MixedHybridCompositionalSimple Class Reference

#include <mixedhybridcompositionalsimple.h>

Inheritance diagram for MixedHybridCompositionalSimple:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for MixedHybridCompositionalSimple:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 MixedHybridCompositionalSimple (OrthoMesh &mesh, Function3D &fInitP, Function3D &fPrescribedVelocities, Function3D &fPrescribedPression, const VecDouble &K, const VecDouble &vPor, Function1D &fMobT, Function1D &fRelMobilities, double grav, double dt, FlashCompositional &flash, LinearSolver &solver, int debugLevel, bool bCheckNoBC=true)
void findInitialPressure (double referencePressure=100e+5, double tol=1e-5)
void testSolution (OrthoMesh::Cell_It &cell, double dt, VecDouble &Bt, const VecDouble &por, const VecDouble &K, const VecDouble &P, const VecDouble &vPprev, const VecDouble &vMobT, const VecDouble &St)
 ~MixedHybridCompositionalSimple ()
virtual void iterate (TransportBase &trans)
virtual void printOutput ()
virtual void rollback ()

Protected Member Functions

double assemblySystem (SparseMatrix< double > &A, VecDouble &B, double dt, const VecDouble &vP, const VecDouble &vK, const VecDouble &vPor, FlashCompositional &flash, GeneralFunctionInterface &fMobT, GeneralFunctionInterface &fRelMobilities, double grav)
void assemblyInitialSystem (SparseMatrix< double > &A, VecDouble &B, HybridFaceBC &bc, const VecDouble &vP, const VecDouble &vK, FlashCompositional &flash, GeneralFunctionInterface &fMobT, GeneralFunctionInterface &fRelMobilities, double grav)

Protected Attributes

VecDouble v1
VecDouble v2
VecDouble m_vMobT
VecDouble m_vGravTerm

Private Attributes

double _maxStError

Detailed Description

This is the MixedHybridCompositional for the Simple model where we use the Kuhn Tucker Conditions and some other assumptions to describe the compositional model as

B * dp/dt + div(vdt) = por (St -1)/dt

Where B is the compressibility, St is the total saturation and vdt is the total darcy velocity defined in terms of the pressure as

vdt = - mobT K (Grad(P) - mobGravT * grav* <0,0,-1>);

Where grav is the absolute value of the gravity. Note that we assume that the gravity vector is pointing always down in the opposite direction of the the Z axis.

mobGravT is given by Sum (rho_i mob_i) where i=1....number of phases.

Definition at line 27 of file mixedhybridcompositionalsimple.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

MixedHybridCompositionalSimple::MixedHybridCompositionalSimple ( OrthoMesh mesh,
Function3D fInitP,
Function3D fPrescribedVelocities,
Function3D fPrescribedPression,
const VecDouble K,
const VecDouble vPor,
Function1D fMobT,
Function1D fRelMobilities,
double  grav,
double  dt,
FlashCompositional flash,
LinearSolver solver,
int  debugLevel,
bool  bCheckNoBC = true 

Definition at line 8 of file mixedhybridcompositionalsimple.cpp.

00009     :MixedHybridCompositional(mesh,fInitP,fPrescribedVelocities, fPrescribedPression, K, vPor,fMobT,fRelMobilities,grav,  dt,flash,solver,debugLevel, bCheckNoBC)
00010       {
00011   m_vGravTerm.reinit(m_mesh.numCells());
00012   m_vMobT.reinit(m_mesh.numCells());
00013   v1.reinit(m_mesh.numCells());
00014   v2.reinit(m_mesh.numCells());
00015   m_solAnt = m_sol;
00017  }

MixedHybridCompositionalSimple::~MixedHybridCompositionalSimple (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 53 of file mixedhybridcompositionalsimple.h.

00053 {}

Member Function Documentation

void MixedHybridCompositionalSimple::assemblyInitialSystem ( SparseMatrix< double > &  A,
VecDouble B,
HybridFaceBC bc,
const VecDouble vP,
const VecDouble vK,
FlashCompositional flash,
GeneralFunctionInterface fMobT,
GeneralFunctionInterface fRelMobilities,
double  grav 
) [protected]

Definition at line 184 of file mixedhybridcompositionalsimple.cpp.

00185 {
00186   assert(flash.numPhases()==2);
00187   assert((flash.numPhases() -1) ==  fRelMobilities.getImageDim());
00188   assert(fMobT.getDomainDim() == flash.numPhases()-1);
00189   assert(fMobT.getImageDim() == 1);
00190   assert(fRelMobilities.getDomainDim() == flash.numPhases()-1);
00191   assert(grav >= 0);
00193   VecDouble phasesVol(flash.numPhases());
00194   VecDouble phasesDensities(flash.numPhases());
00195   VecDouble phasesViscosities(flash.numPhases());
00197   //Allocate the vector of saturations. Since the sum
00198   //must be one the saturation of the last phase is
00199   //a function of the others, so we just have numPhases()-1
00200   //Independent saturation variables
00201   static VecDouble vS(flash.numPhases()-1);
00204   //Allocate the flash data
00205   FlashData data(flash.numPhases(),flash.numComponents());
00208   //Get the cell iterator and the number of cells.
00209   OrthoMesh::Cell_It cell = m_mesh.begin_cell();
00210   Index nCells = m_mesh.numCells();
00212   //Write Zeros in the system
00213   A=0.0;
00214   B=0.0;
00216   for (Index cellIndex=0;cellIndex < nCells; cellIndex++,cell++)
00217   {
00218     //Compute/Get the flash data
00219     flash.flash(cellIndex,data);
00220     double P=vP(cellIndex);
00224     //Get viscosities
00225     //m_flash.getPhasesViscosities(P,data,phasesViscosities);
00226     //fMobT.setParameters(phasesViscosities);
00227     //fRelMobilities.setParameters(phasesViscosities);
00229     //Get vector of saturations, remember that the last saturation
00230     //is a function of the others because the sum of all saturations
00231     //must be one. So we dont consider the last saturation as a variable
00232     //for the mobilities
00233     flash.getPhasesVolume(P,data,phasesVol);     
00234     double St=NumericMethods::vectorSum(phasesVol);
00235     for (unsigned k=0;k<vS.size();k++)
00236       vS(k) = phasesVol(k)/St;
00237     m_vMobT(cellIndex)=fMobT(vS);
00240     //calculate the phases densities
00241     const VecDouble& compMass=flash.getComponentsMolarMass();//Get components molar masses
00242     data.getPhasesDensities(phasesDensities,compMass,phasesVol);
00244     double dMob = fRelMobilities(vS,0);
00245     double mobAcum=dMob;
00246     double dGravTerm;
00247     dGravTerm=dMob*phasesDensities(0);
00248     for (unsigned k=1;k<vS.size();k++)
00249     {
00250       dMob = fRelMobilities(vS,k);
00251       dGravTerm+=dMob*phasesDensities(k);
00252       mobAcum+=dMob;  
00253     }
00254     dGravTerm+=(1.0-mobAcum)*phasesDensities(vS.size());
00256     //Remember that the gravity is in the opposite direction
00257     //of the Z axis (grav acceleration vector  = <0,0,-grav>)
00258     //That is why we use the minus sign  here
00259     m_vGravTerm(cellIndex)=-dGravTerm*grav;
00261     assert(mobAcum<=1.0);
00262   }
00265   MixedHybridBase::assemblySystem(A,B,m_mesh,bc,vK,m_vMobT,m_vGravTerm);
00266 }

double MixedHybridCompositionalSimple::assemblySystem ( SparseMatrix< double > &  A,
VecDouble B,
double  dt,
const VecDouble vP,
const VecDouble vK,
const VecDouble vPor,
FlashCompositional flash,
GeneralFunctionInterface fMobT,
GeneralFunctionInterface fRelMobilities,
double  grav 
) [protected]

Definition at line 46 of file mixedhybridcompositionalsimple.cpp.

00047 {
00048   assert(flash.numPhases()==2);
00049   assert((flash.numPhases() -1) ==  fRelMobilities.getImageDim());
00050   assert(fMobT.getDomainDim() == flash.numPhases()-1);
00051   assert(fMobT.getImageDim() == 1);
00052   assert(fRelMobilities.getDomainDim() == flash.numPhases()-1);
00053   assert(grav >= 0);
00055   static VecDouble phasesVol(flash.numPhases());
00056   static VecDouble phasesDensities(flash.numPhases());
00057   static VecDouble phasesViscosities(flash.numPhases());
00058   double maxStE=0.0;
00059   //Allocate the vector of saturations. Since the sum
00060   //must be one the saturation of the last phase is
00061   //a function of the others, so we just have numPhases()-1
00062   //Independent saturation variables
00063   static VecDouble vS(flash.numPhases()-1);
00066   //Allocate the flash data
00067   static FlashData data(flash.numPhases(),flash.numComponents());
00070   //Get the cell iterator and the number of cells.
00071   OrthoMesh::Cell_It cell = m_mesh.begin_cell();
00072   Index nCells = m_mesh.numCells();
00073   double cellVol=cell->volume();  
00074   //Write Zeros in the system
00075   A=0.0;
00076   B=0.0;
00078   //For each cell do
00079   double BetaG_dt;
00080   double St;
00081   for (Index cellIndex=0;cellIndex < nCells; cellIndex++,cell++)
00082   {
00083     //Compute/Get the flash data
00084     flash.flash(cellIndex,data);
00085     double P=vP(cellIndex);
00087     flash.getPhasesVolume(P,data,phasesVol);     
00088     St=phasesVol.l1_norm();
00090     v2(cellIndex)=St;
00092     if (fabs(1-St) > maxStE) maxStE = fabs(1-St); 
00094     BetaG_dt=vPor(cellIndex)*m_flash.getFluidCompressibility(P,data)/(dt);
00095     if (BetaG_dt < -0.0)
00096     {
00097       printf("Error BetaG_dt = %g\n",BetaG_dt);
00098       data.print();
00099       abort();
00100     }
00101     A.add(cellIndex,cellIndex,BetaG_dt*cellVol);
00102     v1(cellIndex)=-BetaG_dt*cellVol;
00105     B(cellIndex)+=(BetaG_dt*vP(cellIndex)+vPor(cellIndex)*(St-1.0)/dt)*cellVol;
00106     //B(cellIndex)+=(BetaG_dt*vP(cellIndex))*cellVol;
00108     //Get viscosities
00109     //m_flash.getPhasesViscosities(P,data,phasesViscosities);
00110     //fMobT.setParameters(phasesViscosities);
00111     //fRelMobilities.setParameters(phasesViscosities);
00112     //Get vector of saturations, remember that the last saturation
00113     //is a function of the others because the sum of all saturations
00114     //must be one. So we dont consider the last saturation as a variable
00115     //for the mobilities
00116     for (unsigned k=0;k<vS.size();k++)
00117       vS(k) = phasesVol(k)/St;
00118     m_vMobT(cellIndex)=fMobT(vS);
00121     //calculate the phases densities
00122     const VecDouble& compMass=flash.getComponentsMolarMass();//Get components molar masses
00123     data.getPhasesDensities(phasesDensities,compMass,phasesVol);
00125     double dMob = fRelMobilities(vS,0);
00126     double mobAcum=dMob;
00127     double dGravTerm;
00128     dGravTerm=dMob*phasesDensities(0);
00129     for (unsigned k=1;k<vS.size();k++)
00130     {
00131       dMob = fRelMobilities(vS,k);
00132       dGravTerm+=dMob*phasesDensities(k);
00133       mobAcum+=dMob;  
00134     }
00135     dGravTerm+=(1.0-mobAcum)*phasesDensities(vS.size());
00137     //Remember that the gravity is in the opposite direction
00138     //of the Z axis (grav acceleration vector  = <0,0,-grav>)
00139     //That is why we use the minus sign  here
00140     m_vGravTerm(cellIndex)=-dGravTerm*grav;
00142     assert(mobAcum<=1.0);
00143   }
00144   MixedHybridBase::assemblySystem(A,B,m_mesh,m_bc,vK,m_vMobT,m_vGravTerm);
00146   HDF5OrthoWriter::getHDF5OrthoWriter().setVariable("St_Error",maxStE);
00147   return maxStE;
00148 }

void MixedHybridCompositionalSimple::findInitialPressure ( double  referencePressure = 100e+5,
double  tol = 1e-5 

Definition at line 269 of file mixedhybridcompositionalsimple.cpp.

00270 {
00272   HDF5OrthoWriter &hdf5 = HDF5OrthoWriter::getHDF5OrthoWriter();
00273   VecDouble PAnt = m_sol;
00274   VecDouble vv(m_mesh.numVertices());
00275   m_flash.execute();
00276   this->assemblyInitialSystem(m_A,m_B,m_bc,m_sol,m_vK,m_flash,m_fMobT,m_fFracFlux,0.0);
00277   m_solver.solve(m_A,m_sol,m_B);
00278   m_flash.execute();
00279   this->assemblyInitialSystem(m_A,m_B,m_bc,m_sol,m_vK,m_flash,m_fMobT,m_fFracFlux,m_grav);
00280   m_solver.solve(m_A,m_sol,m_B);
00281   double error;
00282   m_mesh.projectCentralValuesAtVertices(m_sol,vv);
00283   hdf5.writeScalarField(vv,"P0");
00284   printf("Find Initial Pressure");
00285   while((error=NumericMethods::vectorMaxRelDiff(PAnt,m_sol)) > tol)
00286   {
00287     printf("Error %g\n",error);
00288     m_flash.execute();
00289     this->assemblyInitialSystem(m_A,m_B,m_bc,m_sol,m_vK,m_flash,m_fMobT,m_fFracFlux,m_grav);
00290     PAnt=m_sol;
00291     m_solver.solveAgain(m_A,m_sol,m_B);
00292     hdf5.writeScalarField(vv,"P0");
00293   }
00294   printf("Error %g\n",error);
00296 }

void MixedHybridCompositionalSimple::iterate ( TransportBase trans  )  [virtual]

Implements DynamicBase.

Reimplemented in MixedHybridCompositionalSimpleFP.

Definition at line 24 of file mixedhybridcompositionalsimple.cpp.

00025 {
00026   m_solAnt=m_sol;
00027   this->assemblySystem(m_A,m_B,m_dt,m_sol,m_vK,m_vPor,m_flash,m_fMobT,m_fFracFlux,m_grav);
00029   m_solver.solve(m_A,m_sol,m_B);
00033   //Point3D p(5,50,50);
00034   //OrthoMesh::Cell_It cell = m_mesh.getCellAt(p);
00035   //testSolution(cell,m_dt, v1,m_vPor,m_vK,m_sol,PAnt,m_vMobT,v2); 
00037   //Get the fluxes
00038   this->getNormalVelocitiesFromPressure(m_Vq,m_mesh,m_bc,m_vK,m_sol,m_vMobT,m_vGravTerm);
00040 }

void MixedHybridCompositionalSimple::printOutput (  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from MixedHybridCompositional.

Definition at line 299 of file mixedhybridcompositionalsimple.cpp.

00300 {
00301   MixedHybridCompositional::printOutput();
00303  HDF5OrthoWriter &hdf5 = HDF5OrthoWriter::getHDF5OrthoWriter(); 
00305   VecDouble Vv(m_mesh.numVertices());
00308   if (_debugLevel >= 3)
00309   {
00310     Matrix M(m_mesh.numVertices(),3);
00311     m_mesh.projectVelocitiesInFacesToVertices(M,m_Vq);
00312     M.copyColumn(Vv,2);
00313     hdf5.writeScalarField(Vv,"VelZ");
00314   }
00316   m_mesh.projectCentralValuesAtVertices(v2,Vv);
00317   hdf5.writeScalarField(Vv,"St");
00319 }

void MixedHybridCompositionalSimple::rollback (  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from CompressibleDynamic.

Definition at line 322 of file mixedhybridcompositionalsimple.cpp.

00323 {
00324   printf("ROLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL\n");
00325   m_sol=m_solAnt;
00326 }

void MixedHybridCompositionalSimple::testSolution ( OrthoMesh::Cell_It cell,
double  dt,
VecDouble Bt,
const VecDouble por,
const VecDouble K,
const VecDouble P,
const VecDouble vPprev,
const VecDouble vMobT,
const VecDouble St 

Definition at line 151 of file mixedhybridcompositionalsimple.cpp.

00152 {
00153   double U = cell->index_up();
00154   double D = cell->index_down();
00155   double L = cell->index_left();
00156   double R  = cell->index_right();
00157   double F = cell->index_front();
00158   double B = cell->index_back();
00159   double I = cell->index();
00161   double Kr = 2*vMobT(R)*K(R)*vMobT(I)*K(I)/(vMobT(R)*K(R) + vMobT(I)*K(I));
00162   double Kl = 2*vMobT(L)*K(L)*vMobT(I)*K(I)/(vMobT(L)*K(L) + vMobT(I)*K(I));
00163   double Ku = 2*vMobT(U)*K(U)*vMobT(I)*K(I)/(vMobT(U)*K(U) + vMobT(I)*K(I));
00164   double Kd = 2*vMobT(D)*K(D)*vMobT(I)*K(I)/(vMobT(D)*K(D) + vMobT(I)*K(I));
00165   double Kf = 2*vMobT(F)*K(F)*vMobT(I)*K(I)/(vMobT(F)*K(F) + vMobT(I)*K(I));
00166   double Kb = 2*vMobT(B)*K(B)*vMobT(I)*K(I)/(vMobT(B)*K(B) + vMobT(I)*K(I));
00167   Point3D DX = m_mesh.getDX();
00168   double Pant = vPprev(I);
00169   double result;
00170   result=  por(I)*Bg(I)*P(I)/dt +
00171     (Kr*(P(I)-P(R)) + Kl*(P(I)-P(L)))/(DX(0)*DX(0)) +
00172     (Ku*(P(I)-P(U)) + Kd*(P(I)-P(D)))/(DX(1)*DX(1)) +
00173     (Kf*(P(I)-P(F)) + Kb*(P(I)-P(B)))/(DX(2)*DX(2))
00174     -
00175     (por(I)*Bg(I)*Pant/dt + por(I)*(St(I)-1.0)/dt);
00177   printf("Residual = %g\n", result);
00181 }

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 30 of file mixedhybridcompositionalsimple.h.

To store the gravity term for each cell

Definition at line 37 of file mixedhybridcompositionalsimple.h.

To store the total mobility for each cell

Definition at line 36 of file mixedhybridcompositionalsimple.h.

Definition at line 33 of file mixedhybridcompositionalsimple.h.

Definition at line 33 of file mixedhybridcompositionalsimple.h.

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