MainAppMPI Class Reference

#include <mainappmpi.h>

Inheritance diagram for MainAppMPI:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for MainAppMPI:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 MainAppMPI ()
 ~MainAppMPI ()
void execute (std::string fileName)

Protected Member Functions

bool runningInParallel ()
int getNProcess ()
int getRank ()
Point3D getLocalP0 ()
Point3D getLocalP1 ()
std::vector< unsigned > getLocalNElems ()
void setLocalTriangulation ()
void printLocalTriangulation ()

Protected Attributes

std::ofstream out

Private Member Functions

std::string appendRankInFileName (std::string fileName)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 9 of file mainappmpi.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

MainAppMPI::MainAppMPI (  ) 

Definition at line 24 of file mainappmpi.cpp.

00025    :MainApp()
00026 {
00027   if (NetMPI::nProcess() == 1)
00028     setOutput(std::cout);
00029   else
00030   {
00031     char strOut[200];
00032     if (getRank() == 0)
00033       system("rm out-*");
00034     NetMPI::Barrier();
00035     sprintf(strOut,"out-%d",getRank());
00037     setOutput(out);
00038     NetMPI::setLog(out);
00039   }
00040 }

MainAppMPI::~MainAppMPI (  ) 

Definition at line 46 of file mainappmpi.cpp.

00047 {
00049 }

Member Function Documentation

std::string MainAppMPI::appendRankInFileName ( std::string  fileName  )  [private]

Definition at line 364 of file mainappmpi.cpp.

00365 {
00367     char strHDF5[500];
00368     sprintf(strHDF5,"%s_%d.hdf",
00369             strtok( basename((char*) fileName.c_str()),"."),getRank());
00371     string result = dirname((char*) fileName.c_str());
00372     result+="/";
00373     result+=strHDF5;
00374     return result;
00375 }

void MainAppMPI::execute ( std::string  fileName  ) 

Execute the program

Definition at line 153 of file mainappmpi.cpp.

00154 {
00155   try {
00156     //Read the config file.
00157     configFile.readFile(fileName);
00159     if (configFile.getInt("DEBUG_PRINT_TRIANGULATION",0) == 1)
00160     {
00161       getMesh().print();
00162     }
00164     if (configFile.getInt("UNIT_TESTS",0))
00165     {
00166       UnitTests tests(*this);
00167       tests.execute();
00168       printBeginSection("END UNITS TESTS");
00169       return;
00170     }
00172     //Initialize HDF5 writer with the triangulation.
00173     HDF5OrthoWriter &hdf5 = HDF5OrthoWriter::getHDF5OrthoWriter();
00174     hdf5.setOutputFile(getHDF5FileName());
00175     print("HDF5","HDF5 Ouput: %s",getHDF5FileName().c_str());
00176     hdf5.writeMesh("tria0",getMesh());
00177     hdf5.setVariable("Time",0);
00179     m_pSequencer = getSequencer();
00181     switch (configFile.getInt("SEQUENCE_ALGORITHM"))
00182     {
00183     case 0:
00184       print("Sequencer","Dynamic Module Test\n");
00185       printLog(std::cout);
00186       m_pTransportModule = getTransportModule();
00187       m_pDynamicModule = getDynamicModule();
00188       m_pSequencer->testDynamicModule(*m_pDynamicModule,*m_pTransportModule);
00189       break;
00190     case 1:
00191       {
00192         m_pTransportModule = getTransportModule();
00193         m_pDynamicModule = getDynamicModule();
00195         print("Sequencer","Method: Transport Test\nEnd Time: %g\nOutputs: %g\n\n\n",
00196              configFile.getDouble("END_TIME"),
00197              configFile.getDouble("N_OUTPUTS"));
00198       printLog(std::cout);
00200       m_pSequencer->testTransport(*m_pDynamicModule,*m_pTransportModule,
00201                                   configFile.getDouble("END_TIME"),
00202                                   configFile.getDouble("N_OUTPUTS"));
00203       break;
00204       }
00205     case 2:  //Case to solve the biphasic incompressible flow
00206       {
00207         m_pTransportModule = getTransportModule();
00208         m_pDynamicModule = getDynamicModule();
00209         m_pDiff = getDiffusiveStep();
00210         m_pDiff->setTransport(*m_pTransportModule);
00213         int nDyn = configFile.getInt("N_DYN_ITERATIONS");
00214         int nOuts = configFile.getInt("N_OUTPUTS");
00215         int nOutsPerDyn = nOuts/nDyn;
00216         if (nOutsPerDyn ==  0)
00217           nOutsPerDyn = 1;
00218         print("Sequencer","Method: Staggered Iteration\nEnd Time: %g\nDynamic Modules Iterations: %d\nOutputs Per Dyn Iteration: %d\n",
00219                configFile.getDouble("END_TIME"),
00220                configFile.getInt("N_DYN_ITERATIONS"),
00221                nOutsPerDyn);
00222         printLog(std::cout);
00223         m_pSequencer->alternateIteration(*m_pDynamicModule,*m_pTransportModule,m_pDiff,
00224                                          configFile.getDouble("END_TIME"),
00225                                          configFile.getInt("N_DYN_ITERATIONS"),
00226                                          nOuts);
00227         break;
00228       }
00229     case 3:
00230       {
00231         m_pFlash = getFlash();
00232         m_pTransportModule = getTransportModule();
00233         m_pDynamicModule = getDynamicModule();
00234         m_pFlash->setTransport(*m_pTransportModule);
00235         m_pFlash->setDynamic(*m_pDynamicModule);
00237         m_pDiff = getDiffusiveStep();
00238         m_pDiff->setTransport(*m_pTransportModule);
00241         /* Now if this is a compressible Model the initial condition of the transport
00242            must be updated such that all mixture could have the volume filled buy all
00243            the pores. We do that buy changing the number of total moles of all the mixture
00244            preserving the same proportion of moles in each component previously
00245            defined buy the initial conditions of the transport equations 
00246         */
00247         if (typeid(*m_pFlash) != typeid(DummyFlash)) 
00248         {
00249           print("Sequencer",
00250               "Adjusting Initial Conditions for Compressible Model\n");
00251           adjustInitialConditionForCompressibleModel(*m_pDynamicModule,*dynamic_cast<ConservativeMethodForSystem*>(m_pTransportModule),*m_pFlash);
00252         }
00255         print("Sequencer","Method: Staggered Iteration with Flash calculation\n");
00256         print("Sequencer","End Time: %g\n"          ,configFile.getDouble("END_TIME"));
00257         print("Sequencer","Dynamic Iterations: %g\n",configFile.getDouble("N_DYN_ITERATIONS"));
00258         ConservativeMethodForSystem* pTransportSystem = dynamic_cast<ConservativeMethodForSystem*>(m_pTransportModule);
00261         if (configFile.isDefined("TRANSPORT_PER_DYNAMIC_STEPS"))
00262         {
00263           CompressibleDynamic *pCompDynamic;
00264           pCompDynamic = dynamic_cast<CompressibleDynamic*>(m_pDynamicModule);
00265           if (!pCompDynamic)
00266           {
00267             throw new Exception("The proportion control sequence alghorithm  demands a module that implements CompressibleDynamicBase\n");
00268           }
00269           print("Sequencer","Max Transport Steps per Cycle: %g\n",configFile.getDouble("TRANSPORT_PER_DYNAMIC_STEPS"));
00270           printLog(std::cout);
00271           m_pSequencer->alternateIterationProportionControl(*pCompDynamic,
00272                                                             *pTransportSystem,
00273                                                             *m_pFlash,m_pDiff,
00274                                                             configFile.getDouble("END_TIME"),
00275                                                             configFile.getDouble("TRANSPORT_PER_DYNAMIC_STEPS"),
00276                                                             configFile.getDouble("TRANSPORT_PER_DYNAMIC_STEPS_TOLERANCE"),
00277                                                             getDynamicTimeStep(),
00278                                                             configFile.getDouble("N_OUTPUTS"));
00280         }
00281         else
00282         {
00284           printLog(std::cout);
00285           m_pSequencer->alternateIteration(*m_pDynamicModule,
00286                                            *pTransportSystem,
00287                                            *m_pFlash,
00288                                            m_pDiff,
00289                                        configFile.getDouble("END_TIME"),
00290                                        configFile.getDouble("N_DYN_ITERATIONS"),
00291                                        configFile.getDouble("N_OUTPUTS"));
00292         }
00293       }
00294       break;
00295     case 4:
00296       {
00297         m_pTransportModule = getTransportModule();
00298         m_pDiff = getDiffusiveStep();
00299         m_pDiff->setTransport(*m_pTransportModule);
00301         int nDyn = configFile.getInt("N_DYN_ITERATIONS");
00302         unsigned nOuts = configFile.getInt("N_OUTPUTS");
00303         int nOutsPerDyn = nOuts/nDyn;
00304         if (nOutsPerDyn ==  0)
00305           nOutsPerDyn = 1;
00306         printLog(std::cout);
00307         m_pSequencer->diffusiveStepTest(*m_pDiff,                                                                        configFile.getInt("N_DYN_ITERATIONS"),
00308                                          configFile.getDouble("END_TIME"),
00309                                          nOuts);
00311         break;
00314       }
00315     default:
00316       throw new Exception("Wrong option for the SEQUENCE_ALGORITHM key\n");
00317       return; //Just to avoid compiling warnings
00318     }
00319     printf("\n\nSimulation Done\n");
00320     hdf5.close();
00321     return;
00323   }
00324   catch(Exception *e)
00325   {
00326     printf("Error");
00327     printBeginSection("ERROR MESSAGE");
00328     printf("%s\n\nQuitting.....\n",e->getError().c_str());
00329     abort();
00330   }
00332 }

std::vector< unsigned > MainAppMPI::getLocalNElems (  )  [protected]

Definition at line 125 of file mainappmpi.cpp.

00126 {
00127   std::vector<unsigned> v(3);
00129   int rank     = getRank();
00130   int nProcess = getNProcess();
00131   std::vector<unsigned> nElems = MainApp::getNElements();
00134   int rest = nElems[0]%nProcess;
00135   int nElements =  nElems[0]/nProcess + (rank < rest ? 1 : 0);
00137   if (nProcess == 1)
00138     nElements+=0;
00139   else if (rank == 0 || rank == (nProcess -1))
00140     nElements+=configFile.getInt("MESH_OVERLAP_SIZE");
00141   else  
00142     nElements+=2*configFile.getInt("MESH_OVERLAP_SIZE");
00146   v[0]=nElements;
00147   v[1]=nElems[1];
00148   v[2]=nElems[2];
00149   return v;
00150 }

Point3D MainAppMPI::getLocalP0 (  )  [protected]

Definition at line 93 of file mainappmpi.cpp.

00094 {
00095   std::vector<unsigned> nElems = getNElements();
00096   Point3D DX = getDX();
00098   int rank = getRank();
00099   int nProcess = getNProcess();
00101   //Get the first startElement of the non overlapping region
00102   unsigned startElement = nElems[0]/nProcess*rank;
00103   int rest = nElems[0]%nProcess;
00104   startElement +=( (rank <  rest) ?  rank : rest);
00106   //Now add the overlap region
00107   if (rank != 0)
00108   {
00109     startElement-=configFile.getInt("MESH_OVERLAP_SIZE");
00110   }
00111   return Point3D(startElement*DX(0),0,0);
00112 }

Point3D MainAppMPI::getLocalP1 (  )  [protected]

Definition at line 115 of file mainappmpi.cpp.

00116 {
00117   Point3D LP1  = MainApp::getP1();
00118   Point3D DX = getDX();
00119   LP1(0) = getLocalP0()[0]+getLocalNElems()[0]*DX(0);
00120   return LP1;
00121 }

int MainAppMPI::getNProcess (  )  [protected]

Definition at line 78 of file mainappmpi.cpp.

00079 {
00080   int nP;
00081   MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD,&nP);
00082   return nP;
00083 }

int MainAppMPI::getRank (  )  [protected]

Definition at line 85 of file mainappmpi.cpp.

00086 {
00087   int rank;
00088   MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD,&rank);
00089   return rank;
00090 }

void MainAppMPI::printLocalTriangulation (  )  [protected]

Definition at line 338 of file mainappmpi.cpp.

00339 {
00340   Point3D P0 = getLocalP0();
00341   Point3D P1 = getLocalP1();
00342   Point3D DX = getDX();
00343   std::vector<unsigned> el = getLocalNElems();
00344   print("Mesh","\
00345 Local Triangulation:\n\
00346 Elements: %d x %d x %d\n\
00347 Dimensions: %g x %g %g\n\
00348 Steps:      %g,%g,%g\n\
00349 Domain <%g, %g, %g> - <%g,%g,%g>\n",
00350         el[0],el[1],el[2],
00351         P1[0]-P0[0],P1[1]-P0[1],P1[2]-P0[2],
00352         DX[0],DX[1],DX[2],
00353         P0[0],P0[1],P0[2],
00354         P1[0],P1[1],P1[2]);
00355   print("Mesh","Total: %u cells, %u faces\n",getMesh().numCells(),getMesh().numFaces());
00356 }

bool MainAppMPI::runningInParallel (  )  [protected]

Return if the options given by the use can run with code that is parallel or not


Definition at line 382 of file mainappmpi.cpp.

00383 {
00384   if (NetMPI::nProcess() == 1)
00385     return false;
00386   else
00387     return true;
00389 //   int option  = configFile.getInt("DYNAMIC_MODULE");
00390 //   int option2 = configFile.getInt("TRANSPORT_MODULE");
00391 //   if ((option > 1 && option <=8))
00392 //       return false;
00393 //   else
00394 //     return true;
00395 }

void MainAppMPI::setLocalTriangulation (  )  [protected]

Definition at line 53 of file mainappmpi.cpp.

00054 {
00056   if (this->runningInParallel())
00057   {
00058     if (getLocalNElems()[0] < 2*configFile.getUnsigned("MESH_OVERLAP_SIZE"))
00059     {
00060       throw new Exception("Mesh Overlap gets the entire domain");
00061     }
00062   }
00063   Point<3> P0 = getLocalP0();
00064   Point<3> P1 = getLocalP1();
00066   std::vector<unsigned> v = getLocalNElems();
00067   VecWellInfo wells = getWells();
00070   //OK generate the grid
00071   m_pMesh = new OrthoMesh(P0,P1,v[0],v[1],v[2]);
00072   m_pMesh->putWells(wells);
00075 }

Member Data Documentation

std::ofstream MainAppMPI::out [protected]

Definition at line 15 of file mainappmpi.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
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