDouble fValues2,
const VecDouble fValues3,
const VecDouble fValues4 
) [inherited]

Definition at line 529 of file dealbase.cpp.

00530 {
00531   assert(fValues1.size()==numFaces());
00532   assert(fValues2.size()==numFaces());
00533   assert(fValues3.size()==numFaces());
00534   assert(fValues4.size()==numFaces());
00535   Cell cell = beginCell();
00536   Cell endc = endCell();
00538   for (;cell!=endc;cell++)
00539   {
00540     for (unsigned face_no=0;face_no<GeometryInfo<DIM>::faces_per_cell;face_no++)
00541     {
00542       Face face = cell->face(face_no);
00543       if (face->at_boundary())
00544         printf("Face: <%3g,%3g> %5g %5g %5g %5g\n",face->center()(0),face->center()(1),getFaceValue(face,fValues1),getFaceValue(face,fValues2),getFaceValue(face,fValues3),getFaceValue(face,fValues4));
00545     }
00546   }
00548 }

void DealBase::printFacesValuesAtBoundary ( const VecDouble fValues,
const VecDouble fValues2 
) [inherited]

Definition at line 510 of file dealbase.cpp.

00511 {
00512   assert(fValues.size()==numFaces());
00513   assert(fValues2.size()==numFaces());
00514   Cell cell = beginCell();
00515   Cell endc = endCell();
00517   for (;cell!=endc;cell++)
00518   {
00519     for (unsigned face_no=0;face_no<GeometryInfo<DIM>::faces_per_cell;face_no++)
00520     {
00521       Face face = cell->face(face_no);
00522       if (face->at_boundary())
00523         printf("Face: <%3g,%3g> %5g %5g\n",face->center()(0),face->center()(1),getFaceValue(face,fValues),getFaceValue(face,fValues2));
00524     }
00525   }
00526 }

void DealBase::printMatrixMaple ( SparseMatrix< double > &  M  )  [inherited]

Definition at line 121 of file dealbase.cpp.

00122 {
00123   unsigned i,j;
00125   cout << "Matrix("<<M.m()<<","<<M.n() << ",[";
00126   for (i=0;i<M.m();i++)
00127   {
00128     cout << "[";
00129     for (j=0;j<M.n()-1;j++)
00130     {
00131       cout << M.el(i,j) << ",";
00132     }
00133     if (i == M.m()-1)
00134       cout << M.el(i,j) << "]])";
00135     else
00136       cout << M.el(i,j) << "],";
00137   }
00138   cout.flush();
00140 }

void DealBase::printMatrixMaple ( FullMatrix< double > &  M  )  [inherited]

Definition at line 143 of file dealbase.cpp.

00144 {
00145   unsigned i,j;
00147   cout << "Matrix("<<M.m()<<","<<M.n() << ",[";
00148   for (i=0;i<M.m();i++)
00149   {
00150     cout << "[";
00151     for (j=0;j<M.n()-1;j++)
00152     {
00153       cout << M(i,j) << ",";
00154     }
00155     if (i == M.m()-1)
00156       cout << M(i,j) << "]])";
00157     else
00158       cout << M(i,j) << "],";
00159   }
00160   cout.flush();
00162 }

void DealBase::printPoint ( const Point< DIM > &  p  )  [inherited]

Definition at line 437 of file dealbase.cpp.

00438 {
00439   if (DIM == 2)
00440     printf("<%5g,%5g>",p[0],p[1]);
00441   else if (DIM == 1)
00442     printf("<%5g>",p[0]);
00443   else if (DIM == 3)
00444     printf("<%5g,%5g,%5g>",p[0],p[1],p[2]);
00445   else
00446     abort();
00447 }

void DealBase::printPoint ( const Point< DIM > &  P,
std::ostream &  out 
) [inherited]




Definition at line 172 of file dealbase.cpp.

00173 {
00174   out << "[ ";
00175   unsigned i;
00176   for (i=0;i<DIM;i++)
00177     out << P(i) << " ";
00178   out << "]";
00179 }

void DealBase::printTriangulation ( Triangulation< 3 > &  tria,
std::ostream &  out = std::cout 
) [static, inherited]

Definition at line 631 of file dealbase.cpp.

00632 {
00633   Cell cell = tria.begin_active();
00634   Cell endc = tria.end();
00635   char str[500];
00636   for (;cell != endc;cell++)
00637   {
00638     sprintf(str,"==== Cell %d ====\n",cell->index());
00639     out << str;
00640     out << "Barycenter: " << cell->barycenter() << endl;
00641 //     cout << "0 = " <<  cell->vertex(0) << endl;
00642 //     cout << "1 = " <<  cell->vertex(1) << endl;
00643 //     cout << "2 = " <<  cell->vertex(2) << endl;
00644 //     cout << "3 = " <<  cell->vertex(3) << endl;
00645 //     cout << "4 = " <<  cell->vertex(4) << endl;
00646 //     cout << "5 = " <<  cell->vertex(5) << endl;
00647 //     cout << "6 = " <<  cell->vertex(6) << endl;
00648 //     cout << "7 = " <<  cell->vertex(7) << endl;
00650     out << "V000 = "  << cell->vertex_index(VERTEX_000) <<  ") " << cell->vertex(VERTEX_000)  << endl;
00651     out << "V100 = " << cell->vertex_index(VERTEX_100) <<  ") " << cell->vertex(VERTEX_100) << endl;
00652     out << "V110 = " << cell->vertex_index(VERTEX_110) <<  ") " << cell->vertex(VERTEX_110) << endl;
00653     out << "V010 = " << cell->vertex_index(VERTEX_010) <<  ") " << cell->vertex(VERTEX_010) << endl;
00654     out << "V001 = " << cell->vertex_index(VERTEX_001) <<  ") " << cell->vertex(VERTEX_001) << endl;
00655     out << "V101 = " << cell->vertex_index(VERTEX_101) <<  ") " << cell->vertex(VERTEX_101) << endl;
00656     out << "V111 = " << cell->vertex_index(VERTEX_111) <<  ") " << cell->vertex(VERTEX_111) << endl;
00657     out << "V011 = " << cell->vertex_index(VERTEX_011) <<  ") " << cell->vertex(VERTEX_011) << endl;
00659     out << "RIGHT_FACE  " << cell->face_index (RIGHT_FACE) << ")" << endl;
00660     out << "LEFT_FACE   " << cell->face_index  (LEFT_FACE) << ")"  << endl;
00661     out << "FRONT_FACE  " << cell->face_index (FRONT_FACE) << ")" << endl;
00662     out << "BACK_FACE   " << cell->face_index  (BACK_FACE) << ")"  << endl;
00663     out << "BOTTOM_FACE " << cell->face_index(BOTTOM_FACE) << ")"<< endl;
00664     out << "UP_FACE     " << cell->face_index    (UP_FACE) << ")"    << endl;
00666   }
00667 }

void DealBase::printVector ( const VecDouble vSol  )  [inherited]

Definition at line 323 of file dealbase.cpp.

00324 {
00325   for (unsigned i=0;i<vSol.size();i++)
00326     printf("%d) %g\n",i,vSol(i));
00327 }

void DealBase::printVertices (  )  [inherited]

Definition at line 100 of file dealbase.cpp.

00101 {
00102   unsigned i;
00103   for (i=0;i<getTriangulation().n_vertices();i++)
00104     printf("%d) (%g,%g)\n",i,getTriangulation().get_vertices()[i](0),getTriangulation().get_vertices()[i](1));
00105 }

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