MainApp Class Reference

#include <mainapp.h>

Inheritance diagram for MainApp:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for MainApp:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 MainApp ()
void execute (std::string fileName, bool unitests=false)
void coarseMesh (unsigned nX, unsigned nY, unsigned nZ, string fileIn, string fileOut)
void abortEvent ()
 ~MainApp ()

Protected Member Functions

BlockMatrixModulegetBlockMatrix ()
void adjustInitialConditionForCompressibleModel (DynamicBase &dyn, ConservativeMethodForSystem &trans, FlashCompositional &flash)
void setOutput (std::ostream &out)
void printTriangulation ()
void printBeginSection (std::string str, std::ostream &out=std::cout)
void textcolor (int attr, int fg, int bg)
void printMeshInfo ()
void setTriangulation (Triangulation< 3 > &tria)
void appendSuffixToFileNames (std::string suffix)
std::string getHDF5FileName ()
std::string getMonitorWellsOutputFileName ()
unsigned hasSystemOfTransportEquations ()
Point3D getP0 ()
Point3D getP1 ()
Point3D getDX ()
std::vector< unsigned > getNElements ()
OrthoMeshgetMesh ()
OrthoMeshgetMB_Mesh ()
VecWellInfo getWells ()
VecWellInfo getSourceWells ()
MonitorWellsgetMonitorWells ()
void getWellsPressureBC (Function3D *&fP, Function3D *&fFlux)
Function3DgetWellsSourceTerm ()
Function3DgetWellTransportBC (std::string varName)
double getYoung ()
double getPoisson ()
double getDynamicTimeStep ()
void getMobilities (GeneralFunctionInterface *&fMob, GeneralFunctionInterface *&fMobT, GeneralFunctionInterface *&fFracFlux, GeneralFunctionInterface *&DfFracFlux, GeneralFunctionInterface *&fMobGrav, GeneralFunctionInterface *&DfMobGrav)
void getKr (GeneralFunctionInterface *&fKr, GeneralFunctionInterface *&DfKr)
void mb_getMobilities (GeneralFunctionInterface *&fMob, GeneralFunctionInterface *&fMobT, GeneralFunctionInterface *&fFracFlux, GeneralFunctionInterface *&DfFracFlux, GeneralFunctionInterface *&fMobGrav, GeneralFunctionInterface *&DfMobGrav)
void getPcFunction (GeneralFunctionInterface **fpc, GeneralFunctionInterface **dfpc, GeneralFunctionInterface **fpcInv)
void mb_getPcFunction (GeneralFunctionInterface **mb_fpc, GeneralFunctionInterface **mb_dfpc, GeneralFunctionInterface **mb_fpcInv)
void getPBoundaryCondition (Function3D *&fDP, Function3D *&fFlux)
void getUBoundaryCondition (Function3D *&fDU, Function3D *&fTensionBC)
FixedValueConditiongetTransportFixedConditions ()
FixedValueConditiongetPressureFixedConditions ()
ConstVelocityModulegetConstVelocityDynamicModule ()
LinearSolvergetLinearSolver ()
DynamicBasegetDynamicModule ()
Function3DgetPressureIC ()
Function3DgetTransportBC (std::string compName)
Function3DgetTransportIC (std::string compName)
FaceFluxFunctiongetFluxFunction ()
TransportBasegetTransportModule ()
FlashBasegetFlash ()
FlashCompositionalgetFlashCompositional ()
bool isCompositionalFlash ()
DiffusiveStepgetDiffusiveStep ()
Function3DgetTransportForSystemBC (unsigned nCmps)
Function3DgetTransportForSystemIC (unsigned nCmps)
SequencergetSequencer ()
void enablePrint (bool b)
Point3D getSpatialDiscretizationSteps ()
Point3D getDomainDimensions ()
Function3DgetPorousMediaProperty (std::string key)
VecDoublegetPorosityAtCells ()
VecDoublegetPermeabilityAtCells ()
VecDoublemb_getPorosityAtCells ()
VecDoublemb_getPermeabilityAtCells ()
void print (std::string section, const char *format,...)
void printLog (std::ostream &out)
void print_log_entry (std::string section, std::ostream &out)

Protected Attributes

Dictionary log
ConfigFile configFile
VecWellInfo m_wells
OPointer< MonitorWellsm_pMonitorWells
bool m_bPrint
OPointer< OrthoMeshm_pMesh
OPointer< OrthoMeshm_pMB_Mesh
VecDouble m_cPor
VecDouble m_cK
VecDouble m_mbcPor
VecDouble m_mbcK
< GeneralFunctionInterface
< GeneralFunctionInterface
< GeneralFunctionInterface
< GeneralFunctionInterface
< GeneralFunctionInterface
< GeneralFunctionInterface
< GeneralFunctionInterface
< GeneralFunctionInterface
< GeneralFunctionInterface
< GeneralFunctionInterface
< GeneralFunctionInterface
< GeneralFunctionInterface
< GeneralFunctionInterface
< GeneralFunctionInterface
< GeneralFunctionInterface
< GeneralFunctionInterface
< GeneralFunctionInterface
< GeneralFunctionInterface
< GeneralFunctionInterface
< GeneralFunctionInterface
< GeneralFunctionInterface
< GeneralFunctionInterface
< GeneralFunctionInterface
< GeneralFunctionInterface
OPointer< Function3Dm_fSource
OPointer< Function3Dm_fFluxBC
OPointer< Function3Dm_fDP
OPointer< Function3Dm_fDU
OPointer< Function3Dm_fTensionBC
OPointer< Function3Dm_fInitPressure
OPointer< LinearSolverm_pSolver
OPointer< DiffusiveStepm_pDiff
OPointer< DynamicBasem_pDynamicModule
OPointer< TransportBasem_pTransportModule
OPointer< Function1Dm_pRelMob
FixedValueCondition m_fixedC
FixedValueCondition m_fixedP

Private Attributes

std::ostream * pOut
std::string m_suffix


class UnitTests

Detailed Description


Definition at line 30 of file mainapp.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

MainApp::MainApp (  ) 

Definition at line 100 of file mainapp.cpp.

00101 {
00102   pOut = &(std::cout);
00103   //Initialize all the pointers for all the classes
00104   //as NULL
00105   m_pMesh = NULL;
00106   m_pMB_Mesh = NULL;
00107   m_fTransBC = NULL;
00108   m_fInit = NULL;
00109   m_fK = NULL;
00110   m_pVelFunction = NULL;
00111   m_pDynamicModule = NULL;
00112   m_pTransportModule = NULL;
00113   m_pSequencer = NULL;
00114   m_pFlash = NULL;
00115   m_flux = NULL;
00116   m_fMobT = NULL;
00117   m_fPor = NULL;
00118   m_bPrint=true;
00119   m_blockMatrix = NULL;
00120 }

MainApp::~MainApp (  ) 

Definition at line 122 of file mainapp.cpp.

00123 {
00124   //Desallocate all the pointers;
00125   //Remeber that the destructor can be called from  a error exception.
00126   //In this cases not all the pointers have valid objects, some of them
00128   //may have its initial value (NULL) (see the constructor of this class)
00130   if (m_fTransBC)
00131     delete m_fTransBC;
00132   if (m_fInit)
00133     delete m_fInit;
00134   if (m_fPor)
00135     delete m_fPor;
00136   if (m_fK)
00137     delete m_fK;
00138   if (m_pVelFunction)
00139     delete m_pVelFunction;
00140   if (m_pSequencer)
00141     delete m_pSequencer;
00142   if (m_pFlash)
00143     delete m_pFlash;
00144   if (m_flux)
00145     delete m_flux;
00146   if (m_blockMatrix)
00147     delete m_blockMatrix;
00148 }

Member Function Documentation

void MainApp::abortEvent (  ) 

Definition at line 2559 of file mainapp.cpp.

02560 {
02562   if (m_pDynamicModule)
02563     m_pDynamicModule->printOutput();
02564   if (m_pTransportModule)
02565     m_pTransportModule->printOutput();
02566   if (m_pFlash)
02567     m_pFlash->printOutput();
02568 }

void MainApp::adjustInitialConditionForCompressibleModel ( DynamicBase dyn,
ConservativeMethodForSystem trans,
FlashCompositional flash 
) [protected]

If the problem is compressible, the volume of the mixture changes with pressure. So we must adjust the initial condition of the transport such that the volume of all the mixture fills all the porous media.This is for consistence purpose. We do that by changing the total amount of moles trying to preserve the proportion of moles of each component.

dyn Dynamic module
trans Transport Module
flash Flash Module

Definition at line 2360 of file mainapp.cpp.

02361 {
02362   flash.setTransport(trans);
02363   flash.setDynamic(dyn);
02364   unsigned nCells=getMesh().numCells();
02365   unsigned nComps=flash.numComponents();
02366   VecDouble data(m_flux->numComponents());
02367   VecDouble phasesVol(flash.numPhases());
02368   FlashData flashData(flash.numPhases(),flash.numComponents(),NULL);
02369   /*
02370   try
02371   {
02372     MixedHybridCompositionalSimple *pDyn = dynamic_cast<MixedHybridCompositionalSimple*>(&dyn);
02373     pDyn->findInitialPressure(100,1.e-7);
02374   }
02375   catch (std::bad_cast* )
02376   {
02378   }
02379   */
02380   flash.execute();
02381   for (unsigned cell=0;cell<nCells;cell++)
02382   {
02383     flash.flash(cell,flashData);
02384     flash.getPhasesVolume(dyn.getPressureAtCells()(cell),flashData,phasesVol);
02385     double factor=1.0/NumericMethods::vectorSum(phasesVol);
02386     //printf("%g %g %g\n",factor,phasesVol(0),phasesVol(1));
02387     //flashData.print();
02388     for (unsigned i=0;i<nComps;i++)
02389       trans.getSolutionAtCells()(cell,i)*=factor;
02390   }
02391   flash.execute();
02392   //Get fixed pressure condition
02393   Function3D *fDP,*fFlux;
02394   getPBoundaryCondition(fDP,fFlux);
02395   trans.updateFixedPressureBC(fDP,flash); 
02398   //Now set the 
02400   // for (unsigned cell=0;cell<nCells;cell++)
02401   // {
02402   //   flash.flash(cell,flashData);
02403   //   flash.getPhasesVolume(dyn.getPressureAtCells()(cell),flashData,phasesVol);
02404   //   printf("%d = %g = %g\n",cell,(phasesVol(0)+phasesVol(1)),volCell);
02405   // }
02408 }

void MainApp::appendSuffixToFileNames ( std::string  suffix  )  [inline, protected]

Definition at line 102 of file mainapp.h.

00102 {m_suffix=suffix;}

void MainApp::coarseMesh ( unsigned  nX,
unsigned  nY,
unsigned  nZ,
string  fileIn,
string  fileOut 

Definition at line 2252 of file mainapp.cpp.

02253 {
02254   try{
02255   //print arguments
02256    printBeginSection("Data File Coarsing option");
02257    printf("Blocks in X: %d\n",nX);
02258    printf("Blocks in Y: %d\n",nY);
02259    printf("Blocks in Z: %d\n",nZ);
02260    printf("Input File: %s\n",fileIn.c_str());
02261    printf("Output File: %s\n",fileOut.c_str());
02263    //Initialize the HDF5 reader and writer.
02264    HDF5OrthoWriter &hdf5 = HDF5OrthoWriter::getHDF5OrthoWriter();
02265    hdf5.setOutputFile(fileOut);
02266    HDF5OrthoReader hdf5In;
02268    CoarseOp op(hdf5In,HDF5OrthoWriter::getHDF5OrthoWriter(),nX,nY,nZ);
02269    hid_t root = H5Gopen1(hdf5In.getFile(),"/");
02270    hdf5In.iterateTree(root,op);
02271    H5Gclose(root);
02272   }
02273   catch(Exception *e)
02274   {
02275     printf("Error");
02276     printBeginSection("ERROR MESSAGE");
02277     printf("%s\n\nQuitting.....\n",e->getError().c_str());
02278     return;
02279   }
02280 }

void MainApp::enablePrint ( bool  b  )  [inline, protected]

Definition at line 171 of file mainapp.h.

00171 {m_bPrint = b;}

void MainApp::execute ( std::string  fileName,
bool  unitests = false 

Execute the program

Definition at line 682 of file mainapp.cpp.

00683 {
00685   try {
00686     //Read the config file.
00687     configFile.readFile(fileName);
00690     if (bunittests)
00691     {
00692       UnitTests tests(*this);
00693       tests.execute();
00694       printBeginSection("END UNITS TESTS");
00695       return;
00696     }
00698     //Initialize HDF5 writer with the triangulation.
00699     HDF5OrthoWriter &hdf5 = HDF5OrthoWriter::getHDF5OrthoWriter();
00700     hdf5.setOutputFile(getHDF5FileName());
00701     print("HDF5","HDF5 Ouput: %s",getHDF5FileName().c_str());
00702     hdf5.writeMesh("tria0",getMesh());
00703     hdf5.setVariable("Time",0);
00705     m_pSequencer = getSequencer();
00707     switch (configFile.getInt("SEQUENCE_ALGORITHM"))
00708     {
00709     case 0:
00710       print("Sequencer","Dynamic Module Test\n");
00711       printLog(std::cout);
00712       m_pTransportModule = getTransportModule();
00713       m_pDynamicModule = getDynamicModule();
00714       m_pSequencer->testDynamicModule(*m_pDynamicModule,*m_pTransportModule);
00715       break;
00716     case 1:
00717       {
00718         m_pTransportModule = getTransportModule();
00719         m_pDynamicModule = getDynamicModule();
00721         print("Sequencer","Method: Transport Test\nEnd Time: %g\nOutputs: %g\n\n\n",
00722              configFile.getDouble("END_TIME"),
00723              configFile.getDouble("N_OUTPUTS"));
00724       printLog(std::cout);
00726       m_pSequencer->testTransport(*m_pDynamicModule,*m_pTransportModule,
00727                                   configFile.getDouble("END_TIME"),
00728                                   configFile.getDouble("N_OUTPUTS"));
00729       break;
00730       }
00731     case 2:  //Case to solve the biphasic incompressible flow
00732       {
00733         m_pTransportModule = getTransportModule();
00734         m_pDynamicModule = getDynamicModule();
00735         m_pDiff = getDiffusiveStep();
00736         if (m_pDiff)
00737         {
00738           m_pDiff->setTransport(*m_pTransportModule);
00739           m_pDiff->setDynamic(*m_pDynamicModule);
00740         }
00741         int nDyn = configFile.getInt("N_DYN_ITERATIONS");
00742         int nOuts = configFile.getInt("N_OUTPUTS");
00743         int nOutsPerDyn = nOuts/nDyn;
00744         if (nOutsPerDyn ==  0)
00745           nOutsPerDyn = 1;
00746         print("Sequencer","Method: Staggered Iteration\nEnd Time: %g\nDynamic Modules Iterations: %d\nOutputs Per Dyn Iteration: %d\n",
00747                configFile.getDouble("END_TIME"),
00748                configFile.getInt("N_DYN_ITERATIONS"),
00749                nOutsPerDyn);
00750         printLog(std::cout);
00751         m_pSequencer->alternateIteration(*m_pDynamicModule,*m_pTransportModule,m_pDiff,
00752                                          configFile.getDouble("END_TIME"),
00753                                          configFile.getInt("N_DYN_ITERATIONS"),
00754                                          nOuts);
00755         break;
00756       }
00757     case 3:
00758       {
00759         m_pFlash = getFlash();
00760         m_pTransportModule = getTransportModule();
00761         m_pDynamicModule = getDynamicModule();
00763         m_pTransportModule->setFlash(dynamic_cast<FlashCompositional*>(getFlash()));
00764         m_pFlash->setTransport(*m_pTransportModule);
00765         m_pFlash->setDynamic(*m_pDynamicModule);
00767         m_pDiff = getDiffusiveStep();
00768         if (m_pDiff != NULL)
00769         {
00770           m_pDiff->setTransport(*m_pTransportModule);
00771           m_pDiff->setDynamic(*m_pDynamicModule);
00772         }
00773         /* Now if this is a compressible Model the initial condition of the transport
00774            must be updated such that all mixture could have the volume filled buy all
00775            the pores. We do that buy changing the number of total moles of all the mixture
00776            preserving the same proportion of moles in each component previously
00777            defined buy the initial conditions of the transport equations 
00778         */
00779         if (dynamic_cast<FlashCompositional*>(getFlash())) 
00780         {
00781           print("Sequencer",
00782               "Adjusting Initial Conditions for Compressible Model\n");
00783           adjustInitialConditionForCompressibleModel(*m_pDynamicModule,dynamic_cast<ConservativeMethodForSystem&>(*m_pTransportModule),*getFlashCompositional());
00784         }
00787         //if (!hasSystemOfTransportEquations())
00788         //  throw new Exception("SEQUENCE_ALGHORITHM=3 was designed just for system of transport equations");
00789         print("Sequencer","Method: Staggered Iteration with Flash calculation\n");
00790         print("Sequencer","End Time: %g\n"          ,configFile.getDouble("END_TIME"));
00791         print("Sequencer","Dynamic Iterations: %g\n",configFile.getDouble("N_DYN_ITERATIONS"));
00792         ConservativeMethodForSystem& transportSystem = dynamic_cast<ConservativeMethodForSystem&>(*m_pTransportModule);
00795         if (configFile.isDefined("TRANSPORT_PER_DYNAMIC_STEPS"))
00796         {
00797           CompressibleDynamic *pCompDynamic;
00798           pCompDynamic = dynamic_cast<CompressibleDynamic*>(&(*m_pDynamicModule));
00799           if (!pCompDynamic)
00800           {
00801             throw new Exception("The proportion control sequence alghorithm  demands a module that implements CompressibleDynamicBase\n");
00802           }
00803           print("Sequencer","Max Transport Steps per Cycle: %g\n",configFile.getDouble("TRANSPORT_PER_DYNAMIC_STEPS"));
00804           printLog(std::cout);
00805           m_pSequencer->alternateIterationProportionControl(*pCompDynamic,
00806                                                             transportSystem,
00807                                                             *m_pFlash,m_pDiff,
00808                                                             configFile.getDouble("END_TIME"),
00809                                                             configFile.getDouble("TRANSPORT_PER_DYNAMIC_STEPS"),
00810                                                             configFile.getDouble("TRANSPORT_PER_DYNAMIC_STEPS_TOLERANCE"),
00811                                                             getDynamicTimeStep(),
00812                                                             configFile.getDouble("N_OUTPUTS"));
00814         }
00815         else
00816         {
00818           printLog(std::cout);
00819           m_pSequencer->alternateIteration(*m_pDynamicModule,
00820                                            transportSystem,
00821                                            *m_pFlash,
00822                                            m_pDiff,
00823                                        configFile.getDouble("END_TIME"),
00824                                        configFile.getDouble("N_DYN_ITERATIONS"),
00825                                        configFile.getDouble("N_OUTPUTS"));
00826         }
00827       }
00828       break;
00829     case 4:
00830       {
00831         m_pTransportModule = getTransportModule();
00832         m_pDiff = getDiffusiveStep();
00833         m_pDiff->setTransport(*m_pTransportModule);
00835         int nDyn = configFile.getInt("N_DYN_ITERATIONS");
00836         unsigned nOuts = configFile.getInt("N_OUTPUTS");
00837         int nOutsPerDyn = nOuts/nDyn;
00838         if (nOutsPerDyn ==  0)
00839           nOutsPerDyn = 1;
00840         printLog(std::cout);
00841         m_pSequencer->diffusiveStepTest(*m_pDiff,                                                                        configFile.getInt("N_DYN_ITERATIONS"),
00842                                          configFile.getDouble("END_TIME"),
00843                                          nOuts);
00845         break;
00848       }
00849     default:
00850       throw new Exception("Wrong option for the SEQUENCE_ALGORITHM key\n");
00851       return; //Just to avoid compiling warnings
00852     }
00853     printf("\n\nSimulation Done\n");
00854     hdf5.close();
00855     return;
00857   }
00858   catch(Exception *e)
00859   {
00860     printf("Error");
00861     printBeginSection("ERROR MESSAGE");
00862     printf("%s\n\nQuitting.....\n",e->getError().c_str());
00863     abort();
00864   }
00866 }

BlockMatrixModule & MainApp::getBlockMatrix (  )  [protected]

Definition at line 2571 of file mainapp.cpp.

02572 {
02573       //Get the mobilities function
02574       GeneralFunctionInterface *fMob,*fFracF,*fMobT,*fMobGrav,*DfFracF,*DfMobGrav;
02575       mb_getMobilities(fMob,fMobT,fFracF,DfFracF,fMobGrav,DfMobGrav);
02576       //Get the capillary pressure functions
02577       GeneralFunctionInterface *fPc,*dfPc,*fPcInv;
02578       mb_getPcFunction(&fPc,&dfPc,&fPcInv);
02579       //pcIc = The initial pc from the fracture system
02580       VecDouble pcIC(getMesh().numCells());
02581       // {
02582         // GeneralFunctionInterface *fPc,*dfPc,*fPcInv;
02583         // getPcFunction(&fPc,&dfPc,&fPcInv);
02584         Function3D *f = getTransportIC("MB_S1");
02585         this->getMesh().setCentralValuesFromFunction(*f,pcIC);
02586         (dynamic_cast<Function1D&>(*fPc)).evaluate(pcIC); 
02587       // }
02590       return *(new  BlockMatrixModule(this->getMB_Mesh() ,getMesh().numCells(), pcIC,mb_getPorosityAtCells(), mb_getPermeabilityAtCells(),
02591                     dynamic_cast<Function1D&>(*dfPc),
02592                     dynamic_cast<Function1D&>(*fPcInv),
02593                     dynamic_cast<Function1D&>(*fMobT),
02594                     dynamic_cast<Function1D&>(*fMob)));
02596 }

ConstVelocityModule * MainApp::getConstVelocityDynamicModule (  )  [protected]

Definition at line 1903 of file mainapp.cpp.

01904 {
01905   std::string section="ConstVelocity";
01906   Function3D *fP = getPressureIC();
01907       switch (configFile.getInt("CONST_VELOCITY_FUNCTION"))
01908       {
01909       case 1:
01910         print(section,"Vel(x) = <1,0,0>\n");
01911         this->m_pVelFunction = new ConstVectorFunction(1,0,0);
01912         return new ConstVelocityModule(getMesh(),*m_pVelFunction,*fP);
01913       case 2:
01914         print(section,"Vel(x) = <-1,0,0>\n");
01915         this->m_pVelFunction = new ConstVectorFunction(-1,0,0);
01916         return new ConstVelocityModule(getMesh(),*m_pVelFunction,*fP);
01917       case 3:
01918         print(section,"Vel(x) = <0,1,0>\n");
01919         this->m_pVelFunction = new ConstVectorFunction(0,1,0);
01920         return new ConstVelocityModule(getMesh(),*m_pVelFunction,*fP);
01921       case 4:
01922         print(section,"Vel(x) = <0,-1,0>\n");
01923         this->m_pVelFunction = new ConstVectorFunction(0,-1,0);
01924         return new ConstVelocityModule(getMesh(),*m_pVelFunction,*fP);
01925       case 5:
01926         print(section,"Vel(x) = <0,0,1>\n");
01927         this->m_pVelFunction = new ConstVectorFunction(0,0,1);
01928         return new ConstVelocityModule(getMesh(),*m_pVelFunction,*fP);
01929       case 6:
01930         print(section,"Vel(x) = <0,0,-1>\n");
01931         this->m_pVelFunction = new ConstVectorFunction(0,0,-1);
01932         return new ConstVelocityModule(getMesh(),*m_pVelFunction,*fP);
01933       case 7:
01934         print(section,"Vel(x) = <1,0,0> p/ y<YDIM/2\nVel(x) = <0.2,0,0> y > YDIM/2\n");
01935         this->m_pVelFunction = new TwoTracksVectorFunction(configFile.getDouble("DIM_Y")/2.0,1,0.2,X,Y);
01936         return new ConstVelocityModule(getMesh(),*m_pVelFunction,*fP);
01937       case 8:
01938         print(section,"Vel(x) = <0,0,0>\n");
01939         this->m_pVelFunction = new ConstVectorFunction(0,0,0);
01940         return new ConstVelocityModule(getMesh(),*m_pVelFunction,*fP);
01941       default:
01942         throw new Exception("Invalid option for CONST_VELOCITY_FUNCTION");
01943         return NULL; //Just to avoid warnings
01944       }
01945 }

DiffusiveStep * MainApp::getDiffusiveStep (  )  [protected]

Definition at line 2599 of file mainapp.cpp.

02600 {
02601   std::string section="DiffusiveStep";
02602   if (m_pDiff)
02603     return m_pDiff;
02605   switch(configFile.getInt("DIFFUSIVE_STEP",0))
02606     {
02607     case 0:
02608       {
02610         if (configFile.getInt("DYNAMIC_MODULE")==7)
02611         {
02612           throw new Exception("Diffusive Step must be setted for dynamic module 7\n");
02613         }
02614         m_pDiff=NULL;
02615         break;
02616       }
02617     case 1:
02618       {
02619         print(section,"Diffusive Step\n");
02620         print(section,"\tMixed Hybrid Method for Sw\n");
02621         GeneralFunctionInterface *fMob,*fFracF,*fMobT,*fMobGrav,*DfFracF,*DfMobGrav;
02622         GeneralFunctionInterface *fPc,*dfPc,*fPcInv;
02623         getPcFunction(&fPc,&dfPc,&fPcInv);
02624         getMobilities(fMob,fMobT,fFracF,DfFracF,fMobGrav,DfMobGrav);
02625         getPBoundaryCondition(m_fDP,m_fFluxBC);
02626         Function3D *fTransBC = getTransportForSystemBC(getFluxFunction()->numComponents());
02627         VecDouble &vK = getPermeabilityAtCells();
02628         VecDouble &vPor = getPorosityAtCells();
02629         LinearSolver *solver  =getLinearSolver();
02630         m_pDiff = new CompDiffusiveStep(getMesh(),*m_fDP,*fTransBC,vK,vPor,dynamic_cast<Function1D&>(*fMobGrav),dynamic_cast<Function1D&>(*dfPc),*getFlashCompositional(),*solver);
02632         m_pDiff->setTransport(*getTransportModule());
02633         m_pDiff->setDynamic(*getDynamicModule());
02634         break;
02635       }
02636     case 2:
02637       {
02638         print(section,"Double Porosity Diffusive Step\n");
02639         print(section,"\t(Celestin Stuff)\n");
02640         //Get Pc function
02641         GeneralFunctionInterface *fPc,*dfPc,*fPcInv;
02642         getPcFunction(&fPc,&dfPc,&fPcInv);
02643         //Get the mobilities
02644         GeneralFunctionInterface *fMob,*fFracF,*fMobT,*fMobGrav,*DfFracF,*DfMobGrav;
02645         getMobilities(fMob,fMobT,fFracF,DfFracF,fMobGrav,DfMobGrav);
02647         m_pDiff=new DoublePorosityDiff(getMesh(),
02648                                       getPermeabilityAtCells(),
02649                                       getPorosityAtCells(),
02650                                       dynamic_cast<Function1D&>(*fMobGrav),
02651                                       dynamic_cast<Function1D&>(*dfPc),
02652                                       dynamic_cast<Function1D&>(*fPc),
02653                                       getBlockMatrix());
02654         break;
02655       }
02656     case 3:
02657       {
02658         print(section,"Diffusive Step for Biphasic Flow (see Douglas\n");
02659         print(section,"Note: No flux enter or leave the reservoir due to the\n\
02660 capillary pressure gradient\n");
02661         //Get Pc function
02662         GeneralFunctionInterface *fPc,*dfPc,*fPcInv;
02663         getPcFunction(&fPc,&dfPc,&fPcInv);
02664         //Get the mobilities
02665         GeneralFunctionInterface *fMob,*fFracF,*fMobT,*fMobGrav,*DfFracF,*DfMobGrav;
02666         getMobilities(fMob,fMobT,fFracF,DfFracF,fMobGrav,DfMobGrav);
02667         m_pDiff=new BiphasicDiff(getMesh(),
02668                                  getPermeabilityAtCells(),
02669                                  getPorosityAtCells(),
02670                                  dynamic_cast<Function1D&>(*fMobGrav),
02671                                  dynamic_cast<Function1D&>(*dfPc),
02672                                  *getLinearSolver());     
02674         break;
02675       }
02677     default:
02678       throw new Exception("Invalid Option for DIFFUSIVE_STEP");
02679     }
02680   return m_pDiff;
02681 }

Point3D MainApp::getDomainDimensions (  )  [protected]

Definition at line 1833 of file mainapp.cpp.

01833                                     {
01834 return Point3D(configFile.getDouble("DIM_X"),
01835                configFile.getDouble("DIM_Y"),
01836                configFile.getDouble("DIM_Z"));
01837 }

Point3D MainApp::getDX (  )  [protected]

Get the discretizations steps in eahc direction and store them in the parameter p

p1 (Output) Point in 3D containing the discretization steps in each direction

Definition at line 2000 of file mainapp.cpp.

02001 {
02002   Point3D p;
02003   p[0] = configFile.getDouble("DIM_X")/configFile.getDouble("NUM_ELEMS_X");
02004   p[1] = configFile.getDouble("DIM_Y")/configFile.getDouble("NUM_ELEMS_Y");
02005   p[2] = configFile.getDouble("DIM_Z")/configFile.getDouble("NUM_ELEMS_Z");
02007   return p;
02008 }

DynamicBase * MainApp::getDynamicModule (  )  [protected]

Load the dynamic module

Create the dynamic module


Definition at line 872 of file mainapp.cpp.

00873 {
00874   std::string section="Dynamic";
00875   std::string filename;
00876   if (m_pDynamicModule)
00877     return m_pDynamicModule;
00879   int dynMod = configFile.getInt("DYNAMIC_MODULE");
00880   switch (dynMod)
00881   {
00882   case 1:
00883     print(section,"Module that gives an constant velocity field.\nIt is used mainly for test purposes\n");
00884     m_pDynamicModule= this->getConstVelocityDynamicModule();
00885     break;
00886   case 2:
00887     {
00888       print(section,"Modules that read the 2D velocity fluid from a file  and project it in  3D ");
00889     int eleZ = configFile.getInt("NUM_ELEMS_Z");
00890      if(eleZ != 1)
00891      {
00892        throw new Exception("The number of element in Z direction must be 1");
00893        exit(1);
00894      }
00895      filename= configFile.getString("VELOCITY_FILE");
00896      print("File name: %s\n",filename.c_str());
00897      m_pDynamicModule= new VelReader2D(filename,getMesh());
00898      break;
00900     }
00901   case 3:
00902     {
00903       print(section,"Module that uses the mixed hybrid finite element method\nfor compositional models\n");
00904       getPBoundaryCondition(m_fDP,m_fFluxBC);
00905       GeneralFunctionInterface *fMob,*fFracF,*fMobT,*fMobGrav,*DfFracF,*DfMobGrav;
00906       getMobilities(fMob,fMobT,fFracF,DfFracF,fMobGrav,DfMobGrav);
00907       VecDouble &vPor=getPorosityAtCells();
00908       m_fInitPressure=getPressureIC();
00909       double grav=configFile.getDouble("GRAVITY");
00910       double dt  =getDynamicTimeStep();
00911       m_pSolver  =getLinearSolver();
00912       print(section,"GRAVITY: %g\n",grav);
00913       print(section,"TIME STEP: %g\n",dt);
00914       //Permeability (Todo: Functions to get permeability)
00915       m_pDynamicModule= new MixedHybridCompositionalSimple(getMesh(),*m_fInitPressure,*m_fFluxBC,*m_fDP,getPermeabilityAtCells(),vPor, dynamic_cast<Function1D&>(*fMobT),dynamic_cast<Function1D&>(*fFracF),grav,dt,*getFlashCompositional(),*m_pSolver,configFile.getInt("DYNAMIC_DEBUG_LEVEL"));
00916       break;
00917     }
00918   case 4:
00919     {
00921       print(section,"Biot Problem Test");
00922       getPBoundaryCondition(m_fDP,m_fFluxBC);
00923       VecDouble &vK = getPermeabilityAtCells();
00924       m_pSolver  =getLinearSolver();
00925       m_pDynamicModule= new PoissonFEM(getMesh(),vK,*m_fDP,*m_fFluxBC,*getLinearSolver() );
00926       break;
00927     }
00928   case 5:
00929     {
00930       print(section,"Module that uses the mixed hybrid finite element method\nfor full compositional models\n");
00931       getPBoundaryCondition(m_fDP,m_fFluxBC);
00932       GeneralFunctionInterface *fMob,*fFracF,*fMobT,*fMobGrav,*DfFracF,*DfMobGrav;
00933       getMobilities(fMob,fMobT,fFracF,DfFracF,fMobGrav,DfMobGrav);
00934       VecDouble &vPor=getPorosityAtCells();
00935       m_fInitPressure=getPressureIC();
00936       double grav=configFile.getDouble("GRAVITY");
00937       double dt  =getDynamicTimeStep();
00938       m_pSolver  =getLinearSolver();
00939       print(section,"GRAVITY: %g\n",grav);
00940       print(section,"TIME STEP: %g\n",dt);
00941       //Permeability (Todo: Functions to get permeability)
00942       m_pDynamicModule= new MixedHybridCompositionalFull(getMesh(),*m_fInitPressure,*m_fFluxBC,*m_fDP,getPermeabilityAtCells(),vPor, dynamic_cast<Function1D&>(*fMobT),dynamic_cast<Function1D&>(*fFracF),grav,dt,*getFlashCompositional(),*m_pSolver,configFile.getInt("DYNAMIC_DEBUG_LEVEL"));
00943       break;
00944     }
00945   case 6:
00946     {
00947       print(section,"Module that solve the hybrid finite element for biphase incompressible flow\n");
00948       double grav = configFile.getDouble("GRAVITY");
00949       VecDouble densities(2);
00950       densities(0)=configFile.getDouble("S1_DENSITY");
00951       densities(1)=configFile.getDouble("S2_DENSITY");
00953       print(section,"Gravity: %g\n",grav);
00954       print(section,"Phases Densities:\n\tPho1 = %g\n\tPho2 = %g\n\t",densities(0),densities(1));
00957       getPBoundaryCondition(m_fDP,m_fFluxBC);
00958       GeneralFunctionInterface *fMob,*fFracF,*fMobT,*fMobGrav,*DfFracF,*DfMobGrav;
00959       getMobilities(fMob,fMobT,fFracF,DfFracF,fMobGrav,DfMobGrav);
00960       m_pSolver = getLinearSolver();
00964       //Permeability (Todo: Functions to get permeability)
00965       m_pDynamicModule= new MixedHybridIncompressible(getMesh(),*m_fFluxBC,*m_fDP,
00966                                            getPermeabilityAtCells(),
00967                                            *fMobT,*fFracF,
00968                                            grav,densities,
00969                                            *m_pSolver,
00970                                            configFile.getInt("DYNAMIC_DEBUG_LEVEL"));
00971       break;
00972     }
00973   case 7:
00974     {
00975       print(section,"Module that uses the mixed hybrid finite element method considering cappillar pressure and using Pw as main variable\n");
00976       getPBoundaryCondition(m_fDP,m_fFluxBC);
00977       //m_fK = getK();
00978       GeneralFunctionInterface *fMob,*fFracF,*fMobT,*fMobGrav,*DfFracF,*DfMobGrav;
00980       getMobilities(fMob,fMobT,fFracF,DfFracF,fMobGrav,DfMobGrav);
00981       GeneralFunctionInterface *fPc,*dfPc,*fPcInv;
00982       getPcFunction(&fPc,&dfPc,&fPcInv);
00983       VecDouble &vPor=getPorosityAtCells();
00984       m_fInitPressure=getPressureIC();
00985       enablePrint(false);
00986       Function3D *fTBC = getTransportForSystemBC(getFlash()->numComponents());
00987       enablePrint(true);
00988       double grav=configFile.getDouble("GRAVITY");
00989       double dt  =getDynamicTimeStep();
00990       m_pSolver  =getLinearSolver();
00991       print(section,"GRAVITY: %g\n",grav);
00992       print(section,"TIME STEP: %g\n",dt);
00994       //Permeability (Todo: Functions to get permeability)
00995       m_pDynamicModule= new MixedHybridCompositionalSimplePw(getMesh(),*m_fInitPressure,*m_fFluxBC,*m_fDP,*fTBC,getPermeabilityAtCells(),vPor, *fMobT,*fFracF,*fPc,grav,dt,*getFlashCompositional(),*m_pSolver,configFile.getInt("DYNAMIC_DEBUG_LEVEL"));
00996       break;
00998     }
00999   case 8:
01000     {
01001       m_pDynamicModule= &getBlockMatrix();
01002       break;
01003     }
01004   case 9:
01005     {
01006       print(section,"This is the MUMM method for 2D\nBe sure the mesh has just one element in Z\n");
01008       GeneralFunctionInterface *fMob,*fFracF,*fMobT,*fMobGrav,*DfFracF,*DfMobGrav;
01009       getMobilities(fMob,fMobT,fFracF,DfFracF,fMobGrav,DfMobGrav);
01011       m_pDynamicModule= new MUMM(getMesh(),getPermeabilityAtCells(),dynamic_cast<Function1D&>(*fMobT));
01012       break;
01013     }
01015   case 11:
01016     {
01017       print(section,"Elliptic equation solved in terms of the pressure and Petrov-Galerkin\npost processing\
01018 of the velocity fields\n");
01019       getPBoundaryCondition(m_fDP,m_fFluxBC);
01020       //Permeability (Todo: Functions to get permeability)
01021       m_pDynamicModule= new PoissonFEM(getMesh(),getPermeabilityAtCells(),
01022                             *m_fDP,*m_fFluxBC,
01023                             *getLinearSolver(),
01024                             configFile.getUnsigned("DYNAMIC_DEBUG_LEVEL"));
01025       //,*m_fGravMobSrc,
01026       //                    configFile.getDouble("TOLERANCE"),
01027       //                    configFile.getInt("NUM_ITERATIONS"),
01028       //                    configFile.getUnsigned("DYNAMIC_DEBUG_LEVEL"));
01029       break;
01031     }
01032   case 12:
01033     {
01034       print(section,"Biot Problem solved with UMFPACK\n");
01035       getPBoundaryCondition(m_fDP,m_fFluxBC);
01036       getUBoundaryCondition(m_fDU,m_fTensionBC);
01037       double dYoung = getYoung();
01038       double dPoisson = getPoisson();
01039       double dt = getDynamicTimeStep();
01041       //Permeability (Todo: Functions to get permeability)
01042       m_pDynamicModule= new BiotFEM(getMesh(),dt,getPermeabilityAtCells(),dYoung,dPoisson,*m_fDU,*m_fTensionBC);
01043       break;
01045     }
01046   case 13:
01047     {
01048       print(section,"Module that uses the mixed hybrid finite element method for compositional models\n");
01049       print(section,"explained in Bell Trangenstein in 1985\n");
01050       GeneralFunctionInterface *fMob,*fFracF,*fMobT,*fMobGrav,*DfFracF,*DfMobGrav;
01051       getMobilities(fMob,fMobT,fFracF,DfFracF,fMobGrav,DfMobGrav);
01052       getPBoundaryCondition(m_fDP,m_fFluxBC);
01053       VecDouble &vPor=getPorosityAtCells();
01054       m_fInitPressure=getPressureIC();
01055       double grav=configFile.getDouble("GRAVITY");
01056       double dt  =getDynamicTimeStep();
01057       m_pSolver  =getLinearSolver();
01058       print(section,"GRAVITY: %g\n",grav);
01059       print(section,"TIME STEP: %g\n",dt);
01060       //Permeability (Todo: Functions to get permeability)
01061       m_pDynamicModule= new MixedHybridCompositionalTrangenstein1985(getMesh(),*m_fInitPressure,*m_fFluxBC,*m_fDP,getPermeabilityAtCells(),vPor, dynamic_cast<Function1D&>(*fMobT),dynamic_cast<Function1D&>(*fFracF),grav,dt,*getFlashCompositional(),*m_pSolver,configFile.getInt("DYNAMIC_DEBUG_LEVEL"));
01062       break;
01063     }
01065   default:
01066     {
01067       if (dynMod >= 2 && dynMod <= 5)
01068       {
01069         throw new Exception("\
01070 The options 1 to 5 don't work anymore. The reason is that now  the code is\n\
01071 meshless and always assumes an orthonormal grid. This decision was made for\n\
01072 efficiency to save memory. So in this new version, all modules that used the\n\
01073 class Deal_II::Triangultion were deleted\n");
01074       }
01075       throw new Exception("Invalid option for DYNAMIC_MODULE\n");
01076       return NULL;
01077     }
01078   }
01080   return m_pDynamicModule;
01081 }

double MainApp::getDynamicTimeStep (  )  [protected]

Definition at line 2303 of file mainapp.cpp.

02304 {
02305   double nIt  = configFile.getDouble("N_DYN_ITERATIONS");
02306   double time = configFile.getDouble("END_TIME");
02307   return time/nIt;
02308 }

FlashBase * MainApp::getFlash (  )  [protected]

Definition at line 508 of file mainapp.cpp.

00509 {
00510  std::string section="Flash";
00512   if (m_pFlash!=NULL)
00513     return m_pFlash;
00514   switch(configFile.getInt("FLASH_MODULE"))
00515   {
00516   case 1:
00517     {
00518       print(section,"Dummy Flash that does not do any computation\n");
00519       unsigned n_phases = configFile.getInt("DUMMY_FLASH_NUM_PHASES");
00520       unsigned n_comps = configFile.getInt("DUMMY_FLASH_NUM_COMPONENTS");
00521       VecDouble viscs(n_phases);
00522       VecDouble mass(n_comps);
00523       char name[2000];
00524       print(section,"Num Components %d\n",n_comps);
00525       print(section,"Num Phases %d\n",n_phases);
00526       print(section,"Viscosities: ");
00527       for (unsigned i=1;i<=n_phases;i++)
00528       {
00529         sprintf(name,"S%d_VISCOSITY",i);
00530         viscs(i-1)=configFile.getDouble(name);
00531         print(section,"\n\tPhase %d = %g ",i,viscs(i-1));
00532       }
00533       print(section,"\nDensities: ");
00534       for (unsigned i=1;i<=n_comps;i++)
00535       {
00536         sprintf(name,"S%d_DENSITY",i);
00537         mass(i-1)=configFile.getDouble(name);
00538         print(section,"\n\tPhase %d = %g ",i,mass(i-1));
00539       }
00542       print(section,"\n"); 
00543       m_pFlash= new DummyFlash(n_phases,n_comps,viscs,mass);
00544       break;
00545     }
00546     case 2:
00547     {
00548     print(section,"Flash for the Henry Law computation of dissolution of gas into liquid\n");
00549     print(section,"\tXd = P/Kh exp(-vP/(R*T))\n");
00550     print(section,"\tKd = Xd mL/(1-Xd(1-mL/mc))\n");
00551     print(section,"\tKd is the maximum concentration of gas moles in the liquid\n");
00552     print(section,"\tHenry Law states that the dissolution is instantly and the\n\t\
00553 concentration of the dissolved gas is always Kd except for the \n\t\
00554 case there is no enough gas to dissolve. In this case , all the gas is\n\t\
00555 dissolved in the liquid\n");
00556     print(section,"\tHENRY_COEFFICIENT Kh = %g\n",configFile.getDouble("HENRY_COEFFICIENT"));
00557     print(section,"\tAPPARENT CO2 MOLAR VOLUME v = %g\n",configFile.getDouble("APPARENT_CO2_MOLAR_VOLUME"));
00558     print(section,"\tGAS UNIVERSAL CONSTANT R = = %g\n",configFile.getDouble("R"));
00559     print(section,"\tCONSTANT TEMPERATURE T = %g\n",configFile.getDouble("TEMPERATURE"));
00560     print(section,"\tGAS MOLAR VOLUME mc = %g\n",configFile.getDouble("GAS_MOLAR_VOLUME"));
00561     print(section,"\tLIQUID MOLAR VOLUME mL = %g\n",configFile.getDouble("LIQUID_MOLAR_VOLUME"));
00562     m_pFlash=new FlashHenryLaw(getMesh(),
00563                              configFile.getDouble("HENRY_COEFFICIENT"),
00564                              configFile.getDouble("APPARENT_CO2_MOLAR_VOLUME"),
00565                              configFile.getDouble("R"),
00566                              configFile.getDouble("TEMPERATURE"),
00567                              configFile.getDouble("GAS_MOLAR_VOLUME"),
00568                              configFile.getDouble("LIQUID_MOLAR_VOLUME"),
00569                              configFile.getDouble("S1_VISCOSITY"),
00570                              configFile.getDouble("S2_VISCOSITY"));
00572     break;
00573     }
00574   case 3:
00575     {
00576     print(section,"Flash for the Henry Law computation of dissolution of gas into liquid\n");
00577     print(section,"designed for the Obi Blunt model that is formulated in terms of Saturation\n\
00578 of CO2 and concentration of CO2 in water");
00579     print(section,"\tXd = P/Kh exp(-vP/(R*T))\n");
00580     print(section,"\tKd = Xd mL/(1-Xd(1-mL/mc))\n");
00581     print(section,"\tKd is the maximum concentration of gas moles in the liquid\n");
00582     print(section,"\tHenry Law states that the dissolution is instantly and the\n\t\
00583 concentration of the dissolved gas is always Kd except for the \n\t\
00584 case there is no enough gas to dissolve. In this case , all the gas is\n\t\
00585 dissolved in the liquid\n");
00586     print(section,"\tHENRY_COEFFICIENT Kh = %g\n",configFile.getDouble("HENRY_COEFFICIENT"));
00587     print(section,"\tAPPARENT CO2 MOLAR VOLUME v = %g\n",configFile.getDouble("APPARENT_CO2_MOLAR_VOLUME"));
00588     print(section,"\tGAS UNIVERSAL CONSTANT R = = %g\n",configFile.getDouble("R"));
00589     print(section,"\tCONSTANT TEMPERATURE T = %g\n",configFile.getDouble("TEMPERATURE"));
00590     print(section,"\tGAS MOLAR VOLUME mc = %g\n",configFile.getDouble("GAS_MOLAR_VOLUME"));
00591     print(section,"\tLIQUID MOLAR VOLUME mL = %g\n",configFile.getDouble("LIQUID_MOLAR_VOLUME"));
00592     m_pFlash= new HenryLawObiBlunt(getMesh(),
00593                              configFile.getDouble("HENRY_COEFFICIENT"),
00594                              configFile.getDouble("APPARENT_CO2_MOLAR_VOLUME"),
00595                              configFile.getDouble("R"),
00596                              configFile.getDouble("TEMPERATURE"),
00597                              configFile.getDouble("GAS_MOLAR_VOLUME"),
00598                              configFile.getDouble("LIQUID_MOLAR_VOLUME"));
00599     break;
00602     }
00603   case 4:
00604     {
00606       double T = configFile.getDouble("TEMPERATURE");
00607       print(section,"\
00608 Flash Equilibrium Method for CO2 Storage in Brine Aquiffers. \n\
00609 Authors: Allan Leal and Mohammad Peri, 2010\n\
00610 TEMPERATURE: %g Kelvin\n\
00611 ",T);
00613       //double v2 =configFile.getDouble("S1_VISCOSITY");
00614       //double v1 =configFile.getDouble("S1_VISCOSITY");
00615       m_pFlash= new FlashCO2Brine(getMesh(),T);
00616       break;
00617     }
00618   case 5:
00619     {
00620       print(section,"\
00621 Simple Black Oil Model for OIL and GAS where only gas\n \
00622 can dissolve in oil. The units for this flash is\n\
00623 distance ft\n\
00624 time     days\n\
00625 Pressure PSI\n\
00626 \n\
00627 This flash override the viscosities values given to\n\
00628 the mobility functions such that they depend on\n\
00629 the pressure. So the viscosity values given to the\n\
00630 mobility functions are not relevant.\n\
00631 \"John B Bell, Gregory R. Shubin, John Trangestein,\n\
00634 Computational Physics 65, 71-106 1986\"\n");
00635       m_pFlash= new FlashSimpleBlackOil(getMesh());
00636     }
00637     case 6:
00638     {
00640       double T = configFile.getDouble("TEMPERATURE");
00641       print(section,"\
00642 Uncompressible Modification of the \n\
00643 Flash Equilibrium Method for CO2 Storage in Brine Aquiffers. \n\
00644 Authors: Allan Leal and Mohammad Peri, 2010\n\
00645 TEMPERATURE: %g Kelvin\n\
00646 Where all the components have the same molar volume = 1\n\
00647 nomatter wich phase. In this way we turn of the compressibility\n\
00648 without altering the dissolution.\n\
00649 ",T);
00650       m_pFlash= new FlashCO2BrineUncomp(getMesh(),T);
00651     }
00653     case 7:
00654     {
00655       double T = configFile.getDouble("TEMPERATURE");
00656       print(section,"\
00657 Flash Equilibrium Method for CO2 Storage in Brine Aquiffers. \n\
00658 Authors: Allan Leal and Mohammad Peri, 2010\n\
00659 TEMPERATURE: %g Kelvin\n\
00660 This is an extension of this flash in order to incorporate capillary\n\
00661 pressure. The pressure passed on this module is actually the water pressure,\n\
00662 that is converted internally to be Sw*pw + So*po"
00663             ,T);
00665       //double v2 =configFile.getDouble("S1_VISCOSITY");
00666       //double v1 =configFile.getDouble("S1_VISCOSITY");
00667       GeneralFunctionInterface *fPc,*dfPc,*fPcInv;
00668       getPcFunction(&fPc,&dfPc,&fPcInv);
00670       m_pFlash= new FlashCO2BrinePw(getMesh(),T,dynamic_cast<Function1D&>(*fPc));
00671       break;
00674     }
00675   default:
00676       throw new Exception("Invalid option for key FLASH_MODULE");
00677   }
00679   return m_pFlash;
00680 }         

FlashCompositional * MainApp::getFlashCompositional (  )  [protected]

Definition at line 3179 of file mainapp.cpp.

03180 {
03181   FlashBase *flash = getFlash();
03183   if (dynamic_cast<FlashCompositional*>(flash) != NULL)
03184     return dynamic_cast<FlashCompositional*>( flash);
03185   else
03186     throw new Exception("Flash Module Selected is expected to be a Compositional Flash");
03187 }

FaceFluxFunction * MainApp::getFluxFunction (  )  [protected]

Get the faceflux object specifing the flux term of the conservative equations.


Definition at line 1489 of file mainapp.cpp.

01490 {
01491   std::string section="Flux";
01492   if (m_flux)
01493   {
01494     return m_flux;
01495   }
01497   print(section,"Flux Function: ");
01498   switch(configFile.getInt("FLUX_FUNCTION"))
01499   {
01500   case 1:
01501     {
01503       GeneralFunctionInterface *fMob,*fFracF,*fMobT,*fMobGrav,*DfFracF,*DfMobGrav;
01504       getMobilities(fMob,fMobT,fFracF,DfFracF,fMobGrav,DfMobGrav);
01506       print(section,"Flux function for biphasic flow without gravity term:  F(u)=mobW Vdt\n");
01508       m_flux= new FaceFluxWithoutGravity(getMesh(),dynamic_cast<Function1D&>(*fFracF),dynamic_cast<Function1D&>(*DfFracF));
01509       break;
01510     }
01511   case 2:
01512     {
01513       double v1 = configFile.getDouble("S1_VISCOSITY");
01514       double p1 = configFile.getDouble("S1_DENSITY");
01515       double v2 = configFile.getDouble("S2_VISCOSITY");
01516       double p2 = configFile.getDouble("S2_DENSITY");
01517       double g  = configFile.getDouble("GRAVITY");
01518       print(section,"Bucley-Leverett Mobility with gravity term\n");
01519       print(section,"S1 Viscosity: %g\nS1 Density: %g\n",v1,p1);
01520       print(section,"S2 Viscosity: %g\nS2 Density: %g\n",v2,p2);
01521       print(section,"Gravity: %g\n",g);
01523       GeneralFunctionInterface *fMob,*fFracF,*fMobT,*fMobGrav,*DfFracF,*DfMobGrav;
01524       getMobilities(fMob,fMobT,fFracF,DfFracF,fMobGrav,DfMobGrav);
01528       if (m_fK == NULL)
01529       //return new FaceFluxWithGravity(getMesh().numFaces(),*new FLinear(0,0),*pGravMob,*m_pCK,-(pw-po)*g);
01530       m_flux =new FaceFluxWithGravity(getMesh(),
01531                                      *dynamic_cast<Function1D*>(fFracF),
01532                                      *dynamic_cast<Function1D*>(DfFracF),
01533                                      *dynamic_cast<Function1D*>(fMobGrav),
01534                                      *dynamic_cast<Function1D*>(DfMobGrav),
01535                                       getPermeabilityAtCells(),-(p1-p2)*g);
01536       break;
01537     }
01538   case 3:
01539     print(section,"Burguers flux function\n");
01540     m_flux =new FaceFluxWithoutGravity(getMesh(),
01541                                       *(new FQuadratic(0.5,0.0,0.0)),
01542                                       *(new FLinear(1.0,0.0)));
01543     break;
01544   case 4:
01545     {
01546       print(section,"Independent system of equations\n\tBurguers for the first equation, Linear for the second equation:\n\t\
01547 F(S1,S2) = < S1*S1/2 * Vdt, S2* Vdt>\n\tWhere Vdt is the velocity of the dynamic module\n");
01548       m_flux= new FaceFluxWithIndependentEquations(getMesh(),
01549                                                          new FQuadratic(0.5,0,0),
01550                                                          new FLinear(1,0),
01551                                                          new FLinear(1,0),
01552                                                          new FLinear(0,1),true);
01553       //m_flux= new FaceFluxWithIndependentEquations(getMesh(),new FChaventMobility(1,20),new FLinear(1,0),true);
01554       break;
01555     }
01556   case 5:
01557     {
01559       double v1 = configFile.getDouble("S1_VISCOSITY");
01560       double v2 = configFile.getDouble("S2_VISCOSITY");
01561       double p1 = configFile.getDouble("S1_DENSITY");
01562       double p2 = configFile.getDouble("S2_DENSITY");
01563       double sr1= configFile.getDouble("PHASE1_RESIDUAL_SATURATION",0);
01564       double sr2= configFile.getDouble("PHASE2_RESIDUAL_SATURATION",0);
01566       double g  = configFile.getDouble("GRAVITY");
01567       print(section,"Flux designed for CO2 injection with dissolution using Bucley-Leverett Mobility and gravity term\n\
01568 F1(Sc,Cd) =   fMob(Sc)*Vdt + K   (1-C)(pw-pc)    fMobGrav(Sc) g Grad(Z)\n\
01569 F2(Sc,Cd) = C*fMob(Sc)*Vdt - K C*(1-C)(pw-pc)    fMobGrav(Sc) g Grad(Z)\n\
01570 \tWhere C = Cd/(1-Sc)\n\
01571 \tK = Permeability\n\
01572 \tpw = Water density\n\
01573 \tpc = CO2 density\n\
01574 \tCd = Is the fraction volume of the porous media occupied by the dissolved CO2\n\
01575 \tSc = Is the saturation of supercritic CO2\n\
01576 \tSc = Is the saturation of supercritic CO2\n\
01577 \tfMob(Sc) = Bucley Leverett relative mobility\n\
01578 \tfMobGrav(Sc) = The mobility for the gravity term\n\
01579 \tIn the program S1 represents supercritic CO2 while \nS2 is the dissolved volume of  CO2 per porous media\n\
01580 CO2 Viscosity: %g\nCO2 Density (pc): %g\nCO2 Residual Saturation: %g\n\
01581 Water Viscosity: %g\nWater Density(pw): %g\nWater Residual Saturation: %g\n\
01582 Gravity: %g\n",v1,p1,sr1,v2,p2,sr2,g);
01583       m_flux= new FluxForCO2Inj(getMesh(),getPermeabilityAtCells(),v1,v2,sr1,sr2,p1,p2,g);
01584       break;
01585     }
01586   case 6:
01587     {
01588       double v1 = configFile.getDouble("S1_VISCOSITY");
01589       double v2 = configFile.getDouble("S2_VISCOSITY");
01590       print(section,"\
01591 Flux designed for Simple Black Oil Model of Oil and Gas where\n\
01592 Gas can dissolve into oil and oil does not evaporate.\n\
01593 Please see the article\n\
01594 \"John B Bell, Gregory R. Shubin, John Trangestein,\n\
01597 Computational Physics 65, 71-106 1986\"\n\
01598 \n\
01599 The flux is a function of the total moles of each component\n   \
01600 (i.e OIL mo, GAS mg using Bucley-Leverett Mobility.\n\
01601 The flux is given by the expression:\n\
01602 Fo(no,ng) =   [m_o^o/volOil * fMobO(So) ]*Vdt\n\
01603 Fg(no,ng) =   [m_g^o/volOil * fMobO(So)  +  m_g^g/VolGas * (1-fMobO(So))]*Vdt\n\
01604 Where\n\
01605 fMob = Bucley Leverret Mobility with\n\
01606 GAS Viscosity = Defined By Flash.\n\
01607 OIL Viscosity = Defined By Flash\n\
01608 So            = Saturation of oil phase.\n\
01609 no,ng         = Mass per pore volume of both components.\n\
01610 ",v1,v2);
01611       m_flux= new FaceFluxSimpleBlackOil(getMesh(),*getFlashCompositional());
01612       break;
01613     }
01614   case 7:
01615     {
01616       double v1 = configFile.getDouble("S1_VISCOSITY");
01617       double v2 = configFile.getDouble("S2_VISCOSITY");
01618       double sr1= configFile.getDouble("PHASE1_RESIDUAL_SATURATION",0);
01619       double sr2= configFile.getDouble("PHASE2_RESIDUAL_SATURATION",0);
01620       GeneralFunctionInterface *fMob,*fFracF,*fMobT,*fMobGrav,*DfFracF,*DfMobGrav;
01621       getMobilities(fMob,fMobT,fFracF,DfFracF,fMobGrav,DfMobGrav);
01624       double grav = configFile.getDouble("GRAVITY");
01625       print(section,"\
01626 Flux designed for CO2 injection in Brine for compositional model.\n\
01627 The flux is a function of the total moles of each component\n\
01628 (i.e Water,CO2, SALT) using Bucley-Leverett Mobility.\n\
01629 The flux is given by the expression:\n\
01630 F1(mw,mc,ms) =   [mw_aq/volAqueous * VelAQ  +  mw_gas/VolGas * VelG\n\
01631 F2(mw,mc,ms) =   [mc_aq/volAqueous * VelAQ  +  mc_gas/VolGas * VelG\n\
01632 F3(mw,mc,ms) =   [ms_aq/volAqueous * VelAQ\n\
01633 Where\n\
01634 VelAQ = mobW(Sw)*Vdt + K*mobW*(1-mobW)*mobT(densityG - densityAQ)*grav \n\
01635 VelO  = Vdt-VelAQ\n\
01636 K     = Permeability Feld\n\
01637 fMob = Bucley Leverret Mobility with\n\
01638 Water Viscosity = %g.\n\
01639 CO2 Viscosity   = %g.\n\
01640 Water Residual Saturation = %g\n\
01641 CO2 Residual Saturation = %g\n\
01642 Gravity         = %g.\n\
01643 Sw              = Saturation of water phase.\n\
01644 mw,mc,mw        = Moles per pore volume of each component.\n"
01645             ,v1,v2,sr1,sr2,grav);
01646       m_flux= new FaceFluxCO2Brine(getMesh(),*getFlashCompositional(),getPermeabilityAtCells(),*fFracF,*DfFracF,*fMobGrav,*DfMobGrav,grav); 
01647       break;
01648     }
01649     case 8:
01650       {
01651       print(section,"Flux Mass Simple Black Oil Model\n");
01652       m_flux= new FaceFluxSimpleBlackOilMass(getMesh(),*getFlashCompositional());
01653       break;
01654       }
01656   default:
01657     {
01658       throw new Exception("Invalid Option FLUX_FUNCTION=%d\n",
01659                           configFile.getInt("FLUX_FUNCTION"));
01660       return NULL;
01661     }
01662   }
01663   return m_flux;
01664 }

std::string MainApp::getHDF5FileName (  )  [protected]

Definition at line 2523 of file mainapp.cpp.

02524 {
02525   if (configFile.isDefined("HDF5_OUTPUT"))
02526      return configFile.getString("HDF5_OUTPUT");
02527   else
02528   {
02529     string file=configFile.getCurrentFile();
02530     size_t start=file.find_last_of('/');
02531     if (start== string::npos)
02532       start = 0;
02533     else
02534       start++;
02536     size_t end=file.find_last_of('.');
02537     if (end == string::npos)
02538       end=file.size();
02541     string resp=file.substr(start,end-start);
02542     resp+=m_suffix+".hdf";
02543     return resp;
02544   }
02545 }

void MainApp::getKr ( GeneralFunctionInterface *&  fKr,
GeneralFunctionInterface *&  DfKr 
) [protected]

Return the relative permeabilities. This function has a strong connection with the MainApp::getMobilities in the sense that they read the same keys from the config file and the mobilities are defined based on the values of the relative permeabilities; Note that depending of the option of the key RELATIVE_MOBILITY_FUNCTION the relative permeability can be not defined and in this case the output arguments fKr and DfKr return NULL. The relative mobilities returned are vector functions where the first component is the relative permeability of phase 1, second component for the relative permeability of phase 2 and so on fKr To containt the relative permeabilities DfKr To contain the derivative of the relative permeabilities


Definition at line 2809 of file mainapp.cpp.

02810 {
02811   if (!m_fKr)
02812   {
02813     switch(configFile.getInt("RELATIVE_MOBILITY_FUNCTION"/*,2)*/))
02814     {
02816     case 4:
02817       {
02818         Function1D *krw= new FKrwPiri();
02819         Function1D *krc= new FKrcPiri();
02820         Function1D *dkrc=new DFKrcPiri();
02821         Function1D *dkrw=new DFKrwPiri();
02822         m_fKr = new VectorFunction(krw,krc,true);
02823         m_fDKr=new VectorFunction(dkrw,dkrc,true);
02824         break;
02825       }
02826     default:
02827       m_fKr=NULL;
02828       m_fDKr=NULL;
02830     }
02831   }
02832   fKr=m_fKr;
02833   DfKr=m_fDKr;
02835   return;
02836 }

LinearSolver * MainApp::getLinearSolver (  )  [protected]

Definition at line 2311 of file mainapp.cpp.

02312 {
02313   static char str[500];
02314   if (!m_pSolver)
02315   {
02316     unsigned solverId = configFile.getInt("LINEAR_SOLVER");
02317     switch (solverId)
02318     {
02319     case 1:
02320       sprintf(str,"Solver: UMFPACK (Direct Solver for Sparse Matrix)\n");
02321       m_pSolver=  new UMFPACKSolver();
02322       break;
02323     case 2:
02324       {
02325         double tol = configFile.getDouble("SOLVER_TOLERANCE");
02326         unsigned nIt = configFile.getInt("SOLVER_NUM_ITERATIONS");
02327         sprintf(str,"Solver: CG with Algebraic Multigrid Pre-conditioning (AGM)\nfor Sparse Symetric Positive Definite Matrices\n\tTolerance: %g\n\tMax Num Iterations: %d\n",tol,nIt);
02328         m_pSolver=  new SolverGPU_AGM(tol,nIt);
02329         break;
02330       }
02331     case 3:
02332       {
02333         double tol = configFile.getDouble("SOLVER_TOLERANCE");
02334         unsigned nIt = configFile.getInt("SOLVER_NUM_ITERATIONS");
02335         sprintf(str,"Solver: CG with SSOR preconditioner for Symetric Definite Matrices\n\tTolerance: %g\n\tMax Num Iterations: %d\n",tol,nIt);
02336         unsigned debugLevel = configFile.getInt("DYNAMIC_DEBUG_LEVEL");
02337         m_pSolver=  new CGSolver(nIt,tol,debugLevel);
02338         break;
02339       }
02341     default:
02342       throw new Exception("Invalid Option (%d) for the Linear Solver\n",configFile.getInt("LINEAR_SOLVER"));
02343       return NULL;
02344     }
02345   }
02346   print("LINEAR_SOLVER",str);
02347   return m_pSolver;
02348 }

OrthoMesh & MainApp::getMB_Mesh (  )  [protected]

Definition at line 409 of file mainapp.cpp.

00410 {
00411   if (!m_pMB_Mesh)
00412   {
00413     Point<3> P1(0,0,0);
00414     Point<3> P2(configFile.getDouble("MB_DIM_X"),configFile.getDouble("MB_DIM_Y"),configFile.getDouble("MB_DIM_Z"));
00416     m_pMB_Mesh = new OrthoMesh(P1,P2,
00417                           configFile.getInt("MB_NUM_ELEMS_X"),
00418                           configFile.getInt("MB_NUM_ELEMS_Y"),
00419                           configFile.getInt("MB_NUM_ELEMS_Z"));
00420     HDF5OrthoWriter::getHDF5OrthoWriter().writeMesh("MBmesh",*m_pMB_Mesh);
00422   }
00423   return *m_pMB_Mesh;
00424 }

OrthoMesh & MainApp::getMesh (  )  [protected]

Definition at line 381 of file mainapp.cpp.

00382 {
00383   if (!m_pMesh)
00384   {
00385     Point<3> P1(0,0,0);
00386     Point<3> P2(configFile.getDouble("DIM_X"),configFile.getDouble("DIM_Y"),configFile.getDouble("DIM_Z"));
00388     VecWellInfo wells = getWells();
00390     //delete all wells that are not supposed to be represented as holes in the domain
00391     VecWellInfo::iterator it = wells.begin();
00392     while (it!=wells.end())
00393     {
00394       if (it->getBCType() == WellInfo::PRESSURE || it->getBCType() == WellInfo::FLUX)
00395         it++;
00396       else
00397         it=wells.erase(it);
00398     }
00400     m_pMesh = new OrthoMesh(P1,P2,
00401                           configFile.getInt("NUM_ELEMS_X"),
00402                           configFile.getInt("NUM_ELEMS_Y"),
00403                           configFile.getInt("NUM_ELEMS_Z"),wells);
00404     printTriangulation();
00405   }
00406   return *m_pMesh;
00407 }

void MainApp::getMobilities ( GeneralFunctionInterface *&  fMob,
GeneralFunctionInterface *&  fMobT,
GeneralFunctionInterface *&  fFracFlux,
GeneralFunctionInterface *&  DfFracFlux,
GeneralFunctionInterface *&  fMobGrav,
GeneralFunctionInterface *&  DfMobGrav 
) [protected]

Get Mobilities

fMob To contain the phase mobility
fMobT Total phases mobility
fFracFlux Fractional mobility function
DfFracFlux Derivate of the fractional mobility function
fMobGrav The gravity mobility, defined as the product of the water, oil relative mobilities and the total mobility (i.e LambdaW LambdaT LambdaO
DfMobGrav The derivative of fMobGrav

Definition at line 2692 of file mainapp.cpp.

02693 {
02694   std::string section="Mobilities";
02695   if (!m_fFracFlux)
02696   {
02697     print(section,"Relative Mobility:\n\t");
02699     switch(configFile.getInt("RELATIVE_MOBILITY_FUNCTION"/*,2)*/))
02700     {
02701     case 1:
02702       {
02703         double v1 = configFile.getDouble("S1_VISCOSITY");
02704         double v2 = configFile.getDouble("S2_VISCOSITY");
02705         double Sr1= configFile.getDouble("PHASE1_RESIDUAL_SATURATION",0);
02706         double Sr2= configFile.getDouble("PHASE2_RESIDUAL_SATURATION",0);
02707         m_fMob= new FLinear(1.0/v1,0);
02708         m_fMobT=new FLinear((1.0/v1 - 1.0/v2),1.0/v2);
02709         m_fFracFlux = new FFractionalLinearMobility(v1,v2);
02710         m_DfFracFlux = new FDFractionalLinearMobility(v1,v2);
02711         m_DfMobGrav=  new  DFLinearMobilityProduct(v1,v2,Sr1,Sr2);
02712         m_fMobGrav= new FLinearMobilityProduct(v1,v2,Sr1,Sr2);
02713         break;
02715       }
02716     case 2:
02717       {
02718         double v1 = configFile.getDouble("S1_VISCOSITY");
02719         double v2 = configFile.getDouble("S2_VISCOSITY");
02720         double Sr1= configFile.getDouble("PHASE1_RESIDUAL_SATURATION",0);
02721         double Sr2= configFile.getDouble("PHASE2_RESIDUAL_SATURATION",0);
02722         m_fMob =  NULL;
02723         m_fFracFlux=new FChaventMobility(v1,v2,Sr1,Sr2);
02724         m_DfFracFlux=new DFChaventMobility(v1,v2,Sr1,Sr2);
02725         m_fMobT=new FBucleyLeverettTotalMob(v1,v2,Sr1,Sr2);
02726         m_fMobGrav=new  FBucleyLeverettGravityMob(v1,v2,Sr1,Sr2);
02727         m_DfMobGrav=new  DFBucleyLeverettGravityMob(v1,v2,Sr1,Sr2);
02730         print(section,"\
02731 mob1(S1)=(S1-Sr1)^2/(1-Sr1)^2\n\t\
02732 mob2(S1)=(1-S1/(1-Sr2))^2;\n\t\
02733 Residual Saturation (Sr1) = %g\n\t\
02734 Residual Saturation (Sr2) = %g\n\t\
02735 Viscosity of Phase 1 (v1) = %g\n\t\
02736 Viscosity of Phase 2 (v2) = %g\n\t\
02737 Maximum Char Velocity %g\n\t",Sr1,Sr2,v1,v2,
02738               dynamic_cast<Function1D&>(*m_DfFracFlux).getMaxNorm(0,1));
02739         break;
02742       }
02743     case 3:
02744       {
02745         print(section,"mob1(S1) = mob2(S2) = 1\n");
02746         m_fMob= new FQuadratic(0,0,1);
02747         break;
02748       }
02749     case 4:
02750       {
02751         double v1 = configFile.getDouble("S1_VISCOSITY");
02752         double v2 = configFile.getDouble("S2_VISCOSITY");
02753         double Sr1= configFile.getDouble("PHASE1_RESIDUAL_SATURATION",0);
02754         double Sr2= configFile.getDouble("PHASE2_RESIDUAL_SATURATION",0);
02755         print(section,"Mobilities based on the relative permeabilities\n\
02756  obtained from Piri-Morteza experiments\n\t\
02757 Residual Saturation (Sr1) = %g\n\t\
02758 Residual Saturation (Sr2) = %g\n\t\
02759 Viscosity of Water   (v1) = %g\n\t\
02760 Viscosity of CO2     (v2) = %g\n\t",Sr1,Sr2,v1,v2);
02761         Function1D *krw= new FKrwPiri();
02762         Function1D *krc= new FKrcPiri();
02763         Function1D *dkrc=new DFKrcPiri();
02764         Function1D *dkrw=new DFKrwPiri();
02765         m_fKr1= krw;
02766         m_fKr2= krc;
02767         m_fDKr2=dkrc;
02768         m_fDKr1=dkrw;
02771         m_fMob =  NULL;
02772         m_fFracFlux =new FFracFluxFromRelK ( *krw,*krc,Sr1,Sr2,v1,v2);
02773         m_DfFracFlux=new DFFracFluxFromRelK(*krw,*krc,*dkrw,*dkrc,Sr1,Sr2,v1,v2);
02774         m_fMobT     =new FMobTFromRelK(*krw,*krc,Sr1,Sr2,v1,v2);
02775         m_fMobGrav  =new FFracGravFromRelK(*krw,*krc,Sr1,Sr2,v1,v2);
02776         m_DfMobGrav =new DFFracGravFromRelK(*krw,*krc,*dkrw,*dkrc,Sr1,Sr2,v1,v2);
02778         break;
02779       }
02780     default:
02781       {
02782         throw new Exception("Relative mobilities are not yet defined for the case\n\tFLUX_FUNCTION=%d\n",configFile.getInt("FLUX_FUNCTION"));
02783      }
02784     }
02785   }
02786   fMob=m_fMob;
02787   fFracFlux=m_fFracFlux;
02788   DfFracFlux=m_DfFracFlux;
02789   fMobT=m_fMobT;
02790   fMobGrav=m_fMobGrav;
02791   DfMobGrav=m_DfMobGrav;
02794 }

MonitorWells & MainApp::getMonitorWells (  )  [protected]

Get monitor wells


Definition at line 3148 of file mainapp.cpp.

03149 {
03150   if (!m_pMonitorWells)
03151   {
03152     m_pMonitorWells = new MonitorWells();
03154     std::string keyX="MONITOR_WELL_X_";
03155     std::string keyY="MONITOR_WELL_Y_";
03156     std::string keyZ="MONITOR_WELL_Z_";
03158     unsigned i=0;
03159     std::string strI = StringFunctions::to_string(i++);
03160     MonitorWells::_NodeWell well;
03161     OrthoMesh &mesh = getMesh();
03163     while (configFile.isDefined(keyX+strI))
03164     {
03165       well.P[0]=configFile.getDouble(keyX+strI);
03166       well.P[1]=configFile.getDouble(keyY+strI);
03167       well.P[2]=configFile.getDouble(keyZ+strI);
03168       well.cell_index =  mesh.getCellAt(well.P)->index();
03169       m_pMonitorWells->getWells().push_back(well);
03170     }
03171     m_pMonitorWells->openFileName(getMonitorWellsOutputFileName());
03172   }
03173   return *m_pMonitorWells;
03174 }

std::string MainApp::getMonitorWellsOutputFileName (  )  [protected]

Definition at line 2547 of file mainapp.cpp.

02548 {
02549     string file=configFile.getCurrentFile();
02550     std::string resp=get_prefix_file(get_file_name(configFile.getCurrentFile()));
02551     return "mw_" + resp + m_suffix+".dat";
02552 }

std::vector< unsigned > MainApp::getNElements (  )  [protected]

Definition at line 2140 of file mainapp.cpp.

02141 {
02142   std::vector<unsigned> v(3);
02143   v[0]=(unsigned) configFile.getInt("NUM_ELEMS_X");
02144   v[1]=(unsigned) configFile.getInt("NUM_ELEMS_Y");
02145   v[2]=(unsigned) configFile.getInt("NUM_ELEMS_Z");
02146   return v;
02147 }

Point3D MainApp::getP0 (  )  [protected]
The lower point of the domain

Definition at line 1981 of file mainapp.cpp.

01982 {
01983   return Point3D(0.0,0.0,0.0);
01984 }

Point3D MainApp::getP1 (  )  [protected]
The upper point of the domain. Where The domain is a rectangle defined by the points [p0,p1]

Definition at line 1989 of file mainapp.cpp.

01990 {
01991   return Point3D(configFile.getDouble("DIM_X"),
01992                  configFile.getDouble("DIM_Y"),
01993                  configFile.getDouble("DIM_Z"));
01994 }

void MainApp::getPBoundaryCondition ( Function3D *&  fDP,
Function3D *&  fFlux 
) [protected]

GetBoundary Conditions for the pressure using the two output parameters.

fDP It contains the dirichlet conditions for the pressure.
fFlux It contains the conditions for the prescribed flux. Actually such function define the normal component of the velocity along the boundary

Definition at line 1124 of file mainapp.cpp.

01125 {
01126   if (m_fDP)
01127   {
01128     fDP = m_fDP;
01129     fFlux = m_fFluxBC;
01130     return;
01131   }
01133   std::string section="PBC";
01135   print(section,"Boundary Condition for Pressure:\n");
01136   switch (configFile.getUnsigned("PRESSURE_BOUNDARY_CONDITIONS"))
01137   {
01138   case 1:
01139     {
01140       fDP   = new   FCubeBoundaryCondition(configFile.getDouble("DIM_X"),
01141                                          configFile.getDouble("DIM_Y"),    /* Now if this is a compressible Model the initial condition of the transport
01142        must be updated such that all mixture could have the volume filled buy all
01143        the pores. We do that buy changing the number of total moles of all the mixture
01144        preserving the same proportion of moles in each component previously
01145        defined buy the initial conditions of the transport equations 
01146     */
01148                                          configFile.getDouble("DIM_Z"),
01149                                            0,0,0,0,0,0);
01151       fFlux =new   FCubeBoundaryCondition(configFile.getDouble("DIM_X"),
01152                                          configFile.getDouble("DIM_Y"),
01153                                          configFile.getDouble("DIM_Z"),
01154                                           INFINITY,INFINITY,INFINITY,INFINITY,INFINITY,INFINITY);
01155       print(section,"\tP(x) = 0 at boundary\n"); 
01156       break;
01157     }
01158   case 2:
01159     {
01161       double dP = configFile.getDouble("PRESSURE_BOUNDARY_CONDITIONS_ARG_2");
01162       fDP = new   FCubeBoundaryCondition(configFile.getDouble("DIM_X"),
01163                                          configFile.getDouble("DIM_Y"),
01164                                          configFile.getDouble("DIM_Z"),
01165                                          INFINITY,dP,INFINITY,
01166                                          INFINITY,INFINITY,INFINITY);
01168       double dV = configFile.getDouble("PRESSURE_BOUNDARY_CONDITIONS_ARG_1");
01169       fFlux = new FCubeBoundaryCondition(configFile.getDouble("DIM_X"),
01170                                          configFile.getDouble("DIM_Y"),
01171                                          configFile.getDouble("DIM_Z"),
01172                                          dV,INFINITY,0,0,0,0);
01173       print(section,"\tvel(x) = <%g,0> at left boundary\n\tvel(x) = 0 at top, bottom, front, back, boundaries\n\tp = %g at right boundary\n",dV,dP);
01174       break;
01175     }
01176   case 3:
01177     {
01178       double dPL = configFile.getDouble("PRESSURE_BOUNDARY_CONDITIONS_ARG_1");
01179       double dPR = configFile.getDouble("PRESSURE_BOUNDARY_CONDITIONS_ARG_2");
01181       fDP = new   FCubeBoundaryCondition(configFile.getDouble("DIM_X"),
01182                                          configFile.getDouble("DIM_Y"),
01183                                          configFile.getDouble("DIM_Z"),
01184                                          dPL,dPR,INFINITY,INFINITY,INFINITY,INFINITY);
01185       fFlux = new FCubeBoundaryCondition(configFile.getDouble("DIM_X"),
01186                                          configFile.getDouble("DIM_Y"),
01187                                          configFile.getDouble("DIM_Z"),
01188                                          INFINITY,INFINITY,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0);
01189       print(section,"\tP(x) = %g at left boundary,\n\tP(x) = %g at right boundary\n\tAll other boundaries are imperveous\n",dPL,dPR); 
01190       break;
01191     }
01192   case 4:
01193     {
01194     Point3D DX = getMesh().getDX();
01195     double refP = configFile.getDouble("PRESSURE_BOUNDARY_CONDITIONS_ARG_1");
01196     fDP = new   FCubeBoundaryCondition(DX(0),DX(1),DX(2),
01197                                  refP,INFINITY,INFINITY,
01198                                  INFINITY,INFINITY,INFINITY);
01199       fFlux = new FCubeBoundaryCondition(configFile.getDouble("DIM_X"),
01200                                          configFile.getDouble("DIM_Y"),
01201                                          configFile.getDouble("DIM_Z"),
01202                                          0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0);
01203       fFlux = new FDomainComplement(fFlux,fDP);
01204       print(section,"\tVelocity equal to zero at boundaries\n"); 
01205       print(section,"\tReference pressure is %g setted in the bottom front left corner\n",refP); 
01206       break;
01207     }
01208   case 5:
01209     {
01210       print(section,"Unidimensional pression boundary condition in X\t");
01211       double lp = configFile.getDouble("PRESSURE_BOUNDARY_CONDITIONS_ARG_1");
01212       double rp = configFile.getDouble("PRESSURE_BOUNDARY_CONDITIONS_ARG_2");
01213       print(section,"\nvel(x) = 0 at the top, bottom, front and back sides\n\t\
01214 p=%g, p=%g in the left and righ boundary\n",lp,rp);
01216       fDP = new   FCubeBoundaryCondition(configFile.getDouble("DIM_X"),
01217                                          configFile.getDouble("DIM_Y"),
01218                                          configFile.getDouble("DIM_Z"),
01219                                          lp,rp,INFINITY,INFINITY,INFINITY,INFINITY);
01220       fFlux = new FCubeBoundaryCondition(configFile.getDouble("DIM_X"),
01221                                          configFile.getDouble("DIM_Y"),
01222                                          configFile.getDouble("DIM_Z"),
01223                                          INFINITY,INFINITY,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0);
01224       break;
01225     }
01227   case 6:
01228     {
01229       print(section,"Unidimensional pression boundary condition in Y\t");
01230       double lp = configFile.getDouble("PRESSURE_BOUNDARY_CONDITIONS_ARG_1");
01231       double rp = configFile.getDouble("PRESSURE_BOUNDARY_CONDITIONS_ARG_2");
01232       print(section,"vel(x) = 0 at the left, right , top and bottom sides\n\t\
01233 p=%g, p=%g in the front and back boundary\n",lp,rp);
01236       fDP = new   FCubeBoundaryCondition(configFile.getDouble("DIM_X"),
01237                                          configFile.getDouble("DIM_Y"),
01238                                          configFile.getDouble("DIM_Z"),
01239                                          INFINITY,INFINITY,lp,rp,INFINITY,INFINITY);
01240       fFlux = new FCubeBoundaryCondition(configFile.getDouble("DIM_X"),
01241                                        configFile.getDouble("DIM_Y"),
01242                                        configFile.getDouble("DIM_Z"),
01243                                          0.0,0.0,INFINITY,INFINITY,0.0,0.0);
01244       break;
01245     }
01248   case 7:
01249     {
01250       print(section,"Unidimensional pression boundary condition in Z\t");
01251       double bp = configFile.getDouble("PRESSURE_BOUNDARY_CONDITIONS_ARG_1");
01252       double up = configFile.getDouble("PRESSURE_BOUNDARY_CONDITIONS_ARG_2");
01253       print(section,"\nvel(x) = 0 at the left, right, front and back sides\n\t\
01254 p=%g, p=%g in the bottom and up  boundary\n",bp,up);
01256       fDP = new   FCubeBoundaryCondition(configFile.getDouble("DIM_X"),
01257                                          configFile.getDouble("DIM_Y"),
01258                                          configFile.getDouble("DIM_Z"),
01259                                          INFINITY,INFINITY,INFINITY,INFINITY,bp,up);
01260       fFlux = new FCubeBoundaryCondition(configFile.getDouble("DIM_X"),
01261                                          configFile.getDouble("DIM_Y"),
01262                                          configFile.getDouble("DIM_Z"),
01263                                          0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,INFINITY,INFINITY);
01264       break;
01265     }
01266   case 8:
01267     {
01268       print(section,"Fivespot problem\n");
01269       double vI = configFile.getDouble("PRESSURE_BOUNDARY_CONDITIONS_ARG_1");
01270       double pO = configFile.getDouble("PRESSURE_BOUNDARY_CONDITIONS_ARG_2");
01271       double radius = configFile.getDouble("PRESSURE_BOUNDARY_CONDITIONS_ARG_3");
01272       print(section,"\tNormal Velocity at Injection Well: Vel(x)=%g\n",vI);
01273       print(section,"\tPressure at Production Well: Vel(x)=%g\n",pO);
01274       print(section,"\tWell radius: %g\n",radius);
01275       double height = getMesh().getQ()[2]-getMesh().getP()[2] + getMesh().getGridTolerance();
01276       Point3D C0 = getMesh().getP();
01277       C0[2]-=getMesh().getGridTolerance();
01280       Function3D *fAux0  = new FCylinderRegion(C0,radius,height,vI);//Well Inj
01281       Function3D *fAux1  = new FCylinderRegion(C0,radius,height,vI);//Well Inj
01282       C0[0]=getMesh().getQ()[0];
01283       C0[1]=getMesh().getQ()[1];
01284       fDP = new FCylinderRegion(C0,radius,height,pO);//Well Prod
01285       Function3D *fAux2 = new FCylinderRegion(C0,radius,height,pO);//Well Prod
01287       fFlux=new FDomainUnion(fAux0,new FDomainComplement(new FPlane(0,0,0,0),new FDomainUnion(fAux1,fAux2),true),true);
01289       break;
01290     }
01291   case 9:
01292     {
01294       double dP = configFile.getDouble("PRESSURE_BOUNDARY_CONDITIONS_ARG_2");
01295       fDP = new   FCubeBoundaryCondition(configFile.getDouble("DIM_X"),
01296                                          configFile.getDouble("DIM_Y"),
01297                                          configFile.getDouble("DIM_Z"),
01298                                          INFINITY,INFINITY,INFINITY,
01299                                          INFINITY,dP,INFINITY);
01301       double dV = configFile.getDouble("PRESSURE_BOUNDARY_CONDITIONS_ARG_1");
01302       fFlux = new FCubeBoundaryCondition(configFile.getDouble("DIM_X"),
01303                                          configFile.getDouble("DIM_Y"),
01304                                          configFile.getDouble("DIM_Z"),
01305                                          0,0,0,0,INFINITY,dV);
01306       print(section,"\tvel(x) = <-%g,0> at Upper boundaryy\n\tvel(x) = 0 at top, bottom, front, back, boundaries\n\tp = %g at bottom boundary\n",dV,dP);
01307       break;
01308     }
01312   default:
01313     {
01314       throw new Exception("Invalid option for PRESSURE_BOUNDARY_CONDITION");
01315     }
01316   }
01317   Function3D *fPWellsBC,*fFluxWellsBC;
01318   getWellsPressureBC(fPWellsBC,fFluxWellsBC);
01320   Function3D *f = new FDomainUnion(fFlux,fFluxWellsBC,true);
01321   fFlux = f;
01323   f = new FDomainUnion(fDP,fPWellsBC,true);
01324   fDP=f;
01326   m_fDP=fDP;
01327   m_fFluxBC=fFlux;
01328 }

void MainApp::getPcFunction ( GeneralFunctionInterface **  fpc,
GeneralFunctionInterface **  dfpc,
GeneralFunctionInterface **  fpcInv 
) [protected]

Definition at line 2935 of file mainapp.cpp.

02936 {
02937   std::string section="Pc";
02938   print(section,"Capillary Pressure:");
02939   if (!m_fPc)
02940   {
02941     switch(configFile.getInt("CAPILLARY_PRESSURE"))
02942     {
02943     case 0:
02944       {
02945         if (configFile.getInt("DIFFUSIVE_STEP",0)==0)
02946           print(section,"\n\tNull Cappillar Pressure\n");
02947         else {
02948           throw new Exception("WARNING: Null cappillar pressure will result in a non-singular system for the diffusive step\n");
02949         }
02950         m_fPc = new FPcLinear(0,0);
02951         m_dfPc = new FPcLinear(0,0);
02952         m_fPcInv=new FPcLinear(0,0);
02953         break;
02954       }
02955     case 1:
02956       {
02957         double d1 = configFile.getDouble("CAPILLARY_PRESSURE_ARG_1");
02958         double d2 = configFile.getDouble("CAPILLARY_PRESSURE_ARG_2");
02959         m_fPc =  new FPcLinear(d1,d2);
02960         m_dfPc = new FLinear(0,d2-d1);
02961         m_fPcInv = new FLinear(1.0/(d2-d1),-d1/(d2-d1));
02962         print(section,"\tCapillar Pressure: Linear from %g to %g\n",d1,d2);
02963         break;
02964       }
02965     case 2:
02966       {
02967         double Sr1= configFile.getDouble("PHASE1_RESIDUAL_SATURATION",0);
02968         double Sr2= configFile.getDouble("PHASE2_RESIDUAL_SATURATION",0);
02969         double d1 = configFile.getDouble("CAPILLARY_PRESSURE_ARG_1");
02970         double d2 = configFile.getDouble("CAPILLARY_PRESSURE_ARG_2",INFINITY);
02971         print(section,"\
02972 \n\tCapillar Pressure: Pc(s) = eta ((s-Sr1)^-2 - tau (1-s)^-2)\
02973 \n\twhere\
02974 \n\teta=%g\
02975 \n\ttau=Sr2^2 * (1-Sr2-Sr1)^2\
02976 \n\tSr1=%g\
02977 \n\tSr2=%g\n\
02978 \n\tPressure Threeshold:%g\n",d1,Sr1,Sr2,d2);
02979         m_fPc = new FPcSquare(d1,Sr1,Sr2,d2);
02980         m_dfPc = new DFPcSquare(d1,Sr1,Sr2,d2);
02981         m_fPcInv = NULL;//(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9);//PcInvFunc(d1,s1,s2,s3,ipcm1,ipcm2,ipcm3,Sr1,Sr2); // J. Douglas et. al  m_fPc = NULL;
02982         break;
02983       }
02984     case 3:
02985       {
02986         double gamma = configFile.getDouble("CAPILLARY_PRESSURE_ARG_1");
02987         double theta = configFile.getDouble("CAPILLARY_PRESSURE_ARG_2");
02988         m_fPc =  new FPcFracture(gamma,theta);
02989         m_dfPc =  new DFPcFracture(gamma,theta);
02990         m_fPcInv = new FPcInvFracture(gamma,theta);
02991         print(section,"\tCappillar Pressure: Fracture from %g to %g\n",gamma,theta );
02992         break;
02993       }
02995     default:
02996       throw new Exception("Invalid option for CAPILLARY_PRESSURE");
02998     }
02999   }
03000   *fpc = m_fPc;
03001   *dfpc = m_dfPc;
03002   *fpcInv = m_fPcInv;
03003 }

VecDouble & MainApp::getPermeabilityAtCells (  )  [protected]

Definition at line 1866 of file mainapp.cpp.

01867 {
01868   if (m_cK.size() == 0)
01869   {
01870     m_cK.reinit(getMesh().numCells());
01871     Function3D *f = getPorousMediaProperty("PERMEABILITY");
01872     getMesh().setCentralValuesFromFunction(*f,m_cK);
01873     delete f;
01876     //plot this field
01877     VecDouble vV(getMesh().numVertices());
01878     getMesh().projectCentralValuesAtVertices(m_cK,vV);
01879     HDF5OrthoWriter::getHDF5OrthoWriter().writeScalarField(vV,"K");
01880   }
01881   return m_cK;
01883 }

double MainApp::getPoisson (  )  [protected]

Get Poisson elastic modulus

Definition at line 2294 of file mainapp.cpp.

02295 {
02296   double result = configFile.getDouble("POISSON_COEFFICIENT");
02297   print("POISSON","POISSON COEFFICIENT = %g\n",result);
02298   return result;
02299 }

VecDouble & MainApp::getPorosityAtCells (  )  [protected]

Definition at line 1842 of file mainapp.cpp.

01843 {
01844   if (m_cPor.size() == 0)
01845   {
01846     m_cPor.reinit(getMesh().numCells());
01847     m_fPor = getPorousMediaProperty("POROSITY");
01848     getMesh().setCentralValuesFromFunction(*m_fPor,m_cPor);
01849   }
01850   return m_cPor;
01851 }

Function3D * MainApp::getPorousMediaProperty ( std::string  key  )  [protected]

Definition at line 1410 of file mainapp.cpp.

01411 {
01412   std::string section=key;
01413   //Get the names of the keys used as arguments
01414   char str[1000];
01415   sprintf(str,"%s_ARG_1",key.c_str());
01416   std::string key_arg1=str;
01418   sprintf(str,"%s_MEDIA",key.c_str());
01419   std::string key_media=str;
01421   sprintf(str,"%s_FILE",key.c_str());
01422   std::string key_file=str;
01424   sprintf(str,"%s_CV",key.c_str());
01425   std::string key_cv=str;
01427   OrthoMesh &mesh = getMesh();
01428   print(section,"%s:\n",key.c_str());
01429   switch(configFile.getInt(key))
01430   {
01431   case 1:
01432     print(section,"\t%s = %g\n",key.c_str(),configFile.getDouble(key_arg1));
01433     return new FPlane(0.0,0.0,0.0,configFile.getDouble(key_arg1));
01434     break;
01435   case 2:
01436     {
01437       Point3D p0(0,0,0);
01438       Point3D p1(configFile.getDouble("DIM_X"),
01439                  configFile.getDouble("DIM_Y"),
01440                  configFile.getDouble("DIM_Z"));
01441       FChessBoard3D *f = new FChessBoard3D(p0,p1,mesh.getP(),mesh.getQ(),configFile.getString(key_file));
01443       print(section,"\n\tChessBoard function\n\tfile %s\n\tDimensions: %d %d %d\n",
01444              configFile.getString(key_file).c_str(),
01445              f->getDimX(),f->getDimY(),f->getDimZ());
01446       return f;
01447       break;
01448     }
01449   case 3:
01450     {
01451       Point3D p0(0,0,0);
01452       Point3D p1(configFile.getDouble("DIM_X"),
01453                  configFile.getDouble("DIM_Y"),
01454                  configFile.getDouble("DIM_Z"));
01455       FChessBoard3D *f =  new FChessBoard3D(p0,p1,mesh.getP(),mesh.getQ(),configFile.getDouble(key_media),
01456                                          configFile.getDouble(key_cv),
01457                                          configFile.getString(key_file));
01459       print(section,"\n\tChessBoard with gaussian distribution function\n\tfile %s\n\tDimensions: %d %d %d\n\tMedia: %g\n\tCV=%g",
01460             configFile.getString(key_file).c_str(), f->getDimX(),f->getDimY(),f->getDimZ(),
01461              configFile.getDouble(key_media),configFile.getDouble(key_cv));
01463       return f;
01464       break;
01465     }
01467   default:
01468     {
01469       throw new Exception("Invalid option for key %s",key.c_str());
01470       return NULL;
01471     }
01472   }
01473   return NULL;
01474 }

FixedValueCondition & MainApp::getPressureFixedConditions (  )  [protected]

Definition at line 2495 of file mainapp.cpp.

02496 {
02497   static bool firstTime=true;
02498   if (firstTime){
02499     firstTime=false;
02500     VecWellInfo wells = getSourceWells();
02501     OrthoMesh::Cell_It cell = getMesh().begin_cell();
02502     OrthoMesh::Cell_It endc = getMesh().end_cell();
02503     for(;cell!=endc;cell++) //for all cells
02504     {
02505       //get barycenter
02506       Point3D p;
02507       cell->barycenter(p);
02508       for (unsigned i=0;i<wells.size();i++)
02509       {
02511         if (wells[i].getBCType() == WellInfo::SOURCE_FIXED_PRESSURE && wells[i].isPointInWell(p))
02512         {
02513           m_fixedP.addFixedCondition(cell->index(),wells[i].getSourceFixedPressure());
02514         }
02515       }
02516     }
02517   }
02520   return m_fixedP;
02521 }

Function3D * MainApp::getPressureIC (  )  [protected]

Get Initial condition for pressure


Definition at line 334 of file mainapp.cpp.

00335 {
00337   std::string section="PressureIC";
00339   print(section,"Initial Condition for Pressure: ");
00341   switch (configFile.getInt("PRESSURE_INITIAL_VALUE"))
00342   {
00343   case 1:
00344     {
00345     double p = configFile.getDouble("PRESSURE_INITIAL_ARG_1");
00346     print(section,"\n\tp(x,0) = %g N/m^2\n",p);
00347     m_fInitPressure= new FPlane(0,0,0,p);
00348     return m_fInitPressure;
00349     break;
00350     }
00351   default:
00352     throw new Exception("Invalid option for PRESSURE_INITIAL_VALUE");
00353     return NULL; //The return value is here just to avoid compiling warnings
00354     break;
00355   }
00356   return NULL;
00357 }

Sequencer * MainApp::getSequencer (  )  [protected]

Load the sequencer

Definition at line 359 of file mainapp.cpp.

00360 {
00362   return new Sequencer(getMonitorWells());
00363 }

VecWellInfo MainApp::getSourceWells (  )  [protected]

Definition at line 1816 of file mainapp.cpp.

01817 {
01818   VecWellInfo wells=getWells();
01819   VecWellInfo sourceWells;
01820   for (unsigned i=0;i<wells.size();i++)
01821   {
01822     if (wells[i].getBCType() == WellInfo::SOURCE_INJ_RATE)
01823     {
01824       sourceWells.push_back(wells[i]);
01825     }
01826   }
01827   return sourceWells;
01829 }

Point3D MainApp::getSpatialDiscretizationSteps (  )  [protected]

Get the discretizations steps in eahc direction and store them in the parameter p

p1 (Output) Point in 3D containing the discretization steps in each direction

Definition at line 1387 of file mainapp.cpp.

01388 {
01389   Point3D p;
01390   p[0] = configFile.getDouble("DIM_X")/configFile.getDouble("NUM_ELEMS_X");
01391   p[1] = configFile.getDouble("DIM_Y")/configFile.getDouble("NUM_ELEMS_Y");
01392   p[2] = configFile.getDouble("DIM_Z")/configFile.getDouble("NUM_ELEMS_Z");
01394   return p;
01395 }

Function3D * MainApp::getTransportBC ( std::string  compName  )  [protected]

Definition at line 150 of file mainapp.cpp.

00151 {
00152   std::string section="TransportBC";
00153   char keyName[100];
00154   sprintf(keyName,"%s_BOUNDARY_CONDITION",compName.c_str());
00155   print(section,"Boundary Condition for %s: ",compName.c_str());
00156   Function3D *f;
00157   switch(configFile.getInt(keyName))
00158   {
00159   case 0:
00160     {
00161       print(section,"\n\tNo boundary conditions\n");
00162       f = new FCubeBoundaryCondition (configFile.getDouble("DIM_X"),
00163                                        configFile.getDouble("DIM_Y"),
00164                                        configFile.getDouble("DIM_Z"),
00165                                        INFINITY,INFINITY,INFINITY,INFINITY,INFINITY,INFINITY);
00166            break;
00167            }
00168     case 1:
00169         {
00170           print(section,"\n\tNo boundary conditions\n");
00171           f = new FCubeBoundaryCondition (configFile.getDouble("DIM_X"),
00172                                           configFile.getDouble("DIM_Y"),
00173                                           configFile.getDouble("DIM_Z"),
00174                                           INFINITY,INFINITY,INFINITY,INFINITY,INFINITY,INFINITY);
00175           break;
00176         }
00177     case 2:
00178       {
00180         sprintf(keyName,"%s_BOUNDARY_CONDITION_ARG_1",compName.c_str());
00181         double dA = configFile.getDouble(keyName);
00182         print(section,"\n\t%g at left boundary (%s(0,y,z)=%g)\n",dA,compName.c_str(),dA);
00183         f = new FCubeBoundaryCondition (configFile.getDouble("DIM_X"),
00184                                         configFile.getDouble("DIM_Y"),
00185                                         configFile.getDouble("DIM_Z"),
00186                                         dA,INFINITY,INFINITY,INFINITY,INFINITY,INFINITY);
00187         break;
00188       }
00189     case 3:
00190       {
00191         print(section,"\n\t1 at right boundary (%s(DIM_X,y,z)=1)\n",compName.c_str());
00192         f = new FCubeBoundaryCondition (configFile.getDouble("DIM_X"),
00193                                         configFile.getDouble("DIM_Y"),
00194                                         configFile.getDouble("DIM_Z"),
00195                                         INFINITY,1,INFINITY,INFINITY,INFINITY,INFINITY);
00196         break;
00197       }
00198     case 4:
00199       {
00200         print("\n\t1 at front boundary (%s(x,0,z)=1)\n",compName.c_str());
00201         f=new FCubeBoundaryCondition (configFile.getDouble("DIM_X"),
00202                                       configFile.getDouble("DIM_Y"),
00203                                       configFile.getDouble("DIM_Z"),
00204                                       INFINITY,INFINITY,1,INFINITY,INFINITY,INFINITY);
00205         break;
00206       }
00207     case 5:
00208       {
00209         print(section,"\n\t1 at back boundary (%s(x,DIM_Y,z)=1)\n",compName.c_str());
00210         f = new FCubeBoundaryCondition (configFile.getDouble("DIM_X"),
00211                                         configFile.getDouble("DIM_Y"),
00212                                         configFile.getDouble("DIM_Z"),
00213                                         INFINITY,INFINITY,INFINITY,1,INFINITY,INFINITY);
00214         break;
00215       }
00216     case 6:
00217       {
00218         print(section,"\n\t1 at bottom boundary (%s(x,y,0)=1)\n",compName.c_str());
00219         f = new FCubeBoundaryCondition (configFile.getDouble("DIM_X"),
00220                                         configFile.getDouble("DIM_Y"),
00221                                         configFile.getDouble("DIM_Z"),
00222                                         INFINITY,INFINITY,INFINITY,INFINITY,1,INFINITY);
00223         break;
00225       }
00226     case 7:
00227       {
00228         sprintf(keyName,"%s_BOUNDARY_CONDITION_ARG_1",compName.c_str());
00229         double dA = configFile.getDouble(keyName);
00230         print(section,"%g at top boundary (%s(x,y,DIM_Z)=1)\n",dA,compName.c_str());
00231         f = new FCubeBoundaryCondition (configFile.getDouble("DIM_X"),
00232                                         configFile.getDouble("DIM_Y"),
00233                                         configFile.getDouble("DIM_Z"),  
00234                                 INFINITY,INFINITY,INFINITY,INFINITY,INFINITY,dA);
00235         break;
00236       }
00237     case 8:
00238       {
00239         char argName[500];
00240         sprintf(argName,"%s_BOUNDARY_CONDITION_ARG_1",compName.c_str());
00241         double height = getMesh().getQ()[2]-getMesh().getP()[2] + getMesh().getGridTolerance();
00242         Point3D C0 = getMesh().getP();
00243         C0[2]-=getMesh().getGridTolerance();
00244         double radius=configFile.getDouble(argName);
00245         // radius+=std::max(getMesh().getDX()[0],getMesh().getDX()[1]);
00247         print(section,"\n\tFiveSpot boundary condition for %s with radius: %g\n",compName.c_str(),radius);
00249         f = new FCylinderRegion(C0,radius,height,1.0);
00250         break;
00251       }
00252     default:
00253       //Print a error message and quits the application
00254       throw new Exception("\n\tInvalid option for %s_BOUNDARY_CONDITION",compName.c_str());
00255       break;
00256     }
00257     return new FDomainUnion(f, getWellTransportBC(compName),true);
00258 }

FixedValueCondition & MainApp::getTransportFixedConditions (  )  [protected]

Definition at line 2445 of file mainapp.cpp.

02446 {
02447   static bool firstTime=true;
02448   if (firstTime){
02450   std::string section="FixedSi";
02451   unsigned i=1;
02452   char key_name[200]="S1_FIXED_1_X";
02453   Point3D p;
02454   OrthoMesh &mesh = getMesh();
02455   if (configFile.isDefined(key_name))
02456     print(section,"Fixed Boundary Conditions:\n");
02458   while (configFile.isDefined(key_name))
02459   {
02461     sprintf(key_name,"S1_FIXED_%d_X",i);
02462     p[0]=configFile.getDouble(key_name);
02464     sprintf(key_name,"S1_FIXED_%d_Y",i);
02465     p[1]=configFile.getDouble(key_name);
02467     sprintf(key_name,"S1_FIXED_%d_Z",i);
02468     p[2]=configFile.getDouble(key_name);
02470     sprintf(key_name,"S1_FIXED_%d_VALUE",i);
02471     double value = configFile.getDouble(key_name);
02473     m_fixedC.addFixedCondition(mesh,p,value);
02475     print(section,"\tS1(%g,%g,%g) = %g\n",p[0],p[1],p[2],value);
02477     i++;
02478     sprintf(key_name,"S1_FIXED_%d_X",i);
02479   }
02481   //Now append fixed conditions for the wells
02482   //Get only the wells that are implemented as source terms
02483   VecWellInfo wells = getSourceWells();
02489   m_fixedC. addTransportFixedCondition(mesh,wells);
02490   firstTime=false;
02491   }  
02492   return m_fixedC;
02493 }

Function3D * MainApp::getTransportForSystemBC ( unsigned  nCmps  )  [protected]

Get boundary conditions for the system of transport equations


Definition at line 2416 of file mainapp.cpp.

02417 {
02418   std::vector<Function3D*> fV;
02419   for (unsigned i=0;i<nCmps;i++)
02420   {
02421     char str[10];
02422     sprintf(str,"S%d",i+1);
02423     fV.push_back(getTransportBC(str));
02424   }
02425   return new FCompoundVector(fV);
02426 }

Function3D * MainApp::getTransportForSystemIC ( unsigned  nCmps  )  [protected]

Get initial conditions for the system of transport equations


Definition at line 2432 of file mainapp.cpp.

02433 {
02434   std::vector<Function3D*> fV;
02435   for (unsigned i=0;i<nCmps;i++)
02436   {
02437     char str[10];
02438     sprintf(str,"S%d",i+1);
02439     fV.push_back(getTransportIC(str));
02440   }
02441   return new FCompoundVector(fV);
02442 }

Function3D * MainApp::getTransportIC ( std::string  compName  )  [protected]

Definition at line 260 of file mainapp.cpp.

00261 {
00262   char keyName[100];
00263   std::string section="IC";
00264   sprintf(keyName,"%s_INITIAL_VALUE",compName.c_str());
00265   print(section,"Initial Condition for %s: ",compName.c_str());
00266   switch (configFile.getInt(keyName))
00267   {
00268   case 1:
00269     print(section,"\n\t%s(x,0) = 0\n",compName.c_str());
00270     return new FPlane(0,0,0,0);
00271     break;
00272   case 2:
00273     {
00274       char arg1[100],arg2[100],arg3[100],arg4[100],arg5[100],arg6[100];
00275       sprintf(arg1,"%s_INITIAL_VALUE_ARG_1",compName.c_str());
00276       sprintf(arg2,"%s_INITIAL_VALUE_ARG_2",compName.c_str());
00277       sprintf(arg3,"%s_INITIAL_VALUE_ARG_3",compName.c_str());
00278       sprintf(arg4,"%s_INITIAL_VALUE_ARG_4",compName.c_str());
00279       sprintf(arg5,"%s_INITIAL_VALUE_ARG_5",compName.c_str());
00280       sprintf(arg6,"%s_INITIAL_VALUE_ARG_6",compName.c_str());
00282       print(section,"\n\t%s equal to %g in a sphere region of radius %g centered in <%g, %g, %g>\n\t and %g everywhere else.",
00283              keyName,
00284              configFile.getDouble(arg1),
00285              configFile.getDouble(arg3),
00286              configFile.getDouble(arg4),
00287              configFile.getDouble(arg5),
00288              configFile.getDouble(arg6),
00289              configFile.getDouble(arg2));
00292       return new FConstSphereRegion(configFile.getDouble(arg1),
00293                                     configFile.getDouble(arg2),
00294                                     configFile.getDouble(arg3),
00295                                     configFile.getDouble(arg4),
00296                                     configFile.getDouble(arg5),
00297                                     configFile.getDouble(arg6));
00298       break;
00299     }
00300   case 3:
00301     {
00302       char keyFileName[1000];
00303       sprintf(keyFileName,"%s_INITIAL_VALUE_ARG_1",compName.c_str());
00304       Point3D p0(0,0,0);
00305       Point3D p1(configFile.getDouble("DIM_X"),
00306                  configFile.getDouble("DIM_Y"),
00307                  configFile.getDouble("DIM_Z"));
00308       FChessBoard3D *f = new FChessBoard3D(p0,p1,getMesh().getP(),getMesh().getQ(),configFile.getString(keyFileName));
00309       print(section,"Chess Board function.\n\tfile: \"%s\"\n\tDimensions: %d %d %d\n",
00310             configFile.getString(keyFileName).c_str(),f->getDimX(),f->getDimY(),f->getDimZ());
00311       return f;
00312     }
00313   case 4:
00314     {
00315       char Arg1[1000];
00316       sprintf(Arg1,"%s_INITIAL_VALUE_ARG_1",compName.c_str());
00317       double dd=configFile.getDouble(Arg1);
00318       print(section,"\n\t%s(x,0) = %g\n",compName.c_str(),dd);
00319       return new FPlane(0.0,0.0,0.0,dd);
00320     }
00322   default:
00323     //Print message error and quit the application
00324     throw new Exception("Invalid option for %s_INITIAL_VALUE",compName.c_str());
00325     return NULL; //The return value is here just to avoid compiling warnings
00326     break;
00327   }
00328   return NULL;
00329 }

TransportBase * MainApp::getTransportModule (  )  [protected]

Load the tranport module for scalar equations

Definition at line 427 of file mainapp.cpp.

00428 {
00429   std::string section="Transport";
00430   if (m_pTransportModule)
00431     return m_pTransportModule;
00434   //Get Boundary conditions and initial conditions
00436   switch (configFile.getInt("TRANSPORT_MODULE"))
00437   {
00438   case 1:
00439     {
00440     print(section,"Method: Lax Friedrichs\nCFL: %f\n",configFile.getDouble("MAX_CFL"));
00441     OrthoMesh &mesh = getMesh();
00442     m_flux=getFluxFunction();
00443     m_fTransBC = getTransportForSystemBC(m_flux->numComponents());
00444     m_fInit    = getTransportForSystemIC(m_flux->numComponents());
00445     m_pTransportModule= new LaxFriedrichsForSystem(mesh,*m_fInit,getPorosityAtCells(),*m_fTransBC,*m_flux,getTransportFixedConditions(),configFile.getDouble("MAX_CFL"));
00446     break;
00447     }
00448   case 2:
00449     {
00450     print(section,"Method: Upwind \nCFL: %f\n",configFile.getDouble("MAX_CFL"));
00451     OrthoMesh &mesh = getMesh();
00452     m_flux=getFluxFunction();
00453     m_fTransBC = getTransportForSystemBC(m_flux->numComponents());
00454     m_fInit    = getTransportForSystemIC(m_flux->numComponents());
00455     DiffusiveStep *diffStp = getDiffusiveStep();
00456     m_pTransportModule= new UpwindForSystem(mesh,*m_fInit,getPorosityAtCells(),*m_fTransBC,*m_flux,getTransportFixedConditions(),configFile.getDouble("MAX_CFL"),diffStp);
00457     break;
00458     }
00459   case 3:
00460     {
00461     print(section,"Method: Russanov \nCFL: %f\n",configFile.getDouble("MAX_CFL"));
00462     OrthoMesh &mesh = getMesh();
00463     m_flux=getFluxFunction();
00464     m_fTransBC = getTransportForSystemBC(m_flux->numComponents());
00465     m_fInit    = getTransportForSystemIC(m_flux->numComponents());
00466     m_pTransportModule = new RussanovForSystem(mesh,*m_fInit,getPorosityAtCells(),*m_fTransBC,*m_flux,getTransportFixedConditions(),configFile.getDouble("MAX_CFL"));
00467     break;
00468     }
00469  case 4:
00470     print(section,"Method: Godunov\nCFL: %f\n",configFile.getDouble("MAX_CFL"));
00471     m_flux=getFluxFunction();
00472     m_fTransBC = getTransportForSystemBC(m_flux->numComponents());
00473     m_fInit    = getTransportForSystemIC(m_flux->numComponents());
00474     m_pTransportModule= new GodunovMethod(*m_pMesh,*m_fInit,getPorosityAtCells(),*m_fTransBC,*m_flux,getTransportFixedConditions(),configFile.getDouble("MAX_CFL"));
00475     break;
00476   case 5:
00477     print(section,"Method: Kurganov-Tadmor (KT) 2nd Order\nDimension by Dymension\nCFL: %f\n",configFile.getDouble("MAX_CFL"));
00478     m_flux=getFluxFunction();
00479     m_fTransBC = getTransportForSystemBC(m_flux->numComponents());
00480     m_fInit    = getTransportForSystemIC(m_flux->numComponents());
00481     m_pTransportModule= new KTMethodDByD(*m_pMesh,*m_fInit,getPorosityAtCells(),*m_fTransBC,*m_flux,getTransportFixedConditions(),configFile.getDouble("MAX_CFL"));
00482     break;
00483   case 6:
00484     {
00485     print(section,"Method: Kurganov-Tadmor (KT) 2nd Order (by The GPU Master Rahunassalan)\nCFL: %f\n",configFile.getDouble("MAX_CFL"));
00486     m_flux=getFluxFunction();
00487     m_fTransBC = getTransportForSystemBC(m_flux->numComponents());
00488     m_fInit    = getTransportForSystemIC(m_flux->numComponents());
00489     double v1 = configFile.getDouble("S1_VISCOSITY");
00490     double v2 = configFile.getDouble("S2_VISCOSITY");
00491     double theta = configFile.getDouble("KT_THETA");
00492     double rs1 = configFile.getDouble("RESIDUAL_S1");
00493     double rs2 = configFile.getDouble("RESIDUAL_S2");
00494     print(section,"Mobility Funcion: Bucley Leverret with viscosities %g,%g\n",v1,v2);
00495     m_pTransportModule= new CUDAKTMethod(*m_pMesh,*m_fInit,getPorosityAtCells(),*m_fTransBC,v1,v2,theta,rs1,rs2,configFile.getDouble("MAX_CFL"));
00496     break;
00497     }
00498   default:
00499     //Print error message and quit the application
00500     throw new Exception("Invalid option for TRANSPORT_MODULE selection");
00501     return NULL; //The return value is here just to avoid compiling warnings
00503   }
00504   return m_pTransportModule;
00505 }

void MainApp::getUBoundaryCondition ( Function3D *&  fDU,
Function3D *&  fTensionBC 
) [protected]

GetBoundary Conditions for the displacement using the two output parameters.

fDU Contains the dirichlet conditions for the displacement.
fTensionBC Will contain the boundary conditions for the tensions. It is a vector function, each component represents the integral surface intS ( Ti * n) where Ti is the ith line of the tensor of tensions T and n represents the normal at the boundary

Definition at line 1338 of file mainapp.cpp.

01339 {
01340     std::string section="UBC";
01342   print(section,"Boundary conditions for the displacement:\n");
01343   switch (configFile.getUnsigned("DISPLACEMENT_BOUNDARY_CONDITIONS"))
01344   {
01345   case 1:
01346     {
01347       fDU   = new   FCompoundVector( new FCubeBoundaryCondition(configFile.getDouble("DIM_X"),
01348                                                                configFile.getDouble("DIM_Y"),
01349                                                                configFile.getDouble("DIM_Z"),
01350                                                                 0,0,INFINITY,INFINITY,INFINITY,INFINITY),
01351                                      new FCubeBoundaryCondition(configFile.getDouble("DIM_X"),
01352                                                                configFile.getDouble("DIM_Y"),
01353                                                                configFile.getDouble("DIM_Z"),
01354                                                                 INFINITY,INFINITY,0,0,INFINITY,INFINITY),
01355                                      new FCubeBoundaryCondition(configFile.getDouble("DIM_X"),
01356                                                                configFile.getDouble("DIM_Y"),
01357                                                                configFile.getDouble("DIM_Z"),
01358                                                                 INFINITY,INFINITY,INFINITY,INFINITY,INFINITY,0),true);
01360       double Weight = configFile.getDouble("DISPLACEMENT_BOUNDARY_CONDITIONS_ARG_1");
01361       fTensionBC = new   FCompoundVector( new FCubeBoundaryCondition(configFile.getDouble("DIM_X"),
01362                                                                configFile.getDouble("DIM_Y"),
01363                                                                configFile.getDouble("DIM_Z"),
01364                                                                 0,0,0,0,0,0),
01365                                      new FCubeBoundaryCondition(configFile.getDouble("DIM_X"),
01366                                                                configFile.getDouble("DIM_Y"),
01367                                                                configFile.getDouble("DIM_Z"),
01368                                                                 0,0,0,0,0,0),
01369                                      new FCubeBoundaryCondition(configFile.getDouble("DIM_X"),
01370                                                                configFile.getDouble("DIM_Y"),
01371                                                                configFile.getDouble("DIM_Z"),
01372                                                                 0,0,0,0,0,-Weight),true);
01373       print(section,"\tThe domain is a vertical piston with a weight of %g at the top border\n",Weight); 
01374      break;
01375     }
01376   default:
01377     {
01378       throw new Exception("Invalid option for PRESSURE_BOUNDARY_CONDITION");
01379     }
01380   }
01381 }

VecWellInfo MainApp::getWells (  )  [protected]

Definition at line 1666 of file mainapp.cpp.

01667 {
01668   static bool firstTime=true;
01670   if (!firstTime)
01671     return m_wells;
01672   firstTime=false;
01673   VecWellInfo &wells=m_wells;
01674   unsigned i=1;
01675   char keyName[500];
01676   std::string section="Wells";
01677   while (1)
01678   {
01679     sprintf(keyName,"WELL_%d_PX",i);
01680     if (configFile.isDefined(keyName))
01681     {
01683       Point3D P;
01684       sprintf(keyName,"WELL_%d_PX",i);
01685       P(0)=configFile.getDouble(keyName);
01686       sprintf(keyName,"WELL_%d_PY",i);
01687       P(1)=configFile.getDouble(keyName);
01688       sprintf(keyName,"WELL_%d_PZ",i);
01689       P(2)=configFile.getDouble(keyName);
01691       Point3D Q;
01692       sprintf(keyName,"WELL_%d_QX",i);
01693       Q(0)=configFile.getDouble(keyName);
01694       sprintf(keyName,"WELL_%d_QY",i);
01695       Q(1)=configFile.getDouble(keyName);
01696       sprintf(keyName,"WELL_%d_QZ",i);
01697       Q(2)=configFile.getDouble(keyName);
01699       sprintf(keyName,"WELL_%d_INJECTION_RATE",i);
01700       if (configFile.isDefined(keyName))
01701       {
01702         double value = configFile.getDouble(keyName);
01703         wells.push_back(WellInfo(P,Q,value,WellInfo::FLUX));
01704       }
01705       else 
01706       {
01707         sprintf(keyName,"WELL_%d_PRESSURE",i);
01708         if (configFile.isDefined(keyName))
01709         {
01710           double value = configFile.getDouble(keyName);
01711           wells.push_back(WellInfo(P,Q,value,WellInfo::PRESSURE));
01712         }
01713         else
01714         {
01715           sprintf(keyName,"WELL_%d_SOURCE_INJECTION",i);
01716           if (configFile.isDefined(keyName))
01717           {
01718             double value = configFile.getDouble(keyName);
01719             wells.push_back(WellInfo(P,Q,value,WellInfo::SOURCE_INJ_RATE));
01720           }
01721           else
01722           {
01723             sprintf(keyName,"WELL_%d_SOURCE_FIXED_PRESSURE",i);
01724             if (configFile.isDefined(keyName))
01725             {
01726               double value = configFile.getDouble(keyName);
01727               wells.push_back(WellInfo(P,Q,value,WellInfo::SOURCE_FIXED_PRESSURE));
01728             }
01729             else
01730               throw new Exception("Expect one of the keys WELL_%d_SOURCE_INJECTION WELL_%d_SOURCE_FIXED_PRESSURE  WELL_%d_PRESSURE WELL_%d_INJECTION_RATE",i,i,i,i);
01731           }
01732           unsigned j=1;
01733           sprintf(keyName,"WELL_%d_S%d_BC",i,j++);
01734           std::vector<double> v1;
01735           while(configFile.isDefined(keyName))
01736           {
01737             v1.push_back(configFile.getDouble(keyName));
01738             sprintf(keyName,"WELL_%d_S%d_BC",i,j++);
01739           }
01740           if (v1.size() < getFluxFunction()->numComponents())
01741             throw new Exception("Error, Number of transport boundary conditions for the well %d is %d but transport has %d variables",i,v1.size(),getFluxFunction()->numComponents());
01742           wells.back().setTransportBC(v1);
01743         }
01744       }
01745     }
01746     else
01747       break;
01748     i++;
01749   }
01750   //Now adjust the boundaries of each well.
01751   Point3D DX = getDX();
01752   double tol = NumericMethods::min(DX[0],DX[1],DX[2])/10.0;
01754   if (!wells.size())
01755     print(section, "No Wells were specified\n");
01756   for (unsigned i=0;i<wells.size();i++)
01757   {
01758     wells[i].adjustBoundaryWithGrid(DX);
01761     //Check the wells dont intersect the boundary of the domain
01762     OrthoMesh &mesh = getMesh();
01763     if (NumericMethods::a_equal(wells[i].P[0],mesh.getP()[0],tol) ||
01764         NumericMethods::a_equal(wells[i].P[1],mesh.getP()[1],tol) ||
01765         NumericMethods::a_equal(wells[i].P[2],mesh.getP()[2],tol) ||
01766         NumericMethods::a_equal(wells[i].Q[0],mesh.getQ()[0],tol) ||
01767         NumericMethods::a_equal(wells[i].Q[1],mesh.getQ()[1],tol) ||
01768         NumericMethods::a_equal(wells[i].Q[2],mesh.getQ()[2],tol))
01769       throw new Exception("Well %d intersects the boundary of the domain or subdomain");
01771     if (wells[i].getBCType() == WellInfo::FLUX)
01772     {
01773       print(section,"Well %d => <%g,%g,%g> - <%g,%g,%g>\n\tvolume = %g\n\tInjection Rate: %g\n",i+1,
01774              wells[i].P[0],wells[i].P[1],wells[i].P[2],
01775              wells[i].Q[0],wells[i].Q[1],wells[i].Q[2],
01776              wells[i].volume(),wells[i].getInjRate());
01777     }
01778     else if (wells[i].getBCType() == WellInfo::PRESSURE)
01779     {
01780       print(section,"Well %d => <%g,%g,%g> - <%g,%g,%g>\n\tvolume = %g\n\tPressure: %g\n\t",i+1,
01781              wells[i].P[0],wells[i].P[1],wells[i].P[2],
01782              wells[i].Q[0],wells[i].Q[1],wells[i].Q[2],
01783              wells[i].volume(),wells[i].getPressureBC());
01784     }
01785     else if (wells[i].getBCType() == WellInfo::SOURCE_INJ_RATE )
01786     {
01787       print(section,"Source Well %d => <%g,%g,%g> - <%g,%g,%g>\n\tvolume = %g\n\tTotal Injection: %g\n\t",i+1,
01788              wells[i].P[0],wells[i].P[1],wells[i].P[2],
01789              wells[i].Q[0],wells[i].Q[1],wells[i].Q[2],
01790              wells[i].volume(),wells[i].getSourceInjRate());
01791       const VecDouble &values=wells[i].getTransportBC();
01792       for (unsigned j=0;j<values.size();j++)
01793       {
01794         print(section,"S%d = %g\n\t",j,values(j));
01795       }
01796     }
01797     else if (wells[i].getBCType() == WellInfo::SOURCE_FIXED_PRESSURE )
01798     {
01799       print(section,"Source Well %d => <%g,%g,%g> - <%g,%g,%g>\n\tvolume = %g\n\tFixed Pressure: %g\n\t",i+1,
01800              wells[i].P[0],wells[i].P[1],wells[i].P[2],
01801              wells[i].Q[0],wells[i].Q[1],wells[i].Q[2],
01802              wells[i].volume(),wells[i].getSourceFixedPressure());
01803       const VecDouble &values=wells[i].getTransportBC();
01804       for (unsigned j=0;j<values.size();j++)
01805       {
01806         print(section,"S%d = %g\n\t",j,values(j));
01807       }
01808     }
01811   }
01812   return wells;
01813 }

void MainApp::getWellsPressureBC ( Function3D *&  fP,
Function3D *&  fFlux 
) [protected]

Definition at line 2011 of file mainapp.cpp.

02012 {
02013   VecWellInfo wells = getWells();
02014   VecWellInfo fluxWells;
02015   VecWellInfo pWells;
02017   std::vector<double> fluxValues;
02018   std::vector<double> pValues;
02019   Point3D DX = getDX();
02020   DX/=4.0;
02022   std::string section="Wells";
02024   for (unsigned i=0;i<wells.size();i++)
02025   {
02026     if (wells[i].getBCType() == WellInfo::FLUX)
02027     {
02028       print(section,"Well %d => <%g,%g,%g> - <%g,%g,%g>\n\tvolume = %g\n\tInjection Rate: %g\n\t",i,
02029              wells[i].P[0],wells[i].P[1],wells[i].P[2],
02030              wells[i].Q[0],wells[i].Q[1],wells[i].Q[2],
02031              wells[i].volume(),wells[i].getInjRate());
02032       wells[i].P-=DX;
02033       wells[i].Q+=DX;
02034       fluxWells.push_back(wells[i]);
02035       fluxValues.push_back(wells[i].getInjRate()/wells[i].area());
02036       print(section,"Velocity at faces: %g\n",wells[i].getInjRate()/wells[i].area());
02038     }
02039     else //Well with pressure condition
02040     {
02041       print(section,"Well %d => <%g,%g,%g> - <%g,%g,%g>\n\tvolume = %g\n\tPressure: %g\n\t",i,
02042              wells[i].P[0],wells[i].P[1],wells[i].P[2],
02043              wells[i].Q[0],wells[i].Q[1],wells[i].Q[2],
02044              wells[i].volume(),wells[i].getPressureBC());
02045       wells[i].P-=DX;
02046       wells[i].Q+=DX;
02047       pValues.push_back(wells[i].getPressureBC());
02048       pWells.push_back(wells[i]);
02050     }
02051   }
02052   VecDouble vFluxValues;
02053   VecDouble vPValues;
02054   NumericMethods::STLToVecDouble(vFluxValues,fluxValues);
02055   NumericMethods::STLToVecDouble(vPValues,pValues);
02056   fP= new FWellCondition(pWells,vPValues);
02057   fFlux=new FWellCondition(fluxWells,vFluxValues);
02058 }

Function3D & MainApp::getWellsSourceTerm (  )  [protected]

Definition at line 2060 of file mainapp.cpp.

02061 {
02062   if (m_fSource)
02063     return *m_fSource;
02065   VecWellInfo wells = getWells();
02066   VecWellInfo sourceWells;
02067   std::vector<double> values;
02068   Point3D DX = getDX();
02069   DX/=4.0;
02071   std::string section="SourceWells";
02073   for (unsigned i=0;i<wells.size();i++)
02074   {
02075     if (wells[i].getBCType() == WellInfo::SOURCE_INJ_RATE)
02076     {
02077       print(section,"Source Well %d => <%g,%g,%g> - <%g,%g,%g>\n\tvolume = %g\n\t\n\tarea: %g\n\tTotal Flux Rate: %g\n\t",i,
02078              wells[i].P[0],wells[i].P[1],wells[i].P[2],
02079              wells[i].Q[0],wells[i].Q[1],wells[i].Q[2],
02080             wells[i].volume(),wells[i].area(),wells[i].getSourceInjRate());
02081       wells[i].P-=DX;
02082       wells[i].Q+=DX;
02083       sourceWells.push_back(wells[i]);
02084     }
02085   }
02086   m_fSource=new FWellsSource(sourceWells);
02087   return *m_fSource;
02088 }

Function3D * MainApp::getWellTransportBC ( std::string  varName  )  [protected]

Definition at line 2091 of file mainapp.cpp.

02092 {
02094   std::string section="WellTransportBC";
02097   VecWellInfo wells = getWells();
02098   VecDouble values(wells.size());
02099   Point3D DX = getDX();
02100   DX/=4.0;
02103   for (unsigned i=0;i<wells.size();i++)
02104   {
02105     char key[100];
02106     sprintf(key,"WELL_%d_%s_BC",i+1,varName.c_str());
02107     double dd = configFile.getDouble(key);
02108     print(section,"Well %d => %s = %g\n",i+1,varName.c_str(),dd);
02109     values(i)=dd;
02111     wells[i].P-=DX;
02112     wells[i].Q+=DX;
02115   }
02116   return new FWellCondition(wells,values);
02118 }

double MainApp::getYoung (  )  [protected]

Get Young elastic modulus

Definition at line 2287 of file mainapp.cpp.

02288 {
02289   double result = configFile.getDouble("YOUNG_COEFFICIENT");
02290   print("YOUNG","YOUNG COEFFICIENT = %g\n",result);
02291   return result;
02292 }

unsigned MainApp::hasSystemOfTransportEquations (  )  [protected]

Definition at line 1954 of file mainapp.cpp.

01955 {
01956   enablePrint(false);
01957   FaceFluxFunction *pFlux = getFluxFunction();
01958   enablePrint(true);
01960   if (pFlux == NULL)
01961     return true;
01962   else
01963   {
01964     delete pFlux;
01965     return false;
01966   }
01968 }

bool MainApp::isCompositionalFlash (  )  [protected]
void MainApp::mb_getMobilities ( GeneralFunctionInterface *&  fMob,
GeneralFunctionInterface *&  fMobT,
GeneralFunctionInterface *&  fFracFlux,
GeneralFunctionInterface *&  DfFracFlux,
GeneralFunctionInterface *&  fMobGrav,
GeneralFunctionInterface *&  DfMobGrav 
) [protected]

Get Mobilities for matrix block: dynamic module fMob To contain the phase mobility fMobT Total phases mobility fFracFlux Fractional mobility function DfFracFlux Derivate of the fractional mobility function fMobGrav The gravity mobility, defined as the product of the water, oil relative mobilities and the total mobility (i.e LambdaW LambdaT LambdaO DfMobGrav The derivative of fMobGrav


Definition at line 2851 of file mainapp.cpp.

02852 {
02853   std::string section="Mobilities";
02854   if (!m_mb_fMob)
02855   {
02856     print(section,"Relative Mobility:\n\t");
02858     switch(configFile.getInt("MB_RELATIVE_MOBILITY_FUNCTION"/*,2)*/))
02859     {
02860     case 1:
02861       {
02862         double v1 = configFile.getDouble("S1_VISCOSITY");
02863         double v2 = configFile.getDouble("S2_VISCOSITY");
02864         m_mb_fMob= new FLinear(1.0/v1,0);
02865         m_mb_fMobT=new FLinear((1.0/v1 - 1.0/v2),1.0/v2);
02866         m_mb_fFracFlux = new FFractionalLinearMobility(v1,v2);
02867         m_mb_DfFracFlux = new FDFractionalLinearMobility(v1,v2);
02868         m_DfMobGrav=NULL; //Todo: Not implemented yet
02869         m_mb_fMobGrav=NULL; //Todo: Not implemented yet
02870         break;
02872       }
02873     case 2:
02874       {
02875         double v1 = configFile.getDouble("S1_VISCOSITY");
02876         double v2 = configFile.getDouble("S2_VISCOSITY");
02877         double Sr1= configFile.getDouble("MB_PHASE1_RESIDUAL_SATURATION",0);
02878         double Sr2= configFile.getDouble("MB_PHASE2_RESIDUAL_SATURATION",0);
02879         print(section,"\
02880 mob1(S1)=(S1-Sr1)^2/(1-Sr1)^2\n\t\
02881 mob2(S1)=(1-S1/(1-Sr2))^2;\n\t\
02882 Residual Saturation (Sr1) = %g\n\t\
02883 Residual Saturation (Sr2) = %g\n\t\
02884 Viscosity of Phase 1 (v1) = %g\n\t              \
02885 Viscosity of Phase 2 (v2) = %g\n",Sr1,Sr2,v1,v2);
02886         m_mb_fMob = NULL;
02887         m_mb_fFracFlux=new FChaventMobility(v1,v2,Sr1,Sr2);
02888         m_mb_DfFracFlux=new DFChaventMobility(v1,v2,Sr1,Sr2);
02890         m_mb_fMobT=new FBucleyLeverettTotalMob(v1,v2,Sr1,Sr2);
02891         m_mb_fMobGrav=new  FBucleyLeverettGravityMob(v1,v2,Sr1,Sr2);
02892         m_mb_DfMobGrav=new  DFBucleyLeverettGravityMob(v1,v2,Sr1,Sr2);
02893         break;
02896       }
02897     case 3:
02898       {
02899         double v1 = configFile.getDouble("S1_VISCOSITY");
02900         double v2 = configFile.getDouble("S2_VISCOSITY");
02901         double Sr1= configFile.getDouble("MB_PHASE1_RESIDUAL_SATURATION"/*,0*/);
02902         double Sr2= configFile.getDouble("MB_PHASE2_RESIDUAL_SATURATION"/*,0*/);
02903         m_mb_fMob = new FSquareMob (v1, v2, Sr1);
02904         m_mb_fMobT = new FSquareMobT (v1, v2, Sr1, Sr2);
02905         m_mb_fFracFlux=NULL;
02906         m_mb_DfFracFlux=NULL;
02907         m_mb_fMobGrav=NULL;
02908         m_mb_DfMobGrav=NULL;
02909         break;
02911       }
02912     case 4:
02913       {
02914         print(section,"mob1(S1) = mob2(S2) = 1\n");
02915         m_mb_fMob= new FQuadratic(0,0,1);
02916         break;
02917       }
02918     default:
02919       {
02920         throw new Exception("Relative mobilities are not yet defined for the case\n\tFLUX_FUNCTION=%d\n",configFile.getInt("FLUX_FUNCTION"));
02921      }
02922     }
02923   }
02924   fMob=m_mb_fMob;
02925   fFracFlux=m_mb_fFracFlux;
02926   DfFracFlux=m_mb_DfFracFlux;
02927   fMobT=m_mb_fMobT;
02928   fMobGrav=m_mb_fMobGrav;
02929   DfMobGrav=m_mb_DfMobGrav;
02930 }

void MainApp::mb_getPcFunction ( GeneralFunctionInterface **  mb_fpc,
GeneralFunctionInterface **  mb_dfpc,
GeneralFunctionInterface **  mb_fpcInv 
) [protected]

Definition at line 3005 of file mainapp.cpp.

03006 {
03007   string section = "MB_PC";
03008   if (!m_mb_fPc)
03009   {
03010     switch (configFile.getInt("MB_CAPILLARY_PRESSURE"))
03011     {
03012     case 0:
03013       {
03014         if (configFile.getInt("DIFFUSIVE_STEP",0)==0)
03015           print(section,"\n\tNull Capillar Pressure\n");
03016         else {
03017           throw new Exception("WARNING: Null capillar pressure will result in a non-singular system for the diffusive step\n");
03018         }
03019         m_mb_fPc = new FPcLinear(0,0);
03020         m_mb_dfPc = new FPcLinear(0,0);
03021         m_mb_fPcInv=new FPcLinear(0,0);
03022         break;
03023       }
03024     case 1:
03025       {
03026         double d1 = configFile.getDouble("MB_CAPILLARY_PRESSURE_ARG_1");
03027         double d2 = configFile.getDouble("MB_CAPILLARY_PRESSURE_ARG_2");
03028         m_mb_fPc =  new FPcLinear(d1,d2);
03029         m_mb_dfPc = new FLinear(0,d2-d1);
03030         m_mb_fPcInv = new FLinear(1.0/(d2-d1),-d1/(d2-d1));
03031         print(section,"\tCapillar Pressure: Linear from %g to %g\n",d1,d2);
03032         break;
03033       }
03034     case 2:
03035       {
03036         double Sr1 = configFile.getDouble("MB_PHASE1_RESIDUAL_SATURATION",0);
03037         double Sr2 = configFile.getDouble("MB_PHASE2_RESIDUAL_SATURATION",0);
03038         double maxS1 = 1.0-Sr2;
03039         double d1 = configFile.getDouble("MB_CAPILLARY_PRESSURE_ARG_1");
03041         double S_max = configFile.getDouble("MB_CAPILLARY_PRESSURE_ARG_2");
03042         unsigned N_subints = configFile.getUnsigned("MB_CAPILLARY_PRESSURE_ARG_3");
03043         double BS_tol=configFile.getDouble("BS_METHOD_TOLERANCE",1.0e-6);
03044         double P_max_Flash = configFile.getDouble("MB_CAPILLARY_PRESSURE_ARG_4", INFINITY);
03046         print(section,"\
03047 \n\tCapillar Pressure: Pc(s) = eta ((s-Sr1)^-2 - tau (1-s)^-2)\
03048 \n\twhere\
03049 \n\teta=%g\
03050 \n\ttau=Sr2^2 * (1-Sr2-Sr1)^2\
03051 \n\tSr1=%g\
03052 \n\tSr2=%g\
03053 \n\tS_max=%g\
03054 \n\tN_subints=%d\
03055 \n\tBS_tol=%g\
03056 \n\tP_max_Flash=%g\
03057 \n",d1,Sr1,Sr2,S_max,N_subints,BS_tol,P_max_Flash);
03059         m_mb_fPc = new FPcSquare(d1,Sr1,Sr2,P_max_Flash);    // J. Douglas et. al
03060         m_mb_dfPc = new DFPcSquare(d1,Sr1,Sr2,P_max_Flash);     
03061         m_mb_fPcInv = new InvCapPress(dynamic_cast<Function1D&>(*m_mb_fPc), Sr1, maxS1, S_max, N_subints, BS_tol);
03062         break;
03063       }
03064     default:
03065       throw new Exception ("Invalid option for Matrix Block Capillary Pressure");
03066     }
03067   }
03069   *mb_fpc = m_mb_fPc;
03070   *mb_dfpc= m_mb_dfPc;
03071   *mb_fpcInv = m_mb_fPcInv;
03073 }

VecDouble & MainApp::mb_getPermeabilityAtCells (  )  [protected]

Definition at line 1885 of file mainapp.cpp.

01886 {
01887   if (m_mbcK.size() == 0)
01888   {
01889     m_mbcK.reinit(getMesh().numCells());
01890     Function3D *fmb = getPorousMediaProperty("MB_PERMEABILITY");
01891     getMesh().setCentralValuesFromFunction(*fmb,m_mbcK);
01892     delete fmb;
01894   }
01895   return m_mbcK;
01897 }

VecDouble & MainApp::mb_getPorosityAtCells (  )  [protected]

Definition at line 1853 of file mainapp.cpp.

01854 {
01855   if (m_mbcPor.size() == 0)
01856   {
01857     m_mbcPor.reinit(getMesh().numCells());
01858     m_mbfPor = getPorousMediaProperty("MB_POROSITY");
01859     getMesh().setCentralValuesFromFunction(*m_mbfPor,m_mbcPor);
01860   }
01861   return m_mbcPor;
01862 }

void MainApp::print ( std::string  section,
const char *  format,
) [protected]

Definition at line 2121 of file mainapp.cpp.

02122 {
02123   char strOut[5000];
02125   if (m_bPrint)
02126   {
02127     va_list vl;
02128     va_start(vl,format);
02129     vsprintf(strOut,format,vl);
02130     va_end(vl);
02131     log[section]+=strOut;
02132     //(*pOut) << strOut;
02133     //pOut->flush();
02134   }
02137 }

void MainApp::print_log_entry ( std::string  section,
std::ostream &  out 
) [protected]

Definition at line 3139 of file mainapp.cpp.

03140 {
03141   if (!log[section].empty())
03142     out << log[section];
03143 }

void MainApp::printBeginSection ( std::string  str,
std::ostream &  out = std::cout 
) [protected]

Definition at line 1083 of file mainapp.cpp.

01084 {
01085         unsigned nSlashes = (70 - str.length())/2;
01086         out << "\n\n";
01087         for (unsigned i=0;i<nSlashes; i++)
01088           out << "=";
01089         printf(" %s ",str.c_str());
01090         for (unsigned i=0;i<nSlashes; i++)
01091           out << "=";
01092         out  << "\n\n";
01093 }

void MainApp::printLog ( std::ostream &  out  )  [protected]

Definition at line 3075 of file mainapp.cpp.

03076 {
03077   printBeginSection("Triangulation",out);
03078   print_log_entry("Mesh",out);
03080   printBeginSection("Porous Media Properties",out);
03081   print_log_entry("PERMEABILITY",out);
03082   print_log_entry("POROSITY",out);
03084   printBeginSection("Boundary Conditions",out);
03085   print_log_entry("TransportBC",out);
03086   print_log_entry("PBC",out);
03088   printBeginSection("Initial Conditions",out);
03089   print_log_entry("PressureIC",out);
03090   print_log_entry("IC",out);
03093   if (! log["Dynamic"].empty())
03094   {
03095     printBeginSection("Dynamic Module",out);
03096     out << log["Dynamic"];
03097     out << log["LINEAR_SOLVER"];
03098   }
03100   if (! log["Transport"].empty())
03101   {
03102     printBeginSection("Transport Method",out);
03103     out << log["Transport"];
03105   }
03107   if (! log["Flash"].empty())
03108   {
03109     printBeginSection("Flash",out);
03110     out << log["Flash"];
03111   }
03114   if (! log["Wells"].empty())
03115   {
03116     printBeginSection("Wells",out);
03117     out << log["Wells"];
03118   }
03122   printBeginSection("Transport Convective Flux",out);
03123   print_log_entry("Flux",out);
03126   printBeginSection("Phase Dynamic",out);
03127   print_log_entry("Pc",out);
03128   print_log_entry("Mobilities",out);
03130   printBeginSection("Sequence Algorithm",out);
03131   print_log_entry("Sequencer",out);
03133   printBeginSection("End Log",out);
03135   out << std::endl;
03136 }

void MainApp::printMeshInfo (  )  [protected]

Print information about triangulation and other structures


Definition at line 1400 of file mainapp.cpp.

01401 {
01402   if (configFile.getInt("DEBUG_PRINT_TRIANGULATION"))
01403     getMesh().print();
01405 }

void MainApp::printTriangulation (  )  [protected]

Definition at line 1097 of file mainapp.cpp.

01098 {
01099     std::string section="Mesh";
01101   print(section,"Mesh: %g x %g x %g Elements\n",configFile.getDouble("NUM_ELEMS_X"),configFile.getDouble("NUM_ELEMS_Y"),configFile.getDouble("NUM_ELEMS_Z"));
01102   print(section,"Total: %d cells, %d faces\n",getMesh().numCells(),getMesh().numFaces());
01103   print(section,"Dimensions: %g x %g x %g\n",configFile.getDouble("DIM_X"),configFile.getDouble("DIM_Y"),configFile.getDouble("DIM_Z"));
01104 }

void MainApp::setOutput ( std::ostream &  out  )  [inline, protected]

Definition at line 94 of file mainapp.h.

00094 {pOut = &out;}

void MainApp::setTriangulation ( Triangulation< 3 > &  tria  )  [protected]

Definition at line 365 of file mainapp.cpp.

00366 {
00367   Point<3> P1(0,0,0);
00368   Point<3> P2(configFile.getDouble("DIM_X"),configFile.getDouble("DIM_Y"),configFile.getDouble("DIM_Z"));
00370   std::vector<unsigned> v(3);
00371   v[0]=(unsigned) configFile.getDouble("NUM_ELEMS_X");
00372   v[1]=(unsigned) configFile.getDouble("NUM_ELEMS_Y");
00373   v[2]=(unsigned) configFile.getDouble("NUM_ELEMS_Z");
00375   VecWellInfo wells = getWells();
00377   //OK generate the grid
00378   CO2GridGenerator::subdivided_hyper_rectangle_with_hole(tria,v,P1,P2,wells);
00379 }

void MainApp::textcolor ( int  attr,
int  fg,
int  bg 
) [protected]

Definition at line 1107 of file mainapp.cpp.

01108 {
01109         char command[13];
01111         /* Command is the control command to the terminal */
01112         sprintf(command, "%c[%d;%d;%dm", 0x1B, attr, fg + 30, bg + 40);
01113         print("%s", command);
01114 }

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class UnitTests [friend]

Definition at line 33 of file mainapp.h.

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 38 of file mainapp.h.

Dictionary MainApp::log [protected]

Definition at line 36 of file mainapp.h.

Definition at line 85 of file mainapp.h.

bool MainApp::m_bPrint [protected]

Definition at line 41 of file mainapp.h.

VecDouble MainApp::m_cK [protected]

Definition at line 45 of file mainapp.h.

Definition at line 44 of file mainapp.h.

Definition at line 56 of file mainapp.h.

Definition at line 56 of file mainapp.h.

Definition at line 58 of file mainapp.h.

Definition at line 56 of file mainapp.h.

Definition at line 52 of file mainapp.h.

Definition at line 52 of file mainapp.h.

Definition at line 70 of file mainapp.h.

Definition at line 71 of file mainapp.h.

Definition at line 70 of file mainapp.h.

Definition at line 50 of file mainapp.h.

Definition at line 64 of file mainapp.h.

Definition at line 72 of file mainapp.h.

Definition at line 82 of file mainapp.h.

Definition at line 83 of file mainapp.h.

Function3D* MainApp::m_fK [protected]

Definition at line 68 of file mainapp.h.

Definition at line 56 of file mainapp.h.

Definition at line 52 of file mainapp.h.

Definition at line 52 of file mainapp.h.

Definition at line 62 of file mainapp.h.

Definition at line 50 of file mainapp.h.

Definition at line 50 of file mainapp.h.

Definition at line 50 of file mainapp.h.

Definition at line 58 of file mainapp.h.

Definition at line 58 of file mainapp.h.

Definition at line 65 of file mainapp.h.

Definition at line 60 of file mainapp.h.

Definition at line 71 of file mainapp.h.

Definition at line 63 of file mainapp.h.

Definition at line 57 of file mainapp.h.

Definition at line 57 of file mainapp.h.

Definition at line 59 of file mainapp.h.

Definition at line 51 of file mainapp.h.

Definition at line 51 of file mainapp.h.

Definition at line 51 of file mainapp.h.

Definition at line 51 of file mainapp.h.

Definition at line 59 of file mainapp.h.

Definition at line 59 of file mainapp.h.

Definition at line 47 of file mainapp.h.

Definition at line 46 of file mainapp.h.

Definition at line 69 of file mainapp.h.

Definition at line 66 of file mainapp.h.

Definition at line 74 of file mainapp.h.

Definition at line 75 of file mainapp.h.

Definition at line 78 of file mainapp.h.

Definition at line 43 of file mainapp.h.

Definition at line 42 of file mainapp.h.

Definition at line 40 of file mainapp.h.

Definition at line 79 of file mainapp.h.

Definition at line 77 of file mainapp.h.

Definition at line 73 of file mainapp.h.

Definition at line 76 of file mainapp.h.

Definition at line 67 of file mainapp.h.

std::string MainApp::m_suffix [private]

Definition at line 34 of file mainapp.h.

Definition at line 39 of file mainapp.h.

std::ostream* MainApp::pOut [private]

Definition at line 32 of file mainapp.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Friends Defines
Generated on Sun Apr 8 23:13:16 2012 for CO2INJECTION by  doxygen 1.6.3